HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-06-11, Page 16•
Dora Shobbrook, editor
On Sunday
Masons take part in service
North Huron District AF
and AM held their District
Divine service ' at the Lon-
desba.ra churdr on Sun.
The Masonic Brethren met
at Hullett Central school and
paraded to church led by
District Deputy Grand
Master Right Worshipful
Brother Harty Tebbutt and
other Grand officers
Greeters were Wor. Bros.
Bob Zhu and Ken
Hulley, _ Were Bro.
Earl Gaunt and Wor. Bros.
Bruce Stldlinglaw, Gordon
Shobbrook and Don
Rev. Scott welcomed all
especially the Masons and
announced that the flowers
were placed in memory of
Audrey Corey who passed
away Last week. They were
placed by daughter Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Johnston, also
flowers in loving memory of
Miss Dorothy Little.
This Sunday Mr. Bob
Perry of Bluevale and
Whitechurch charge wi11 be
conducting service here
while Rev. Scott will be at
the Whitechurch an-
niversary service.
Prior to the service, organ
and piano duet music were
supplied by organist Louise
McGregor and Gail Lear at
the piano., The scripture was
read by Wor. Bro. Rob Snell
and RL Wor. Bro. Harry
Tebbutt. The drildren'.4 story
was about the Pentecost Day
and the spirit of God is with
us each day. Junior teacher
was Cathy McDougall
Barbara Bosman was the
soloist, accompanied by Gail
Lear on the piano and the
offering was received by
Diana Shobbrook, Cheryl
Lynn, Laurel and Lisa
Duizer. The service closed
with Benediction by Rev.
Gordon Hesselwood and the
Masons returned to the
school where lunch was
Community news and notes
Ladies baseball
Londesboro Ladies
became winners for ' the
second week in a row. They
travelled to Brussels an June
I for the secondbaugame of
the season and won 22 -14.
Upcoming games are June
etit,'Blyth vs Londesbom.'in:
tomdesbcro and on June fienrniller against Lon-
desboro at the . Blyth
diamond. Hope to see you
Personals '
Mrs. Jack Armstrong was
admitted to Seaforth
Hospital on Thursday.
Friends hope she will soon be
home again.
Emerson Hest has
returned to, his home after
:pending some time m
Stratford Hospital and at
bofneofids daughter Velma,
Mr: aid Mrs. Glen Robinson
of London.
On June 2, U.C.W.
;Indies, A
Wen . Lawson,
Edyth Beacom', Laura tow;
Bernice Norman, Marion
I mking,AliceDavidsonand
Dora Shobbrook attended the
&ucefeld U.C.W. Visitors'
Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Fothergill and Heather
attended the wedding of
Barbara Blake to Bruce
(hopper in the Blyth United
Church on Friday evening
and reception in the Blyth
Community Centre.
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hulley
and Crystal moved into
Clinton on Jonah. We wish
them happiness in their
move. Sorry tolose them.
Mariel Milson, Sheryl and
Sarah of Woodstock visited
Sunday with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Bert. Shobbrook
and attended the shower for
Joy Vello.
Sympathy is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddiek
on the death of her sister
Geraldine, Mrs. Don Hab-
kirk of Essex on Friday,
June6, age 62.
Congratulations to Mrs.
Grace Fairey on her 85th
birthday on June 5th. She is a
patient in Clinton Public
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Good, Mr. and Mrs. John
Lyons, Sarah and Tim
visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Youngblut.
Burns UCW meet
The Burns U.C.W. met at 1
on Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Jean Scott. A
dinner was served by the
losing team in the copper
contest and the wimers
provided dessert to the 17
members and two visitors
Following the dinner Beth
Knox was in charge of the
meeting and she thanked
Jean and everyone for the
dinner. ,.Beryl Reid thanked
an for theirs help. A poem
was read by Beth Knox and
Kay Konarski read the
Jean Scott introduced Rev.
Swan of Walton who spoke on
Bermuda, and displayed
many interesting articles.
Jean thanked Rev. Swan and
presented him with a gift
from the U.C.W.
Mrs. Rice was in charge of
the business. Ron call was
answered by a Bible verse,
and minutes of the last
meeting were read. The
treasurer's report was given
by Jean Leiper and a thank
you card was received from
"We personally invite you
to come to Clinton to
shop - and compare - on
your next furniture purchase"
Compare selection, quality, price and
service. You can buy the best for less of
Roll 8 Mulch. Come brows* through our
vast selection of fine home furnishings.
We feel you'll be pleasantly surprised -
vve offer big -city selection at small-town
prices you can afford.
Anti of lune
NAw on for the to
10 :THE
Special pilaf* A
Mutch Ltd.
Home Furnishings
71 Albert Street. Clinton 4$2-1505
OPEN: Six Days a week 9 a.m.-6 p.rn.
Open Friday nights 'till 9 p.m.
Ray McNichol.
Correspondence was read by
Mrs. Rice.
The bazaar is to be held on
October 21 and an allocation
of$50will besent.
The next meeting will be
on Tuesday, June 30 at the
home of Margaret Taylor.
Shower held
Jean Vodden,R.R. 1
Clinton was hostess for a
shower` art `Jane "tier Joy
Vello, a July bride elect.
A corsage was pinned on
Joy by Sue Vodden. and a
reading `Preserve a
husband' was given by Dora
Shobbrook. A , contest of
jumbled kitchen spices
conducted by Jean Vodden
was won by, Vicki Colquhon
and the Bridal Flowers by
Dora Shobbrook won by Vera
A few words to Joy, "We
have met here today to get
acquainted and welcome you
into our family. We wish you
much happiness for the
future. Hope you will accept
these gifts with our best
wishes. "-Signed Kim's
family and the Ball cousins.
Many lovely gifts were
presented by Kelly Vodden,
Sarah Milison and Chastity
Colquhon. Joy was assisted
by her sister Dorothy
Johnston and Dora Shob-
brook. She thanked everyone
for the gifts and coming.
Lunch was served. There
were 30 presentcoming from
Woodstock, Lambeth, St.
Thomas, Mitchell, Goderich,
Clinton, Auburn and Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim East of RR 4, Clinton celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on
May 29 with a special family dinner in Blyth. The Easts enjoy good health and happiness,
and according to Mr. East, "the first 100 years are the easiest" (Shelley McPhee photo)
Hullett Central happenings
Awards Assembly
On May 25 there was an
awards assembly at Hullett.
Among the awards were
band, junior and senior
choirs, field day awards ,
given to pupils going to the
area field day at Seaforth.
Another award was for the
monitors who had been
returning folks from the bogs
and raising and lowering the
flag during the school years.
(]thea sports awards events
to the boys and girls soccer
and volleyball teams,
captain ball and floor
hockey teams, also received.
Library helpers and the
audio visual people received
bars for their work. Our own
newspaper team also
received recognition. People
who went beyondithe school
with speeches received bars
too. This year the school
gave a special award for
speeches, a Hullett Central
crest went to Lisa Bosman
for excelling beyond the
Blyth school.
Finish third
The Hullett students and
from five other schools
competed in Seaforth at the
regional track and field
championship meet The
students at Hullett Central
School. all competed at the
school and the lst and 2nd
winners from 9 years and,up
went to Seaforth High School
on June 2,. This was the
same with five other schools.
The events at Seaforth were
the same as the ones at the
home school
The Blyth School won the
track meet by about 30 points
while the Clinton Public
School defeated Hullett by
two points. These statistics
are not final. Our school did
very well especially in the
track events. It was a very
successful day overall and
the students and teachers
Constance plans
for chicken b -b -q
By Mary Merrier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Woods of Gananoque spent
the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Merrier and Wes of R.R. 3,
Drumbo visited over the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie,
Michael and Shelley.
Mr. and Mrs. Terence
Hunter of Colborne
Township visited on Satur-
day with Mr. and Mrs. John
Thompson and Sharon as it
was the Hunter's 58th wed-
ding anniversary. Con-
gratulations to them.
Don't forget the Chicken
Barbeque at the Foresters
Hall on Thursday June llth.
Please note, that in last week's
paper, Schedule "A" Description No.
1, was described in error. Please
refer to this ad for the correct infor-
enjoyed themselves.
Storybook Gardens
On June 5 Grades Kin-
dergarten to 2 went to
London to Storybook Gar-
dens.. They left in the mor-
ning and returned in time to
go home at 3:30. They took a
paper bag lunch and bought
a drink there. The children
returned home happy and
Play day
While some. of the pupils
from Hullett went to
Seaforth to compete against
other schools, the majority
remained at the school for
other playday activities. The
activities began at 12:50. The
day consisted of nine ac-
tivities with Darlene
Hulley's team emerging
;TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Township of
Hullett intends to puss at its meeting on Monday. June
29. 1941 a by-law as follows:
1. Thai. lands described In Schedule "A" hereto, for
'the Township of Hullett In the CauDIV "Of tfiii�dltii; low•
and the sante is hereby stopped up:'
2. Thot the by -low shall come Into force' and take effect
on the day`upon which it is registered in the Registry
Office for the Registry Division of the County of Huron.
The Council w111 hear any person or his counsel. solidtor
or agent in person who claims that his lands will be
preludidally affected by this by-law who applies in
writing to be heard on or before Friday. June 26. 1941.
c/o Mr. Harry Lear.
P.O. Box 226.
Londosboro, Ontario.
Schedule "A"
Description No. 1:
Road allowance between Concessions 4 and S lying
South of lots 7.II. 1.10,11.12,13.14.15,16. 17. 10. 11. and
20 Concession 5 of the Township of Hullett;
Commencing at the Southeast angle of lot 7 Concession
.5 of the Township of Hullett;
THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limits of lots. 7.4.
1, 10. 11. 12; 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 10. 11 and 20 to the South-
west angle of lot 20 Concession 5 of the said Township of
THENCE Southerly parallel to the Westerly limit of lot
20 and Its extension Southerly to the Northwest angle
of lot 20 Concession 4 of the said Township of Hullett:
THENCE Easterly along the Northerly limits of lots 20.
11. 14. 17, 16, 15. 14. 13. 12.11. 10. t. 0. and 7 Concession 4
of the said Township of Hullett to the Northeast angle
of lot 7 Concession 4;
THENCE Northerly parallel to the Easterly limit of said
lot 7 Concession 4 and its extension Northerly to the
Southeast angle of lot 7 Concession 5 being the place of
Description No. 2:
Road allowance lying West of lots 10 Concession 3. lot
10 Concession 4. lot 10 Concession 5. lot 10 Concession 6
of the Township of Hullett;
COMMENCING at the Southwest angle of lot 10 Con-
cession 3 of the said Township of Mullet:
THENCE Northerly along the Westerly limits of lots 10
Concession 3, lot 10 Conusslon 4, lot 14 Concession 5. lot
10 Concession 4 of the mid Township of Hullett to the
Northwest angle of lot 10 Concession 6 of the mid
Township of Mullett;
THENCE Westerly parallel to the Northerly limit of lot
10 Concession 6 and Its extension Westerly to the Nor-
theast angle of lot 11 Concession 6 of the said Township
of Mullett;
THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limits of lot 11
Concession 6, lot 11 Concession 5. lot 11 Concession 4. lot
11 Concession 3 of the said Township of Hullett to the
Southeast angle of lot 11 Concession 3 of the said Town-
ship of Hullett;
THENCE Easterly parallel to the Southerly limit of lot 11
Concssslon 3 of the Township of Hullett and its exten-
sion Easterly to the place of beginning.
Destrlption No. 3:
Road allowance lying to the West of lots 13 Con-
cession 3, lot 15 Concession 4. lot 13 Concession 5. lot 15
Concession 6 of the Township of Mullett;
COMMENCING at the Southwest angle of lot 15 Con-
cession 3 of the Township of Mullett;
THENCE Northerly along the Westerly Limits of lots 15
Concession 3, lot 13 Concession 4, lot 15 Concession 3, lot
15 Concession 6 of the said Township of Hullett to the
Northwest angle of lot 15 Concession 6 of the Township
of Mullett:
THENCE Westerly parallel to the Northerly limit of lot
15 Concession 6 of the said Township and its extension
Westerly to the Northeast angle of tot 14 Concession 6
of the Township of Hullett;
THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limits of lot 16
Contassbon 6 lot 16 Concession 3. lot 14 Concession 4. lot
16 Concession 3 to the Southeast angle of said tot 14
Conc. 3 of the Township of Mullett;
THENCE Easterly parallel to the said Southerly limit of
lot 16 Concession 3 of the said Township of Hullett and
its este istetnn Easterly to the place of beginning.
In Hullett Township
Taxes up l885percent
By Shelley McPhee
Municipal taxpayers in Hullett Town-
ship will see their taxes rise 18.5 per cent
this year, after township council recently
approved the 1981 mill rate.
An average public school residential
taxpayer, with an assessment of $5,000 will
be paying$126.95 extra in taxes this year,
from $691.95 last year to $818.90 this year.
The total mill rate for that same resident is
163.96, compared to 138.39 in 1900.
The general tax increase is higher than
in 1960 when township residents faced an
11 per cent raise. The county rate, because
of re -distribution throughout Huron, took a
substantial jump of 34.2 per cent and the
township's own rate went up 27.4 per cent
this year, a large part of which is due to the
recent purchase of a gravel pit.of beeiOff
Township Clerk Harry Lear noted that
without the land purchase, the township
rate would only have risen by less than we
The public school rate has gone up 20.3
per cent and theseparate school levy has
been raised an additional 14.6 per cent this
Auburn residents are again facing a high
tax bill with a mill rate of 195.25, compared
to 168.86 in 1980 and Clerk Lear explained
that the municipality is starting to re -pay
debentures on street lights that were in-
stalled along the village streets.
Brenda goes alb -Ontario
Brenda Millar of C.H.S.S.
competed in the senior shot
nut division at the All -
Ontario track and field
meet in Thunder Bay . on
June 5 - 6. Entering the
competition ranked 14th out
of 25, Brenda pit the eight-
ightpound shot 10:69 m (3521 ft)
to qualify in the top eight.
After three additional throws
Brenda bettered her
previous mark to 10.79m
(35.6 ft) a personal best in
competition aiid also set a
new school record. This
effort retained her eighth
place position.
To qualify for AllOntario,
Brenda. won Huron -Perth,
came second at the Western
Ontario Sunday 'School
Athletics (WOSSA) meet
both in London and finally a
Eats is eats and waist is
third place at Regionals in
Kitchener. With each
competition, Brenda bet-
tered her previous throws.
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