HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-06-11, Page 24THE S. UARE PH.QNE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED ' CLINTON - 'HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY "Tour of Mellott WIIdlife Area" _ previously con - :celled will beheld ' WED., JUNE 17 neat at the Town Mall at 1:30 P.M. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: 482-7896 PAGE 24—CUNTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 11,1961 BINGO .every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, $ p.m. First regular card, $100; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 yearsand over.-52tfar CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p.m. Fust regular card $1. 6.cards for $1. 15 regular games, 3 share -the - wealth. Early bird game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot $200 must go each week.-20tfar STRAWBERRY ' :& HAM SUPPER, Brucefield United Church, June 17, 1981 from 5 - 8 p.m. Adults $5.50; 6 - 12 $2.50; under 6 free. -21-23 HURON FISH & GAME BINGO every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First regular card $1.00, restricted to 16.years and over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games of $10 - .$5least otfs04.---- 37tfar - CELEBRATE with us Zurich's 15th Anniversary. July 1st, Sports Day and Pork Bar- becue; July 2nd, Children's Plrc gr m and Fashion Show; July 3rd, Fish Fry and. Lionel Thornton's Casa ` Royal Orchestra at 9 p.m.; July 4th; School Reunion,' parade, displays and, 125th Anniver- sary Dinner, catered by The Garage •of London; July 5th, Climmuaity Church Service: For'further information phone ROCK "N" ROLLER BOOTING: To music of "SHATTf•.I,RED" at the Clinton Arena, Friday, June 12th, 8:00 o'clock to 11 o'clock. Admission $3.00. Proceeds go towards the Clinton Public Hospital Building Fund .-23nx GODERICH AND . DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED will hold an information and membership meeting at the Kinsmen Centre, Keays , St., Goderich on Thursday, June 11 at 8 o'clock p.m. Everyone from Clinton-Seaforth District welcome. -22 WEBSTER REUNION: Sunday, June 14, 1981 at Brucefield Centennial School. Registration 2:30 p.m. for sports, program and picnic dinner. -23 SOUTH HURON & DISTRICT ASSOCIATION presents films about Mental Retardation, June 11 and June 25 at 7:30 p.m. in ARC Industries, Dash- wood, Ont.Everyone welcome! For more in- formation call 236-3667.--22- 25x ANNUAL BALLET RECITAL by . pupils- of M. Zablocki, Clinton Public School, June 18 at 7:30 p.m. Theme "The Rainbow Connection". Adults $1. Children Under 12, 50 cents. Proceeds for St. Joseph's Se agae oooncer tSchl Ct ZWich236=4974. 2`1.7.25 Fund. -22,23 BIRTHRIGHT speaker at‘Pro- ife meeting ,M,onday, June 1011, 8 P m. at ' Kd►gllts of Colum .Ibis,' 15 Caledonia ,atiderich. Coffee and ctepserV, to follow. Everyone weiemme —23 ANTIQUE CAR SHOW and FLEA MARKET, Brussels, June 13 and. 14, 1981. Carriping available. Phone 887-6585.-22 "GOOD TIMES" ARE BACK A Disc Jockey Service with all Kinds of music. far even, occasion. tall: t PHIL MAIN Jr. 524=4671 Mtween 9-6 p.m. or 357-3514 E• Our grauouS hosp,'ol ty and relaxing at phere ...h 'e you . "Iulge on fine dining ' SEAFOOD 'CHOPS 'CHICKEN 'CHARCOAL STEAKS ' DELIGHTFUL KING CRAB LEGS '4OURS Tues SOI 'OA M 10 P M Sur 10A M 8 P M ! L:t. E FOUNTAIN MY -1 11 I(1.I -lF.1kHOE -1. FULLY LICENCED UNDER L.L.B.O. SNELL REilNION - Saturday, June 20, 1981 at Clinton - Bayfield River .Conservation Park. Registration 3 p.m. and picnic dinner 5p.m.-231[ CLINTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ROSE SHOW Friday, June 26,1981 at Clinton Town Hall. Viewing time 2:30- 9:15 a.m. Silva Collection. Door prizes. Exhibits must be in place by 11:45 a.m. Com- plete list of classes 01 your yearbook or phone, Jean Livermore 482-3884 or Suzanne Brandon 482-3129 or check yearbook at Clinton News - Record. -23-25 GARAGE SALE - Main St., Bayfield. Follow the signs, Sat., June 13, 10 a.m.-23x AnsAM Legion plan decoration service Huron County Family Plan- ning project invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Public 'Health Wing, Huronview, Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planning) available first Thursday of each mon- th. EOW AR PIONEER PARK ASSOCIATION invites you to the 34th Annual Rummage Sale, Friday, July. 10 at 8 p.in., Bayfield Arena. Social evening of the year, entertainment and treasures galore. -26,27 ATTEND the fiddle and step dance contest, July 10 and 11 at the Fergus and District Community Centre, Fergus, Ont. For information contact Mery Woods, 843-1630.-23bc WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - The family of Bill and Irene Knox • cordially invite relatives, friends and neigh- bours to celebrate with them the 50th wedding anniversary of their parents on Friday, June 19, 1981 at 9p.m. in Blyth. Best wishes only. -23 COME, bring a neighbour, children and food to Goderich Township Picnic, June 16th, weather date. June 18th, 6-8 pm. at Lakeside Park. Gas barbecues available. -23 GODERICH TOWNSHIP Recreation Board - Official Opening of ball parks, chicken barbecue (Kinburn Foresters) Saturday, July 4, 1981 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Township Hall. Adults $5.00; under 10; $3.00. Proceeds for baU .park.. --Z -24- 25-26 AS PART OF ITS "CANADA WEEK" CELEBRATIONS THE Port of Goderich WILL BE HOLDING A CANADA WEEK PARADE SUNDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 28 at 2 P.M. If your club or organization would like to enter our parade. here are entry categories and prizes OF ENTRY CLASS Commercial -Industrial Service Club/Organization Church, School, Family Antique Vehicles Horse- Horse Drawn 1ST 2ND '50 450 450 450 450 '25 425 425 425 425 Entries must meet approval of parade committee CALL: 524-2440 ByJohn Scott I guess the only news or items of interest that happen to our members, happen every second week. At least last welt's column was more informative than Steve's previous edition. Anyway there is lots to report this week. On Sunday, June 21 at 7 p.m. our branch will be holding a decoration service at Clinton Cemetery. Reverend Jim Broadfoot, Legion Padre, will be in at- tendance ttendance as will the Clinton Legion Pipe Band. Legion members, veterans, members of other organizations and all others • who plan to attend are re- quested to fall in at the cemetery at 6:45 p.m. Veterans' graves will be decorated Sunday moaning corm e.ncing at 10 a.m. Once again, our Branch was represented in a parade. This time it was the Spring Fair parade and our pipe band was given the honour of leading the parade. We also had a float in the parade. I don't understand why Steve Maguire (is the spelling right Steve?) gets to ride on the float instead of marching alongside. Getting old Steve? Again our thanks to Eric Switzer and Ed Deeves for getting the float ready. This time they got some help from Annie Sallows and Den- nis Bisback. Our thanks also to Tom Penhale of Bayfield for allowing us to use his wagon. Today (Thursday) is Eric Switzer's birthday. He is 60 • Happy 30th Birthday Eleanor Ritchie 1 yersold today. Happy Birth- day Vic! , Last Tuesday was a big day for the Neves family. John left for Newfoundland to check up on the branches there. Ed and Blanche were out checking the cows on their bicycles when Ed fell off and broke his arm. The first match of the first round of our 1981 match play tournament was planned on Tuesday, when Art Burt triumphed over Fred Jackson. The other matches to be played by June 20, 1, are:, George Cutler vs. Al Finch, Phil McCabe vs. Donald Armstrong, Harold Black vs. Doug Macauley, George.. ,Lauzon vs. John Scott, Bruce Bartliff vs. Bill Harris, Harold McPherson vs. Alan Pennie and Brian Reeve vs. Roy Vodden. The first name has choice of course and is responsible for contacting his opponent to arrange the time. Phone numbers are listed on the sports notice board. A mixed two ball foursome is tentatively arranged, depending on members' response, for Sunday, July 19. If you are interested, please put your name on the list on the notice board. The Ladies Auxiliary is planning a bus trip for June 27, 1981: The itinerary is as follows: Seaforth Legion by noon (in time for the bar opening) then on to Mitchell, Palmerston, Listowel for supper, Brussels, Blyth, Goderich and then home to Branch 140 for a nightcap. If you are interested there is a list on the notice board but you had better hurry as seats are limited. On August 8, the ladies are holding a Flea Market and Bake Sale with all proceeds going 'to the building fund. What a great bunch of ladies we have. They are always working. On May SO, 'delegation from our branch installed the new officers at Branch 167 Exeter. The installation team consisted of : chair- man, William Chambers, John and Hilda Semple, Gladys East, George and The King of Comedy, On Stage BOB HOPE Saturday, June 13, 1981 :3700. per person Price includes return transportation to Toronto and top of the line show tickets with pick up in Grand Bend, Exeter and Dashwood. For more information call Monday thru Friday. 600so 399 MAIN ST: EXETER, ONT. 235-0571 Travel Service 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH, ONT. 524-2615 1-800.265-4260 ALTA' ..I•w Saturday, June 13, 1981 CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE KINSMEN CLUB OF CLINTON f of Barbecue and Dance DINNER. SERVED FROM 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. DANCE TO Tickets 'S./Available from any member. JIM MEDD and the PLEASURE PAKS - 9 pm -1 am PROCEEDS FOR HOSPITAL FUND. SPONSORED BY KINSMEN AND KINETTES CLUBS OF CLINTON Minton Kimball, George Lauzon, Garnet Harland, Harold and Bessie Black, Ed and Francis Porter, Mary rown, Mabel Schreiber, e Campbell, Helen Bisback, Percy Brown, George Yeats and Gord Tait. Murray East piped in the new officers. • The first Slow Pitch game of the year, against the Oldtimers (that's your team "Scoop") which was held last Thursday, turned into a pitcher's duel. But the Legion came out ahead 1744. Well done guys! Next Monday is the ex- ecutive xecutive meeting and the following week is the general membership meeting. The Legion Fall Golf Tour- nament ournament is tentatively set for September 13, 1981. Keep that date free. It vvas-godd-to se J6e Baer driving one of the cars in the parade. We hope it won't be too long before we see him back at the branch. To close this week's col- umn we will relate a little story from Rosemary Arm- strong (it was the only way she could get her name in this week's column). During the war, a hotel was being evacuated and the guests were told they could bring one article of clothing. A Scotsman decided to take a bottle of Scotch. When discovered the warden was upset and said to the Scotsman, "You were told to bring one article of clothing". The Scotsman replied "Och Mon, I did. This is my nightcap." Early Registration for Clinton Early Childhood Education Centre Wednesday, June 17 t" 7-8:30P.M. at WESLEY WILLIS UNITED CHURCH * Register NOW for September Classes MONSTER BINGOS Sponsored by Clinton Service Clubs tot CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT JUNE 15 -AUGUST 31, 1981 15 Regular Games: '50. prize 3 Share -the -Wealth Games GRAND PRIZE - EACH NIGHT $1 ,000. DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 P.M. BINGO STARTS AT 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION: 16 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER PROCEEDS TO COMMUNITY WORK LAST NIGHT THURS.. JUNE 11 SYLVESTER STALLONE VIC11TI1A S STARTS FRI., JUNE 12TH Son Office 1 a \\\ � OPINSMNP.M. SHOVITIM!'DUSK STARTS FRI. JUNE 12TH-1OTH NOTE SHOWTIMES FRI. & SAT. ONE SHOW s:00 P.M. t,.•.l ls\ The story of two enterprising young men . who make an amazing amount of money selling ice cream. . CHEECH & CHONG'S PARK GODERICH yIGIflWING NI, Kolano• POISON olinial.ola Oa HWY. 8 GOOEIICH .IT /4 CONCESSION 80. 4 PHONE 524.9981 0.574#6- 11:1:1ki i:1Ani 0 Top SunimerLooks Justforyoufrom Sandy's and Sweet Baby Jane! Fashionable blouses in fifteen refreshing styles and in an assortment of summery shades. A generous variety of sizes available. Regularly priced to 24.00 But don't have just half of you look good! Hash Pants ... a perfect match for your new blouse and at a oh so delightful price Regular values to 25.00 A special summer combination value Sweet Baby Jane blouse with Hash pants 1222 20" CHAIKGI:X VISA MOM zx - SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH Hanover • Walkerton • Port Elgin • Kincardine • Goderich • Listowel • Fergus • Orangeville • Stratford • Woodstock • St. Thomas • London