HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-28, Page 22111 1 o11su1
efors. tngthlnn.ry ORolltas+rnt and
lhlt wlsr lobo held for Rot Pomo of Lot
4 t( deh Ifeenehlp. Oo Wept= of
y4 miles to Mimeo/0104 west an Cut Lbw liooE4
9 AT T:00 P.M.
01 %0 1.011 HILT LISTING
+ : Auctioneer,
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by r IwbIle Auction, surplus.
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G ieite r'CRS, Loaboe• lTorrS. APPRAISERS
6 :06#,,,c„pits& 0N,'l'Atoc►. NoK :two
OidE.SIufe Auction Sale
' * Flerrine& Contents
11 Gosh.n Streit South, Zurich, Ontario
10914 Mir 30111 1800 p.m. Sharp
Sellliiig far Mrs. Nancy Koehler a life long resident of
.Hay 1'Ownship, the following Antique, Collectable,
Primitive, and Nostalgia items at the residence:
ffoL{nd deis extension table with leaves and six
chairs, art lte oak sideboard, oak library desk, old
oak rocfcer, four washtands, small oak. table,
numerous pedestal plant stands, pair of hall trees,
pedestal oil lamp, numerous framed pictures, fram-
ed bevel mirrors, various crockery pieces, brass floor
lamps tilt top writing desk, hooked mats, matching
bed and dresser with carved facers, wicker baskets,
small medicine cabinet, commode choir, small
sideboard, nice dresser, wardrobe, six slab seat
chairs, walnut spooled bed, steamer trunk, chest of
, drawers, single beds, Singer treadle; drop leaf table
old wall cabinet, wool winder, old double drawer,
kitchen table, wooden flax rake and forks,
keel//wood cook stove, foot stool, 30 Ib. butcher
scale, iron butcher kettle, wooden butcher tub, small
display cabinet, sewing stand, maple breakfast set,
love letter boxes, books, old Philco radio (works,)
stereo set, old chesterfield and matching chairs,
numerous kitchen items, appliances, T,V., copper ket-
tle and boiler, granite pieces, old wall type coffee
grinder, carpets, mashers, rolling pins, carpet
beater, old carpet sweeper, old first aid kit, lard stir,
cabbage cutter, pig gam, cream can, quilting
frames, parts for old child's sleigh, sad iron, meat
grinder, sealers, linen, quilts, bedding, silverware,
post cards, buttons, garden tools, glass and china
consisting of Depression, Germany, Canada Glass
(Actress & Diagonal Bank pitchers, etc.) old souvenir
cup of St. Marys Schaal, coalport vase, sterling silver
relish holder with insert, fruit nappies, nice cream 8
sugars, plus many more items too numerous to men-
tion. Cash or cheque with I.D. lunch booth, not
responsible for accidents.
Porperty known as tot 22, Knelles Surrey, village of
Zurich, No. 18011, two storey Victorian brick, four
bedrooms, dining roam, living room, kitchen, three
piece bath, full basement, forced air oil, updated
panel, new roof, pine floors, lot size 66 x 132, barn
12 x 16, selling with reasonable reserve, 10% down
balance in thirty days, will be offered at 2:00 p.m.,
excellent investment property, viewing by appoint-
Don Van Patter
(519) 236-4547
Suddenly as atrill, of a car
'accident on Sate, May 23,
-1981., Westley Wayne
13urhhdder. Dearly beloved"
sett of Gearge and 141eliie
halderaf 11 , inhis IBth
year>liar firottpr. ihla+ l
Blyth, Hebert of Wroxeter,
Kathy (Mrs. Brian Black) of
i3elgrave: Dear grandson of
Mrs. Cora Alblasof Woodstock
and Mrs. Iona Beadle of
Toronto. Rested at the Tasker
Funeral Home, Blyth where
the funeral service was held on
Monday at 2 p.m, Interment
Blyth Union Cemetery. 21
At Clinton: Public Hospital, on
Sunday, May 24, 1981, Phyllis
M. Mountford (Holman) of
Clinton in her 63rd year.
Bebved mother of Arlene
(Mrs. David Croft) of Lyndon,
Tom of Toronto. Dear sister of
Evelyn Spencer, Etobicoke,
Allan Holman of Mississauga,
also surviving are three
grandchildren. ilested at the
Beattie' Funeral Home, 55
Rattenbury Street, East,
Clinton on Tuesday, from 2-4
and 7-9 p.m. where funeral and
committal services were held
on Wednesday, May 27, 1981
commencing at 2 p.m. with
Rev. James Breadline of-
ficiating. Interment Prospect
Cemetery, Toronto following
cremation. Memorial
=donations to the Canadian
Cancer -Society .would. be ap-
preciated as expressions of
sympathy. -21
42. 9etafh,.Jm it
At his late residence on
Monday, Mk May 25th, 1981,
Lawrence C Brisson, of Ja St.
Joseph Street, - St, Thomas,
.suddenly in his 61st year.
Beloved husbaed of Eaicilie
(Redraw/ Beienea, and dear
lather of Michael L. $riso►p,
at home, Mrs. Clifford
(Patricia) Maxwell, , St.
Thomas, Mrs. Michael'
(Dianne) Skate Jr., London,
Mrs..Ted (Elaine) Machowski,
London. Dear blether of Alfred
Meidlinger, Zurich, Mrs.
Myrtle Masse; Zurich, Mrs.
Teresa Ducharme, Zurich, and
Mrs. Vincent (Agnes) Geof-
frey, Warren. Michigan.
Predeceased by six brothers
and two sisters. Beloved
grandfather of Jennifer,
Michelle, Laura, and David
Maxwell, Eric, Jeffrey, and.
Kevin Slota, and Todd,
Andrea, and Ryan Machowski.
Also survived by a number of
nieces and nephews. Rested at
William's Funeral Home, 45
Elgin Street. St. Thomas, until
Wednesdtty morning and then-
to St. Anne's Roman Catholic
Church, where funeral mass
was celebrated at 11:00 a.m.
Interment Holy Angels
Cemetery. Prayers Tuesday at
8:00 p.m. -21
43. Births
Tint and Dianne are pleased to
announce the birth of their
daughter, Meredith Anne, born
May 12, 1981 in Wingham and
District Hospital. A sister for
of Antiques, Furniture and Household Ef-
fects to be held at Bayfield House, Main
St., Bayfield
Dorothy Piner, Auctioneer
Antique furniture, appliances, etc. to be held at
Richard Lobo's barn, Clinton Ontario for Nina Arthur
id &dirt& arid Edna Jandeicon of Clinton.
SbturdolMay 0t' alt1O. A.M.
Square model fridge, chest freezer, electric stool.
(real goad) dolt dining suites• se/china cabinet, buf-
fet. table, six chairs, Kelvinator automatic clothes
washer (good ono), Moffat clothes dryer. Niagara
Massage. unit, Extension dining table goes from 2 ft.
to 6 ft. w/4 chairs and corner china cabinet, Antique
hall seat w/mirror, lam style cupboard, Fant* oak
wardrobe (antique), piano' stool, combination Side
board w/centre china cabinet, extension dining
table w/leaves, bedroom suites, washstands, trunk,
Kitchen Kabinet, chrome oval table w/four chairs,
hall tree, dresser w. mirror, davenport couch, love
seat, bookcase, treadle sowing machine, end tables,
odd parlour tables, lamps, swivel rocker, odd chain.
capper bedew, picnic table, gas lawn mower, camp
stotrei eleCfrlc hedge clippers. drill & bits, vacuum
• cleaner,'el•cfric grass trimmer plus a largo offering
of fldscallaneaus tools & items plus many furniture
items not rnontloned. Plan to attend.
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
CLINTON 482-7898
Two tractors, haying equtpinent, machinery, truck.
straw, etc. to be hold of Lot 111Concession 14, Hallett
Township - 1 mites oast of Myth for Larry Treanor.
Monday, June 8 at 1 P.M.
TRACTORS - Case 970 diesel Tractor w/tab, hooter,
air, eight speed trans., front weights, external
hydraulic, 1250 hours.
David Brown 00 diesel tractor (white) throe cylin-
der, hydraulic outlets, good tires:
EQUIPMENT - New Holland 409 nine ft. hoybine
w/floafing head - Like new 2 years old; Now Holland
710 forage harvester w`/electric controls, knife shar-
pener and 77'0 hay pick-up (like now - 2 years old);
Dion 81114 S9 inch short trough forage blower (like
new - 2 years old); Gehl BU620 three beater 16 ft. self
unloading forage box w/roof on Horst No. 15 eight
ton wagon w/11L x 1SSL tires; Eastern throe boater
16 ft. forage box w/roof on Horst 15 eight tan wagon
w/111. x 1551. tires; Case 17% ft. cultivator w/mid
west harrows; John Deere F145H five furrow 16" bot-
tom plow w/trip bottoms; Taut 11 ft. cultivator; Old
J.D. $ ft. trail disc; 10 ft. fertilizer auger; Lucknow
6'/, ff. single auger snowblower; JIM 223 bushel
gravity bin on Geo White 6 ton wagon: Tunic* 100
bushel bin on wagon; John Deere 494A four row corn
planter w/presswheels; ' 16 ft. flat rack on good
wagon; 32 ft. tube hay elevator w/% HP motor;
Farm woe single boater PTO manure spreader,' 3 PT `
hitch manure loader; 10 ft. Husky A manure
agitator pump.
TRUCK - 1970 Ford F100 '/z ton truck w/6 x t checker
plate platform, 40" wire side rade; selling .as Is.
Wood side races for GM pick up.
TOOLS A MISCELLANEOUS - Forney 223 elecfrlc
welder; 100 ft. extension cord for welder; Maketa
cut off saw: small quantify of Iran; gas push lawn
mower; pressure washer; small wood lathe; Sardlx-
so; cattle oiler; water troughs; 30 cc. atiotornatic
Syringe; feed cans; smolt quantity of used lumber,
26 ft. of i" transits asbestos pipe; plus numerous
Item; approximately 1440 halon of straw.
Richard Lobb: Auctioneer
CLINTON 482-7898
Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents
day of sale.
WO. ,;p ise 0v(
i'fer a n
Sheila an
atkri. _
happytoa baby
arrivalaof their babydatlghter,
Alicia Marie, 6 lbs , 6 oz. on
May 19, 1961 in Wingham and
District Respite'. A baby sister
for Andrew and grand-
daughter lo Mr.'aitdairs. Ray
Potter, Clinton and Mr. and
Mrs. Tjaart Ritsema,
Wingharu rAlls1((:
44. Ehgagernents
Major and Mrs. F.A. Golding
of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs.
James.D. Scott of Goderich are
pleased to announce the for-
thcoming marriage of their
children, Elizabeth Jane and
James Week, atn,,June 20,1981
at tp.m., lit Northside Unite'
Church, Seaforth,-21
Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Mooder, Elmira, OnL, an-
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Susan Leslie,
to Mr. Dale Robert Elliott, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Elliott,. RR,..3 Clinton. The
marriage will take place on
Saturday, June 20, 1981 at Glen
Acres Baptist _Church, Kit-
chener, Ont.-21x-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Damsma
of Clinton, Olt. are pleased to
announce the • forthcoming
marriage* of their daughter,
Ingrid to Clarence, son of Mr.
and .Mrs. try . Dekens of
Listowel, 011. The marriage
will take' place, D.V., on
Friday, 'Jane Is, .1981 at 6:30
p.m. in the Christian Refor-
med Church, Clinton. Rev. A.
Dieleman officiating. Future
address - ,RR • 1, Listowel,
Ont. -21x
47. Card of thanks
The relatives of the late
Mayme Pinning would like to
thank her neighbours and
friends for their kindness
during our bereavement and
with memoriams to Wesley -
Willis Church arid Hospital.
Special thanks to, Dr. Baker '
and all the nurses who were to
kind toMayMe. 21 •
I sincerely with tie,thank all
those who did so many acts of
.kindness during my stay in
Clinton :Public Hospital.
Special thanks to Rev- Pick,
Dr. Newland, first floor nurses
and kitchen staff. It was much
appreciated. Dorothy
Layton. -21
Sincere thanks . to family,
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours for cards, gifts and visits
While I was a patient in
University Hospital and since
returning home. it was, all
deeply appreciated. 21
The family of the late Myrtle
Huller wish to thank their
many friends, relatives and
neighbours for cards, flowers,
visits and Memorial
Donations, the Holmesville
U.C.W. and food sent to the
house. Special thanks to the
nurses of first and second
floors of Clinton Public
Hospital, Dr. Harrett, Rev.
Stan McDonald and Ball
Funeral Home. Your kindness
was deeply appreciated by the
family. -21x
We would like to thank
everyone for the many cards
and gifts on the occasion of our
25th wedding anniversary.
Special thanks to our family
and all those who helped to
celebrate. Jahn and Donalda
Flynn. -21
I would like to express my
sincere thanks to friends and
relatives for visits, cards and
flowers while I was a patient in
Clinton Public Hospital.
Special thanks to the nurses
for their excellent care and to
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bartliff and
staff for their many kind-
nesses. Irvine Wallace. -21x
The family of the late Dorothy
Wallace wish to express sin-
cere thanks and gratitude to
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours for expressions of
sympathy, cards, floral
tributes and donations to the
ClintonHospital Building Fund
and The Blyfl1 United Church
Memorial Fund, following the
loss of a dear wife, mother and
grandmother. Special thanks
to Dr. Street, the nurses of
Clinton Public Hospital who so
capably cared for Mrs.
Wallace during her long
illness, Rev. C.L. Wittich for
his comforting message, The
Tasker Funeral Home,
pallbearers, ladies of the Blyth
United Church. U.C.W. for
refreshments and to friends
and relatives who brought food
to the house .-21e
The /Dutch Tea, sponsored by Mrs; Van Dame's (Holiday
Home on Ontario Street was an overwhelming success, as
many people dropped in for tea and traditional Dutch
treats. Here three ladies enjoy refreshment and a rest
during the busy afternoon. (Shelley McPhee photo)
Goderich Twp
Accounts totalling
$20,980.42 were ordered paid
when Goderich Township
Council met in regular
session May 18. Of this
amount, $18,439.29 was
designated for road
superintendent payroll.
Building permits were
issued to Allan MacDonald
for a swimming pool on lot
103, Maitland Concession;
Mervyn Lobb' to demolish a
porch and build a new one on
lot 16, concession 16; Don
Lockwood to demolish a
mobile home and .build a
house on lot 84, Maitland
Concession; Wayne Kuntz to
add a lean to on his barn on
lot 40, colxession 7; Richard
Girard to build a cottage on
lot 17, Plan 20; William
!Clomps to demolish a house,
on lot 38, concession 7; and
Ron Smith to build a drive
shed on lot 23, Base Line.
Martin Vanden Berg's
former building permit was
rescinded and replaced with
an application to build a
produce stand on lot 99,
Maitland Concession. Herb
Oakes application for a
building permit to build a
barn addition on lot 11,
concession 16 was approved
but held for certificate of
compliance. Building per-
mits requested by Eric John
Smith to build a storage shed
on lot 21, Plan 25 and by
Floyd Van Buskirk to build a
back porch on lot 119, Plan 13
were approved but held for
payment of proper fee.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Butler
were present at the council
meeting to seek information
regarding obtaining a
building permit on a small
agricultural holding. No
motions were recorded.
G. Hiltz, representing
Hartman's severance
request, was also present at
the meeting and asked that
council seed a represen-
tative to a hearing on May
19. Council decided to send
the reeve to explain the
township's concerns.
Tree cutting exemption
authority was requested by
RS. Thompson to permit the
removal of half an acre of
cedars and swamp. Council
approved the request.
Dale Pump presented
several hills to council for
the well and punip at the ball
park. These were referred to
the deputy -reeve for in-
The Ministry of Housing
requested comments from
council regarding the
proposed plan of sub -division
prepared by C.R. Kier for
Lewis Dougherty. Council
wants more information
47. Card of thanks
We would like to thank our
friends and neighbours for
their many cards, flowers and
thoughtful acts during Mary's
illness. 13111, Mary and
Dale. -21
i wish to thank the Doctors and
nurses who attended me while
in the C linton Hospital and also
to those who sent flowers and
cards. This thoughtfulness was
greatly appreciated. -21
We would like to thank our
friends and neighbours for the
floral and memorial con-
tributions and cards received
during the recent loss of our
father. Special thanks to
Norma. Your thoughtfulness
will always be remembered.
Mery and Ruby Kumm .— 21
• issues permits
regarding the site of the well,
the reason for not describing
the walkway fa the beach as
a block' and the reason for
not inducing a small area of
land owned by the applicant
immediately adjacent to the
proposed plan and isolated
between an existing plan and
this proposed plan.
Council then adjourned
until June 2 at 8 p.m.
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