HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-07-09, Page 20i STAG STEPHENJONES Saturday, July 11 's1 ...al PAGE 20—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 9 ,1981 coming MONSTER BINGOS - Spon- sored by Clinton Service Clubs at Clinton Community Centre every Monday night. until August 31. Grand prize of $1,00.0 each night; 15 regular games. $50 prize; three share - the -wealth games. Doors open 6:30 p.m. bingo starts 8 p.m. Admission 16 years and oyer Si. Proceeds to community work. -2434 UIS TRIP To' CALEDONIA - July 31. Boat cruise on the Grand River with lunch aboard. A vjsit at the Big Creek Village and supper on the way home. Call Blanche Deeves at 482.3383.— 26,21 FIRST ANNUAL ('OM- MUNI'Pl' DANCE at Bayfield. Comnxlnity- Centre, July 11 from 9 p.m 1 a.m. Music by "A band Called Brown' Advance tickets $5.: at the door, $6. Proceeds for a sound system for the Community Complex. Buffet lunch. -25,26 BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular cat1d, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years a nd over.-52tfar PIONEER PARK ASSOCIATION invites you to the 34th Annual Rummage Sale, Fri4ay, July 10 at 8 p.m., Bayfield Arena. Social evening of the year, entertainment and treasures galore. -26,27 CLINTON ' LEGION BLNGO every Thursday, 8 p.m. First regular card $1. 6 cards for $L 15 regular games, 3 share -the - wealth. Early bird game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot $200 must go each week.-20tfar , DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEW OFFICES! Open house at Clinton News -Record on July I o from 2-4:30 p.m. and'7- 9:30 p.m. Refreshments. -25- '4nx THEA& ROOT BE IS:COMM TO CLINT Don't miss him! Hell be leading the Kid's Teddy - Bear Shirttail Parade - during Clinton's 4th Annual Moonlight Madness THIS FRIDAY, JULY 10 AT 7:•00 P...M. BROWNIES DRIVE-IN THEATRE 140 (Hach St., ;MI fr 402-70110 BOX OMI* OPENS MOM * HOW PLAYING 'TIL THURSDAY. JULY 9 TAKE THIS JOB 11 DIRTY t • '. l AND SHOVE IT °° TRICKS , /14)%)‘%00"'''/14)%)‘%00"''' CHECK MOONLIGHT MADNESS FOR SPECIAL ADMISSION THURSDAY, JULY 9 FRIDAY. SATURDAY, SUNDAY -JULY 10-11-12 TUESDAY, JULY 14 TO FRIDAY, JULY 17 —PLUS— "HERBIE GOES BANANAS" SPECIAL ADMISSION FOR DISNEY SHOWS: Pre-Schoolers Free; Children under 12 - 50' Tractor & Truck Pull ,�a 1 :00 p.m. Sunday, July 12 AT SEAFORTH FAIR GROUNDS Sanctioned by W.O.T. P.A. 10 classes 5500 to 17000 7000 Mb. Truck ---Special-- 2 Antique Tractor Classes 25 years or older SPONSORED BY SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB For Further Information PHONE MARLEN VINCENT�yt 527-FJ 120 52`x-0373 LAV, N SALE an lawn between Mother's Day Laundromat and the Tea Shop Arcade starting Sat. July 11 from It a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday 11 a, m. 6 p.m. Certified stationwagon, gas barbecue, motorcycles, color Tv, boys bike, tri -bike, frame, Vacuum, toys; sewing notions. lent, goalie skates size 10, pieces • of china, other. things. - _gar THE GLORIOUS 12th Parade will be held in Milverton on Sat.; July 11 al 1 •30 p.m. Murphy LUL ;lo will meet on .luly 9 at,i1::10 p.m. in Clinton orange Hall. All members requested toattend. 27 liLVTII SUMMER Festival "Love or Money" ,luly 8.. 9 at 2 p.m.: 11 and 13'"Quiet In The Land" July 9, 10, 14 and 15 at 8: .:0 p.m. unless stated. Rush tickets • on sale. at ; p.m. or r('S('Vve at 521 9:11111 or 52:1 9;'2:). 2. tu►RTICt 1:1'1'11AI'. SOCIETY Itt 5 Tfi1P Milton :\gricul1ura1 Rluseuni a nd other points of interest on \led., July 22, 1981: Members' first choice. Reservations 482 'Pickets available at Murphy's Garage .luly 2o. departure from Murphy's (;arage 8 a.m.- 2. . MOTOR • VEHICLE license office will he closed from July 11 to .rub' 25 inclusive. Phyllis Butler. ?a • RA.rilV Kl.l. REt•Nlt►N to be held at - Seal'orth 1.ions Park Sunday .luly 19. Picnic dinner at1':11. 1' \Rl' SHOWER for liyun. Sc•i4I and Tim sons of Mayne and Esther Cantelon on 1londaY, .luly i :at , : ;u p.nt. in itruc•el'ield Church Everyone \\ekonle, t..\I(.\(;F:S.\l.E on llwy. 4 in' I.oudesbot'o, next to Itudl'ord'ti t;arage at Ina.ill. Sat..,luIy 11. i91:1. WEDDING RECEPTION FOR Mike Johnston and Kathy Jewitt JULY 18 In Clinton MUSIC BY "RADAR" —Everyone welcome_ OPEN WEDDING RECEPTION for Wayne Pryce and Julie Taylor JULY 11, 1981 In GODERICH TOWNSHIP Dancing to STAR TREX EVERYONE WELCOME Legion news By John Scott Steve Cooke can tell you all he likes about the bus tour, but he was not there. I was, and it was fantastic. Lloyd Butler was great on the piano - not too great on the p001 table- and I was the best impressionist on the trip. We were treated very well by all the Legions we dropped in on and I hope we can return the favors©on. Don Armstrong is out in Fantasticks ti delightful fantasy BY JOANNE BUCHANAN The Fantasticks by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, now running at the Huron Country Playhouse in Grand Bend until July 11, is a delightful musical fantasy about life and love. Songs such as Tryto Remember, Soon It's Gonna Rain and They Were You are truly beautiful to listen to. And the play is not without comedyand philosophy either: Directed by Ken Livingstone and featuring a cast of eight, The Fan- tasticks revolves around a girl named Luisa and a boy named Matt whose romantic imaginations turn toward one another when their fathers pretend to oppose their match by building a wall between their backyards. Luisa is played. by Aggie Cekuta who reveals the best singing voice in the play. Her background of voice, dance and \music training shines through. Matt is played by Andrew MacBean. He too has a fine voice although not as strong as Cekuta's. The boy's father, Hucklebee and the girl's father, Bellamy, are played by Tom Arnott and Don Fleckser. Both are excellent in their roles. They hold to the theory that the way to get children to do what you want them to do is to forbid them to do it. This theory is revealed in the song Never Say No. And one of my personal favorites in the play is a comical number by Arnott and Fleckser. entitled Plant a Radish. Wayne Burnett as El Gallo, the Narrator, holds the play together with his insightful comments. He also plays the role of a bandit who is hired by the fathers to stage a fake abduction of Luisa so that Matt can glory in her eyes by rescuingher. He shows real agility in the abduction scene and is particularly good in the number entitled It Depends On What You Pay. Peter Colley as Henry the Old' Actor and David Holmes as Mortimer, The Man Who Dies have the most comical roles in the whole production and they play these roles to the hilt. They are hired as two has-been actors to help El Gallo stage the abduction scene. One is as skinny as the other is pot-bellied. Their costumes are perfectly ridiculous and Mortimer's hilarious fake death scene brings a spontaneous round of applause and laughter from the audience. Completing the cast is Terri Hawkes in a non- speaking role as The Mute. She is a very active changer of the propsand scenery, which bytheway, are simple yet effective. Hawkes also choreographed the production. Her own movements and facial ex- pressions are fluid and ef- fective. It's not eaiy to play the part of a wall but Hawkes carries it off well. Special lighting by Chris Popowich enhances the plain set of The Fantastics. Musical director Robert Cooper and musicians Jack Broumpton (percussionist), Marilyn Dallman (pianist) . and Martha Miller (harpist) also ' deserve a round of applause. , . If The Fantasticks is any indication, audiences van expect more good things to come during this, the Playhouse's , tenth an- niversary season. 0 DEN P RTY Kirkton. Ontario Hwy. No. 23 WEDNESDAY JUL 15 Fast Bo11...6:00 P.M, Juvenile Contest... 7:45 P.M. Professional Programme ...9:15 P.M. Lee Paul M.C. Admission Adults '3.00 Children 50` Free Parking on Grounds Fled a lot for a little. Got a hungry crowd...for a Picnic or a Patio Party? You can feed 15 to 1500 for only '2.35 per per- son. We'll give you the plates, forks, serving spoons, napkins, a tablecloth, the Salads and 3 -pieces of delicious chicken for everyone. Just ,coil our Store Manager - then Come And Got It! Colonel Sanders' There's nothing like it. 94 Elgin Ave, E. GODERICH 227 Main Street *ducky ■ A CANADIAN ▪ COMPANY 'EXETER r� 1 SBf,ders G6Y5 a�ntl oris rr ,e iP Pineef Loin 0000e_ .ems+-��rr�s�+�o•'•s= -{e TWIN Col. Sanders' Recipe 0 front in the [Hatch play tournament as he is the only one so far to have played his match which is scheduled to be completed by August lst'. The other matches are Doug Macaulay vs, Art Burt, Billy Cox (the .lud ysay-and-so). vs. either Bruce Bartliff or Bill Harris and Harold MacPherson vs. Brian Reeves. Let's get going guys and get these matches played. The zone golf tournament is scheduled for July llth and we have entered three teams. The teams are: No. 1 Alan Penny, Derek Adshead, Bob Draper and Pat McMahon; No. 2 - John Scott, Harold Black, Bruce Bartliff and Doug Bartliff; No, 3 - Art Burt, Gary Black, Harold MacPherson and Cliff Saundercock. Best of luck and I hope we all qualify for Owen Sound on August 15th. Speaking of visitors, Don and Rosemary Armstrong., have Rosemary's nieces visiting from Scotland. Joyce and I had the pleasure of Judy and Louise's com- pany at the Yeats on Monday night to view the moon - flowers. Terry and Val Hollingshead had Val's parents, visiting for awhile. The most important news of the summer is this - my father got remarried on July 3, 1981 to a very lovely lady named Nan Moore, and the bride and groom arrive here on Sunday for a month's vacation, a good portion of which I amsure will be spent downstairs at the Legion. Don't forget our annual barbecue on July 25, 1981. Tickets are now available from any member Of the ,ways and means committee or -behind the bar, at $8 a HEY KIDS Don't Miss The Kids on the block A Puppet Show starring disabled puppets of in- terest to all ages Friday, July 10011 at 10 a.m. at Victoria Public School. Admission SO' per per- son. person for a steak dinner and a dance. How can you not go? There are still some tee- shirts to "W" --picked up and extras are available. Both can be had from behind the bar. I must say, it was a real pleasure to see so many people on the bus tour wearing their tee-shirts. John and Hilda Semple have graciously donated to the Mixed Two Ball Four- some, the use of their property for the barbecue and social. Each entrant is responsible to bring their own steak, hamburg, or hot dog, whatever they want to drink, and any mixes. My wife Joyce will be calling all the female participants to advise about what salads or buns, or both to bring, so stay by the phone ladies. Well I could finish with a joke again, but the only jokes I heard were from Steve and they can't be published, so back to you Steve. LOVE OR MONEY, by Carol Bolt "An old-fashioned ghost story" July 8, 9 at 3 p.m. 11, 139 8:30 p.m. QUIET IN THE LAND by Anne Chislett ''Love and drama in Amish country" 'July 9,, 10, 14, 15, at 8:30 p.m. unless staled RUSH TICKETS ON SALE AT 7 P.M. or reserve at 523-9300 or 523-9225 M HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL. Highway No, 11West, Clinton FOR YOUR DANCING AND LISTENING PLEASURE... Come to where the action is! Current dance music. *NOTE SECOND BIG WEEK JULY 9TH -16TH NOTE SHOWTIMES Fri. & Sat. 7 P.M. & 9:15 Sun.'Thurs. B P.M. THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES The three outlaws from Krypton descend to Earth to confront the Man of Steel, in a cosmic battle for world supremacy. • , OPEN 1, 7 NIGHTS A itaii=WEEK STARTS FRIDAY, JULY 10 TO JULY 16 Bo. Office OPENS 0:00 P.M. SHOWTIME DUSK HELD OVER 2nd WEER Alt COMING SOON b EXPERIENCE THE FANTASTIC'. of the GASH OF LLo5?.a it TRETITANS A R T IN MF1 WE TRVST "THUNDER &'LIGHTNING" PARK GODERICH PHONE 524 7811 AIR CONDIJIONE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 - PHONE 524-9981 us7a,VO 11111111111111 I I 11 Presenting all that's new.: 1 • Our invitation is extended to you Friday, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 'to,drop in and have a look at the ' NEW o'Cri. NEWS -RECORD office! 47, ,. r ' . ., q ,,.„' t* Clinton's Moonlight Madness will be in full swing Stop in for a break - j.oy refreshments and slide presentation. s at your hometown ewspaper. 11 that's n 4.4