HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-06-11, Page 9CAGE stresses By Moira Couper, chairman of C.A.G.E. The organization C.A.G.E. (Citizens' Action Group for Education) has now been ac- tive for three months. The core group of interested peo- ple is moving forward in an attempt to meet its goals. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 11,1 eater education communication for the public Contact has been made with the Huron County Board of Education and the first meeting with the executive of the Board considered ways in which communica- tion might be furthered between the citizens and the boar& Research is going ahead YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P into the appropriateness of the closing of the machine shop course at CHSS in Clin- ton and the board of educa- tion is re-evaluating that at a r �e►&p� situation. These two ac- complishments alone are a big step in fulfilling the goals of C.A.G.E. and both go towards the first goal which is to study educational needs in the county and monitor ac- tion which is taken to reduce educational standards. With increased com- YOU'LL DO BETTER AT ALP LOOK FOR THESE .. . "ACTION PRICE" SAVINGS SIGNS AT YOUR A&P STORE! This symbol identifies an Item that hu been reduced In price or one that A&P has made a quantity purchase on and is able to pass the savings on to you. Either way, A&P's "ACTION PRICE" specials mean savings for you. municatlon comes increased understanding and the ex- ecutive of C.A.G.E. in its meeting with the executive of the board has realized the SAVE 54? Partly . Skimmed FRESH 2% MILK 3 quart bap 69 (Limit 2 perfamily with a minimum $10.00 purchase) (Our Regular Price 2.23) `yiu1$8111111//, !/Illi rmi% (Our Regular Price 3.69) All Purpose Coffee MAXWELL HOUSE SAVE 90c lab79 bay You'll do bettor with BAKED GOODS from A&P! (Our Regular Price 89c) Jane Parker DESSERT SHELLS SAVE 78? MIRACii WHIP SALAD DRESSING 1 litre jar 59 (Our Regular Price 2.37) Ston.mill Farms, "A Good Source of Natural Fibre" BRAN. BREAD 24 -as loaf 5¢ You'll do bettor with FROZEN FOODS from A&P! (Our Regular Price 93c) SAVE 30c Frozen, Orange SAVE 34c 50AWAKE 1241." tin ,, BREAKFAST DRINK �9¢ BIRDSEYE, FROZEN (Our Reg. Price 1.69 - SAVE 30c) JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAMON • Cake Donuts pkg of 889? JANEngliPARKER Esh Muffins pkg0f683¢ JANE PARKER Raisin Pie 62° 51' 1.49 JANE PARKER Jam Buns pkg 0161.09 Flaked, White (Our Reg. Price 1.95 - SAVE 26e) STARKIST Wyss NO. 1 GRADE, CREAMED 1 -LB PLASTIC TUB Billy Bee Honey 1.59 SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN, 1/.Elis PWS, '•GREAT ON THE a.a.Q." Beef Burgers 500gpkg2.49 CARNATION, INSTANT CREAMER Cool Whip llitretub 1.39 (WHOLE KERNEL CORN IN BUTTER SAUCE 99c) FROZEN, CAULIFLOWER OR BROCCOLI IN CREAM SAUCE, BROCCOLI SPEARS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS 2113 g /KG Green Giant Vegetables 1.19 CARNATION, FROZEN Hash Browns GAINSBOROUGH, FROZEN Pie Shells GAINSIBOROUGN, FROZEN Tart Shills McCAIN, FROZEN Dollar Chips 4 -Ib pkg 1.39 12 -oz pkg 1.29 7.-c)z 1.09 9.5 -Ib pkg 8g¢ 12.5 -fl -oz tin or nnh/ Sun Squeeze, White or Pink FROZEN LEMONADE BLUE WATER, FROZEN, BOSTON BLUE Fish Fries Coffee -Mate 5®g lar 1.8 9 BLU: WATER, FROZEN, CRUNCHY. WiTh Fish Rolls WHITE BREAD 16 -oz SUPER (Limit 6 pes' family purchase) 8 -oz pkg 99¢ SHRIMP 1() -oz pkg 1.79 I SAVE 1.98 A Premium Blend - Instant BOKAR COFFEE 10 -oz jar 99 Our Price 5.97) SAVE up to 1.00 Ib SAVE 1.00 Ib BLADE Semi-Boneless (HUCK SHORT SIB ROAST Ib Excellent for Braising BLADE STEAKS Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef 39 (Our Regular Price up to 2.39 Ib) (Our Rag. Price up to 2.69 Ib) SAVE up to 1.00 Ib Blede,,Chuck Short Rib or Shoulder BONELESS BEEF ROASTS" Ib (Our Regular Price 249 Ib) MEDIUM LL BEEFsl'" SHOPSYS, L GROUND BEEF 9 SHOPSYS, COLE SLAW OR 500 g TUB SHOULDER CUTS Potato Salad 1.29 Stewing Beef 1.89 APPROXIMATELY SO% MEDIUM GROUND BEEF IL 50% GROUND PORK (Our Reg. Price 1.69 Ib -- SAVE 20c Ib) Ground Meat Combination •Greatondie B.B.Q.' Ib 1.49 "Great on the B.B.Q." (Our Reg. Price 1.89 Ib) poRCombination Pa& Contains: 2 Rib End, Ib CHOPS 2 Loin End, 4 Centre Cuts 59 SAVE 30? Ib LOIN CENTRE CUT (� � _'�) PORK LAIN ROASTS Pork Roast or Chops Ib 1,99 3 to 31/2 -Ib cut "GREAT ON THE B.B.O." PORK LOIN RIB PORTION - COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs Ib 1.69 MARY MILES, SLICED 500 g VAC PAC Side Bacon 1.49 SWIFT OLD MILL, BREAKFAST Sausages Ib1.39 °'11.8.0. FAVOURITE" PRIDE OF CANADA, REGULAR OR ALL BEEP Wieners 1 Ib vac pac 1.49 SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED 1115 g VAC PAC Cooked Ham 1.29 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, BY THE PIECE, VAC PAC Bologna Chunks 161.x.9 MAPLE LEAP, SLICED, REGULAR, THICK, BEEF, GARLIC Bologna 5IO g vac pac 1.99 MAPLE LEAP, SLICED, 11 VARIETIES INCLUDING LUNCHEON; MACARONI a CHEESE 175 a VAMC PAC Cooked Meats 79¢ In Stores wit CANADA PACKERS - MAC a CHEM LOAF, DUTCH LOAF, CHICKEN LOAF, MU/AR OR PEPPERCORN SALAMI Cold Cuts Ib 1.59 Rib Portion or Tenderloin Portion Ib 59 (Boneless Rib Portion Ib 2.39) MAPLE LEAF, COIL Polish Sausage 14 .99 MAPLE LEAF, VAC PAC PIECES, BRISKET Corned Beef 1b 2.49 MAPLE LEAF, VAC PAC PIECES Headcheese ib1.99 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SKINLESS, SLICED Beef Liver Ib 99¢ MAPLE LEAF Smoked Sausage Ib1.99 h Deli Shop! FRESH - CLAREMONT SALAD OR MUSTARD A Potato Salad 1b99? 11111111111011111110.111111111 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P YOU'LL DO WIER AT A&P 8 a 8 ip a 8 a 4.4 PS 1-PAGE9 many difficulties which the board faces in order to keep a quality education. It is ob- vious that both parents, students and taxpayers who support the school system need to know the problems that have to be faced. Ideas for solutions to those pro- blems can also come from the many people with knowledge and expertise in • education who live in the county. These ideas need to be made available to the. Board in order that the members can make the most appropriate decisions in the future. Although the citizens elected representatives to serve them, that does not meats that citizens' opinions and ideas should not be sought. Education is at a crucial point. Changes in the next few -years -will -be many. -fife first opportunity to give in- put into such changes has come from the ministry of education in the form of a discussion paper entitled "Secondary Education Review Project" which was given to every secondary school pupil to take home to parents. At the public meeting on Monday June 15, C.A.G.E. will provide an op- portunity to study this `docu- ment and hopefully the input of Huron County citizens will be submitted by theend of June to the Ministry of Education. At the board meeting in March, a large number of citizens came out to air their feelings about the closing of the machine shop course at CHSS. Immediately follow- ing, C.A.G.E. was formed and approaches have been made to the public to support the organization by becom- ing a member. The response has not been heavy. Where are all the people who ob- jected to,recent school board action? There have been course closings in 1981; in 1982 and beyond there will be more course closings and finally the possibility of some school closings. If Huron County residents want a future quality educa- tion; then there needs to be interest in this now before it is too late. There is much that can be done and the school board needs the sup- port of the people it serves. You have the opportunity now to become involved, not only to benefit your own child but to make sure that Canada has future citizens who are well educated, which in the long run will benefit every one of us. Inaction shows the apathy in the community. Now is the time to have your voice heard. You can do this by supporting the small group of people who have taken the initiative to do something to get the most for our children. You can support by becom- ing a member ($2 per person per year) and by coming to the public meetings. There is only so much a small group can do - the ability to ac- complish citizen needs is gained with the strength of a body of people and a certain amount of funds to research and inform. Both of these are needed now if the citizens of Huron County wish to be part of the future of education. Beverly Slade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie Slade of Clinton graduated on June 8 from the University of Western Ontario with a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy with honors. Bev is presently completing her internship at Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital and Thames Valley Treat- ment Centre. nm 14. Sign at sale in discount house: "Come in and mangle with the crowd."' +++ Sign in, a marriage counselor's window: '"Out to lunch -think it over.** ++-�-