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Clinton News-Record, 1981-07-02, Page 19
For personssuffering from Muscular Arthritic. Asthmatic and Circulatory problems FREE RESEARCH CLLNIC OF DEEP 'SIL SCLI THERAPY Every Thursday Morning 9.12 No Appointment Necessary.. Persons i5f all ages Welcome • - i'HF:KI-:SF: (:. I'FRIM111.1K CLINIC NO., I R.K.2RAI FIELD -DIAI, 182-9335 ", J CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 2,1981 -PAGE 19 0 26. Help wanted BECOME a RecreDance Canada Fitness Instructor. A weekend Workshop will provide you with a coon; prehensive dance exercise program so you may instruct classes in your community. Contact L. Alexander (519) 357-1044 for all information. it's fun! It's fitness and it's Canadian.-26bc TO CREATE, encourage and promote effective quality care: The Rest Home Association of Ontario welcomes inquiries at 90 Windsor Court Road, Thor- nhill, L3T 4Y6, phone (416) 889- 3340.-26bc Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 100 ACRES Hullett Twp. - 85 siVorkable, good buildings for lqieef andhogs. SHOP AND LOT - Londesboro on No. 4 Highway, ideal for welding shop or similar business. BRUCEFIELD - Executive home, modern, carpeted, attached garage, all the ex- tras. LONDESBORO - 34 acre high- way property with 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport. WILLIAM ST., CLINTON -.2 storey home, very well kept, 4 bedroom, formal dining room and living room with fireplace, gas heat, treed .lot. Must be seen tobeappreciated. LONDESBO bedroom bricki�ke new conditi garage, paved 'ye, nicely land- scaped. 1,2 STOREY stucco home on Albert St. on large wooded lot, gas heat, 2 baths: Priced right. DJOHN UDDY • REAL LTD. NEW LISTING:. 12,500 sq ft. Manufacturing facility at Vonastra. Concrete building with concrete supporting columns. 3 phase hydro, office and reception area. List price '70,000, terms available. NEW LISTING: 5 acres at Ssafarth with split level house and sow barn. Paved rood location, handy to town. New list price '94.000. ONE ACRE: contains older brick home well situated on paved road near Bayfield. '32,000, vendors will hold mor- tgage. BAYFIELD: Building lot, quarter acro, '14,600. Dry. gravel base, suitable for basement. BAYFIELD: Main St. business and property. comprising grocery and variety mart, leased hairdressing salon, full lot with 73 feet fron- tage. 179 ONTARIO ST.: '27,900. 10 room 2 storey stucco home with old world charm, full 79' z 132' lot. GENERAL STORE: Modern living quarters, double garage and private patio includes Post Of- fice and Dry Cleaning agency '85,000. Price in- cludes fixtures and equipment. 182 CHURCH ST., CLIN- TON: Mortgage foreclosure. Excellent 3 or 4 bedroom carpeted home with 11/4 baths. Price now reduced by '3,000. 28 ACRES: Scenic hobby form with ponds, water - foil, horse barn and good 11/2 storey home. '90.000. VANASTRA - House from '9,500., solid construc- tio:v with full basemen- ts. industrial buildings from '25,000., or very reasonable rents. full CALL JOHN DUDDY 4112-3652 JOHN THOMPSON 52J-0230 (LEAH KUAEHL 482-7304 FILE 482-3766 a 26. Help wanted . 26. HO? wanted MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SESSIONAL LECTURERS Centralia College of Agricultural Technology Huron Park, Ontario SALARY RANGE '68.95 /day to s90.47 /day Requires sessional lecturers to teach courses in livestock production and agricultural business management to first and second year agricultural diploma students. These will preferably be eight month appointments beginning September 1. 1981, although shorter term appointments starting at the some or later dates are possible. Applicants should possess a Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Science or Agricultural Economics (Marketing, Farm Management) or equivalent from o university of recognized standing. Practical experience in agriculture, teaching ability. strong communication and inter -personal skills and good lodgment ore required. Salary is commensurate with education and experien- ce. Please submit application and resume by July 15, 1981 to: ..... Principal Centralia College of Agricultural Technology Huron Park, Ontario NOM 170 This position is open equally to men and women. Ontario IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Personnelrequired to do telephone work for o national publishing firm. Experience not necessary, will train, Monday thru Friday. hourly rate. For in- formation phone 482-9355. 27. Wanted (general EARN extra money, Show beautiful Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbors, relatives. It's easy and profitable. No experience needed. Write today far free, colourful illustrated catalogue and information. Monarch Cards a and Gifts, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, L8N 3K3 or phone (416)727-3891.-261k 27. Wanted (general) WANTED GOOD CEDAR RAILS 10-12 ft. Cash at time of loading. Approximately 400 are needed. Please include price wanted per rail. write: E.T. FINCH 40 POND MILLS RD. LONDON. ONTARIO N5Z 3712 Old brick buildings for wrecking and salvage purposes. CONTACT: • LUMLEY DEMOLITION INC 1185 MURPHY ROAD SARNIA 1-542-4088 "Ontario's Largest Supplier of,Reclaimed Brick" *We fulfilled 76 wrecking contracts in 1910 *We paid cash for a few buildings *Wo demolished some for no charge *and for others we charged a slight fee for our services. Yes, we travel. Wehaveassoclates/partners living and operating out of London and Listowel areas. Honest appraisals, references available. We carry '1,000,000 in- surance and are covered by Workmen's Compensation. Wo ellminato eyesores in an honest. fast and efficient manner. LAUCKNER REALTY INC. TWO ACRES fronting Maitland River, win- terized home. 2 bedroom, living room with fireplace, oil heating, garage 25' z 24', taxes '290. BAYFIELD - 3 bedroom, winterized home. lovely treed lot, close to stores. REDUCED '10,000. - Field- stone and red brick form home situated on 4.4 acres surrounded by beautiful maple trees. 3 bedrooms, largo living room with stone fireplace, 2 car garage, stone fence, small barn. SNOWDON ACRES - Two year old ranch style bungalow on lake front, winterised, all year round residence. 3 bedrooms, living room. dining room, kitehen, 4 pc. bath. full basement electric heat. Sun deck 40' x 14'. One hundred foot lakefront. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Boyfteld 565-2313 FLEA MARKET Vendors Wanted Highway 7 and 8.2 km east of Stratford. every Saturday and Sunday. Phone Bev White 271-6928 - 25-27 28. Business opportunity BARRiE: AREA Rental( plus detached bungalow - S30(1.000.00. Market Garden Centre .plus convimence store - S200.000.00. 100 acres. garden soil, greenhouse - 382.900.00. 71, acres. large home, busy highway location, excellent for market garden 5120,000.00. Stevenson McCluskey Real Estate"- (7(L5i 726-3333; 726- 4583; 728-7758.-26bc BUSY retirement restaurant for sale in downtown North Bay. Specialty sandwiches and soups. seats 34. Busy take out. Excellent for couple. Priced mid - 30's. Call (705) 474-1000. 476-1464, -26bc 30. Employment wanted CEMENT WORK Poured concrete foun- dations, floors. etc. 345-2964 court -4 P. MALONEY DUBLIN 30. Employment wanted HIRE A HANDYMAN for those odd jobs "tat professionals don't . have the time for. Reasonable, .phone 482-7895.-25,26 EXPERIENCED . German woman will do day work. Phone 4tr2 3791. -26,27x 31. Service directory monk Nmmim -LAYING and FINISHING concrete floors for basements, garages, drive sheds etc. Call George 482-3291. -45tf KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile. counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, - patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken Mc Nairn. -Btfar LICENSED BRICK- LAYER: brick houses; cement blocks laid; chimney blocks laid; chimneys and chimney repair. Reasonable rates, Jim Bell. Phone 482- ' 3026.-l0tf INSULATE NOW - Chip pays up to $500.00 of the cost - Free estimates. Adamson Insulation, Lucknow. Phone 528-2113 - 528-2526. Fully in- sured and bond. Clinton Rep. Al Corriveau. Phone 482- 9006.-2ltfar._ _. SANDBLASTING - Trucks, machinery, buildings, etc. specializing ,in brickcleaning. and brick repairs. Also painting, free . estimates.. Phone White's Sandblasting 357-1723 anytime. --23-26 CUSTOM WOOD splitting - will cut anything big or small. Call 482-3162 anytime. -23-30 HENSALL SIDING for Fascia, soffits, eavest roughing , windows, renovations. Free estimates. -Eugene Webber. RR 1, Hay,. Phone 237-3260. Dashwood.-24-27nx BYERS UPHOLSTERY - We offer complete rebuilding. Large selection of quality fabrics. Free pick-up and delivery. 71 Princess St. W. Phone 482-7939.-24-27 MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways; farm lanes. parking lots, repairs. Free estimates.' Phone Clinton 482- 3733.=24-30ar ' 31. Service directory 461111116111 WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Qddfellows 'Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Tom Chuter 482-7957 or Mrs. • M. Batkin 482-3866.-46tfar Screened Top -Soil Backhoe Work Gravel LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 EVENINGS Custom Slaughtering and Processing hill 1)a} Rt'tint-.cl DASHWOOD 237-3677 DOG GROOMING ALL BREEDS $15! J (:ALL BRENDA; WHYTE R.R. 2 5E -WORTH 527-0613 CONCRETE FORMING WALLS & FLOORS For a complete lob call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 Electrical Problems? Call ED'S ELECTRIC Licenced Electrician INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL FARM / RESIDENTIAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE ED ROOSEBOOM 482-7441 ALSO...SEE US FOR ELECTRIC and ELECTRIC FURNACES HEATING UNDER THE CANADIAN OIL SUBSTITUTION PROGRAM FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 482-7441 give yourself a Iiift! PRICES START A Including FREE 100 KM ...a...a 5 ,weekly Rotes Available holiday rent.a-car system /524-8411 STRICKLA NDS . 334 HURON RD., GODERICH •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS •BULLDOZING *BACKHOE WORK *GRAVEL *TOPSOIL For a complete job call SID UINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. Gaiderich524-8668 31. Service directory B&P ROOFING & SIDING ETC. *Free Estimates *Low Costs CLINTON, ONT. 482-3612 CLINTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS *Custom built homes *Additions *Drywall *Rooting *Siding. Soffit & Fascia TIM BTLSMA 482-3873 DOUG BTLSMA 482-7334 ecorcifin9 +ci- 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NSM 120 482-9542 529-7939 Points, Stains, Min Wax products, Well coverings, Droperles, Floor Sanding. Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE CONSULTING B$D ROOFING Shingles and Repairs Free Estimates PHONE 482-9623 -OR- 524-6821 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODE ROTARY RIGGS PHONE:SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523=9202 •LAWN ANO GARDEN EQUIPMENT • REPAIRS •NEW LAWNMOWERS AND TILLERS IN STOCK DRYWALL known for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete drywall service Phone 527-1398 527-0606 JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm *Commercial *Residential *Buildings *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL 4Fascia *Soffits * Door and Window Jambs and Sills *Metal Covered Doors PHONE: 4824290 3). Service directory JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-3063 RON 482-9239 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 524-2023. -3-52 35."'Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE ED- WARD POTTER, late of the Township of Goderich. County of Huron. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named, George Edward Potter, who died on or about the 24th day of April, 1981, are required to file the same with full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 27th day of July. 1981, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd. day of June,1981; ' D. GERALD HILTZ, • Barrister & Solicitor: 52 Huron Street. CLJNTON, Ontario Solicitor for -the Executrix. -26,27,28 • IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FLORENCE GRANT' DUNN. late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron. • ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named. Florence Grant Dunn, who died on orabOut the 2Is,t day of April: 1981, are required to file the same with. full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 27th day of July. 1981. as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice. DATED AT Clinton. Ontario. this 22nd day of June: 1981. D. GERA LD'HILTZ, Barrister & Solicitor. 52 Huron Street. CLINTON. Ontario Solicitor for the Executors. -26.27 28 36. Announcements, notices STA NIP -POST CARD Collectors • Drop in and say Hello at Queens Bush Stamps. Bruce (ount> Rd 1. South of Hw> 9. in i:inlough. 3953545 A - 38. Auction sole 38. Auction sale eC%Lcit-it'eel a.�c�ccc�te a AUCTION r"Wse have been Instructed by the secured parties to sell by Public Auction all woodworking and metal fabricating equipment and inventory on WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 AT 7:00 P.M. at Vonastro - 2 mhos south of Clinton. Follow signs. EQUIPMENT: South Bend 5° metal lathe/1" floor model Industrial drill press (like new)/Forte heavy duty 24" power hada saw/fully hyd. 10 ton press/ Hyd. 3/lit" sheor/7 h.p. 3000 Ib. hyd. pump/ESAB Lap 315 welder c/w wire feed attachments/ESAB A10- 1601C welder c/w wire feed att./Poltras 24' radial /. arm saw (new)/Leeson 'h.p. paint sprayer (new)/Makita power cut off saw/Sends model drill press/bench grinder/electrical paint sprayer/OX. AC guag s & hose/Spray guns m /3/0" drill/assor- tment of wood and metal hand tools. INVENTORY: Quantity of flat) angle, round, sq are pipe and metal/5" x 5" x 20° 1 beam/5" x 20' thidt wall pipe/metal bench with vise/2 metal work tables on casters/10' roller/assortment of nails & screws/C shape counter/wood cupboard/oil fur- nace/6' alum. step ladder/2 h.p. lawn mower/2-0' wood work benches/Mighty Mike 34 cc. 12" chain saw/'/2 h.p. motor/partial picnic tables/hard woods/plywood/scaffolding with casters/24"' exhaust fans/plus many more small items related to wood and metal business. TRUCK: 1971 Dodge Fargo window von as is. For further information please contact: UNRESERVED AUCTION REPOSSESSED EQUIPMENT eladaae.GG 3.1Oce rle.4 AUCTIONEERS. UGUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1WO (5191 527-1458 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, appliances, Limoges dishes. guns, etc. to bo held at Richard Lobb's Barn. Clinton. Ontario for the Estate of Gladys Thompilon of Sealforth. Saturday, - July 4 at 10 A.M. GUNS: Winchester Carbine 94 30-30 Carbine Pro M; Winchester rifle Klondike Gold Rush Com- memorative (NEW); Remington rifle 243 calibre model 7U (NEW); Remington 870 Pump 12 gauge shotgun. FAC REQUIRED TO BUY GUNS. ANTIQUES & FURNITURE: 12 place setting of Bridal Rose Elite Limoges plus other pieces; dishes and glassware including antique pieces; antique mantel clods; lam cupboard; hall tree; Persian type 9 z 12 rug 5 years old cost '900.00 new; oil lamp; 9 x 12 broadloom carpet; fancy whatnot type shelf with mirror back; dining extension table w/three leaves, six matching dining chairs and buffet all refinished; Victorian side chair, chesterfield, love seat w/mot- ching chair (nearly new); washstand w/towel bars; wicker arm chair, fern stand; small oval table; small square table; chests of drawers; matching bed, chest of drawers, dresser, continental bed; steel bed w/mattress; oil paintings by W.S. Jones; small book- case; davenport, rocking chair; small table w/drowor, Hotpoint square model fridge 1 yr. old; 24" electric stove; drop leaf table, six matching wooden chairs; brass" bed; dining suite w/double pedestal table, six choirs & buffet; dressers w/mirrors; handmade quilts; bedding & linens; blanket box; trunks; small appliances, etc. Plan to attend this interesting sale. TERMS CASH Richard Lobb -Auctioneer CLINTON 412-7898 ONTARIO'S Largest Farm Machinery Consignment Sale. Norwich Ontario. Friday. July 10. 1981. 10 am. (Sales con- ducted second Friday each month , . Approximately 150 - '175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment Con- signments welcome. For more information call (5191 424-9998 or 519 ' 424 9093. Proprietors K.S Hamulecki &Sons.-26bc CONSIGNMENTS FOR JULY AUCTION SALE ARE NEEDED TO BE HELD AT f©yfield House, Main Street Bayfield DOROTHY INNER All(srTIONEER 565-.2T79 38 Auction sole • Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAY., JULY 4 le A.M. Limoges dishes, an- tiques, etc. for Gladys Thompson Estate - Seofprr.,th and Goderich estate at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton. SAT., JULY 11 10 A.M. Furniture, antiques, op - ifpliances, etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton. WED., JULY 1512:30 P.M. Huron & Perth Annual Jersey Cattle Sale. 40 head at Clinteln Fair 1 Grounds. WED., JULY 15 1 P.M. 25 Acre farm 1'". miles �north and 1'. miles west of Dublin for Louis Maloney. i �---�-�---�---ate._ EVENING AUCTION SALE Older two bedroom 10 x 48 General Mobile home. Serial No.' GF477324 with added on 6 s 28 entrance and storage area for Mr. Russel Bentley. Tuesday Evening July 14 et 7 P.M. Sale of troller will be held at Morgan's Mobile Houle Park in Clinton, Ontario at site Al. For viewing of trailer or information phone Richard Lobb at 482- 7098. Richard Lobb - Auctioneer TERMS CASH OR APPROVED CHEQUE CLINTON 482-7898