HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1981-07-02, Page 52 York Fancy Green Peas 19 fl. oz. IGA Pieces & Stems Mushrooms Tide CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 2 ,1981 --PAGE 5 Powdered Laundry Detergent 3L Allan Lavis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lavis of R.R.2, Clinton,, graduated on June 26 from Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology, London, with a diploma in Construction Engineering Technology Management. Allan is presently working with Lavis Contracting Co. Ltd, County looks at museum .funding Huron . County Council 'decided at their June meeting last Thursday to ap- ply for a Wintario grant for the building program to replace the Huron County Pioneer Musetun. Ray Scotchmer, curator of the museum, said he would prefer a cement and steel structure to replace the pre- sent building and will be sub- mitting a sketch with the Wintario application. ` A decision to replace the present building was mdde • _-..by4 the . county's property committee when part of the roof collapsed at the museum last winter because' of the heavy snow. The pro- blem is not deterioration, rather poor design. Applications for capital grants are being, received until September 30, 1981 so word of acceptance of Huron's application will pro- bably not be received until 1982. Scotchmer 'said the pro- perty committee considered several factors in making their decision before deciding to replace the pre- sent structure. They con- sidered k that the county already owns the landr6where the present . museum is located. .The marine museum has recently been established inGnderich and 'will be operated ire conjunc- tion with the pioneer • museum. It would be costly to move the locomotive in the museum to another loca- tion and Scotchmer is not in favour of establishing a , village type museum because he feels the area has several already. Seotchmer hopes the building program can be phased over several years to permit the museum to re- main open to the public dur- ing construction. He outlined several advan- tages to a new structure in- cluding environmental con- trol, which willpermit the museum to be open all year round. Presently, the main. exhibit area cannot be heated during the winter months. Scotchmer observed that having the museum open during the winter would be advan- tageous for school children to tour the museum during the school year. He also anticipated the new structure will. have display rooms and lecture • rooms which the present museum Lacks as well as vault space for archival materials. Optimists plan ball contest Girls and boys from the ages of eight to 13 will get a chance on July 18 to test their skills as the Clinton Optimist Club is presenting a tri -star basball contest. The club plans to test both girls and boys in hitting, base running, and throwing in each of the six age classes, with 36 trophies being presented to, the top finishers. Contestants, who will compete only against others of the same age, must have an application completed and signed by parents before July 18. Forms are available from several area business displaying the 'fosters, or phone club contest chairman Doe Miller at 482-7397. Colonial Assorted Cookies 4511 gram pkg. 39 1 kg. Schwartz Peanut Butter . 89 Senior Citizen's Day Miracle Whip by Kraft 500 ml 1.09 Alcan 10 M Aluminum 45 cm Foil Wrap will be all day on THURSDAY, JULY s because of the holiday 5 % DISCOUNT. on all purchases up to $50.00 STORE HOURS• Monday •• 8•30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Thursday .... 8:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Tuesday 8.30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Friday • 8.30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Wednesday , • 8:30 a.m.•6•00 p m Saturday .... 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE i Canada Gide "A" 2 - 3 lb, Fresh Frying Chickens 21 a::. jar Champion Mustard . 79 Schwartz Sweet Relish . 98 51)0 ml. Viva White. Assorted or Decorated Assorted Paper Towels 2 roll Maxwell House All Purpose Ground Coffee 1 lb bag 2.59 Bicks Assorted Varieties Relish 375 ml . 69 Fleischmann Regular or Unsalted Soft Corn Oil Margarine 2 x 8 oz. French's 16 0. oz. Prepared - Mustard Diet or Regular Seven -Up 750 ml (Plus 30C Deposit per Bottle) . 59 2/.79 1.29' . 99 1.69 . 99 3/.89 2/.89 1.29 Purina 1 kg Cat Chow Cat Food "H4)stess 200 g Assorted Varieties Potato Chips J Ocean Spray 40 ft. oz. Cranberry or Cranapple Cocktail Libby's 48 fl. oz. Fancy Tomato Juice Gerber's 4.5 oz. Strained Fruit Juices Hunt's 5.5 f1. oz. Tomato Paste Bye The Sea 6.5 oz. Chunk Light Tuna Stuart House 10's Giant Garbage Bags Libby's 14 fl. oz. with Pork or 1.19 witPork in Tomato Sauce,69 D Brown Beans Raid 350 g House &-Garden Bug Killer 3.59 Chef Boy Ar Dee 30 /I. oz. Beef A Ravioli 1.49 Scotties 100's White or Sandalwood Tissulue 2/.99 Tissue Cashmere 4 roll White or Yellow Bathroom Tissue 1.19 Scott 180's Decorated Serviettes . 1.39 Confidets 12's Feminihe Napkins • Tasters Choice 8 oz. Regular or Decaffeinated Coffee 1.39 5.99 Nestle 375 g Chocolate or Strawberry Quik Club House 375 mi Salad Olives Nestea 24 oz., Regular or Tropical Blend Iced Tea Mix Tang 4x33oz. Orange Flavoured Drink Crystals 1.39 . 99 2.99 1.69 Brands Al - 7 fl. oz. Sauce • Christies 200 g Premium Plus Handy Pack Crackers Purina 2 kg Protein Plus Dog Meal . 69 . 79 2.49 Quench 92 g, Assorted Fruit, Flavours Drink Crystals 1 .59 Club House 41 g Simulated Small Bacon Bits . 99 Product of Ontario Fresh Romaine Lettuce 2/.79 (',nada No. 1 Product of U.S.A. Thompson Seedless Grapes ,1.29 Canada No. 1 California Long White Potatoes 10 Ib bag 2.89 Canada No. 1 California, Santa Rosa Plums Ib .89 Product of U.S,A. Fresh Nectarines Ib .89 Canada No. 1 California Salmon Flesh Cantaloupes ea..89 Canada No. 1 Product of U.S.A. Fresh Cello Carrots 2 Ib bag .69 Canada No. 1 Hot House Seedless, Cucumbers Canada No. 1 . New Crop Fresh Green Cabbage ea..69 2/s1 Heinz 10 0. oz. Tomato Soup 3/.99 McCormicks 400 g, Whole Wheat Chocolate. Digestive. Sunwheat orBiscuits 1.49 Club House 1-1.5 of Onranbu,ger, Bar-B-Oue and op or Hamburger & Mealbal Seasoning Mises or Sour Cream Sauce Mix 2 /.99 Gerber's 4.5 oz. Strained Meatless Baby 3/.89 Jell-O 3 oz. Assorted Jelly 2/ 7'9 Powders Dream Whip 3 oz. Dessert Topping .99 1.09 1.39 Nabisco 500 g Shreddies Milk Bone 900 g Large Dog Biscuits Dare 450-600 g Fan Tbp Ju Jubes, Scotch Mints or Stripped 1 59 Mints Heinz 10 fl. oz. Vegetable Soup 3/.99 Dry Idea 50 ml Roll -On Scented or Unscented 1.59 Deodorant Listermint 375 ml Mouthwash 1.89 Frig -O -Seal Almond Colour 70 oz. `Juice Decantor or Set of 4 14 oz. Tumblers with Lids 2.99 Frig -O -Seal Lettuce Saver ea. 1.99 1 Fresh Back Attached Chicken Legs 99 lb• lb Previously Frozen Pork Riblets . 49 Burns Pride of Canada 5-6 Ib Smoked , Picnic Shoulders Ib 1.19 Bums Pride of Canada By The Piece Bologna lb .79 Burns Pride of Canada 1 Ib pkg. Skinless 1 09. Wieners Burns Store Packed 'Breakfast Sausage Ib 1.19 Burns Pride of Canada 1-1'h Ib - Boneless 199 Dinner Hams Ib ■ Burns Pride of Canada 500 g pkg. • - Sliced Bologna 1.39 Burns Pride of Canada 175 g pkg. Luncheon Loaf. Mac & Cheese or Sliced Chicken Loaf burns Store Packed Beef Burgers .59 Ib 1.39 Burns Pride of Canada 175 g pkg. Sliced Cooked ham • .99 Burns Pride of Canada 500 g pkg. Sliced Side Bacon 1.69 Burns Pride of Canada Sweet Pickled, 3-4 Ib Cottage Rods Ib 1.59 Burns Pride, of Canada 5 Ib up Golden Baste Roasting Chickens Ib 1 .29 %'`'Burns Pride of Canada 2 kg pack For Your Freezer Bacon Ends Parkay 3 Ib Coloured Quarters Margarine'. 2.39 Ingeriiol1500 g Processed Cheese Spread 2.1'9 Kraft 250 g Velveeta Processed Cheese Food Slices 1.39 Reddi-Whip 225 g Aerosol Whip Topping 1.39 lb .89 1 DELI FEATURES AT PARTICIPATING IGA STORES ONLY Burns Pride of Canada Store Sliced • Cooked Ham Ib 1 •98 Ib1.69 Burns Pride of Canada Store Sliced Salami ;Wu,* Pride of Canada Polish \'. Sausage Ib1.69 home improvement ---`` drds Yei YOU CC- r r r' ..o^+e r,^crcwe ^+a^' c o'as sow. Yf . -nor,e Y :Y• "+c-' rear': •6 14 ..C..r^r 1' -; AM, ,•..r : . hl.,u 1'ur ot.,no ul Grapefruit Juice .99 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY -JULY 4, 1981. - WE RESERVE: THF: Rh1.IIT TO 1.1141T ()1 ANTITIES.• ALL fAttfti4A14bilt 1604. &AttS ACYIOH OUAltAiNitttb P41biU0 kt;Pt.Attb OR `fC$U11 MOHtG tirU UD1O