Clinton News Record, 1981-05-21, Page 20ILE.sauARe t�43t324.7$1 h a CO{lO lIONEO books, many of them priced refreshments will be at only 25 cents:, There'll be available throughout the special sections of children's book sale, which runs from books, Canadiana and 10 a.m. to' 4 p.m. As well, reference books, as well as a book browsers and buyers. huge choice of fiction, in the will be able to take specially same building that houses conducted tours of • . the the nationally' famous Blyth theatre; Summer Festival. Ail en added feature,: authors James Reaney and- Penny Kemp will be giving readings of their works in the art gallery of the Hall, comfiencing at 1:30 p.m. This rare opportunity to meet an author, to learn about his or her craft and how a book comes into being . is a once-in-a-lifetime event, something adults and children will remember for years to come. There is no admission charge to either the book OPEN RECEPTION and DANCE for MR. AND MRS. ARNOLD STORY In honour of their 25 th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Saturday, May 23 at 8:30 P.M. IN BRUSSELS Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches No Gifts very Tuesday vening<.at Vainastra Centre, A p.m. First 4;10; 15 regular Sammi, titres share -the - Wealth.. Jackpot $200.i0 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years a nd ov er.-52tfar HURON FISH & GAME RINGQ every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First. regular card $1.00, N*icted to L6ryearsand over. !fleapit $100. must go each week,'1s regular gunles of $10 - $5least on split. —3711a r CLINTON. LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p.m: First regular card $1. 6 cards for $1. wregular games, 3 share -the- ith. ' Early bird game 7:45 n•eP Jackpot., $200 must go eachweek. ;20tfar CLINTON ' ..' PUBLIC HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION BUILDING jNO DANCE ay 10, 1981, wnship Hall. c Green" Dancing9 p.m.:to 1 a.m. Buffet lunch. Tickets $7.51) each. -19-21 KLOMPEN FEEST PARADE - May 23, 1981 at .1 p.m. Entry forms deadline May 20, available at Town Clerk's office, Clinton News -Record, Campbell's. Men's Wear and, Ball and Mutch Ltd. 19,20 25th WEDDING AN- NIVERSARY celebration for Defile and Ron Geddes, May 23, 1981 at Saltford. Friends and relatives welcome. Best wishes only. -19,20.-19,20 FUND; RA' eaturdsy, Goderfeh Music by ,;iii) ale • �n ce rad Carnochan at O MMUNITY iNTRE MAY 23/ 1981 musical, STAR TREX moos Places* Bring ° Lunch. sPON D.y Qu ck and the Rainbows SUPOWAY, MAY 23 9 P.M. -1 A.M. AT THE CLINTON ARENA. Presented by the Clinton Junior C Mustangs and the Clinton Minor Baseball Association. A great way to wind up Klompen Feast weekend! TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Jerry MacLean and Son Sports or at the door A MEETING of ti„f liuron- Mitidlesex Pravncial Liberal Associationall�be held the Hay Twp. flats, Udell at 8 P.M. Moinday, May 25. Delegates' and alternates to represent the riding at the ()Atari() Liheral Association antalat meeting to lie held in Kingston, Jtsnel9, 20, 21 will be elected at this meeting. All Assoclatic» igetin'bers in- terested in: attending the Kin,gptnn nleeting.aae urged to attend the Zurich meeting. -20 HOLMESViLLE UNITED CHURCH Ham and Salad Supper, Thursday, June 4', 5- 7:30 p.m. Adults $5.00, children under 10, $2.50.-20,21 CLINTON JUNIOR C MUSTANGS and Minor Ball are holding a dance May 23 from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. in Clinton Community Centre. Dance to Roger Quick and the Rain- bows Tickets at Jerry M:eLean'a Sports. $5. per person.—l2eow Huron County's largest used book sale, proceeds to Blyth Centre for the Arts. Saturday, June 6, 10 a.m. - 4 pm. Blyth Memorial Hall. Bake sale, tours of the theatre all day long. Literary readings by James Reaney and Penny kempat 1:30p.m.-20 FESTIVAL SINGLES DANCE Friday, May 22, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. -20 BEEF BARBECUE AND DANCE Saturday,. June 13, 1981, Clinton ..C`onurtunity Centre. Dinne , 6330.8:30 p.m. Dance Jim Medd and the Pleasure''Paks 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Proceeds for Hospital Fund. Tickeis $8 - availabletfrom any Member. Sponsored . by Kin- smen and' Kinettes Clubs of Clinton.=20,21ar OPEN WEDDING INCEPTION. \for • .Dennii.Mtlirtin and Carol Johnston Frionds aro Invited to celebrate the otCcasion. In CLINTON 1981. pine r lYl• .• •E reryono Wekome- OFFiCIAL OPENYING County of Huron AUBURN WORKS GARAGE Auburn, Ontario The County of Huron cordially invites the public to attend the opening ceremonies of the New County of Huron Highways Depar- tment Auburn Works Garage, Lot 27, Conc. 1, West Wawanosh, at: THURSDAY MAY 28, 1981 AT 4:00 P.M. L. MOUSSEAU Chairman Road Committee F. HABERER Warden County of Huron WELCOMES YOU! NOON -DAY BUFFET MONDAY thru SATURDAY 12 Noon to 2 P.M. SUNDAYS only 12 Noon to 2:30 P.M. Come. relax and enjoy Benmiller today. We've prepared a special Noon -Day Buffet just for you! You will enjoy a choice of two main Cour. ses. Soup, Salads, Dessert and Coffee. served if you wish in our beautiful gardens. Ail the food RESERVATIONS REQUES'I'EI) & ambiance you can take in, and all for just one very low price! $1100 ()NLY • For Reserva toms pteasP phony 524-2191 Benmiller Inn Nestled' In Benmiller. Ont , just 7 kilometres east of (3nderich on Huron County Road 1, just off Highway R LICENCED UNDER THE L.L.B.O, , FLEA MARKS *Sat,. ,y23 I ata in,,171 Victoria Get, Clinton. Includes antiques, harvest'ta le, reapers,' cradle, baked goods, furniturre, hand madedoillies, etc. -20 FLOWER ARRANGING AND CORSAGE MARINO with Ruth Zielinanofrich, will be the feature at 'the Clinton t. rlorcit�hll ul+e Society meeting Wednesday, May 27 at 8 p.m. Clinton Town Hall. Everyone welcome .-20 AFTER THE 'KLOMPEN FEEST PARADE • Dutch Tea hosted by Mrs. Ceriel Van Damme and Miss Margaret Sioman for the Horticultural Society. Tickets include (optional) professional por- trait, proof free, in your Dutch costumes, by Jervis. 50 per- cent of these portrait sales go to Klompen Feest Committee to our Hospital. -20x 4 ;Th e • jr, of ViI e/ the BIyI „ , eAite was oaCataV ' tie s of late 1979. The Search n professional director led them to Lauriie'Rowbothara of Listowel. A. graduate in `choral direetioii' from the University, of Western On- tario, Mr, Rowbotham shares the ideals of the Board in creating a choir that will not only be a satis- fying choral experience for also4/ its of itbe choir rehearsals In PIO has been nieet optinlitic •its organizers. From a fir night showing GIN people, its membership has remained over 60 all season, The wide choice of rePetoit e " free), dasisies to pop - had made the choir popular for members and audience alike. Equally satisfying to, both groups is the disciplined quality of the work presented, a fact readi- ly underlined by the sell-out performances of the choir this season. Mr. Rowbotham in a recent interview remarked that "the choir is singing about five times more capably than I ever ex- pected it to at this point in its development". The choir rehearses eve Monday night in the Blyth Memorial Hall under Mr. Rowbotham's direction and with the capable accompani- ment of Mrs. JoAnne King of Brussels. New members, especially tenors and basses are welcome to join the choir in September. Enjoy an evening of choral music for all tastes perform- ed by residents from every part of the county. Refreshments will follow the Framed by a ladder from tite old Clinton fire truck about 50 members el fire departments from Huron County received their diplomas at a graduation ceremony in the Clinton fire hall last Friday, following a Week-long A training school. Officials from the fire training school at Giavenhurst made the presentation. (James Fitzgerald photo) ook bargain buyer's delight Book lovers, collectors and just plain readers •are welcome Saturday, June 6 at. Huron County's largest used book sale at Memorial Hall in Blyth. Sponsored by the Blyth Centre for the Arts, the sale brings together thousands of sale or the readings. Memorial Hall is located on Blyth's main street. Donations of used books for this event may be left at any of the following locations prior to May 30. E.A.T. Com - GBayfield; Taylor's eneral Store, Belgrave; The Blyth Standard;„ The Brussels Post button Town Hall; Dianne Banks', 176 Main Street, Exeter; Hill and Borgal, 58 Elgin Avenue East, Goderich; Janice Bisback's, 86 Queen Street,. Hensall; The Huron Ex- positor, Seaforth; and Har- ris Stationery, Wingham. paperback and hardcover -Home bakedgoods and ,I Kippen UC W meet The May meeting of the The combined outdoor 'Kippen U.C.W. was held at church service and picnic of the church on May 12th at the Brucefield-Kippen 8:15 p.m. with 17 members charge will be held on June present. 7th at 11 a.m. at the Hensel( Mrs. Jack Sinclair was in recreation park. Mrs. Art charge of a very impressive McCallum and Mrs. Norman worship service. Mrs. Sin- Dickert request all articles Clair chose as her theme for the bale to be left at the "They call her blessed" in churchbyJunelst. co nsnemoration of Mother's Day. A poem "To My Mother" was given. Meditation and silent prayer, beatitudes of Mother were included in the ob- servance of Mother's Day. The worship closed: with the singing of a hymn. The business portion el the meeting was capably con- ducted by Mrs. David Cooper in the absence of Mrs. Robt. Kinsman. Invitations were received and accepted to attend Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall thankof- fering meeting on Monday, June 1st at 8 p.m. and Brucefield Church visitor's day on Tuesday, June 2nd at 2 p.m. Mrs. Ronald . McGregor was in charge of the topic and gave a very informative talk on the handicapped and disabled, illustrated by slides showing progress in their education. The group leaders and social cammitte of the U.C.W. will meet at an earlier date prior: to the June meeting. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Lloyd Cooper and the meetingtelosed with singing "Onward Christian Women". The.. members enjoyed a social hour hosted by Mrs. Emersdn Kyle and Mrs. Art McCallum. LAST NIGHT MAY 21 THE COMPETITION GritfoADULT ® E�,r[,ibnwxxi pais STARTS FRI., MAY 22140 -26TH i SNOWTIML3� nn., SAT. £ SUN. r i 9 PM MON.-TNUnf ONII fi40WING 0.'N P.M. DONALD SUTHERLAND Rosy Office Op..,, 311 IHOWTMI 1:31 LAST NIGHT MAY 21ST NOW OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK owTheir thougdsts =akin ' , I JENNIFER AC STEPHEN LACK MARY TYLER MOORE STAB FRI., MAT 22N0 -28TH The body count continues., Running from the past, and backing into love. 6There: mon than one wav to lost' whir hea rt.. 1 PARK CsOM M CR HWY 8 600EIICH Ar CONCESSION 80 4 ' PHONE 594 MI 1'1si co cert Concert. Tickets are $3 for adults, $1.50 for children (especially welcome! ), and are available by phoning ticket co-ordinator Mary Sutter (482-3635), the box of- fice (523-9300) or the Blyth Sage (523-4331). P out a Omegas dine ot Fourteen members of the Zeta Omega Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sat down to a delicious pot luck dinner at Shirley Mills' on May 12. After the. meal, vice- president Rita Van Dyke presented a going -away gift to Liz Warren, who is mov- ing to Woodstock, New Brunswick. All wish her the best in her new home. Gail Hiltz gave a talk on Origami, which is the Japanese art of paper folding, and brought along some examples for everyone to see. There are many basic folds (such as mountain, valley, squash and petal folds), as well as several bases (such as preliminary, bird and frog bases), from which designs can be created. It's a very intricate and complicated art form in which precision is essential to have the design turn out. The social committee reported that 23 members and mothers enjoyed the Mother's Day luncheon at the Blue Fountain on May 9. Rita asked members to state their preference for working on next year's com- mittees and had no difficulty in getting them organized. During the vice-president's report, Rita read an excerpt from the April issue of The Torch on "What sorority means to me". The next meeting will be4. on May 26 at Marie Black's where the new otticers will be installed. Members are asked to think of ideas for next year's social and ways and means projects and to remember their secret sister gifts. / TT N DRIVE-IN THEATRE WI Beech St., Clinton 482-7030 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:30 PM PLAYING THIS WEEKEND FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 22-23-24 The Power Behind The Throne JANE LILY DOLLY FONDA TOMLIN PARTON VA�'�Lti�1222�L,�,14J1-�' ( 1 1 6 1. I. 1. 1. I. t 1 L t t W lI t v v r r u' "`NINE TO FiVE' is the comedy hit of the season. You'll laugh your head off." Jeffrey Lyons, CSS 18.4080 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ra [61 L1J • ADULT ENT. TIME -LIFE FILMS PRESENTS A DAViD SUSSKIND PRODUCTION SHIRLEY MacLAINE • JAMES COBURN SUSAN SARANDON • STEPHEN COLLINS KLOMPEN FEEST WEEKEND SPECIAL! Friday, Saturday, Sunday May 22-23-24 7 OR 12 0Z. 2i PEPSI GOING ON A PICNIC.? Be sure to take along Cul Sanders Rer.EpP Kentucky CkickenM friid . CANADIAN COM 'ANY • ,aa.brl t04 01$tct- g • yi /41'' • �f. � Pack a Picnic the EASY way Kentucky Fried Chicken is good hot or cold and we have the salads, the buttered Grecian -style bread - the napkins, spoons and forks<..Everything you'll need to make your picnic a real pleasure. There's nothing like it. Goodthk Col. Sorvdnra Recipe KKsntwk Tied kieke „ ANA(VAN r I,rt'R`AN+ 94 Elgin Ave., East, Goderich 227 Main St., Exeter 8