HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-06-25, Page 20PAGE 20--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1981 • !ww CU Tv SECUA 4 P'C L - - GR -S IPE Ali fh a(�,uS.vvPv E CO. 421 y11pE�T1sCE M it/80.11 'Ow won't ion FRC E A. 3 GE ,.o ant `ediote Ocr 9611200 a t"r" m 0usn 1. Articles for sale SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments. convalescent products, etc. See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -1 tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances- See Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-Itf FILL YOUR FREEZER with fresh killed heavy hens. Available July 6 - Aug. 15. Dressed weight 5-6 lbs. $3.50 each. Please order ahead. Phone 482-7224--20-25 MASTECTOMY SERVICES now available, contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shopper's Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -22tf LIVE BAIT worms and minnows, 207 Spencer Street, Clinton 482-9422.-24,25 PICK YOUR own strawberries. Weather and supply permitting. Open 8a -m. No pots or pans, bring your own quart boxes. 2, 4 or6 quart baskets. Quart boxes can be purchased. Raspberries ap- proximately middle of July, turn left at Kippen off No. 4 Hwy and 1' . miles east. Watch for signs, Jack Bell, RR 2, Kippen 262-5878.-24,25 DO YOU WANT a quality, attractively priced, Canadian built organ with guaranteed after sales service? We also repair all makes of electronic organs in your area Contact Don's Organ and Hi-Fi Ser- vice, 724 Queen St., Kincardine - 396-3546 Your Hammond Organ sales and service centre.-lleow. PEACOCKS for sale. Three full grown and three, one -year- old. Call 527-1628--25 1974 500 SUKUZI, low mileage, phone 482 7842--25,26 Use Our New LAWN WEED SPRAYING SERVICE Well come and spray your lawn - using our now high -efficiency chemical applicator. This applicator gives fast and even spraying of broad leaf weeds. VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333 NEED A HELPING HAND? HIRE A STUDENT 524-2744 Canada Employment Centre for Students 111Wit STRAWBERRIES Pick your own, OPEN WEEKDAYS 8A.M.-8P.M. SAT. 'TIL 5 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAY Huron Ridge Acres David Steckle & family R.R. 2 - ZURICH 565-2122 HWY. 11. SOUTH OF BAYFIELD, TO SIDEROAD 15 WATCH FOR SIGNS .v rnegcr rN GA.VI a1:7S t fel Y Clinton News -Heti 211 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES A DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads ... • a o • • .. Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .. • a . • • Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R. V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate forllsole 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE 24. Wonted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 77. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Cord of thanks 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m 1. Articles for sale DOG HOUSE for sale - also small boat with pump. Phone 482-7661.-25x APARTMENT SIZE chesterfield and chair, in good condition. Phone 482-7398--25 TRY C & E USED FUR- NITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231.-40tf YORK SLIDE -IN air con- ditioner BTU, asking $200. Phone 482-7066--25 ONE CHESTERFIELD and chair, excellent condition $100. One leather sofa, love seat and chair $300. Phone 482-3648 after 5p.m .-25x ONE 6000 B.T.U. air c00- ditioner. Phone after 5 p.m. 523-9414.-25x USED LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTORS John Deere tractor 12 H.P. with mower. M.T.D. Transaxle tractor 16 H.P. with mower. 12 H.P. Massey Ferguson with mower. 8 H.P. Hydrostatic Massey Ferguson with mower. Case 10 H.P. tractor Hyd. drive with mower. Two John Deere 7 H.P. tractors with mowers. John Deere 8 H.P. rider with mower. 1 yr. old. John Deere 8 H.P. rider with mower (new engine). CALL GORD HUTCHISON AT HURON TRACTOR IN EXETER FOR MORE DETAILS. 235-1115 OUT OF TOWN CALL 1-800-265- 4220. Buy Now Bargain on A Roper Garden Tractor 8 HP TRACTOR s /Mower'1250.00 11 HP TRACTOR w/Mower '1375.00 14 HP TRACTOR w/42" Mower 52535.00 Roper Tiller '294. We service what we sell PHONE 527-0120 SrAtOrTt1_cAMitnlrict AkR wo6bStoCx. 1. Articles for sale USED Mediterranean style coffee table and bookcase separately or together, good shape $120. for both, phone 482- 7347--25 ONE Turquoise Leather padded rocker and foot stool to match, like new and walnut folding tea cart with two handles, two shelves, fancy trim and swivel casters, like new, orange leather high backed chrome swivel bar stool, like new. Phone 482- 7496.-25 URINE -ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, eat, human urine stains, odors from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A., Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario N5Y 4X8.-25bc HUMANE LIVE TRAPS for mice, rats, squirrels, coon, rabbits, etc. Also cedar kin- dling and stove wood. Phone 482-3842.-25tf ONE USED Brentwood Amplifier, one used Dana guitar - Both in good condition. Asking $200. Call after 5 p.m. 482-3660--25 CLEARING OUT SALE all box plants at Leibold's Greenhouse this week only. Phone 482- 7509.-25 CLEARANCE! of all rees and Shrubs VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333 3- Garage sale GARAGE SALE: June 27 and 28, across from Optimist Ball Park, Seaforth. 193 Main Street South, Seaforth 9 - ? Rain or shine. -25 5. Cars for sale 1975 CHEVELLE Mallon Classic. two door hardtop, 350 four barrel, new paint, ex- cellent condition, certified. 82,500 00 or best offer. Phone 524-4250 -- 25 1.976 PLYMOUTH FURY, 2 door. Std . 318-V8, p.s., rear de -fog, am radio, tape deck, front -rear speakers, good tires - snows. Colour • black with red interior, 77,000 well maintained miles, will certify 482 7650. -25 ' • A l" '. 5. Cars for sale 1973 FORD TORINO stationwagon, green, V8 351, good condition, $800. Certified. Phone 523-9346 after 9 p.m. -25,26 6. Trucks for sale 1972 DATSUN pickup, asking $1400. Phone after 6:30 p m. 482-3295.-25 1973 CHEV ' ton, certified. Phone after 5 p.m. 523- 9414.-25x 7. R.V.'s for sale CAMP -OUT TRAILERS - Hwy. 8 West, Stratford, 1-393- 5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent travel trailers - from lightweights right up to Park models; truck campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Trillium & Lionel. Sales, Rentals, Parts, Service. -- 20-26ar GYPSY QUEEN Truck Camper stove, fridge, furnace, bathroom. pressure system. sleeps four. V2500. Phone Exeter 235-0343--24,25 A. For sale CUSTOM WHEAT, Grain and Bean Combining, also, can haul to elevators. Phone 262- 5708.-25-27 B. Custom Work NEW IDEA 7 ft. pull type mower with P.T.O. drive. Extra knives. Also a Fuery Bissell pull type disc for 875. Phone 482-7134--25,26 500 BU. HYDRAULIC dump wagon and good 12 ft. triple K. cultivator with roller harrows. Phone 262-5708:-25-27 CONSIGNMENT HORSE SALE 8 TACK SATURDAY, JULY 4 1:00 P.M. AT DENFIELD SALES Hugh Filson AUCTIONEER or Joe Corey ' D. Livestock TWELVE PiGS for sale, 8 weeks old. Phone after 5 p.m., 482-3309, YORK LANDRACE bred gilts. bred Hampshire to farrow June and July. • Hampshire, Duroc, Yorkshire and York x Hamp boars, herd index 106.4. Vista Villa Farms Ltd.. Bob Robinson, RR 4 Walton. 345- 2317,-24,25,26 45-2317--24,25,26 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Nerpeac,es Clinton - 4U-7399 Sorry Miller tater - U -2717 Klritton - 990-42113 Douglas Carruthers - 997.9711 onsgoey N.rgreaees - 9113-24114 A. For sole` CUSTOM SILO FILLING -call Hank Reinink 523-9202.-23tfar CUSTOM BIG Round Baling - ('o Zondag. Phone - 565- 53113,-23tf CUSTOM HAY BALING. Bob Smith. Phone482-3340.-24,25 STRAW FOR SALE, ap- proximately 1.000 bales. Phone 482-7065. - 25tfar C. Wanted PASTURE WANTED close to Clinton for two pleasure horses. Phone 482.7744.-25 E. Farm service SHIPPJNG CATTLE' to Toronto • Union Stockyards every Monday. Campbell McKinley 262-5430.-48tf CUSTOM SWATHING Hay or Grain Contact Terry Caldwell %`)262-5968 or 262-2605 CUSTOM SWATHING PHONE AFTER 6 P.M. JIM PRESZCATOR 482-7126 FARMERS... DO YOU NEED EXPERIENCED HELP? * Baling hay * Cleaning barns * Pig castration * Relief milking, etc. CALL: 482-3168 or 524-4710 ASK FOR JOHN F. For Rent 110E BARN to rent. holds 1,000 fat hogs. Available now. Two miles from ('lin ton. Phone 482- �(f 25tfar FARMERS For all your farm buildings BIG OR SMALL Give Ray Lumbers Construction a cull 482-3305 GEORGE NESBITT FARM DRAINAGE CLINYON,ONT. SPECIALIZED MACHINE FOR INSTALLATION OF FARM DRAINAGE INCLUDING LASER AUTOMATIC GRADE CONTROL -BULLDOZING REDUCED PRICES ON 30.000 FT. OR MORE "IT PAYS TO DRAIN" PHONE 482-9497 7. R.V.'s for sale 30 FT. TRAILER equipped for Hydro and Propane ; bath included. Priced for quick sale, . phone Goderich 524- 6085; -25,26 12. Real estate for sale HULLETT TOWNSHIP CROPS INCLUDED, PRICE SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED for quick sale: 96.9 acres, approximately 85 acres workable. Presently about 45 acres in Winter Wheat, balance in barley. Partially systematically tiled. Immediate possession in- cludes '81 harvest. No buildings. CROPS INCLUDED, Price substantially reduced for quick sale: 100 acres, ap- proximately 70 acres workable systematically tiled. No buildings. immediate possession- includes '81 har- vest. Dirk M. Coolman Real Estate Broker. Phone 235-1055 Paul Hohner 235-0302 Exeter.-24tf 8 16- For Rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbells Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.) - 14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar TENT TRAILER for rent, sleeps 4,. $25 per week. Call 482- 9422.-24,25x 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment, close to hospital and down- town. Phone 482-7261 after 6 p. m. -20tf TWO BEDROOM Apartment, heated, air conditioned, newly decorated. carpe,.ed, last month's rent in advance. CaII 482-3533.-21 tfar SMALL Furnished bachelor apt. Phone 482-71164.-23tfar Culliga.n REAL ESTATELTD NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom bungalow featuring family room with fireplace. Separate dining room, full basement. Excellent location. '51,900. NEW LISTING - Bayfield, Howard ' St. Cottage No. 1. Uniqueness and charm galore in this well -landscaped cottage. Close to beach, Franklin fireplace. glassed -In eating area off kitchen. Try your offer today. '37,900. COTTAGE No. 2 - 3 bedroom, good sized kitchen. Living room with Energy Efficient fireplace. Insulated for year round use. Only '41.900. NEAR BAYFIELD Stone home. artist's residence. Ap- prox. 110 ,years old. about 5 miles from Bayfield. 10 acres of rolling hills, fruit trees, stream, landscaped very nicely, natural pond site. One of a kind. '79,900. COTTAGE LOT - All services, South of Bayfield. Owner anxious to sell. '10.500. BAYFIELD - Lakefront bungalow, completely winterized - Fully Furnished - unbelleveable view - deck - paved drive all extras. '65,000. CLINTON - Ontario St. - 2 storey home cc,..,pietely renovated top to bottom - must be seen. '49,500. MODERN - 3 bedroom home - Bayfield well wooded lot, quiet street. '47,000 first mortgage at 12% runs till 1984. Try small down payment today. NEAR BAYFIELD - "Country Life in Huron County" 3 properties to choose from, 21/2 acres. 2 acres. 5 acres. All houses In very good repair ranging in price from '43,900 to '65.000. CLINTON - Maria St. - small but neat. Close to all ser- vices. '12,000. That's right -'12.000. NEW LISTING - 199 Queen near Hospital. Solid brick 3 bedroom bun • rec room with fireplace - walk out sliding • • and back lawn area ex- tras far too num . • u to list. Only '59,500. NEAR BAYFIELD - Modern 3 bedroom home. cathedral ceilings, full basement. walk out�glass��doors. deck, ex- tra building lot, all for only Zf;300..'55,000. 5 minutes from Bayfield. `ALL: WILLY BUNN BAYFIELD 565-5055 1106 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment - Adult building, no pets, utilities included. Available July 15. Phone 482-7028 after 6 p.m.-23tfn ONE BEDROOM Apartment ideal for working girl, close to downtown. 8150. a month heat included. Available July 1. Phone 482-3305.-23tf TWO BEDROOM Apartment, carpet, fridge, stove, $150. Clinton 482-3631.24,25 1 WASP 111 m,.al toy S' .ay tw" N A14'Ee ' e t., a.t,f 18. Houses for rent TWO BEDROOM Mobile for rent Morgan's Mobile Homes. Phone 482-7066.- 21tf ONE STOREY - 2 bedroom home in Clinton. Available Aug. 1, 1981. Apply to D.L. Slade. Phone 482-9775.-24;25 TWO BEDROOM House in Auburn, extra large lot, separate garage $190.00 plus utilities per 'month. Phone 524- 8065.-24t f THREE BEDROOM House, newly decorated, available 'now. Phone 482-7661.=)5x TOWN HOUSE to rent com- pletely remodelled and car- peted throughout. Available immediately. Call 482- 3071.-25,26 TWO BEDROOM Apartment available July 1, in uptown Clinton. Phone 482-9766 or 482- 9417 after 6p.m.-25tfar DOWNTOWN Apartment. Completely renovated, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen -living area combined. Phone 482-3414 or 482 - THREE BEDROOM House for rent on Princess St. West, available July 15. Phone 482- :1649 -25 QUALITY HOMES Centrally located, attractive solid built home on beautiful treed lot, extra both. Priced to sell. Call Rita Allen 5244480. 176 Ontario St. INVESTMENT -PROPERTY 2 bedrooms in each home. vinyl sided, maintenance free modern interior, 84 Kirk St. mortgage arranged, call Don McCauley 524-4226. D-84 W.J. Hughes Realty Ltd. 38 East St. Goderich 524-8100 524-9131 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. QUEEN ST. - 3 or 4 bedroom home, full basement, '29,900.00. Mortgage con- sidered. VARNA - Large building lot, priced to sell. CLINTON - 2 bedroom mobile home, '11,000., good condition. ALBERT ST. - Lot 82 x 132, 4 bedroom home, dining room, den, hot water heating, 10% mortgage. '45,000. ". FULTON ST.: Lot 106 x 165, large workshop, 3 bedroom home. '36,900.". HURON ST.: 4 apartments and potential space, good returns. TOWNSENDST. - 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, built in range, oven 8 dish- washer, only '23,500.00 REDUCED TO '29,900.00 - for this lovely home, completely remodelled, in Vonastra. KINBURN: 3 bedroom bungalow, on a '/, acre lot. '30,000.00. BAYFIELD: 1.9 acres. beautiful setting, lovely home, horse barn and welding shop. PRINCESS ST. W.• 3 bedroom home family room, close to downtown, '19,900.00 BLYTH - 3 or 4 bedroom home close to school. Asking '25,900.00 STONE HOUSE • on 10 acres near Seaforth. 21/2 ACRES - house 8 barn, '24.900." near Blyth. SEAFORTH 490eth St., 3 bedrooms, split level. ,1t� MARY ST. ".f.:oom home. CLINTON OFFICE - 482-3455 GERRIT WILTS 523-4229 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 882-9849 AILEEN CRAIG 482-3669 MARY ST. - 3 bedroom l'/2 storey home. '20,000: °". MOBILE uQfsgt,@ bedrooms - Heritage Estates. • MARY ST. - 3 or 4 bedroom, 1 floor, nicely renovated home, office space, family room, garage. 10% mtge. 21/2 ACRES - near Clinton, 4 bedroom brick home, excellent condition, barn, shed, nicely treed. ALBERT ST.- 2 bedroom, 1 floor, nicely renovated, asking '24,900.00 42 ACRES - river frontage, gravel pit near Auburn. ISAAC ST. - Double lot, 3 bedroom home with family room. ISAAC ST.: Lot 99 x 144, 5 bedroom home, 2 fireplaces, dining room, den.' TOWNSEND ST.: Lot 41 x 132, 4 bedrooms, family room, modern kit- chen. HIGH ST.: Lot 82 x 132, beautiful in- terior, 4 bedrooms, dining room. NO. 4 HIGHWAY: Lot 75 x 200, modern commercial building, 1234i% mtge. MATILDA ST. - 3 bedroom bungalow, finished basement, carport, plus 144,900.". HENSALL - Restaurant and apartment above. HURON ST. - Attractive home, formal dining room, 3 bedrooms, try your offer. TOWNSEND ST. - executive style home,. 4 bedrooms, fireplace, garage, paved drive, mtge. considered. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOT: 113 x 190, Building has 5,940 sq. ft. only '20,000.", HIGH ST. 2 storey elegant brick home. fireplace treed lot, paved drive, '45 000.00 ONTARIO ST. - Elegant home featuring Targe family room, dining room, `58,000. ". COMMERCIAL LOT - 1 acre, Highway location. VICTORIA ST.: Commercial zoned property, residence 8 pool. 1(1NG ST.: Lot 82 x 132, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, double garage, 134,500," MATILDA ST.: Lot 97 x 128, 2 bedrooms, dining room, 10'/a % mortoge. ONTARIO ST.: 4 bedroom home, natural woodwork, stained windows, garage. ALBERT ST.: Store and apartment, good condition, '29,900." VODDENS BEACH: Lot 80' x 160', 2 bedroom cottage. TOWNSEND ST. - Nicely landscapes' lot, 4 bedroom attractive home. QUALITY BUILT: Brick 8 Vinyl side split. 3 bedroom home, family room, garage plus. PRINCESS ST. W. 3 bedroom home. family room, close to downtown '19,900.00 VARNA - 4 bedroom aluminum sided home '30,000,00 91 ACRES 70 workable house 8 barn highway 8 necr Clinton, HOLMESVILLE . 2500 sq, ft finished in this tri -level on 'e acre. 1