Clinton News Record, 1981-05-21, Page 13NOTABLE QUOTES WE CANNOT BRIBE PEOPLE : to become Christians. Wo can only embody within our own lives all that it means to be a real Bibical Christian and fearlessly go forth In His Name to proclaim "This Gospel of the Kingdom of God on Earth', unadulterated, untampered with, not watered down. (Rev. J.W. Shenton) The Notable Quotes Society 555 Kininvie. London, NAG 1P1 For completing 18 projects, four girls received advanced honors at last week's 4-H Achievement night in Bracefleld. Left to right are Lori Sauudercock, Julie Taylor, and Joanna VanDiepen, all of Clinton. Missing was Karen Bodges of Taylor's Corners. ,(James Fitzgerald photo) Kinettes entertain Radars The Kinette Club of Clinton represented by Betty Dalzell, Linda Reid, Martha Craig and Donna Gibbings entertained the Golden Radar Club, following the business session of their meeting on May 6. Forty- eight members were present and enjoyed progressive euchre conducted by the Kinette ladies. The high prizes were won by Evelyn Hudie and Ed. Godkin and the low prizes by Ottilie Rowdenand Jessie Jones. The ladies then served a delicious lunch of sand- wiches, dessert squares, tea and coffee. Olive Ball and Ida Martin who each had a "Happy Face" serviette each received a gift. Two of the prizes presented during the evening were lovely red geranium plants. Ed Johns extended a sincere "thank - you" to the ladies for their entertainment. President George Rumball conducted the business session. Mr. and Mrs. Rumball had attended the funeral of Minlue's aunt, Mrs. Pinning in the af- ternoon. All reports were read and approved. Sympathy cards had been sent to Esther Moffatt, Florence Routzon, Olive Ball and Muriel Jones, following deaths in their families. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nediger were visitors with the Club for the evening. Mrs. Mary Grigg reported that Shuffleboard is being discontinued until Sep- tember. The total of fees collected during the season was donated to the Ontario Street Church Board to help defray hydro and other expenses. Also Mary and several friends had attended the carpet Bowling demonstration at the Goderich Township Hall and found it fun and good exercise. One carpet plus balls etc costs about $500. The President spoke briefly of the Spring Rally for Zone 8, U.S.C.O. held at Vanastra on April 28., One hundred and ten seniors registered with 18 present from the Golden Radar Club. Mrs. Lavine Hamilton who is corresponding secretary of U.S.C.O. Toronto was the guest speaker. John Deeves thanked those members who attended the Legion euchre party on Tuesday night to help raise funds for the new addition to the Legion Hall. He also suggested that a letter be Turn to page 15. CANTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 21,1961 --PAGE 13 • Ekven auxiliary members attend conference The May meeting of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary opened with the reading of the prayer for Hospital Aux- iliaries by Marg Caldwell. President Ruth Bond greeted new members Mrs. Vere and Mrs, Drost and reminded members to have an awareness that this is the Year of the Disabled. Mrs. Bond informed aux- ilians that recording secretary Joyce Hilderley has requested a leave of absence necessitated by her husband's transfer to Leam- ington. Marny Walden will act for June, pending the ap- pointment of a replacement for September. Joyce Chilton reported on the spring conference, which was held at Exeter. Eleven Kids visit Huronview The highlight of the past week at Huronview was the visit by the grade five pupils from the Seaforth School, who spent the day visiting and helping the residents in various ways. A special Mother's Day service was held in the chapel on Sunday morning, May 10, and Mrs. Elsie Henderson sang a solo, accompanied, by Frank Bissett at the organ. The congregation enjoyed two solos by Mrs. Wittick and the choir sang the anthem Heaven Is Nearer Since Mother Is There. Marie Flynn, Stan Hillen, Wilson McCartney, Lorne Lawson, Ken Dale, and Huronview's own Jim Ruddock contributed to the music at old tyme music on Monday afternoon. Anglican Communion was held in the chapel on Tuesday afternoon, while the van had to go to Goderidl on Tuesday afternoon and Fran McLean, Harry Philips, Verda Beckler, Clayton Steel, Muriel Gibson, and Ernest Appleton went along for the ride and enjoyed the scenery. Preparations are being made this week towards the float entry for Klompen Association needs members BY JOANNE BUCHANAN The Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded is desperately in need of new members. "We've hit an all-time low," says Bonnie Graham, president of the association and principal of the Queen Elizabeth Schools "We've been going downhill since 1974. There just seems to be a lack of interest." The association, which takes in the Seaforth, Clinton, Blyth and Auburn areas as well as Goderich, has a present membership of 22 people. And while these members are good workers, explains Mrs. Graham, there is only so much they can do. The association was formed in 1959,. the same year that the Queen Elizabeth School for retarded children was opened in Victoria Public School. At that time the association had many members from the whole area. The association looks after the Kinsmen workshop (ARC Industries) where 23 retarded adults do con- tract work and make crafts to sell. This workshop is funded 80 per cent by the Ministry of Community and Social Services and 20 per cent by the association. The association also looks after the Keays Street Group Home where nine retarded adults reside and learn life -skills such as cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc. Two of these adults have now moved into their own apartment. The group home is also funded 80 per cent by the ministry with the rest of the funds coming from the residents' family benefits. The association, in conjunction with Tuckersmith Township, recently started a pre-school nursery for mentally handicapped children at Vanastra. Seven children are already enrolled in the nursery which has been open since March. There is room for 10. So what would happen to these three services if the association ever had to fold? "I guess they would fold too," says Mrs. Graham. "But we're not going to let that happen." If the workshop and the group home folded, those people benefitting from them would have to return to their parents' homes or go back into institutions. "Once the kids are finished school (at Queen Elizabeth), where do they go? You pour money and energy into these kids and then what? If they don't have a workshop or group home to go to, it doesn't seem fair. They have a right to live outside of in- stitutions," says Mrs: Graham. She explains that the association is not trying to scare people into joining its ranks by threatening to fold. It is simply trying to build its membership back up again. "We're saying look, we can't relax. There is a lot of work left to be done. But we're not through yet." Mrs. Graham says anybody from the area can join the association by purchasing a $2 membership card. You don't have to be the parent of a retarded child to join. You simply have to be willing to help in any way you can. The Wingham and District Interdenominational Christian High School Society INVITES YOU TO THE Spring Membership Meeting DATE: FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1981 TIME: 8:00 P.M. PLACE: WINGHAM BIBLE CHAPEL SPEAKER: REV. ANDREW KUYVENHOVEN former pastor, and currently Editor of THE BANNER, A Christian publication, will spealt on "PREPARING A COM- MUNITY FOR SERVICE" The proposed by-laws velli be discussed. This Is 0 meeting open to all. The association meets once a month. It offers public education and information. It gives mutual support to the parents of retarded children. It recruits volunteers to serve on various committees. Andit raises funds. This fall, the association will be selling cardboard Christmas angels to raise money as opposed to Christmas cards which have been sold in the past. It will also appeal to service clubs for donations. Mrs. Graham says a general meeting of the assocition is planned for June. There will be a guest speaker and memberships will be sold at that time. "Maybe we don't have much to offer besides blood, sweat and tears but we need help," says Mrs. Graham. If you are interested, please phone Gail Doak in Goderich at 524-8886, Barry Clogg in Clinton at 482- 3048, Bill Thompson in Seaforth at 527-0108 or. Don Young in Auburn at 526-7569. The mentally handicapped children of this com- munity need you. BAHA'I WAY OF LIFE Feest. Residents appreciate all the extra work that the ladies in the sewing room have done towards the making of hats and aprons. Day Care showed the 99 cent movie on Wednesday af- ternoon called The Emperor Waltz sta_ rring Bing Crosby. Mrs: Prouty conducted Bible Study in the chapel on Thursday afternoon, and Mass was held at ten o'clock on Friday morning, while residents enjoyed bingo on ground north on Friday afternoon Sympathy is expressed to the families of Mary Pining, Jean Sheppard. Huronview would like to welcome Ann Devlin from Goderich, Edna Gemmell from Egmondville, Verdi Fischer from Dashwood, Norman Walker from Bayfield, and Phoebe Brandon from Clinton. Wingham Memorials *Guaranteed . Granite *Cemetery Lettering •Buy Direct and save Commissions BUS. PHONE 347-1910 RES. 357-1015 members from Clinton at- tended. Of special interest was the presentation by Peggy Menzies, president- elect of the Hospital Aux- iliaries Association of On- tario. Peggy's topic was awards and merits. Describ- ed as a super volunteer, Peggy's work reflected in the success of the con- ference. The subject of awards and merits is significant to Clin- ton's particular' auxiliary with respect to recognition of longterm membership of volunteers and the more re- cent service, candy -stripers. Marg Coventry asked that raffle tickets for the June Fair draw be returned by the June meeting and the pri s are presently on display at Jervis Photo Store. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS CLINTON SEAFOKTH Arse Represenative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street CLINTON 402-9441 GODERICH AREA Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Rood GODERICH 524-7345 The membership cam- paign is underway and the support of the public is welcomed either by becom- ing a member or by giving a donation. For the gift shop, Mrs. Coventry emphasized more sewers and knitters are needed. Dawna Westlake reported for the nomination commit- tee and Joyce Chilton was elected second vice- president. For the geriatric commit- tee, Mrs. Westlake express- ed thanks for volunteers who served at the April birthday '3jO, �ti�s ii. party and. welcomed Marg Caldwell as a member of her committee. Volunteers are welcome to assist with hair - dr -: Ing each Tuesday mor- ning. Vanishing parties have raised well over $1,000 and Flora Kenwell received ad- ditional funds from the Bayfield Ever Young and Euchre Clubs. Other Bayfield groups showed their interest by holding lun- cheons to which funds were donated. Plans to host the Hospital Day Tea, May 12 were presented by social con- vener, Peggy Menzies. At this time plans for the addi- tion will be on view. The pot luck luncheon will be at 12:39 p.m. Monday June 1 at Mossgiel, Menzies' fame in Colborne Township. Please bring a chair, cutlery and dishes. Cars will be at the hospital at 13:15 for anyone needing a ride, but to ure a ride call Ruth Bond. ring copies of the recipe of the food you have prepared to sell! All members welcome. — by Marny Walden Love's Last Gift REMEMBRANCE June 14, 1981 is Cemetery Decoration Day for Clinton, Blyth and Baird's See us before June 1 for Monuments, Markers and Cemetery Lettering AREA REPRESENTATIVE: DON DENOMME Clinton 482-9505 Goderich 524-6621 • ' HE09orqu. Pryde a name of distinction since 1919 where our only business is serving your Memorial Needs. PRIDE MONUMENTS 293 MAIN ST., EXETER 4 "Baha'u'llah emphasized and established the equality of man and woman .... Woman's lack of progress and proficiency has been due to her need of equal education and opportunity .... The happiness of mankind will be realized when women and men coordinate and advance equally, for each is the complement and helpmate of theother." For more information: Please write P.O. Box 1250 Clinton, Ont, NOM 1L0 all Jfiturrat omc serving Clinton and area since 1902 Church Services • ian�lhip$l��c. 1' 162 Maple Street Clinton SPEAKER: MR. PAUL FLETCHER, Simcoe SUNDAY 9:45 A.M. Worship Service - 11:00 A.M. Family Bible Hour & Sunday' School 7:00 P.M. Evening Service TUESDAY 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting WEDNESDAY 10:00 A.M. Ladies Coffee Hour - THURSDAY 7:00-8:30 P.M. Awone Boys and Girls Clubs Christian Reformed `1' •�rsr4�lll RIIIUIII Michael S. Falconer FUNERAL DIRECTOR 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON TELEPHONE 482-9441 Anglican St. Paul's Anglican Church THE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1981 Fifth Sunday After Easter 8 o.m. Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen Corporate Communion and Breakfast 10 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION and SERMON SERMON: "ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE" Sunday School and Nursery Available During Morning Worship Baptist First Baptist Church HURON ST. CLINTON MR. EDWARD J. ANDERSON PASTOR SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1981 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:15 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP EVERYONE WELCOME Catholic St. Joseph's Catholic Church Jomes St. Clinton Phone: 482-9468 FR. JOHN PLUTA SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1981 MASS - SUNDAY, 11 A.M. CONFESSION - SATURDAY 7:15 P.M. MASS - SATURDAY 8 P.M. ALL WELCOME Pentecostal Calvary Pentecostal Church 166 Victoria St. Clinton Pastor: Wayne Lester 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service ALL WELCOME Christian Reformed Church 243 Princess St. E., Clinton REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG B.D., Th. M. SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1981 10 A.M. Worship Service SERMON: "CHURCH MISSION" REV. HENRY SMIDSTRA - MISSIONARY TO THE PHILIPPINES 7:30 P.M. Worship Service SERMON: "CHURCH GOVERNMENT' All visitors welcome Watch "FAITH 20" at 9:30 A.M. on Global T.V. United Ontario Street United Church 105 Ontario St. Clinton MINISTER REV. R. NORMAN PICK ORGANIST MRS. DORIS McKINLEY SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1981 SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION 11:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP United Wesley -Willis United Church PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE SUPPLY MINISTER - CHARLES SCOTT Organist - Miss Catharine Potter Choir Director - Mrs. Wm. Hearn SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1981 11 A.M. Worship Service 11 A.M. Sunday School & Nursery HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 A.M Worship Service 8 Sunday School Presbyterian kt� St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 4;r.,',• a THE REV THOMAS A A DUKE CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1981 10 A M Morning Worsh,p 10 A M. Sunday School ALL WELCOME *Note: "ALL TIMES DAYLIGHT SAVINGS 77ME"