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Clinton News Record, 1981-05-28, Page 21
Culligan REAL ESTATELTD. NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom bungalow featuring family room with fireplace. Separate dining room, full basement. Excellent location, 051,900, NEW LISTING' - Bayfield, Howard St, Cottage Na, 1. Uniqueness and charm galore In this well -landscaped cottage. Close to beach, Franklin fireplace, glassed -in eating area off kitchen. Try your offer today. 17,0110. COTTAGE No. 2 - 3 bedroom, good sized kitchen. Living room with Energy Efficient fireplace. Insulated for year round use, Only '41,111 NEM! riAWIELD - Stone home, artist's residence. Ap- prox. 110 years old, about 5 miles from Bayfield, 10 acres of rolling hills, fruit tress, stream, landscaped very nicely, natural pond site. One of a kind, '71,100. COTTAGE LOT - All services, South o1 Bayfield. Owner anxious to NII,' 10,500, BAYFIELD . Lakefront bungalow, completely winterized - Fully Furnished - unbellevabls view - sun deck - paved drive all extras,%S,EN. CLINTON - Ontario St, - 2 storey home completely renovated top to bottom - must be seen. '41,31, MODERN - 3 bedroom home - Bayfield well wooded iat, quiet street. '47,111 first mortgage at 12% runs till 11 4. Try small down payment today. NEAR BAYFIELD - "Country Life in Huron County'' 3 properties to choose from, 2'/s acres, 2 acres, S acres. All houses in very good repair ranging in price from 43,11 to 'WNW CLINTON - Marla St. - small but neat. Close to all ser- vices. *12,11611. That's right .'12,010. NEW LISTING -104 Que., neer Hospital. Solid brick 3 bedroom bun . A i ► raw room with fireplace . walk out sildi and bads lawn area ex- tras far too num +r- to kt. Only '31,311 NEAR BAYFIELD . Modern 3 bedroom home, cathedral ceilings, full basement, walk out glass doors, deck, ex- tra building lot, all for only '04,500. 5 minutes from Bayfield. CALL: WILLY BUNN BAYFIELD 565-5055 16. For Rent 16, For Rent MOBILESIGN RENTAL OW AVAILABLE FOR ALL TYPES OF BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS * REMEMBER "A badness with no sign Is OAP' of no,litpInsse - r CAL L' (EVENINGS) FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St, Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd. t- l4tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau. Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar ROTOTiLLERS for rent, by the hour, half-day or day. Verbeek's Farm & Garden Centre, 482-93343. 20,21er 17. Aportments for rent TWO BEDROOM A�rtment, close to hospital and down- towiin. Phone 452-7261 after 6 pm.. -201f ONE BEDROOM Apartment in Paul Bunyan Apartments, Bayfield. immediate Pisssession. Phone 565-555 or 565 -21t6, -2I TWO BEDROOM Apartment, heated, air concftroned, newly decorated, carpeted, last month's rent in advance. Call 412 -WI. -21 ?far TWO BEDROOM Apartment, carpet, fridge, stove. $150. Clinton. Can 482-3631.-21,22 VB. Houses for rent SMALL HOME in Country an mann highway, 1' a• nines from Clinton. 1Riecarey decorated and c)ean. Avafable May IL rro pets please and references required. PEcocre482r:46U.-D6tf HOUSE NEAR Pool Office in Clinton, carpet(: «i throughout, stove and fridge Fina ded 5191. parrs utilities. Perone 5'29- 7949. -2D -a5 CLINTON - Four bedroom house, fenced yard, D 2 baths, available Jure D„ close to doWYFCaw n. ts'ai'D Workrmazo Reap Batelle 482-14:15.-21,22 SMALL ifOVSE for rent. Sofia&le• for one pert or ample in Clhrotoen. Dial 524 - TWOS BEiRRh'O1f(D lalfobille for rent. Morganfs MobfTe Hornet. Phone 482-7066.-21tf s 20. Room 8 board COMING AVAILABLE - downstairs bedsitting room with private bath plus three meals deny, Van Damme's Holiday Home 482- 3685 21tfar 24. Wonted to rent RESPONSIBLE FAMILY watts to rent a oormtry home. Can 482-3533. ZItfar 25. Wonted to buy WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482-7922. -8tfar MAJOR Corporate client will purchase apartment buildings or townhouse groups over 25 suites. Unlimited cash available. Contact Whitehall Realty Limited, 100 Adelaide St. West, Suite Mt, Toronto, Dirt., M51H lS31. 44161 863- f 795.-ZDbc WANTED - Old brick buildings for demolition wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia- 1 542-4088. Otrtaricaa lamest supplier of reclaimedbricks.-5 eow 26. Help wonted OPPORTUNITIES Join the Rawfengh Family - start part time, rapid growth Rawleigfn products very much in demand, excellent earnings as well as advancerment. Phone 5119427-K3°'17 collect. Wa llace big. -2(1.2.'3 PART-TIME HLP for homework in country trorn'e also available for some weekends, with experience and references. Please apply to drawer No. 1D. c -o Cliroton Neves -Record, Box 35, Ma- kin -21 n -2D CLERK rvtinsT.. summer empfloyment, needed to start irnmediatel'y. Typing speed of 50 words, per minute rairesr irre Applieanto must eipalife for Otntario Youth ErmployJrnernt Program', Contact. Rett Indirstrtes, SeallartPL. Pharre527-0600.-211 LARGE weekly newspaper requires acre raising manager. dory, czar allowarrse, esrc'elleat erititiferly benefits. Inesate re.* to writing to Pik S.P. Raz 4lxl, Ottkirili'e;. O`nt. , 1,6a 51@11.--211be staxwasfigni 26. ,Help wonted 26. Help wonted Family and children's Services of Huron County REQUIRES. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Adults with a good driving record ars needed to provide transportation for parents and/or children in your area. A commitment of 2-3 hours per week Is requested and will benefit families in your community. Mileage and ether expenses paid. Information Mooting THURSDAY, JUNE 4th at 1:30 P.M. NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH 64 GODERICH ST, W. SEAFORTH For more information, phone collects Mrs. Peggy Rivers Co-ordinator of Volunteer Services 524-7356 The Huron County Board of Education invites applications for membership on THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE This Committee consisting of board members and volunteer citizensmay make recommendations to the Huron County Board of Education in respect to any mat- ter affecting the establishment and development of special education programmes and services In respect of exceptional pupils of the board. Volunteers must be nominated by a local association and appointed by the Huron County Board of Education. Local association means an association or organization of parents that operates locally within fire area of lurts"dretion of o board and that is affiliated with an association or organization that Is not an association or organization of professional educators but that is in- corporated and operates throughout Ontario to fur- ther the interests and well being of one or more groups of exceptional children or adults. Secretaries of local associations are requested to for. ward applications to: W. D. kenwoll Superintendent of Education Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street CLINTON,`Ontarlo. NOM 1L0 on or before Friday, September 11,-1901. ORGANIST & Choir Leader required by Sept. 1 for Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. New Classic organ. Please send application by June 18 for either position or cout'bination of both. State qualifications and previous experience. Salary negotiable. George Turner, RR 4, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 482-75M:-21,22 27. Wonted (general) WANTED': immediate payment for good standing timber and bush lots. Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig or Phone 232.4450 before 7:30. am. or 3-5 p. m.- D5tf 28. Business opportunity 30 YEAR plumbing, heating, air conditioning business. Building nvay_ be leased. Office, showroom, workshop. warehouse. S25,000.O0 pfhss inventory. Write Box °'DP Record News, Smith Falls. Otre-2l be 30. Employment wanted HIRE A Handyman for those odd jobs that professionals don't have the time for. Reasonable. Phone 482- 7895.-21 MARRIED MAN 30. years old seeking full time employment. Anything in general. Phone 527-185.-21 31. Service di rectory CONCRETE FORMING WALLS & FLOORS For a compf.fe tribes!! SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. S24-8665 29. Tenders TOWN OF CLINTON BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA DEVELOPMENT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Craik, Mr, C. Proctor, 23 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 110, will be Wm received by until S:10p. MONDAY, DONE 15, 1981 far the construction of sidewalks and randseaprng In the burrows area inspraarenrens plan. The works include appraxrneasery 5,480 sq. ft. of paving stone; flit se. ft, of concrete sidewalk: 525 ft. of concrete curbing; 215 fans of kat nits asphalt pavement; and landscaping la. eluding fres planting of approximately 23 frees, Frans, specifications and fender farms may be attained from the office of flee undersigned for n rehrndebtte fee of 15.10. This antoamt inductors '0.4* Serra Tax. A ear ffred cheque in the amount o'f'354140 must ac- company each bid, A 100% Performance Bond will be required. Lowest ar any tender not rreeetrarli v accepted, Bek, 1015 AMD ASSOCIATES Lllfil'FTEO . Cawiafffng Engineers 62 North Street Godsrrch, Ontario - NM 274 31. Service directory W.A. LATIMER CO. LTD. Roofing and Sheet Metal *COMMERCIAL *RESIDENTIAL *INDUSTRIAL SAYFIELD 565.2792 CLINTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS *Custom built homes *Additions *Drywall *Roofing *Siding, Soffit A Fascia TIM $TLSMA 482.3873 DOUG ITLSMA 412-1334 ec or attn tG, 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 110 452-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wolf coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE CONSULTING Complete Ce$t®fly Framing for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, o11 pain- ti, etc. Regular or non-ngfglare glass. Ready to hang, 40 hour service. 1 Harold Tyndall y 452.7409 CLINTON Row )ONN} asslEs GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-3063 RON 452-9239 E■1111■m.11■■11111111■1111Is 31. Service directory FOR A GOOD DEAL an a NEW or USED FUEL EFFICIENT CAR see ARCHIE HAMILTON at Strickland's Auto Mart 346 Huron Road Godorich, Ontario Res, - 5244397 Bus. - 524-9351 -5245311 EIs r emir Call ED'S ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician Commercial/ • Industrial/Perm Residential 24 NR. EMERGENCY SERVICE Ed Roos.boom 482-7441 S.J. SHANAHAN WASTE DISPOSAL WE PUMP SEPTIC TANKS NOISING TANKS toe, HONE BAYFIELD 565-2195 MARK DAUPHIN Roofing, Siding Renovations Additions 524-6698 Screened Top -Soil Backhoe Work Gra\iel LYLE MONTGOMERY 452-7644 EVENINGS F-Westron DRY LL Service *Complete Drywall Application and Finishing *Full Lino of Textures *Machina Taping *Customs A Renovations Tendered CLINTOn KITCHENER 482-3696 - 518-5798 •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS *BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL Far a complete job call SID _: • UINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. Goderich 524-8668 SOLAR CONSULTING DESIGN SERVICE SOLAR SYSTEMS rammer .raf, industrial, residential. for hooting• USE THE SU "' to heat your building, pool R domestic hot water. SOLAR GLASS INSULATIONS - for your passive solar systems, solariums, green houses, sun docks NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL: 1-519482-3586 31. Service directory LAVING and FINISHING concrete floors for basements, garages, drive sheds etc. Call George 482-3291.-45tf KEN'S C.ARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-8tfar LICENSED BRICK - LAVER: brick houses; cement blocks laid; chimney blocks laid: chimneys and chimney repair. Reasonable rates, Jim Bell. Phone 482- 3026.-1Otf MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways, farm .lanes, parking lots. repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 482- 3733 . - I6 -23a 82 -3733.-16-23a r NUISANCE ANIMALS rerrioved promptly and ef- ficiently - Call Steve Cooke 482- 3084 after 6p.m.-16tfna 1NSUL SIDING, Fascia, Soffits, eavestroughing, windows, renovations. Free estimates. Eugene Webber, RR I Hay. Phone 237-3260 bashwood.-17-21 INSULATE NOW Chip pays up to $500.004 the cost - Free estimates. Adamson Insulation. foreknow. Phone 528-2113 - 528-2526. Fully in- sured and bond. Clinton Rep. Al Corriveau. Phone 482- 9006.-2ltfar GIVE YOUR Old friend a new fife. Furniture -Refinishing. Phone 482-9652.-21-23 PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Free Estimates Steve Miners BRUCEVIELO 482-337? PIANO TUNING •Repairs *Rebuilding *Keys Recovered •Dampp.Chosers BRUCE PULSWWER 341.4223 Mitchell FOOD FOR ALL OCCASIONS ...prepared and delivered NOW "AVAILABLE (2 HOURS NO?ICE► *Quiche Lorraine *Crepes *Lasagna Diane Murphy 4824189 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RiGGS PHONE:SEA FORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 B&D ROOFING Shingles and Repairs Free Estimates PHONE 482-9628 -OR- 524-6821 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MiLE NORTH OF LONDES5ORO 5n-9202 'LAWN AND GARDEN EQWIPMENT •REPAIRS `NEW LAWNMOWERS AND TILLERS IN STOCK 31. Service directory Geraild Coleman *Home Improvements *Aluminum Siding *Eevestroughing *Renovations and Roofing *Suneeks RR 1 VARNA, ONt.' . PHONE 565-5.347 Custom Slaughtering and Processing h,i111):IN V:u.din.,rl,)J DASHW O 237-3677 34. Person©l PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential, support.- Help - isas.. close as your telephone. BIRTIk tIGHT - London (collect) 432-7191 or 52442913, 3.5;-17690r•524 2023.--3-52 35. Notice, to creditors IN THE ESTATE OP JOSEPH EDWARD FEENEY, late of the Town of .Clinton in the County of Huron, Fanner, -deceased,.. - ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 7th day of April, 1981, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of June. 1981,. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of " which the un- dersigned shall then have . notice. • DATED at Clinton, (Intone, this 7th dayof May, 1461. MENZIES, ROSS, Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. -1920.21 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of Thomas H. Beattie. . All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas H. Beattie late of the Village of Londesboro in the Township of Hulled. County of Huron, deceased. who d iied on or' a bout the 15th day of April. 1981 are hereby notified, to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of June 1981. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only t o clai ms then received. fated at Sea forth. Ontario this 13th day of May 1981. McConnell. Stewart & Devereaux. Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator.- 21.22.23 36. Announcements, notices - STAMP -POST CARD Collectors -- Drop in and say Hello at Queens Bush Stamps. Bruce County Rd, 1. South of Hwy 5, in Kinlough. ' 395- 3545 - 20-31x CALLING all Milverton school grads " and teachers! Cen- tennial and homecoming dance' Centennial weekend! August 1st $8.00 per couple Write: Homecoming. Box 86, Milverton. Ont . NOR IMO - attic • FRONTIER ranch summer camp for girls July. boys August 800 acres on Lowney Lake Complete riding and waterfront program Mr and Mrs Lyle Jeffrey. RR 2, White Lake. Ontario '61:11 623• 3377 • 21hc 40 Lost & Found afteltelealdiffillittadMIDEIVIMAMIZESMettlireteftlelliffil LOST Bunch of keys on ring with tag "Clinton Taxi" Finder please phone 462 9844 215 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONO$5 Clinton 4$2.7$90 AUCTION CALENDAR FRIDAY, MAY 20 1 P.M, Tractors, machinery, etc, for Bert Poito, 4 miles west of tttoimsstalte con euttlno. SATURDAY, MAY 30 10 A.M. At Rkhard i.obb's Bern for Edna Jamieson and Nina Arthur of Goderich . plus additions; TUESDAY, JUNE Two tractors, old machinery, antlques, furniture, etc, 21/4 miles East of Family Paradlse Park for Dorothy Enliven, MONDAY, JUNES 1':30 P.M. Two bedroom holm In Vtfletg. of Dublin for Omer SATURDAY, JUNE 13 10 A.Mi AApplicata , forrrlture,. oh. at Lobif's torn, Citn• fen, for Sinew Keller. 42. Death notice • maks At Clinton Public Hospiital an:_. y iiesdii, Fay g; Am, Alai'; Marks of Snowden Acres, Hayfield, in her 70th year. Beloved wife of John A, Marks; dear 'mother of Raymond and Richard Mayhew of Windsor. lt' ted at the Beattie F"uner"al Moine, 55 ttottenbury Street East. „ Clinton on Thursday from 2-4 and 1-9 p.m. Funeral service held oil Friday..May fl, 1481 cotrntneniing at 2 p.M. with Nev. W,. Refined. afifieiatitig. Interment Hayfield Certrretery. Memorial doaotions to the Canadian Cancer. Socidty would be appreciated as eit- pressiorn of sympathy. 21 LAWSON At the Bine Water Rest Home. Zurich, Ontario on Friday. May 22. 1981. Emily Alberta (Bird)e Widow of the late Elmer. Lawson of Crediton (191:5). Predeceased by one son, Jack (1942). Loved by a number of nieces and nephews. In her 90th year. Rested at the 1'. Harry Hoff - Man and Sons fetineal Horne. Dashwood, where the funeral service took place Monday. May 25 at 1 p.m. Interment in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. London, Ontario. -2i HULLER At Clinton Public Hospital on Monday. May 18. 1981, Mrs. Myrtle Huller of RR 3, Clinton, in . her 93rd year. Beloved wife- of the, late John Huller. Dear mother of Doris (Mrs. William Barkin(, of RR :3. Clinton. Edna (Mrs. Alvin Cox), of Clinton and Jean (Mts. Jack Cook o, of Goderich. Also loved by 'four gr, and- chiidren and three great- grandchildren. Predeceased by one daughter Kaye (Mrs. Dres Beck'. Ihree'sisters and three brothers. Rested at the Ball Funeral Home. 153 High St.. Clinton. after 2 p.m. Tuesday until Wednesday. May 20, 1981. where the funeral service was :held at 2 p.m interment in Clinton Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy. donations to the Mac Cameron Memorial Fund of the Clinton Public Hospital would be gratefully ap- preciated by the fami•ly.- 21 RADFORfl- AI Victoria Hospital. 1,ondon. on Sunday. May 24. 1981. George Ernest Radford. of Blyth. Ontario. in his 69th year Beloved husband of the former Lila Wiltse Dear father of Dianne Mrs Albert Wasson' of Myth ' Dear brother of Ed of Blyth. Carl of London. Gordon of Lon • deshoro. Nelson of London. Lenard of Londesboro. Douglas of Niagara Falls. Helen (Mrs Jack Lee of Londeshoro Also survived by two grandchildren Three brothers predeceased The late Mr Radford rested at the Tasker Funeral Home. Blyth Ontario. until 1 p m • Blyth, Ontario, until 1 p m nn Wednesday, then to the"Rlyth l'nited Church. wh ere the funeral service was held at 2 p m Interment Illh 1 pion Cemetery Memorial donations to the Ontolno Heart Foundation would he ap preciated as expressions of sympathy ^1