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Clinton News Record, 1981-06-11, Page 8
r PAGE 8—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1981 Ta Goderch Township Council approve land severance applications Accounts totalling $47,237., -` were approved for payment when Goderich Township Council met in regular session June 2. Of this amount, more than $26,000 went toward the road superintendent pay roll. J.M. Driver was present at the meeting to obtain a renewal of his trailer camp licence. Sid Bruinsma was also present to request that the township consider changing their lot number 8 in the S.A.M. sub -division for another hot. No action was taken by council pending in- formation on the legality of this. Council learned of a pro- posal to develop a registered Plan of Su bnlivision in the 'township °from copies of a letter from Huron County Planner, Gary Davidson. Since the township was not asked for an opinion, no me- lions o-tions were recorded. No action was taken regar- ding egalding the town of Wingham's requested support for a resolution regarding county council. The Goderich Hospital Auxiliary was granted per- mission to hold a tag day at zeh s. Several motions were made but no votes were taken pending more infor- mation on Town and Country Homemakers- ,request . for affiance in: i>uying a house for their` luarters in Four land severance ap- pl gations were received from J. Handtnatah,and one from K. Vanden Heuvel and t ouncil passed a motion to deal with thaw raper qui Bonaire.. , By-law number 5,1981, a by-Iaw ton regulate and con - the Lakeside Park, was given three readings and nunnber 6, 1981, a sett'` tickets for quilt By Manche Beeves Communion was celebrated in St. James Anglican Church on Sunday morning with Rev. William Bennett in chafe. He diose for his sermon, Where Is The Church? Jeanne Bennett read the Epistle and Ken Wise received the offering. The ACW Ladies would like to thank everyone who visited their booth at the Clinton Spring Fair and purchased tickets for their anneal windrow. The ACW will meet Thursday, June 11 at the home of Estelle W' • in Hohnesville. Members re asked to bring their rolle pennies in. Blanche Deeves will be the leader in charge. Gentlemen please remember that the grass at the church needs to be cut. Keith Driller will look after it during the fast part of June, Don Middleton will finish off the month and Bill Steenstza will cut the grass for the first past of July. People you know Gary and Lynda Johnson and little Gary visited with the Deeves last Wednesday. Ed and Blanche Deeves attended a surprise birthday party for Eric Switzer on Saturday night. From the Middleton area taking part in the Clinton Spring. Fair parade were the Trick children and Delores and Alvin Dutot and Jennifer with their wagon and team All helped to make the parade a good success. Ken Wise, son of Ray and Estelle Wise bas graduated as an Engineering Technologist from Fan- shawe College in London. He is employed in Toronto with the Industries Division of Westinghouse Canada Inc. as a Field Service Technologist. Bob and Pat Hodgins and Ken Wise were home on the weekend from Brampton and attended the wedding reception for Rodney and Peggy Cox at the Hohnesville Community Centre. Our good wishes go out 'to Ken Wise on his new position with the Westinghouse C Anp ny. by-law to authorize the sale of certain streets to H. and J. Stryker in Plan number 8, was given three readings and passed. Bylaw number 7, 1981, a by-law to authorize the township to sell part of lot 80, Maitland Concession to the adjacent owner, J.A. Teb- butt, was given three readings and passed and it was moved that the reeve and clerk be authorized to sign the deed and transfer the property to John A. Teb- butt. A tile drain loon requested by Tudor Wain for 11,025 on lot 31, concession 2 was apo YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P 4 2 a. to IN YC Prices effective titu Saturday, June 13th, 1981 We reserve tura right to limit quantltlas to normal family requirements) proved by council. Building permits were ap- proved for Elvin and W. Parker to demolish a drive shed and build a drive shed on lot 34, concession 9; for B.G. Hanly to build a cottage addition on lot 27, concession 1; for Pat Osborn for a mobile home on lot 16, con- cession 3; for Peter Isaak to build a verandah on lot Plan 13; and for J.B. Mustard to build a sun deck on lot 25, concession 16. A building permit re- quested by Jabri Holdings to YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P build a drive shed on lot 33, concession 5 was held pen- ding payment of the proper fee. Council then adjourn -a 1 til June 15 at 8 p.m. ..:'4:•..:... "PICK OF THE CROP" Sweet, Juicy, Product of California FRESH NECTARINES • b PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 'Canada tio. 1 Grade, FRESH N6�'� cHERRIES Canada No. 1 Grads Product of ` Florida, Sweet Ideal for Salads & Stuffing GREEN PEPPERS 399¢ Ideal for Caesar Salads, Crisp, Fresh, Tender ROMAINE LETTUCE It% for V Product of Ontario, Bunch Green Lias pig ONIONS or.. RADISHES Product of California Delicate Flavour BUTTERY RICH IN MINERALS AVOCADOS 399¢ Canada No. 1 Grade, Product of Florida, Golden, Sweet, Tender, FRESH CORN ON -THE -COB for NO. 1 GRADE, OF FLORIDA, RED, FIRM, RIPE omatoes 1.39 PRODUCT Of ONTARIO, FRESH Cole Slaw ��921«99a CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT Of SOUTH AFRICA, CRISP, JUICY Apples GrannY Smith 1b88? PRODUCT Of ONTARIO, WEAL IN SALADS, FRESH Bean Sprouts 21699? PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, SNOW WHITE, FRESH Mushrooms 1b 1.98 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA. IDEAL WITH SEAFOODS AND IN REFRESHING DRINKS Fresh Lemons 5f0,99¢ PRODUCT OF CAROLINA. FRESH Blueberries int 1.69 J.B. Fruit Drinks PINK SALMON 7.75.oz tics CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, LONG, GREEN, ENGLISH, SEEDLESS Cucumbers each 98? DOLE OR CHIOUTtA, GOLDEN RIPE, LARGE SIZE Bananas 216599? CANADA FANCY PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CRISP, SWEET Apples Red Delicious 341 RAG 1.39 PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, SWEET. RIPE JUICY, WHOLE, 1S -LB AVERAGE Watermelons each 3.99 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CAROLINA, PICK OF THE CROP, SWEET, JUICY. Fresh Peaches 678? PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA. BIG, LUSCIOUS, SUGAR SWEET, FRESH Strawberries pint 99? CANADA NO. 1 GRADE. PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET, JUICY, RED onnu Y Red Plums 1b1.19 64 -f1 -oz bade 99? Grape Cocktail, Lemonade, Fruit Punch (OUR REG. PRICE tr9` EA.) BU9 3 -SAVE '1.011 Hires Root Beer, Kist Ginger Ale or Regular 149 COCA PEPSI ( Our Regular Price 2.99) Kraft, Process CHEEZ WIIIZ 750 nal. bat. 2144$ .. :. ................. SUPER BUY! CHATEAU DRY BEVERAGES Casa of 34 -1041 -oz tins 69 Lustre Ware 16 oz. size TUMBLERS SAVE 98? Fina, Granulated WHITE SUGAR 4 kg bag (Limit 5 bags per Family purchase) (Our Regular Price 3.97) tit!! Si ~Wm Size Dozen 3.39) PRESERVING 99 JARS dorm Assorted Varieties Our Reg. Price 1.05, SAVE 26e BICK'S REUSHES 375 ml jar (Our Regular Price 1.79) Assorted Varieties PASTAS CAiElll PASTAS You9I do better with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE from A&P 100 ml tube (Our Reg. Price 1.79 - SAVE 30c) AQUA FRESH29 TOOTHPASTE 4qqASSOitTED MES PEA. VEGETABLE, PEA s HAM a.Fl4Z TIN Habitant Soups 4for99f ASSORTED FLAVOURS Otos saran DEPOSIT) Canada Dry 11.89 MINER ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLUDING CHOICE CREAM STYLE CORN a PEAS a CARROTS Vegetables u-11.ortins2 for 79? DEEP BROWNED, 114 TOMATO SAUCE OR WITH PORK Libby's Beans 14414/z in 59¢ Orange Pekoe (Our Reg. Price 2.39 — SAVE 40c) 9¢ 550 ml PLASTIC DU Body on Tap ShamPoo 2.99 HOUTHWASH Listermint 375 ml bottle 1,99 SUAVE Baby oil 220 ml plastic bottle 99? "NEW" — IELTLESS MAXI PADS Confidets Pk9 of "2.99 MORVAL FUN FI OAT Swim Ring ea 2.29 MARBEuzm SALADA pkg, Playballs each 1.19 TEA BAGS of '1 EW ', SCABS DISPOSAIIE PLASTIC Ice Cube Trays Pkg of 201.1 y 9 "SUGAR SWEEP, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Kool Aid 9 hn 2.99 "NEW" — JERGENS, BLUE, BROWN OR WHITE Creme Soap 35Omld,r 1.99 ASSORT® FLAVOURS POLY PEG Oi 4-92 a ENYS Quench Crystals 1.69 SCWEIQEi1S. SHORT. Crispy Flake pk9 79? Toddler Size (Our Reg. Price 4/9 ® SAVE SOC) PAMPERS /99 Pk9 DIAPERS c5 (Oar nae. Price 35c Tad . (4.S41 -a jar — 4 far 99c) STRAINED MEATLESS f*uy a cat. cf 24 SAVE '2,•611) VARIETIES OF FOODS i JUICES Case of 24--4.S.f$aa .b . Heinz Baby Foods 5.89 (©ur Regular Price 2.55 ) SAVE *Oe Margarine W '99 KRAFTKA PAR PLUS BTL. DEPOSIT youu DO BETTER AT A&P YOU'LL DO unut AT A&P SAVE 50?