Clinton News Record, 1981-05-21, Page 9CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 21,1961 --PAGE 9 ACo unkotion think about it Al®y is hewing ifiVere00ss month. BUY 4 SAVE 71? SLICED WHITE BREAD 16 -oz loaf 4149 for (Our Regular Price 55c loaf ) a\\y0111111W/ Monarch SOFT 2 -Ib tub MARGARINE You'll do better with BAKED GOODS from A&P! SPAINNSH BAR CAKE SAVE 5.10 CASE OF 24 COCA-COLA 10 -fl -oz tins 49 MilliMMIMINMEME (Limit 4 cases per family, with minimum $10 purchase excluding cigarettes and this product) (Our Regular Price 9.59) (Plus bottle deposit) 6 PACK OF, COCA.COLA �� You'll do bettor with FROZEN FOODS from A&P! A&P, Frozen (Our Reg. Price 53c -- SAVE 14e) ;....152 COFFEE cake JANE PARKER, SLICED - Protein Bread JANE PARKER, SNOWFLAKE OR Twin Rolls 16 -oz loaf 75? pkg of1289? JANE PARKER (Our Reg. Price 1.19 - SAVE 14c) Donuts Mini Sugar pkg of241.05 JANE PARKER (Our Reg. Prlc. 1.69 - SAVE 20c) Raisin Pie 62Ogpie1.49 DEMPSTER, SLICED_ (Our Rig. Price 96c - SAVE 17c) Bread Country Bran 24 oz. loot 79? DUNCAN H Assorted V.rNtias INES Snack 380 g or Country Recipe 19- 520 g CAKE MIXES SUPER BUY! RITE 16 -oz carton SAVARIN, ASSORTED VARIETIES 11-0Z PKG Frozen Dinners 1.09 PEPPERIDGE FARM, FROZEN, OLD FASHIONED 14.25.OZ CAKE Carrot Nut Cake 1.79 FROZEN, ORANGE DRINK Honeydew 473 ml tin 99¢ McCAIN, FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES 18.OZ CAKE Cakes Deep 'N Delicious 1.99 FROZEN, DEEP 'N DELICIOUS, PKG OF 4 -5 -INCH PIES Pepperoni McCain Pizza 14'OE Pkg 2.19 (Deluxe 15 -oz pkg 2.29) (Supreme 17 -oz pkg 2.59) Frozen, Fancy, Assorted Cuts McCAIN FRENCH FRIES 2 -Ib Pkg 89e SAVE 30? (Our Regular Price 1.19) (Our Regular Price 5.29) (Our Regular Price 89c ) SAVE 30c Rio Process Cheese Slices SAVE 20c KRAFT 4, 99 MUSHROOMS v9$ SINGLES ^"° TOMATO 25.FL.OZ BOTTLE FROZEN Heinz Ketchup 1.49 Sole Fillets lb 1.89 ASSORTED VARIETIES Heinz Relishes SEALTEST Sour Cream 5OO ml carton 99¢ 12-FL43Z JAR 79¢ TREASURE �lFROZEN PKGookedShrimp 2.1 ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLUDING BEEF i MEATBALL, (BEANS & WIENERS 1.39) 24 -FL -OZ TIN Puritan Stews 1.59 HIGHLINER, FROZEN, FAMILY SIZE 92-0a PKG VEGETABLES - ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLUDING Fillet Portions 3.79 LU NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL CORN 1-12.FL.OZ) HIGHLINER, FROZEN FRASER VALLEY, FROZEN Fish & Chips 24ozpkg 1.99 Green Giant 14 -11 -oz tin 2 for 99)i Cod in Batter 14 -oz pkg 1.89 Kellogg's RICE KRISPIES Large Size i25 g pkg SAVE 50? (Our Regular Price 249) Macaroni & Cheese KRAFT DINNER 00 225 g pkgs (Our Regular Price 55c each ) Buy 3 SAVE 65c SAVE 40? Ib LOIN PORK CHOPS Contains: 2 Rib End - 2 Loin End 4 Centre Cut Ib 49 "Great on the B.B.Q." (Our Regular Price Ib 1.89) "Gnat on the B.B.Q" Lein ( Boneless Ib 2.89) (ENTRE M17 PORK CHOPS �� PORK LOIN ROASTS Rib Portion Tenderloin lb Portion 3 t 31/4 -Ib cut Centre Cut 49 (Boneless Rib Portion Ib 2.39) SAVE 90? lb Cut from Canada's Finest Grade 'A' Bite BONELESS ROUND ROAST 16 Outside Cut, Eye Removed z (Our Regular Pries Ib 3.19) "Greet on the 8.8.Q" FitESH LEAN i99 GROUND BEEF !b BEEF ROASTS Boneless Rump, Sirloin Tip, Inside Cut Round lb 49 SAVE up to 90c (Our Regular Price up to 3.39 lb) lb 1.79 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF, INSIDE CUT "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q." (Boneless lb 2.89' Round Steak lb 2.79 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF, PULL SLICE "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q." PORK LOIN RIB 'PORTION, COUNTRY STYLE "GREAT ON THE 50.0/' Spare Ribs 161.59 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, PORK SIDE 'GREAT ON THE B.B.Q.' Spare Ribs 161.69 COMBINATION - APPROX. 50% MEDIUM GROUND BEEF & 50% GROUND PORK "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q." Ground Meat 161.49 Round Steak 11,2.59 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF, TENDERIZED "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q." Cube Steak 162.99 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED Beef Liver 1699 LESS THAN 1/2 PRICE SALE Sliced, Regular, Beef, Thick, Garlic or Wax Bologna, Chicken Loaf, Pickle & Pimento, Luncheon, Mac & Cheese, Pepper Loaf or Assorted MAPLE LEAF COOKED MEATS SAVE up to 1.40 375 g vie pac (Our Rag. Price up to 2.39) 99 Heinz, Assorted Varieties B.B.Q. 0 9 Maple Leaf ' JarWIENERSSAOCES "8.8.0. Favourite" (Our Regular Price 2.39) Regular, Beef or B.B.Q. SAVE 90c ALP, SLICED, REGULAR OR THICK Side Bacon SWIFT OLD MILL Sausages SHOPSYS, COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad 500 g VAC PAC 1.69 Ib 1.39 500 g CARTON 1.19 1 -Ib 49 vac paw '••®'° MAPLE LEAF, SLICED Cooked Ham MAPLE LEAF, COIL Polish Sausage MAPLE LEAF, BRISKET Corned Beef 175 g VAC PAC 1.29 161.69 VAC PAC lb 2.49 Maple Cottage Rolls In stores with Deli Shop! PILLERS, YOUR CHOICE - KNACKWURST OR MILD, COLBY, BRICK OR FARMERS Polish Sausage lb 1.99 Cheese Schneiders Ib 2.99 1 8 3 SW a 8 op 3 2-4 8 3 To Holmesville kids ready for baseball By Blanche Reeves Ball registration Ball registration welt well with over 100 children signing up for the season. Nine teams were formed and several of the older teams have already started practices, while the younger teams tare waiting until mid- June to begin. Anyone who would like further in- formation may call Art Bell at 524.8037 or Donna Martin at 482.9524. UCW meet The Holmesville UCW met an May 12 in the church hall and the devotional period was conducted ' by Isobel Sturdy and her group. The theme of the meeting was family and Charlotte Norman gave a reading on a Chinese family tradition. Bessie Townshend read ,a poem about homekeeping and the roll call asked members to give their mother's maiden name. Jean Perdue received the collection and the business was conducted by president Jean Ginn. Plans were discussed for the ham and salad supper to be held on June 4, and articles were brought in for the bale. The penny savers were reminded to hand in their pennies at the June meeting. Mrs. Perdue closed the. meeting with a reading and a prayer, and a lively auction was held. People report Clarence and Jean Perdue held a family dinner on Sunday, the occasion being their grandson Sean's second birthday. Guests included Sean's mum and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lockwood and the Peldue's of London. t.c-I:i and Biar u Bath have visitors from England, Mr. and Mrs.enneth Maguire from near Liver- pool. They are spending a fortnight here and last week they were taken on a tour of Collingwood, . Bracebridge, Algonquin Park and Ottawa. They also crossed by way of the Thousand Island Bridge to New York State and returned b wax of Niagara Falls. The Maquires also visited the locks at Welland where they contacted the captain who was from England. The Betties and Maquires were also guests at the Snell- Denomme wedding and reception. The Goderich Township Enterprising Seniors will meet on Thursday, May 21 not May 31 as reported in last week's News -Record. Members are asked to bring articles for the auction sale at 8 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norman spent Sunday with their daughter Shirley Norman in Kitchener. United news Worship service was held in the Holmesville United Church on Sunday morning and the primary class sang a special number. Rev. Scott spoke to the children on the love of God and family. For his sermon Mr. Scott spoke on Taking Stock. Harold Yeo and Jim Lobb received the offering. Paper won't see salaries ST. MARYS - The St. Marys Public Utilities Commission has refused to give the local weekly paper a list of the salaries it pays to its em- ployees. PUC chairman Tony Winter, who was for revealing the salaries, was overruled by the rest of the commission., despite an earlier report that em- ployees had been given a 12 per cent pay boost. One commissioner, John Lind said, "I don't think it's anybody's business other than the individual," while Mayor Dick MacPherson, also a PUC member, noted that salaries of town em- ployees were recently made public. Smile Remember when the company gave ou a gold watch when t retired' Now it's ten dunes and the number to call for the time. +++ Clothes don't necessarily make the rnan - but a good suit has made many a successful lawyer. +4-+-