HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-28, Page 20PAGE 20-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, 'MUMMY, MAY 28, 1981 .,.1. ip,p 4 • qv: ue, t,,. lnw..$P.,r,f .-.,u1c9 nvA eo A Mit Attgw,� igM E m CO. 471tiPA wmv. • 9319 A.... .ediele Occ 961.1200 ,fon . moo., • FAeccr auiv 1: Articles for sole 45' ROi, . 9f green chain link fencing 42" high, brand new. Pliale482-7830.-21 SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc. See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524.7241.-1tf OSTOMY ,SUFPI,IES and applranceS:- Seo `Reck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square,_ Goderich, 524- 7241,-ltf , DAY OLD chicks, ducks, and goslings. Phone 529-7373.-19- 22nx ROXBORO GARDENS - 527- 17U5.. Bos plaids far sale - Petunias, marigolds, cab- bages, etc. • 9 - 12 plants 85c.-20,21 48", BOX SPRING, mattress and ,:headboard, like new $75. Phone 482-3364.-20,21 FILL YOUR FREEZER with fresh killed heavy hens - Available July 6 - Aug. 15. Dressed` weight 5-6 lbs: ` $3.50 ;• trach: Please order ahead Phcne482-7224.-.20.25 GOOD NO.1 Table potatoes for, sale - red or white; 10,;20, 75 lb. bags. Seed potatoes grown from foundation. stock. Also, bicycle in goad shape Call 4=- 7578.-20,4' ONE • .RCA no frost refrigerator. Apply to Harry SileW482-9927*2i .. _ . 50' OF 4' high chain link fence with posts and top support pipe, Also 11' gate for same. • Pbau e826-Ti85.-21 BASEBALL,: hockey programs, books, magazines, guides, photos, autographs, autographed sticks, balls, old souvenirs, : pennants, etc. ce7lcetit p'>rt "paid. Write 2449 :Marlette Aim,Ma,atreal, H4B2EL. 21bc DRY 1T! SAVE ..T! Drying fresh summer food in an Equi - Flow Dehydrator. is the most nutritious and economical way of preserving. Write now for information an home drying. House By the School Ltd.; Box 286, Vineland, Ont., LOR 2C0. Dealer inquiries invited 21bc EXOTIC Woods imported and domestic hard woods - soft woods - veneers, woodworking tools and equipment. 2483 Industrial Si, Burlington, Ont., L7P IA6. (416) 335-8066. Closed Mondays -21bc URINE -ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from, carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A, Reidell Chemicals L.td., Box 7500, London, Ontario. N5Y 4X8.-21 be FOUR CRA GAR MAGS UNIFIT with S60-15 tires $250. Phone 482-7456-21 WHITE SEWING Machine_ infants car seat. Phone 482- 9640.-21x NEW UTILITY Trailer 4' x 8', good tires. lights. a plywood floor and sides. Sides are 16" high. Phone 382.9079.-21 TREES EVERGREENS FLOWERING SHRUBS FRUIT TREES ROSES BAKER'S NURSERY RR No. 2. Reynold 482-9995 Closed Sundays LAWN MOWING BABYSITTING GARDENING... WE CAN DO IT! HIRE A STUDENT S24-2744 Canada Employment Centre for Students • Ouarr NI r. . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ...... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sole 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R,V.'s for sole a. Marine 9. Automotive ;10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sole 113. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 1S. Out of town properties 16. For rent • 17. Apartniontsior rent 18. Houses for rent .419. Ro sins'for.rent 40: Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Jots for rent 23. Commercial property for 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34: Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 36. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 4L To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In memoriam rent 47. Card of thanks PHONE 482-3445 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:03 e.m. to 3 Pan. 1.. Artides for sale ONE RUG - gold with brown, jute back with underpad 9' x 12'. One rug - off-white, jute back 12' x 18'. Both in good condition. Phone 482-7007.-21 TRY C & E USED FUR- NITURE, new and; used. Dial. Goderich, 524 -7231. --Off "MEAT KING" heavy raster cockerels day old to two weeks available Apr. May and June. Call McKinley Hatchery 1-800 265-8636. Order today and put meat on your table this'• fall.-13-24ar THREE PIECE Bedroom Suite with box springs and mattress, like new. 30" white electric range in good con- dition, priced reasonable. Phone262-5510.-21,22 MAPLE FLOORING 2" x 12", tongue and groove, clean. Call .M2-9761.-21 CHESTERFIELD and Chair in good condition in a raisin colour. Phone 482-9820. -21x CAMPING GEAR: Two -room tent, Coleman stove, Coleman cooler, Coleman lantern, Coleman water jug, three single air mattresses, one double air mattress with some extras. Phone 482-7001.-21 ONE ROWING Exerciser, like new condition_ Three louvered doors 12" x77" _ Phone 4V- 3566.-21 ROTOTILLER - call after 4 p.m_ 482-7968.-21 23 Ft. Tandem travel trailer completely equipped, car- peted. good condition. 85.000 or best offer. 524-6416.-21 DO YOU WANT a quality, attractively priced, Canadian buil organ with guaranteed after sales service? We also repair all makes of electronic organs in your area. Contact Don's Organ and Hi-Fi Ser- vice. 724 Queen St.. Kincardine - 396-3546 Your Hammond Organ sales and service centre. eow. DACAR - FOR SALE - Stencil duplicating equipment, new and rebuilt units. Supplies and Service available . 345 Saskatoon St.. London. Ont. Can 519-452-1931 -21 8- x 16- Family size canvass tent. excellent condition, used only two seasons. Phone 482- 9125evenings .-21 NEW & USED BICYCLES Parts a..d arcessorles aaaellable et DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS US ONTARIO ST. CLINTON 412-9941 *SEKINE*'RALEIGH *FUGI 1. Articles for sale 1978 JIMMY, fresh paint, low mileage, 1968 Holiday travel trailer. 1978 Kawasaki 1000 LTD 5,000 -km, good shape. Call 523-4313 a fter 6 p.m. 21 9. H.P. BRIGGS & Stratton Engine, suitable for grain- auger or bale elevator. Fully reconditioned - only $225_ Phone4824J286.-21ar ORNAMENTAL TREES and shrubs, seeding and sodding, lockstone and timber. Call Huron Landscaping, Luck now, 529-7247-17-24 NEW MATTRESSES and CHROME SUITES Trade your old one. d Good selection now at C&E FURNITURE B AYFIELD RD. GODERICH DIAL 524-7231 1A. Snowmobiles 1979 5500 BLIZZARD snowmobile, one winter, one owner. Phone 482-7161-21,22 2. Yard Sale YARD SALES FREDERICK STREET IN CLINTON IS B EING TURNED IN- TO A BARGAIN HUNTER'S PARA- DISE! SATURDAY MAY 30 TN 10 A.M. .-Soars things old. Some things neer. Some things mey, lust suit your 5. Cars for sale 1974 MERCURY Montego stationwagon, id8. automatic 1500. as is. Phone 482-3464 or 520-�►;35. 21 1978 MALiBU Classic, 8 cyl.; 306 engine- Excellent condition 31.000 km. Call 482-3594 after 5 p m --21x 1975 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme 260 V -R. two door, AM -FM. power steering, power brakes. power windows, swivel seats. Good condition_ Safety checked Plaine 812- 9175.-21 1979 PONTIAC Parisieroe, 4 door, VS auto, PS, PB. Radio. goad coo5tion. Clinton '8123456.-21,22ar •''4ktoe-, r1N 5. Cars for sale EIGHTY Government Vehicles; 25 - 1979 to"80 police cars, Chevs, Fords and Dodges; 4 - 1977 to '79 stationwagons and suburban; 2 - 1977 and '78, 4 x 4's, Chev 3/4 ton and Ramcharger; 5 - 1975 and '76 Dodge Maxi window vans; 35 - 1975 to '78, 1z, and 1 ton pickups; 5 -1974 to '77 one ton cab and chassis with duals; 2 - 1977 Dodge crew and club cabs; one lift and tow dolley;_ one 1975 Ford. As low as $596.00, licence No. LTY058. Mighton's' Car Sales, 6 miles east of Hanover on No. 4 high- way, phone Durham. 369- 3136.-21 6. Trucks for sale 1974 INTERNATIONAL TRAVELAL equipped with auto transmission, 400 engine, trailer hitch and brake hookup. 5600. as is. Phone 565-2668.-21 7. R.V.'s for sole CAMP -OUT TRAILERS - Hwy. 8 West, Stratford, 1-393- 5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent travel trailers - from lightweights right up to Park models; truck campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Trillium & Lionel. Sales, Rentals, Parts, Service.-20-26ar 8. Marine 16 FOOT Hobie Cat $3.500 -00 - Call 524-4410 after 5 o'clock.-21nx 12. Real estate for sale LARCENER REALTY INC. BAYFIELD - 3 yr. old modern brick bungalow, attodhed garage, treed lot, drilled wall. THREE BEDROOM sum- mer cottage, furnished. , North of Rayfield. ONE FLOOR Cedar bungalow south of Reynold. close to lake. Includes stove, fridge. dishwasher and most furniture. Also. aluminum tool shed. MODERN winterized home on lake front, electric heated. WILDWOOD TRAILER PARK: 1 Bedroom troller, In excellent condition. fully fur- nkised on 3 landscaped wooded lots. Priced to sell. SEAFORTH - 2 storey. Victorian .type home on corner lot. GODERICH'TOWNSHIP - 9 room, 2 storey brick. Field -store fireplace. 4.9 acres, two oar garage. small barn. hot water heated. CALL ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Mayfield 565-2813 Attention Farmers A. For sale VERSATILE 500 at 51,400. Ford six furrow 18" plow, Wilrich 32' cultivator. 300gal., 3 pi hitch sprayer with booms. Ford 21' disc with mounted booms for incorporation. One Leon stone -picker. 1975. international truck with 18' dumpbox. 43.000 miles. Call 1- 338-3912after7 p_m_-19-21 BALE THROWER RACKS - Wooden or steel, also special built bale wagon_ Other wagons 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 tons_ Also 12 ton tandem_ Phone 482- 3159-21 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. Alk classes of Livestodt WE INVITE YOUR vtcsr e.syrse.« are... -4112.45111 Darr, IMilkor ,:iter -ass m, eserses.w.w.s - atn-toss evessayrw.ec...es-t,®-ase A. F"or sa JOHN DEERE No. 35 Forage harvester 2 heads; inter- national No. 56 Forage blower.. Phone 523-4297.-21x B. Custom Work CUSTOM PLANTING and spraying of corn and beans. Phone 482-7192.-17-22 C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT: Pasture for two horses. Call after 6 p.m_ 482-7275,-21 D. Livestock 35 PIGS 40-556 lbs Phone 482- 7262 Don Watson. -21 40 WELL Started Pigs for sale: Phone 524-9595.-21 FIVE Holstein Heifers due between June 1 and 30_ Bred Hereford. Phone 482- 9002-21,22 E. Farm service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Union Stockyards every Monday. Campbell McKinley 2625430--41(f FARMERS For all your faun buildings BIG OR SMALL Gies Ray Lumbers Construction a call 482-3305 STOCKER SALE 100! HEAD AT HIMSALL UW,ST0CR SALES LTD. ON FRIDAY, MAY 29,1981 at TAO PM. Coseisielo of: Stoats; liod4ts aid Cohn vierOft BARRY MALER (514j 23171 511)CLINION) OR 225.44135 (KNIKTO0 00490 CARRISME S (511) 237434 (DASEGLIC 0D) GIEG HARGREAVES (3112 2612-2410 (I ENSALL) (11119f 862-2B2f(1111198ALL) AUCTIONEEM WIRY GARDINER .esti RICHARD LO le r Jomm DUD'tDY 1 REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR NEW LISTING - Ideal retirement home. 2 bedrooms, with space for 2 more bedrooms. Main floor laundry room with brick fireplace. 1100 Sq. ft., Vendor may hold mortgage. 137 Fulton Street. List Price '33,000. NEW LISTING - 3'/a acres on No. 3 highway. eon. staining 1330 sq. It. new modular home with 2 hill bathrooms. Also en old house and a 3 stall horse barn on the property. Shown by ap- pointment. 132 CHURCH STREET - Mortgage foreclosure sale. 11/2 storey 3 or 4 bedroom home in at- tractive condition. Playroom, 1'/, baths. Priced right '34,980. Will consider offers, mor- tgage terms. 20.75 ACRES - Convenien- tly located to No. 3 Hlghwoy between Clin- ton and Goderich. this rolling parcel offers fishing, skating. snowmobiling, bird - watching, fish rearing. or just plain enjoying! 2 large ponds, stream, waterfall, horse barn and corral. 4 bedroom home with family room or studio overlooking pond. INVESTORS-Takeo look et these of G -Two side by side houses at 49,91111 each or best of- fer. -Two 3 bedroom units at '11.098 per unit. -3.310 sq. ft. building '27,980. -1 '1: ac , parkland '5.300. BRUCEFIELD- Almost new 4 bedroom raised bungalow with heat pump, double garage. central vacuum, huge patio deck, master bedroom with 2 pc. en- selte. WANTED- Listings of vacant acreages without buildings up to 30 acres or more. Several bona fide prospects on file. CALL JOHN DUDDY 482.3652 JOHN NOMPs0N527:a LEAHTKUEIN, 402.770110 OFFICE 432.37,60 KEEP 12. Real estate for sale BAY FIELD VILLAGE - Newly installed house on wooded lot, municipal water $43,000. approved mortgage 14 percent one year. Call 565- 2813.-21ar PRIVATE SALE - Port Albert. Three bedroom bungalow, on large lot. Full basement. Three years old. 10 percent mortgage available. Asking $49,900.00. Phone 529-7656.-21 TWO BEDROOM House Mary St., Clinton. Kitchen, dining room, living roam. Available June 1. Phone 482,7809.-19-21 • 'Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-43311 150 ACRES E. Wawanosh - 2 floor brick home, 2 snail barns. 3 ACRES LONDESBORO AREA - 2 floor brick hone, oil heat, large shop and storage shed. Must be seen to ap- preciate. LONDESBORO - 1'e storey home, aluminum sided, new kitchen. Under 530,000.00. NEW LISTING - Brick duplex on James Street, Clinton. Recently built. Low interest mortgage in effect 2 ACRES' - Edge of Clinton - paved road- le.z storey home in nearly new condition with carport, swimming pool, and many extras. 11.2 STOREY - 4 bedroom home, 209 Ontario Street, Clinton_ CLINTON - East Street. Quick possession. Attractive bungalow, sun porch, nicely landscaped- Reasonably priced. Give us an offer. Owner anxious to sell. NEW LISTING - Commercial Property on corner lot at Orange and Princess Streets, Clinton. Presently teed as buildingsupply yard. Priced to sell. 7 12. Real estate for sale HULLETT TOWNSHIP 1.96.9 acres, approximately 85 acres workable. Presently about 45 acres in Winter Wheat. Partially systematically tiled. Immediate possession. No buildings, 2 - 100 acres, ap- proximately 70 acres workable systematically tiled. No buildings, immediate possession. Dirk M. Coolman Real Estate Broker. Phone 235-1055 Paul Hohner 235.0302 Exeter.-19tf • at iJ AM . tr.' . . 60 U, 4•l11 3. Mobile homes MOBILE HOME for sale 12 x 68. Assumable mortgage at 13'2 percent, 3 bedroom, broadloom throughout, complete with fridge, stove, curtains. Newly built deck. Phone 527-0621 or 482-3061.-21 FOR SALE: 60' x 12' New Yorker with large add -a -room and verandah. 68 Iroquois St. -Meneset Park, • Goderich 514,500. Phone 482-7066.-21-23 GK OK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 0 1,) 0 0 G 1 n,) G G G eig OK REALTY & Insurance Inc. 19 Isaac Street, Clinton 482-9747 HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 CLARE SAGER 524-8995 4 ACRES - 1/4 mile south of Clinton on Hwy. 4, with 2 bedroom brick home. Property goes right back to Boyfield River. Beautiful location. Must be seen. NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom, 11/4 storey older brick on quiet street. Newly renovoted, family room with fireplace, bar, laundry room, 165 Isaac St. NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom, 1 storey colorlok, new attached 20 x 24 garage, roinsuloted 1980, newly decorated, family room. Large deck 18 ft. pool. 292 Townsend St. NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom, 1 storey brick, built in 1953, area 1,000 sq. ft.,' neot, compact, fruit trees, garage. Priced right. 327 Ontario St. 10 ROOMS, 4 BEDROOMS, family room, office, sundeck, double garage, spacious grounds 150' x 132'. Many extras. 400 James St. PRICE REDUCED - 3 bedroom, 2 storeywell appoin- ted home. Newly decorated, new wiring, 2 new baths with vanities, new corpeting, double garage, near schools. 200 Ontario St. THREE BEDROOM 1% STOREY - aluminum siding. New modem kitchen and rewired 1978. Main floor fully carpeted. 175 Huron St. '29,000.0°. VANASTRA - Immaculate 4 bedroom, 2 storey, tastefully decorated, fully carpeted, R45 in- sulation, fireplace. Priced under '30,000. 56 Vic- toria Blvd. NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom, 1 storey brick built 1973 area 1018 sq, ft., 2 baths, gasheat, well in- sulated, large lot, must be seen. 47 Walker St. VENDOR SAYS SELL - MAKE US AN OFFER - 109 Wiotercourt. 4 hodroom raised ranch, built 1974. Electric hent, poved drive, 2 baths, family room. Reduced to '49,900. MUST SELL - MAKE US AN OFFER . 4 bedroom, 11/4 storey stucco on good lot dose to downtown, 137 Mary St, DRASTICALLY REDUCED - Clean, neat, 2 bedroom dose to downtown, must be seen. '17,900.' . 56 Princess W. LISTINGS WANTED If you are thinking of Buying or Selling your property, contact G.K. Realty 402-9747 mem- ber Huron Real Estate Board and Multiple Listing Service. 7C 5 7C 7; R R 0 7C R GK GK GK GK OK GK GK GK GK GK OK WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. SEAFORTH LONDESBORO CLINTON HENRY MERO 527-M30 BILL HENDERSON 527-0995 STEVE MURRAY 345-2172 GERRIT WILTS 523.4229 OFFICE 4824455 HAROLD WORKMAN 4112-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482.9849 AILEEN CRAiG 482-3149 QUEEN ST. - 3 or 4 bedroom home, full besernent, '29,900.00. Mortgage cote- sidered, 1',S ACRES - near Blyth, house 8 barn, '29,900.00_ Mortgage considered. VARNA - Large gilding lit, priced to sell. CLIMION - 2 bedroom mobile home, '11,000_, goodeond16as, 53 ACMES -46 workable. near Brussels_ DARMY - 1125 acres, cows, quota & machinery included_ ALBERT ST. - Lot 82 x 132, 4 bedroom home, dining room, den, hot water heating, 10% mortgage_ E KTON ST.: Lot 106 x 165, Forge workshop, 3 bedroom horse_ '36,900,". HURON ST -1°. 4 apartments and potential space, good returns. LONDESBORO: Lot 212 x 132, Restaurant, gas pumps, attached residence. T0't0NssIm ST. - 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, built in range, oven 8 &sft- washer, only *2350000 MOOED TO '20,400.00 - fax this lovely home, completely remodelled. in Vonastra„ MGM TO '1401103.441C for this 11 floor 2 bedvoorr', home on Mary Si, KREIBURIft 3 bedroom bangallow, on a yy acre Pat. `30,0110.00. BAIT 1.9 acres, Leroutciifef searing kniety Petite, horse barn aced welding MARY ST. - 3 or 4 bedroom, 1 floor, nicety renovated home, office space, large treed lot, 10% mortgales. 2% ACRES - near Clinton, 4 bedroom brick hone*, excellent condition, barn, shed, nicety treed. ALBEIT/ ST.- 2 bedroom, 1 floor, nicety renovated, asking'24,900.00 MODERN HOME - modem barn, 5 acres_ Neon Seatforth. 42 ACS - river frontage, grad pat near Auburn_ ISAAC ST. - Ooubkt loot, 3 bedroom borne with family roam. 15 ACRES: river frontage, nicely treed, bearutifut restored home, click tower, horse barn, new Clintne_ ISAAC 32: Lot 99 x 144, 5 bedroom borate, 2 fireplaces, &anine room, den_ TOWNSEND 3T.: Lot 41 x 1132, 4 bedrooms, family room, modern kcr • diem_ HIGH 3T.: lot a;r' x 132, beautiful in- terior, 4 beedroaesas, &ming roast, IMPHILOP ST.: Lot 50 x 132: indoor prof, Scor beast,family room, 3 bedrreorns. N®. 4 HIGHWAY: Lot 75 x 200. modem carrecrnerciali btail&reg, 1224% rouge, isiven$1113A4. ZOOM, VDT: 113 x 1'1, gangling hos 5,940 sqft_ only '20,000,'". 1111.1110114 ST- - Attractive Shorne, formal arming riorrn, 3 hedroams, fry your offer, MATIILDA ST. - Eat 82 x 1312. 3 bedroom brarrgalaw, finished baxernrent_ TORIBMSIND ST.: 4 bearaearm 1'r7, storey home, nicely lanchoasped let 1 l4ALIVI Btlitl l: Brick 8 Vinyl side sp114, 3 bedroom been,,family room, ghee l - High St-- Lot size 131 x 150, elegant 111 roocn home, fireplace, formai dining room, only '45,000,00 4 ACRES: otooSeepocfroorn home. COMMEROAL LOT - 1 acre, Highway farattion. SEAFORM 1110193 bedroom nest /roam, 660 ACMES - RJaf6ii:• Twp., 7 sets of buildings, FEED LOT - 5 to 600 bead, 100 acres, near Clinton VtfT 1/A ST.: Commercial zoned property, residence 8 pool. O0TAA90 Si.: dining roam, large fatuity room, 3 bedroorrrs, eieg arrt. KING ST.: Last 02 x 132, moderns kitchen, 3 bedrooms, double garb, "34,500". MA11LDA 3T.: Lot 97 x 128, 2 bedrooms, dining room, V01/4% martergit Of0'IA1tO ST.: 4 bedroom RPesrrre,. rumored werochoork, stained wincle'ws, garage. ALMS/ ST.: pSto,��re and apartment goad e a send=s, `29.1010' VOODENS MAO* lot >36C x 160r, 2 beechoarrn oottcgs. TOWNSEND ST. - Ni eer! y landscaped Pot, 4 be&k:1021, attractive barna TRT BASH;: V floor ham*, ?acres, rreoar Clinton. WNW FARM 5 mares. 2 horns, sfreid,. nice home, meal Seafoetlt_ 2 ACM conagrayEST*T7 3 flirar Chalets near Hire Rrhri;tierrd_