HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-06-11, Page 20PAGE 20-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1981 - IlS249 NAIL:, en e B7 AL) Me, P 41 ROM ,: ion I Mgr 81: Rua/ fle Av. %adieu Occ 9614200 q 4WD $ imam ' 1. Articles for sale SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc. See }heck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-ltf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. See Bieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241 _-ltf FILL YOUR FREEZER with fresh` killed heavy hens. Available July 6 - Aug. 15. Dressed weight 5-6 lbs. $3.50 each. ' Please order ahead. Pltgne 482 7224.-20.25 GOOD NO.1 Table potatoes for sale =red or white; 10, 20,75 lb. hags: Seed . potatoes grown from foundation stock. Also, bicycle in good shape. Can 482- 7578: 22,23 MASTECTOMY SERVICES now available, contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Bieck I.I).A, Pharmacy, • Shopper's Square,. Goderich, S24.7,241.=22tf 45 GALLON Drams; tops removed on request, $7-00: Phone Bayfield 1-565-2633.-23 DO YOU WANT a quality,. attracthrely priced,. Canadian built organ with guaranteed after sales . service? We also Iepair-an makes of electronic pirpins .;ai your• area. Contact Don's Organ and Hi-Fi 'Ser- vice, 724 Queen SL, Kincardine - 396.3546 Your Hammond Organ sales and service centre-lleow %RAFTMATERIALS; dif- ferent kinds, rug wool, miscellaneous and Florida shells. Phone 527-0879.-23 PINE TIMBER, suitable for posts, small poles, firewood. Large quantity. For sale standing. Located between Goderich and Bayfield. Minimum sale - 100 trees. , Phone 357-3566 from 6 p.m. to 8 ton, -23 RUBBER BACKED golden - brown carpet, approximately 12 ft. x .18 ft. Phone 524- 8726.-23 AiR CONDITIONERS - Two 22,5061 -11 -TU wall units and one - 8000 BTU wan unit. Phone 482- 7064.-23,24 • URINE -ERASE SAVES CARPETS! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A., Reidell Chemicals Ltd-, Box 7500, London, Ontario N5Y 4X8.-23bc NEW UTILITY Trailer 4 ft. x 8 ft-, good tires,. lights, 12" plywood floor and sides. Sides are 16" high. Phone 482- 9d79.--23x 82- 909'9_-23x TRY C & E USED FUR- NITURE, new and used_ Dial Goderich, 524-7231.-40d "MEAT KING" heavy roaster cockerels dray old to two weeks available Apr. May and June. Call McKinley Hatchery 1 -800 265-8536. Order today and put meat on your table this fall.-13-24ar 30" WHITE electric range in good condition, priced reasonable. Phone 262- 5510-23 21 CU. FT. Freezer in good condition $150.23 cu- ft. freezer 5100. Phone 482-9206.-23 FOR SALE This Town of Clinton Is offering for solo 1 SET OF SCALES -S Ton Capacity -platform size 94"x r 1 SMALL BUILDING -approx. 17' 31 17' presently housing scales- Thera Items may be purchased separately. Fera irespsetioe9 contact MR. ERNEST BROWN CLINTON PHONE 402-7013 Frl74tcr shire •o...e„ ok res 44xot ,lir Q41#rR M Y CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified word Ads e . e e .. Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ..... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sole 6,. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s far sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12.. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent. 20: Room 8 board 21, Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE 24. Wonted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wonted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30, Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37: Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To giveaway 42. Death notice 43. Births -. 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam 47. Card of thanks 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY -1:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1- Articles for sale FORD ROTORY MOWER - 7 ft. cut and double blades, belt drive, new belts and overhauled in 1980. Extra set of blades and spindles, com- plete with Ram cylinder, good shape $1,500. Joe Potter, RR 3, Clinton- Phone 519-482- 9290_-23 MOTORCYCLES and tar - 1974 ST 90 Honda Trail bike, good shape $250. 1970 - 125 Yamaha Motocross bike, excellent shape $375. 1966 Y100 Yamaha street bike $240. certified. 1973 Chrysler stationwagon $800. as is or will certify $1200. Phone 482- 3533_-23,24ar AIR CONDITIONER 8000 BTU; Hi Fi AM -FM record player 5' Iong; room divider 4' x 25"; tri -lite floor lamps - 2. 23x ONE 6000 BTU air conditioner, 3 years old $150. Antique Loveseat and chair covered in green velvet, excellent con- dition. Phone after 5 p.m. 523- 9414.-23 ONE GOOD used gas furnace. Phone after 6 p.m. 523- 4425.-23 ONE CHILD'S black vinyl car seat, in good condition_ Phone 523 -438L -23x GOLD AND BROWN RUG with underpad, 9 x 12 ft. Good condition. Phone 482-7005.-23x 1976 DATSUN TRUCK asking 32,800. Partner chain saw, 24" bar, asking $75. Phone 482- 9640.-23 • NiMROD HARD top camper with canopy, sleeps five to six, ice box and propane stove. Phone after 5:30 p.m. 482- 7662.-23 CAVEMAN TRUCK camper sleeps four, propane furnace, three burner stove, fridge, in excellent condition. Phone 565- 2166.-23 TRAIL CAT Mini Bike, four years old, in excellent con- dition. Phone 565-2166.-23 SMALL BOYS Bicycle with training wheels. in good condit ion. Phone 482-7515. -23 HAPPY HIRE A STUDENT WEEK! The students of Goderich and areal! 524-2744 Canada Employment Centre for Student 1. Articles for sale ASPARAGUS for your freezer. Hot house tomatoes 80c a lb. Seedless cucumbers 60c each. Evan's Farm market, 2 miles North of Bayfield. 482-7562.-23 ORNAMENTAL TREES and shrubs, seeding and sodding, laelf40*.,, ,Pfl; titObef-..c; Huron Landscaping; Lucdnow, 529-7247.-17-24 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE - Holmesville - Saturday June 13 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Four bar stools, chairs, bedroom suite etc. Collectables= 23 5. Cars for sale 1973 CHEV 12 ton certified -$1;650.. or best offer. Phone after 5 p.m. 523-9414.-23 wAfi4'N :(ON ®,tea 12. Real estate for sale HULLETT TOWNSHIP CROPS INCLUDED, PRICE SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED for quick sale: 96.9 acres, approximately 85 acres workable. Presently about 45 acres in Winter Wheat. Par- tially systematically tiled. Inunediate possession. No buildings. CROPS INCLUDED, Price substantially . reduced for quick sale: 100 acres, ap- proximately 70 acres workable systematically tiled. No buildings, immediate possession. Dirk M. Coolman Real Estate . Broker. Phone 235-1055 Paul Hohner 235-0302 Exeter.-22tf LAUCKNER REALTY INC. REDUCED '10,000. - Field- stone and rod brick farm home situated on 4.4 acres surrounded by beautiful maple trees. 3 bedrooms. large living room with stone fireplace, 2 car garage. stone fence. small barn. SNOWDON ACRES - Two year old ranch style bungalow on lake front, winterized, all year round residence, 3 bedrooms, living room. dining room, kitdton, 4 pc. both. full basement olo4dric heat. Sun dodo 40' x 14'. Ono . hundred foot lakefront. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Box41. Reynold 565-2813 N iyv UJOH NEW LISTING - Valuable commercial property en Main St. of hayfield. In - elude grocery store, additional leased building. and modern living quarters with 1'/2 baths. 3 or 4 bedrooms. fondly room. large master bedroom with fireplace. Excellent sosarnoor trogio. prime., businosi location. GENERAL STORE - Located in Huron County Large lot with store. living quarters, double garage and private patio. Includes post of- fice and dry cleaning agency. '85,000. Price In- cludes fixtures and equipment. 3.5 ACRES - Highway location. 13E0 sq. ft. New modular home with 2 full bathrooms. Also an old house and 3 stall horse barn on the property. NEW LISTING - 179 On- tario St. Clinton. '27.100. 10 room 2 storey home with old world charm: full 79' x 132' lot. HALF ACRE 1N THE COUNTRY - Contains mobilo home and 24' x 30' frame building which could bo converted to a house. Drilled well. '19.000. 25.75 ACRES - 2 largo ponds, spacious home. waterfall and stream, horse barn and corral. Naar Holmesville. VANASTRA HOUSES - 2 houses at Vanastra, semi-detached units for '1A90 each. •180 rental Income each. CALL JOHN DUDDY 402-552 JOHN TNOMPSONS27-1903 LEAN KUEHL 402-7304 OFFICE 402-37K A. For sale INTERNATIONAL Harvester 401 - four row bean puller and a' 468 four row cultivator, extra set • of knives. Phone 482- 3350.-23 'JOHN DEERE 210 riding garden tractor, 4 years old with 46" mower in good con- dition. Phone 482-7590 Ervin Sillery.-23x 1969 CHEVROLET 12 ton, 6 cylinder automatic in good condition. Phone 523- 4375.-23,24x 1974 BUICK Electra com- pletely loaded including air conditioning, cruise control, tinted windows, power seats, windows etc- Excellent con- dition asking 31500. Call Seaforth 527-0'89_-23 6. Trucks for sale 1975 DODGE PICKUP, cer- tified Phone 482-3296 after 7 p.m. -23 7. R.V.'s for sale CAMP -OUT TRAILERS - Hwy. 8 West, Stratford, 1-393- 5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent travel trailers - from lightweights right up to Park models; truck campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Trillium & Lionel. Sales, Rentals, Parts, Sery ice.-20-26ar 10. Pets for sale BLACK Labrador Retriever pup CKC registered, all shots, dewormed, good background. Excellent for hunters. $100. Eight weeks old. Phone 527- i-208.-23 SIX YEAR OLD Shetland pony. Call 523-4450 evenings 23 12. Real estate for sale EASTERN ONTARIO Property List. From various companies. Mailed monthly - Subscription: 12 issues 412., 6 issues $7.00. To: The Price Property List, Department ER6, Box 309, Long Sault, Ont. KOC 1P0.-23bc Just Arrived! BALER TWINE 10,000 foot sisal or 10,000 foot eslok- plastic CASH & CARRY PRICING! VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE Isaac St.. Clinton 482-9333 Hensall Livestock Soles SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Vidor 1lser c•e. Clinton - 41e-T3i1 awry MIRw Eas+w-ins-ern Irrektmn - 2254255 mins cevrutieesys - 2394984 a.,o,y HerEsaevsss - 262.2615 J A. For sole 18 ACRES of Alfalfa. Ben Nyman482-7266.-23 STANDING HAY' for sale. Price is right for someone who can cut immediately. Phone 482-9250.-23x B. Custom Work CUSTOM SILO FILLING - call Hank Reinink523-9202.-23tfar CUSTOM BIG Round Baling - Co Zondag. Phone 565- 5308.-23tf D. Livestock PUREBRED Pig Sale for Don ,o Henry, Bluevale, 335-3240. Yorkshire and Landrace 100 Bred Gilts, 40 Open Gilts, 40 Boars. June 16, 7 p.m. at Carson's Auction Centre, Listowel.-23bc THREE WHITE FACED stocker steers, average 600 lbs_ James Lands borough 527- 1826.-23x E. Form service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Union Stockyards every Monday. Campbell McKin ley 262-5430.-4Btf CUSTOM SWATHING Hay or Groin Contact Terry Caldwell 262-5968 or 262-2005 FARMERS Far all your faun buildings BiG OR SMALL Ohre Ray Umbers Construction a call 482-3305 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12 ft. x 54 ft. mobile home with add -on - room, excellent condition, can be moved. Phone 482- 9824.-22,23 FOR SALE: 60' x 12' New Yorker with large add -a -room and verandah. 68 Iroquois St. Meneset Park, Goderich $14,500. Phone 482-7066.-21-23 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 452-0371 Residence: 523-9331 150 ACRES E. WAWANOSH -2 floor brick home - 2 small barns. 3 ACRES LONDESBORO AREA - 2 floor brick home - oil heat - large shop and storage shed. Must - be seen to ap- preciate. LONDESBORO - 1 1 2 storey home - Aluminum sided, new kitchen. Under$30,000.00. CLINTON - East Street - Quick possession Attractive bungalow, sun purch, nicely landscaped. Reasonably priced. Owner anxious to sell. BRICK DUPLEX ON JAMES STREET, CLINTON - recently built - Low interest mortgage in effect. 2 ACRES - edge of Clinton, paved road- 112 storey home in nearly new condition with carport, swimming pool, and many extras. 112 STOREY - 4 bedroom home -209 Ontario Street, Clinton. HURON ST. CLINTON -1 floor home, gas heat. 8 rooms, nicely decorated, low interest mortgage in effect. GODERICH AREA - reduced to sell - 15 acres wooded property with private lake, stock with trout. Exceptional new ranch type home with all the extras. Shown only by. appointment. Out hiKEE! 7t• 006 1.6. For Rent FORMAL RENTALS Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, -Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ud.)-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar 17. Apartments for rent VANASTRA: beautiful rooms and apartment to rent. Phone 482-7674.-22,23 3cd/s N AAA EP,v' 019 baa Ar//4 17. 'l,.portments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment, close to hospital and down- town, Phone 482-7261 after 6 p.m.-20tf TWO BEDROOM Apartment, heated, air conditioned, newly decorated, carpeted, last month's rent in advance. Call 482-3533-2ltfar ONE BEDROOM Apartment in Paul Bunyan Apartments, Bayfield, immediate possession. Phone 565-5355 or 565-2116 -22,23x SMALL Furnished bachelor apt. Phone 482-7054.-23tfar • -- i . an REAL ESTATE LTD. NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom bungalow featuring family room with fireplace. Separate dining room. full basement. Excellent location. '51,900. NEW LISTING - Bayfield, HowardS . Cottager No. 1. Uniqueness and charm galore in th1Wwell-landscaped cottage. Close to beach, Franklin firsplaco, glassed -In eating area off kitchen. Try your offer today. '37,100. COTTAGE No. 2 - 3 bedroom, good shred kitchen. Living room with Energy Efficient fireplace. Insulated for year round uso. Only '41,900. NEAR BAYFIELD - Stone honker, artist's redden.. Ap- prox. 110 years old, about 5 miles from Reynold. 10 acres of rolling hills, fruit trees, stream, landscerpod very nicely, natural pond site. Ono of a kind. '79,900. COTTAGE LOT - All services, South of Reyfhold. Owner anxious to sell, '10,500. B AYFIELD - Lakefront bungalow, completely winterized - Fully Furnished - unbeltsviable view - sun dock - paved drive all extras. '65.1100. CLINTON - Ontario St. - 2 storey home completely renovated top to bottom - must be soon. 414,500. MODERN - 3 bedroom home - eayfleld wall wooded lot, quiet street. '47,000 first mortgage at 12% runs till 1904. Try small down� payment today. NEAR SAYFIELD - "Country Life In Huron County" 3 properties to choose from, 21/2 acres, 2 acres, 5 acres. All houses in vary good repair ranging In price from '43.900 to '65.000. CLINTON - Marla St. - small but nest.Close to all ser- vices. '12,000. That's right -'12,010. NEW LiSTING - 199 Queen near Hospital. Solid brick 3 bedroom bun roc room with fireplace - walk out sliding and bode lawn arse e_- tras far too num to tits: Onlynt.110. NEAR BAYFIELD - Modern 3 bedroom home, cathedral ceilings, full basement, walk out glass doors, dodo, ex- tra building lot. all for only 14;341L., '55,000. S minutes from Rayfield. CALL, WILLY BUNN BAYFIELD 565-5055 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment - Adult building, no pets, utilities included. Available July 15. Phone 482-7028 after 6 p.m.-23tfn ONE BEDROOM Apartment ideal for working girl, close to downtown. $150. a month heat included. Available July 1. Phone 482-3305.-23tf DOWNTOWN Apartment completely renovated, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kit- chen - living area combined. 482-3414.-23ar !l0 18. Houses for rent SMALL HOME in Country on main highway, 11,2 miles from Clinton. Newly decorated and clean. Available now, nopets please and references required. Phone 482-3460.-16tf TWO BEDROOM Mobile for rent. Morgan's Mobile Homes. Phone 482-7066.-21tf MODERN COTTAGE, one floor, fully furnished, easily heated, insulated, new gas furnace, water heater, stove, Egmondville, long grass yard. Phone 527-0879.-23 20. Room &'board COMING AVAILABLE downstairs bedsitting room with private bath plus three meals • daily. Van Damme's Holiday Home 482- 3685.-2ltfar MALE OR FEMALE Boarder wanted. 12 Princess St. W. Phone 482-7034---23 23. Commercial property for rent 500 SQUARE FT. of com- mercial space at 56 Huron Street, Clinton. Ideal for of- fices482-3414: 23ar COMMERCIAL SPACE located at Isaac St., Clinton. Very close to main in- tersection. 600 square feet on main floor plus basement. Very good visibility. New wiring, lighting and drywall. 482-3414.-23ar WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 11 SEAIIORTH LONDESBORO CLINTON HENRY MERO 527.0430 BILL HENDERSON 527-0995 STEVE MURRAY 345-2172 GERRIT WILTS 523-4229 OFFICE. 452-3455 HAROLD WORKMAN 452-3455 PETER DAMSMA 452-0549 AILEEN CRAIG 452-3669 QUEEN ST. - 3 or 4 bedroom home, full basement, '29,900.00. Mortgage con- sidered. 1'/2 ACRES - neer Blyth, house & bom, '29,900.00. Mortgage considered. VARNA - Large building lot, priced to sell. CLINTON - 2 bedroom mobile home, '11,000., good condition. ALBERT ST. - Lot 82 x 132, 4 bedroom home, dining room, den, hot water heating, 10% mortgage. 145,000.°°. FULTON ST.: Lot 106 x. 165, Targe workshop, 3 bedroom home. '36,900." HURON ST.: 4 apartments and potential space, good returns. LONDESBORO: Lot 212 g 132, Restaurant, gos pumps, attached residence. TOWNSEND ST. - 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, built in range, oven & dish- washer, only '23,500.00 REDUCED TO 621,900.00 - for this lovely home, completely remodelled, in Vanastra. KINBURN: 3 bedroom bungalow, on a 1/4 acre lot. '30,000.00. BAYFIELD: 1.9 acres, beautiful setting, lovely home, horse barn and welding shop. MARY ST. - New Listing, 2 or 3tedroom, 11/, storey home. PRINCESS ST. W.- 3 bedroom home, family room, close to downtown, '19,900.00 MARY ST. - 2 bedroom home a bargain at '12,000.00 SEAFORTH New7tn�e, Highway Location '105,000 � MARY ST. - 3 or 4 bedroom, 1 floor, nicely renovated home, office space, family room, garage. 21/2 ACRES - neer Clinton, 4 bedroom brick home, excellent condition, barn, shed, nicely treed. ALBERT ST.- 2 bedroom, 1 floor, nicely renovated, asking '24,900.00 42 ACRES - river frontage, gravel pit near Auburn. ISAAC ST. - Double lot, 3 bedroom home with family room. ISAAC 51.:' Lot 99 x 144, 5 bedroom home, 2 fireplaces, dining room, den. TOWNSEND ST.: Lot 41 x 132, 4 bedrooms, family room, modern kit- chen. HIGH ST.: Lot 82 x 132, beautiful in- terior, 4 bedrooms, dining room. DUNLOP ST.: Lot 50 x 132, indoor pool, Solar heat, family room, 3 bedrooms, NO. 4 HIGHWAY: Lot 75 x 200, modem commercial building, 123/4% mtge. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOT: 113 x 190, Building has 5,940 sq. ft. only'20,000.". HURON ST. - Attractive home, format dining room, 3 bedrooms, try your offer. TOWNSEND ST.: 4 bedroom 11/2 storey home nicely landscaped lot. HIGH T.T. - 2 storey elegant bride home, fireplace, treed lot, paved drive, '45,000.00 HOLMESVILLE - 2500 sq. ft. finished in this fri-level on 'i acre. EGMOW:VILLE - 2 bes001 home '27,000.00 MATILDA ST. - Bungalow, rec room, playroom, 3 bedrooms, '46,900.00 BLYTH - 3 or 4 bedroom home close to school. Asking '25,900.00 STONE HOUSE - on 10 acres near Seaforth. - ONTARIO ST. - Elegant home featuring Jorge family room, dining room, '58,000.°°. COMMERCIAL LOT - 1 acre, Highway location. 4M ACRES - McKillop Twp., 2 sets of buildings, FEED 101 - 5 to 600 head, 100 acres, near Clinton. VICTORIA ST.: Commercial zoned properly, residence & pool. KING ST.: Lot 82 x 132, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, double garage, '34,500_°°. MATILDA ST.: Lot 97 x 128, 2 bedrooms, dining room, 10'/4 % mortage_ ONTARIO ST,: 4 bedroom home, natural woodwork, stained windows, garage. ALBERT ST.: Store and apartment, good condition, '29,900. °0. VOODOO BEACH: Lot 80' x 160', 2 bedroom cottage. TOWNSEND ST. - Nicely landscaped lot, 4 bedroom attractive home. 2 ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE: 3 floor Chalet near the Maitland. QUALITY BUiLT: Brick & Vinyl side split, 3 bedroom home, family room, garage plus. PRINCESS ST. W. - 3 bedroom home, family roam, close to downtown. '19,900.00 10 ACRES - with brick house, shed, pool, large steel 1 floor born near Clinton. MARY ST. - 3 bedroom 11/4 storey home, only '20,000.00 VARNA - 4 bedroom aluminum sided home '30,000.00 91 ACRES - 70 workable, house & born, highway 8 near Clinton. • 4