HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-07-02, Page 11=WON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 2,1931 -PAGE 11 The Corporation of the Village of Bayfield 1980 AUD To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Village of isayfield: TOR'S REPORT BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1980 ASSETS 4. ACCUMULATED NET REVENUE (DEFICIT) AT' THE END OF THE YEAR We have examined the consolidated balance sheet of the Corporation of the Village of hayfield as at December 31, 1980 and the consolidated state- ments of revenue and expenditure, capital operations, and reserve and reserve funds continuity and analysis of year end position for the year then ended. our cyxaminat,ion was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Due to lack of detail in the accounting records Deferred to in notes 4 and 5 and the lack of proper 'accounting controls referred to in note 6 of the 1dc4tes to the Financial, Statements we are unable to offer our opinion on the items recurred to therein -'the allocation of a portion of road wages to recreation wages, related road subsidy presentation and the presentation of revenues and cash expenditures of the Community Centre operating fund. Except fur the foregoing in our opinion, these consolidated financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Village of Hayfield as at December 31, 1980 and thee -results of its operations fur the• year then ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles fur Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that; of the precedingyear. Current assets Cash Taxes receivabill'i Accounts receivable Other current assets 1980 Actual $.• 14,463 23,172 The balance in the revenue fund at the year end is available to reduce (to be added to) the levies of the following classes of ratepayers. 1980 19.74 1979 General ratepayers (14,366) (15,982) Actual County ratepayers Community Centre operating furr14,457 .14,352 School board ratepayers - " 1,632'r 1.,148' (5,744) (3,288)' Bayfield -'•Fire Area ratepayers • 2,058 1,599 13,495 $ (1,963) $ (2,171) • 21,488 16,122 84,404 5. TEMPORARY BANK LOANS IN EXCESS OF STATUTORY LIMIT. 53,757 119,387 Capital outlay to be recovered in future years Other long term assets 9,350 6,469 Temporary bank loans of $78,000 at year end were in excess of the amount allowed under section 332 of the Municipal Act. The maximum amount allowed would be 702 'of the uncollected balance of the 1980 estimated revenues, or $ 16,964. Temporary bank borrowings existed as follows at year end: Purpose 1980 1979 1978 Community Centre construction 78,000 Village of Bayfield working capital .35,000 Total bank loans outstanding $ 78,000 $ 162,000 127,000 112,000 20,995 $ 132,995 63,107 125,856 DURST, VODDEN & BENDER Chartered Accountants Municipal Auditor's License Number 221. 6. ,EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION' Coderich, Ontario". May 22, 198,1. 50 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31, 1980 LIABILITIES Certain employees' salaries and wages totalling approximately $15,4681were charged to transportation - roads when in fact some portion should have been charged to . parks and recreation. Due to lack of information in the Village records it is not possible to determine what portion should have been classified as parks and recreation. 1980 Budget $ 1980 Actual $ 1979 . Actual Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year .(2,171) Expenditures and transfers Municipal expenditures General governrnent Protection to persons and property ransportapon services Environmental services Health services Social and faintly services .Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Other _.(2,1711_. 6.248 • Current liabilities Temporary loans Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities 1980 ; Actual 78, 000 48,122„ 1979 Actual 162s,000" 24,545 7. REVENUE - PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SUBSIDY The Province of Ontario road subsidy included in the financial statements is the amount actually claimed and received for 1980. No adjustment has been made I for a possible subsidy reduction on salaries and wages referred to in note 6. 37,555 23,000 56,000 18,000 13,000 s;coo 39,388 37,843 55,994 16,967 - 25 50,269 27,416 25,915 20,351 103,274 •15,322 413 100 13,995 75 126,122 186,545 Total expenditure 152,555 227,902 • 119,447 Nei lung term liabilities Reserves and reserve funds Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts - 21 ,602 (84,617) 8. REVENUE - COMMUNITY CENTRE OPERATING FUND 21,119 Due to deficiencies in accounting' control it is not possible to determine - whether or not all revenues are deposited and whether all expenditures paid out of cash are recorded. Also, due to accounting deficiencies, it is not e (81,808) practicable to verify fully the revenue classification for the Community Centre operating fund. Transfers f•ansiers to region or county. -i ranslers to school boards • Total Transfers , Total expenditures and transfers 63,107 125,856 29,210 121.192 150,402 302.957 29,209 . _121.602 _' _150,1811 . 3)8,I13- . 33,668 . 106.652 . 140,320 319,767 Revenue by purpose Municipal purposes taxation P,Iyl ents,an lieu of taxes Ontario grant, Other grants Pres and service charges Other. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -44 BAYFIELD AREA CAPITAL FUND for the year ended December 31, 1980 Revenue to pay for municipal prirposes Region or county requisition laxation - Payments in heti of taxis Ontario grants Other 75,522 1,500 '60,736 7.,192 900 3,600 149,450 75,14 2,462 ' 73,326 29,851 - . 13,897, 32.871 227,521_ 29,215 279 29,035 279 54,679 " 2,474 82,366 19,843 2,016 11 2� 8 172,663 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1980 Actual (a) Rove ' to pay the region or county requisition School board requisition _ 29,494__ 29,314__ 25,925 557 6,770 . 33y2.52_ Statement of Revenue and Expenditure This statement reflects the revenues and expenditures of the revenue fund and the following local boards; . Bayfield Community Centre Operating Fund (local board) ' Bavfield Fire Area (joint.. local board) The revenue and expenditure of the Village of Bayfield Marina .terprise is not consolidated. !, a municipal 1.o\Jtiun Payments in lieu of tuxeN Oi!''r Revenue to p:i:, the 'school board requisition 1nlsd revicene 122,186 1,158 ' 123,344 " '120,928 1.158 122,086 302„288__ . 378,921 • 103,200 • 2,233. • 105,433 . _,311348-_ Acctnn:date,i net revenue 1deficil) at • the end at the' year 1p,u•.,.-d J, follow, iltneral revenue Region or ..ounty School boards Special charges Spit cal JreJ' Local hoards Municipal enterprises (2,840) (1.963) (20,776) 14.636 3,100 ' (14,366) 14,457 1,632 -(15,982) 14,352 1,148 (3,686) (1.689) (b) remeht of Capital Operations statement reflects the capital expenditure of the municipality to he ''ered from the general municipal revenue of the municipality and its I hoards. as doscribed^i'n note 1 (a). • Unfinanced capital ,outlay - beginning of year (deficit) (79,637) Capital. financing ,• Donations revenue land valuation per Ministry of Revenue - transfer from trust fund - - contributions from Community Centre Operating Fund 3,247' - the public 9,974 Bank interest on savings account 93 Province of Ontario - grants: Community Centres & Wintario grants 6,743 Contributed from the Village of Hayfield 13,897 1979 1978 1978 to 1980 Actual Actual Actual Total (5,101) - 14,500 • 14,500 1,983 36,277 316 1551,162 1,234 1,234- 263 41,756 729 5,493 88,007 1,138 163,089 321,994 13,897 33,954 190,738 221,571 446,2633 (c) •,'v Sheet ftatement reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue ft' d, the /:it fund, reserve funds and local boards as described in note 1 (a) Assets and liabilities .of the Village of Bayfield Marina, a municipal .'rpris'e, are not consolidated. (d) ed Assets 1 . historical cost and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets is not •• I 'rted for muni�MCIipal purposes. No capital projects have been permanently I 'need. Accumulated unfinanced capital outlay is reported on the' Unfinanced capital outlay at year-end (deficit) 8..,ance Sheet. Capital expenditure Land acquired ' Soil testing, survey Structural.analysis Demolition of old arena `New arena const,ructipn - contractor - engineering and supervision Building. improvements, cupboards, stage, equipment, furniture „ Bank interest costs Ice machine overhaul Tractor purchased 4,323 12,756 12,602 3,790 3,500 325 '229,506 12,737 11,738 10,968 • 14,500 1,097 2,352 2,000 192,108 14,263 14,50n 1,422 2.352 2,t1;)n -21,614 31,323 -352 24.,•'+94 23,' 22 3,�,, 36,9'71 $(82,654) 265,274.. 226,472 526,'1- S(79,637) $ 1 - i )1 • F2,F} (2,840) y„(1,963) (2,171) STATEMENT OF CAF: TAL OPERATION'S for the year ended December 31, 1980 1980 Actual s 1979 Actual S (e) Municipal enterprises • Munfeipal enterprises are these activities whose costs are substantially. recovered from service charges An the users. The enterprises of this municipality whose revenues and 0,:ponditIfyf'sr have not been consolidated in these financial statements are: Village of Ravfield Marina BAYFIELD FIRE AREA STATEMENT OF REVEN''UE AND =Mt D:TL for this year ended December 31, 1980 • t 1 u,tiii:ntccd capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the veal- 79,617 _ 51101. 2. CAPITAL. OUTLAY TO BF RFCOVF.R}.i) IN FI'7 4F' \TARS ( apical expemliturc (,cncral ginernment Protet non to persons and prrperts 1 r.mspnrtatron seeders Fnsironmcnt.il scrap rs Health %emir, tio,151 .end 1an111W cert lie, Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Other Total expenditure 5,557 19,549 16.971 62,077 _ 1,721' 686 265,274 267,681 (a) Capital outlays, including: fixed assets And the; transfers of capital funds in the amount of $40,250 whish have been finan ed from general muni,ipol revenues of the current scar, are reported on the <tatement of Revenue and Expenditure. - 1- Accumulated net revenue - beginning of year Revenue Contrib'ution per agreement - P Village Bavtiei.i Toanshir i•oderich Townshir `tanlc•v (b) Unfinanced capital outlay on4i t, of the f' wing: 1978 - 1980 Hayfield Community Centre - 1•illding and equipment purchased Capital firrancnig (cmtnhutions from the reicnuc toad Contributions from reserves and reserve funds long Terni Ii.ihihrc, incurred l mime; grants 1 her 'feral capital financing total costs Related financing - total Fire calls - Village of Bayfield Township of Go'derici, Township of Stanley Out of area - Bavft'.1 Ministry of Transn,'rtAtion Commnnicat 10 an,: ^ Sale of water :8,41, 446,161 -llnflnanced capital nutl:iy at the end of 1980 $ 82,654 Total revenue 1t is anticipated that future financing w111 he obtained through puhl1.• donations and contributions from the Village of Bayflrld. Expenditure Administration - 40,'50 4,390 Insurance Ansi ren,.,it i,•r Telephone Offtcr sup^iies Audit Secretary-Trr•isqr er Board -embers Mutual Ai'. 6,741 _12,061- 59,060 152,162 193,145 3. RESERVF. FUNDS 1'nfinanc•ed capital nutlaV (Unexpended ear 11sl financing) .rt the coo&of the year 82,654 79„637 During the year, the following amounts were credited dlreetly to reserve :ands wfithout being reco'tded as revenues and expenditures of the Beve•nee Fund: 4,1 Contributions from subdividers: 4,000 P Contributions from the public 1,287 interest earned 966 s 6,251 Fire fighters -'remuneration Fire fighting equipment Truck repairs Fire hall services II Fire fighter trainingg Capital expenditure out of ,t -rent r(•ve:..r Tota expenditure Accumulated net 'revenue - rid .-t gear