HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-06-11, Page 15Only nine days left! Wei, the school year is almost over! Only nine days left kids! At Vanastra Public School they feel that it has been a most successful one. Many special events are planned for June. The school family picnic and playday is planned for Wednesday June 17th. After supper the play - day will be held and adults are welcome to take part in this fun competition. They are hoping for a good tur- nout. Hot dog day will be held on Friday June 19th. They will go on sale at 4:30 p.m. for $.50 each If you want hot dogs, please do one of two things: 1) Go to the school before June l2th and pur- chase your hot dog tickets or 2) send the money to school in an envelope with your oldest child and your tickets will be returned home the same way. The Energy Van was at the school on May 28th. The swinuning program at the Vanastra Pool is set for Fri- days June 12th and 19th. Field Day was held on the afternoons of June 9th and llth. The Huron County Dairy Princess will visit the school on Monday, June 15th, while on June 16th, the choir will sing for a retired teachers Dinner at 12:30 noon. Last Monday June 8th was a professional activity day. The staff was engaged in ac- tivities etivities designed to deter - Junior Farmers plant flowers On Sunday, June 7th at 1:30 pm, you may have noticed the two flower beds at the en- trance to Vanastra in front of the Municipal Offices taking shape. About 30 members out of 150 Seaforth Junior Farmers got together for some fun and donated their time, labour, equipment and. bought plants to spruce up the area. This dub, whose chairman is Bill Andersen, is the biggest in Ontario. This is. the 6th project they have done for the Community Bet- terment Project which is part of a prerequisite to belong to the Provincial. This is the second year the Junior Farmers have planted about 200 marigolds on their behalf and it will be maintained by then. A few other projects they have done recently are plan- ting the flower bed in front of the Seaforth Post Office, canvass for the Heart Fund, tried teaching dance lessons, worked at the benefit for Brad Carnahan. This fall they intend to help out at the Cider Fest by setting up all the equipment and tents. mine sensible strategies for next year. Awards Day will be Tuesday June 23rd. Dr. Foster Cline, a psychiatrist from Evergreen Colorado will be in Huron County on June 24 and 25, speaking to elementary teachers, Board members, and interested parents. His topic will be "Today's Troubled Disruptive Stu- dent". Any Vanastra parents interested in hearing Dr. Cline's talk should call the school 482-7828 for further details. Professional Activity Days are June 24, 25 and 26, and school will begin on September 8,1981, Mr°s. M. Maloney, • -who teaches kindergarten, is making plans to take the children to Storybook Gardens in London, and Mrs. C. Jewitt's grade one will also join them. In grade four, taught by Mr. McConnell, they will be setting off on June 17th to visit the Huron County Museum, The Historic Goal, with lunch at the beach (don't forget to send it with your child! ), and Point Farms Provincial Park where they will have a hike and identify animal tracks and types of trees. Mr, W. Nicholl's grade five and six' class will have a trip too—but for only those pupils who meet certain standards as set up earlier. They have to earn the privilege of going. It's time to play ball The Vanastra and District Lions' 2nd Annual Ball Tour- nament is almost here, so remember June 26, 27 and 28th. The executive meeting will be at the home of John Bjerg Wednesday June 10 and business meeting is June 17th. The Lions' last Movie Night of the season was on June 5th. The children en- joyed wile Puppy -Who— Wanted Who" -Wanted a Boy, Puppies Greatest Adventure, Our Gang, Little Rascals" and a cartoon. John and Nancy Ducharme, Kennie Mcll- veen, Kim Embling, Gordon Bjerg and Keith Ryan each won a door prize consisting of a one month free swim at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Scott Dixon and Susan Ryan also won door prizes consisting of a three month free swim. Con- gratulations kids! Tony Jeacock, Kim Hodgins, John Bjerg and Ken Mdfveen were there to oversee everything. Attending Officer's Train- ing School in Kitchener on June 7 for the Lions and Lioness Clubs were Diane and Jim Ryan, Betty and Don McLean, Meryl and Jim Thomas. The Lions and Lioness Clubs are having a family barbecue on Saturday June 20th at the Vanastra Recrea- tion Centre at 2. The Vanastra and District Lioness Club will hold their business meeting on Thursday, June lith. Please note this change. Also ladies, don't forget your catering on the 13th and 14th to the Fitness Ontario Leadership Course gang at the Rec. Cen- tre. The Vanastra and District Lioness and Lions had their joint meeting at the White Carnation in Holmesville on June 3rd. Lion President Tony Jeacock called to order before a delicious buffet of salads, roast beef and ham, various desserts were set out. Clem Goulding led in O'Canada:'1'he two tail - twisters were famished before they finished fining all members in attendance - Lion Kim and Lioness Diane. They make for a great deal of fun which usually con- tinues throughout the even- ings., CClem Goulding made a toast to the Lioness and ladies, with Meryl Thomas replying. Jim Ryan introduced the guest speaker Glen Mac- Donald from Woodstock, who is past district deputy governor. He made a speech and did the induction of the new lion member Len Daves with his sponsor Web Stone pinning on his lapel pin. P.D.D.G. Glen also did the induction of new officers for the coming year for the Club. They are as follows: Past President, Tony Jeacock; President, Clem Goulding; 1st Vice -President, Bob Dinsmore; 2nd Vice - President, Wayne McFad- den; 3rd Vice -President, John Bjerg; secretary, Jim Ryan; treasurer, Jeff Dix- on; ixon; Lion tamer, Web Stone; tail twister, Kim Hodgins; lst year directors, Jim Thomas, Glen McLachlin; 2 year directors, Bernie Bryan, Don McLean. During the evening, Glen McLachlin had three raffles won by Jack Merrier of Bayfield; Clem Goulding of Vanastra and Linda Dixon of Vanastra. Diane Ryan introduced their guest Lioness Joan Merner and her husband Jack of Bayfield. She did the induction of the new Lioness members Kathy Simpson and Sherri Joyes. Their sponsors Kathy McLean and Linda Dixon pinned their emblem on. Following this Lioness Joan did the induction for the 1981-82 Executive. They are as follows: past president, June Jeacock; President, Meryl Thomas; 1st vice- president, Diane Ryan; 2nd vice-president, Linda Dixon; 3rd vice-president, Bonnie Pollock; secretary, Sandy McLachlin; treasurer, Betty McLean; Lioness 'tamer, Marion Hohner; tail twister, Mrytle Goulding; 1st year directors, Rhonda Bjerg, Kathleen Stone; 2 year directors, Myrna Smith, and Debbie Riley. Lion Ken Mcfveen thank- ed P.D.D.G. Glen Mac- Donald and Lioness Marion Rohner presented a gift and thanked Lioness Joan Merrier. The Lions and Lioness presented Lion Wayne and Jan Ferguson with an in- scribed silver plate in memory of the Clubs. Best wishes to them as they will soon part for the west_ Pictures were taken of the new executives of both clubs, but what happened to Lioness Betty and the thunder was getting mighty close for comfort_ SON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 11,1901—PAGE 15 At a special banquet last Wednesday night the new of- ficers for the Vanastra Lions Club were chosen. Executive members include, front row, left to right: president, Clem Goulding; first vice, Bob Dinsmore; third vice, John Bjerg; secretary, Jim Ryan; treasurer, Jeff Dixon. Back row: director, Don McLean; tail twister, Kim Hodgins; Glen McDonald, Lions International Officer from Woodstock; di><edor, Jim Thomas; past president, Tony Jeacock and director, Glen McLaeblan Absent was director W aydeMlcr`adaen. (Sne;ley McPhee photo) Mother and daughters dine out About 59 people attended the mother and daughter banquet on June lst at the Vanastra Recreation Centre for the Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders. Betty McLean was the mistress of ceremonies and guests included the District Commissioner Joyce Irwin from Clinton; Area Commis- sioner Nancy McKellar who presented the two Guides JoAnn Bernard and Theresa Morrison with their All - Around Cords; Jack Riddell, who presented Plaques from the Government for the Canada Cord to Valerie Lewis, Carol Beane, Vicki Cantelon. Brownie presenta- tions went to JoAnn Bernard and Theresa Morrison for work done in the Brownie Park. After a delicious meal put on by the Vanastra and District Lions Club, they all enjoyed a short animated film. Meetings will resume in the fall. New leaders are also required. Tuesday night bingo Winners of the regular Tuesday night bingo held at the Vanastra Recreation Centre at 8 p.m. for the wdek of June 2nd are as follows: First -Share -the -Wealth, Fred Seers of Goderich and Mrs. Leonard Jeffery of Goderich $78; third share - the -wealth, Marg Edwards of Exeter and Iva ftoyes of Clinton $77; jackpot winner of $200, Annie Steep from Clinton. Recreation Centre News Anyone who still has baseball equipment from last season, should please return it to the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Baseball teams have been set up, but they still need more coaches and players. See Cindy and sign . up now as baseball season is almost ready to start. Teams are as follows: t ball - ages 7 years and under; tyke mixed, 9 years and under; squirt girls - 11 years and under; squirt boys -11 years and under; pee wee boys - 13 years and under; bantam girls - 15 years and under; midget boys -17 years and under. On June 13th and 14th the F.O.L.P. continues its pro- gram. The Vanastra and District Lioness will cater for it. Nursery School The Nursery School will hold its graduation party this Thursday, June llth at the home of Elaine Sherban. Personal Glimpses Vanastra had its first out- door movie this weekend. Set up a projector on the back lawn, aim it at the side of the house, invite in your friends and neighbours and you're' all set. Elaine Sherban has her brother Dave and Karen Kyle with daughters Tina and Stacey here for a week of holidays. Happy Birthday to Tony Jeacock on June 7th. Glen and Sandy McLachlin were at a card party last Fri- day evening to celebrate his parents 40thanniversary. Ken Melo and Paul and Marsha had a e mpout in their tent trailer on the weekend. The Clem Goulding family itpent the weekend in Toron- to. Jan Ferguson's parents Lorne and Shirley Peffer from Hope Bay visited f the weekend. Harry and Irene Sydney have their daughter, son-in- law and two children from Vancouver here for a few days visit. Welcome Handys to Regina Street. Best wishes go to John and Vehna Smith who are celebrating their 42nd wed- ding anniversary on June 17. Quotation: One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters! G. Herbert Sewer contract awarded By Wilma Oke Tuckersmith Township council awarded the tender for a storm sewer in Egmondville to Murray Mc- Cutcheon of Baden. The tender, the lowest of six received, was for $42,077.80 and the work is to be com- pleted by the end of September. The sewer will be built along Water Street in the hamlet for a distance of about four blocks. Council accepted the tender of Nicholson Con- struction Company Ltd. of Sebringville for the Crozier drainage works, the lowest of four received. The cost will be $1,750 for the open drain and $475 for the closed portion. Three tile drain loans for $27,200 were ap- proved. Passed for payment were the following accounts totall- ing $346,561.74 — Vanastra day care centre, $5,607.69; special day care, $3,178.01; Vanastra recreation centre, $21,145.29; roads, $13,988.12; and general accounts, $302,642.63 which includes the half yearly levies to Huron County and the two school boards. Judo Last Tuesday, June 2nd, was grading night for the Judo Club: All weight classes tried for their yellow belt. In the 60-70 pound class, Sombath won the medal for all around tournament champion and also received his yellow belt. Rennie McIlveen received his yellow belt in this class, and Tommy Whitaker won the medal for all around champion and received his yellow belt in the 70-90pound class David Stevenson and Kevin Smith received their yellow belts as well In the 90 pound and over class, Alan Bonte-Gelak received the medal and his yellow belt. George Whitaker and Say received their yellow belts. Con- gratulations to all of you from your Sensi- Tuckersmith Day Nursery At the Tuckersmith Day Nursery, the children have been taking a look at food for the last two weeks. They are enjoying making their own snacks and desserts for lun- ch. On Thursday, June llth, they will be taken by bus to Zehrs.in Goderich to tour the store in all areas such as the meat department and bakery section. On the way back to Vanastra, if the weather per- mits, they will have a picnic lunch at, June Tompkins -Lee in Clinton. CI hn Ducharme is five y old as ofJune9. As of last Monday June 1st, Diane Wilson from Brucefield joined the staff as a summer student. She will Smile In an undeveloped coun- try, don't drink the water; in a developed country, don't breathe the air. NEED To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YtUR NEW COMMUNITY? Call Phone �os 482-7389 n Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful community information. SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR and Freezer Meats HENSALL FAIR BEEF $ 1 65 $1.49112. $1 .09 lb. The Vanastra Lioness executive for the 1981 term include, front row, left to right: president, Meryl Thomas; first vice, Diane Ryan; second vfee, Linda Dixon; third vice, Bonnie Pollack; pest president, June Jeacock. Back row: director, Rhonda Berg; lion tamer, Marion Rohner; 1 secretary, Sandy McLachlan; tail twister, Myrtle Goulding and director, Myrna Smith. Absent were director Kathleen Stone, and Betyy McLean treasurer. ( Shelley McPhee photo ) Sides 0coca00000co00 (CUT. WRAPPER. FROZEN) Regular Beef Paths (10 LB. BAG -1110 FILLER) Sausage Patties (10 LB. BAG) be employed there for 12 weeks through Experience '81 Program. She has just completed her first year of Childhood Education at Lambton College in Sarnia. Welcome Diane. The Special Nursery for the Handicapped held in the Vanastra Recreation Centre has been doing their theme on various farm animals. They are working on all their animal sounds. Every Tues- day morning they go swim- ming for 'h an hour and really enjoy it. CDeat Mary Jane: You know I like to shop and you know I spend o great deal of time looking for the best of everything for my home. And 111 look all over the country to find the table that's perfect for the front entrance or the nicest bedroom suite for Janey's room. But you don't know that I've just made the best shopping find in years. It's a gorgeous home furnishings store, tucked away in Dublin, just blocks off Number 8 Highway, in the Dublin Business Area. Bill and 1 wandered into it by accident on one of our country drives last month. And it's only about a half hour from Goderich or Stratford. The store's call G.G. Goettler of Dublin and it has by far the most tasteful collection of really fine furniture I've seen in some time (and Mary Jane, you know 1 like to shop and I've seen enough to know the best.) There ore Andrew Malcolm and Kauffman furnishings, patio furniture that'll make you want to stretch out in the sun by the pool and a beautiful selection of just about everything in fine furniture and accessories. - adapit,bff therooettlers stress good volue.'Why; their regular mattress prices fore_exam v pie were already lower than the super sale price in Eaton's advertisement in the paper. One of the reasons Goettler prices are so low is they don't have to poy city rents or taxes, etc.,Besides it's a family owned and operated business which helps keep overhead low. Mrs. Goettler believes in planning a room so you're not stuck with an expensive picture or chair thot's completely out of place. (Remember that puce coloured sofa I bought, Mary Jane?) 1f you'd like, she'll come into your home and help you with your furniture choices. By the way 1 noticed beautiful wall accessories half the price of some London and Toronto stores, which is the only place I've seen them. Considering all this, and the price of gasoline, why anyone would want to travel to Lon- don, Kitchener or Toronto for home furnishings 1 don't know. And 1 certainly won't be any more. Christian Church service on earlier Did you forget? The Vanastra Christian Church had its worship service at 10 a.nr. This will continue throughout • the summer months. Sunday School will begin again in the fall Rev. Peter Mantel spoke on "The Holy Spirit and the Church". Pentecost was celebrated when Chris Guett ter was the organist. Nekt Sunday afternoon at 3:30 PM there will be a ser- vice. ervice. in Heather Gardens, and for the next two weeks starting on Tuesday, the synod will meet in Grand Rapids. This coining Friday, Rev. Mantel is applying to be cer- tified as a Specialist in Mar- riage arriage and Family Coun- selling in Toronto. He has had 31 years of training and will be looking fora more specialized ministry, hopefully being able to continue his ministry as well in Vanastra. The S.W.I.M. team still needs some items of fur- niture. urniture. Please contact Rev. Mantel 482-7653. Two more new families (Vietnamese refugees) have moved into the commlmity. Those are also government sponsored and have no. friends. They need more friendship families in addi- tion to the present four. Any other volunteers or families willing to help please contact Rev. Mantel Sine bas found a job and Jan is feeling much better. Alateen There will be an Alateen group in Vanastra every Sunday evening at the Vanastra Christian Church. Inoitattipn to the opening of Langford Lumber's newest Home Cen- tre at Bayfield Rd., Clinton, next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. JUNE 18-19-20 complete details in next week's paper LANGFORD LUMBER HOME CENTRES Your friend and shopping companion Betty This is on advertisement TO BEAT THE BAND COLGATE TOOTHPASTE Tooml SHOP THE TRIANGLE IN YOUR TOWN $129 ONLY • • BODY ON TAP $979 SHAMPOO 450 ml ONLY AN • JOHNSON BAND AID STRIPS loos VASELINE $ ONLY 2! INTENSIVE CARE $959 LOTION 660 ml ONLY 2 • PLAYTEX TAMPONS 305 ONLY $ L. DETERGENT 1 LITRE PALMOLIVE LIQUID $, 99 ONLY • THE SQUARE MAIN CORNER GODERICH CLINTON. t1�1LL ST.1$EAIS.ALL5ON°l,2b2-a®4Y TRI/.NB LE 11, MAIN CORNER SEAFORTH