HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-14, Page 24BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular 515 gvmes, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot 5200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years andover—52tfar HURON FISH & GAME BINGO every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First regular card .$1.00, restricted to 16 years and over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games of $10 - $5 least on split.—37tfar CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p.m. First rc•gulnr card $1. 6 cards for $1. 15 regular games, 3 share -the - wealth. Early trird game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot $200 must go . each week.-20tfar OPEN HOUSE at Brickman's Country Gans, RRi Sebringville, Thurs., May 14 to Thurs.! May21_ .,87.19 B'R ITC'E'F'IELI>r_. F: RE DEPARTMENT Pancake Breakfast, May 16, 1961 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Car Wash at 7 a.m. Proceeds for Mlseular Dystrophy --1719x CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION BUILDING FUND RAISING DANCE Saturday, May 30, 1981, Goderich Township Hall. Music by "Lincoln Green". Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Buffet lunch. Tickets $7.50 each. -19.21 Huron County Family Plan-, nind project invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planning) available first Thursday of each mon th.-48EOW AR ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL MEETING of the Huron -Perth Lung Association will be held in the Multi -Purpose room of the Perth District Health Unit 7 C P.P. • !NI Wednesday, May '21. The speaker `will be Ross Reid, Executive Director of the Ontario Lung Association. Annual Report will be on hand. Hope to see you there!-18ar A OF. ®`RIVALS WHO CLASH AS FNFMIESANDTRIUMPH AS HEROES BA'S'ED ON A TRUE STORY. CHARLES;MONSON LEE r,t ENTERTAINMENT -PUS END FEATURE-- CELEBRATE WIFH US Zurich's 1251h Anniversary Dinner SATURDAY, JULY 4 ZURICH ARENA Reception: 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. '10.00 per person CATERED RY: THE GARAGE OF LONDON Tickets Available Now ANNUAL, FIREWORKS DISPLAY sponsored by Hullett Township Recreation Committee and Londesboro Lions Club, Monday, May 18, at dusk in the Hullett Central School grounds, Londesboro. Admission $3 a car. Lunch booth ongrounds.-18,19 GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 16 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Alfred Dykstra's on Highway 4, north of Clinton. -19 CANADIAN FORESTERS. ANNUAL CHICKEN BAR- BECUE - Kinburn, Thursday, June 11.-19x A MEETING of the Huron - Middlesex Provincial Liberal Association will be held in the Hay Twp. Hall, Zurich at 8 p.m. Monday, May 28th. Delegates and alternates to represent the riding at the Ontario Liberal Association Annual meeting to be held in Kingston, June 19, 20, 21 will be elected . at .this. rliedilpg, All Association members in- terested in attending the Kingston meeting are urged to attend the Zurich meeting. -19 111111t14101.11,11M■ II utitom putoussemineUIIUS �I 1 5 ,jl fl 1 �a1.. ii ;, ilp�LELIG� RESTAURANT Cmc, & TAVERN i LICENSED UNDER L.L.®.O. 5AYFIELD RD. GODERICH 524-7711 APPEARING THIS WEEKEND FRI.& SAL MAY 15 & 16 'FANTASY \II // CI Uf THEATRE TAPESTRY - A celebration of music from the theatre by the Tapestry Singers. Sure to delight lovers of music and theatre alike. Memorial Hall. For tickets call celebration o. May 20 at 8 p.m. Blyth music 523.9300. $5 each.-19ar On May 24 Time to tee off for tie Le By Jolla Scott I think I had better start with the bad news first. The 1900 Match Play Tourna- ment for the Jim Armstrong Trophy is finally over. After being tied after the first 18 holes at Sunset Golf Club, Brian Reeve proved what a good golfer he is by beating John Scott, two and one. Brian had two rounds of 79. Now that last year's tour- nament is over, we can get started on this year's. Last year we had 22 entrants and so far we only have 11 names on the board. We would like to make the draw during the week of the 18th so that first round matches can be played at the "early bird" tournament at Bayview Golf Club on the 24th. Time is run- ning umning out for that tournament, so please put your name on the list as soon as you can if you plan to participate. Cost for that tournament is $14, which includes green fees, lunch at the branch and prizes. It's always a good day, so signup. The ladies' dessert eucbre last Tuesday was a great success, with 15 tables play- ing. Ladies' high score was won by Mary Gibson with a 69 and she received a prize which was donated by Anstett Jewellers. Men's high was won by John Scott with a 74. His prize was donated by Camp- bell's Men's Wear. Low lady was Dorothy Townsend with 34. Agnes' Carbert was low man with 37 and her prize was donated by Home Hard- ware. June Fothergill took lone hands with 4 and receiv- ed eceived a prize donated by Shirai's. Other prizes were: most rifles, Donna Tyndall; most buttons, Ted Fothergill; bir- thday, Jean Sinnarnon; door prize, donated by Marg Switzer and Blanche Deeves, won by Hilda Semple. A Blyth presents a 25th WEDDING AN- NIVERSARY celebration for Delila and Ron Geddes, May 23, 1981 at Saltford. Friends and relatives welcome. Best wishes only. -19,20.-19,20 ANNUAL INSPECTION of 843 RC (Air) CS at Seaforth Community Centre on Sunday, Ma y 24 at 2 p.m. -19 KLOMPEN FEEST PARADE - May 23, 1981 at 1 p.m. Entry forms deadline May 20, available at Town Clerk's office, Clinton News -Record, Campbell's Men's Wear and Ball and Mutch Ltd. 19,20 .THE HURONIC_ 4E10350 LODGE will be holding • a Dessert Euchre in the lodge rooms on Princess St. E., Clinton on Wednesday, May 20 at 1:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. -19x PANCAKE BREAKFAST with sausages and pure maple syrup at the Bayfield Arena, Sunday, May 17, 1981,9 a.m. -2 p.m. Also coffee and chocolate mills. Sponsored by Bayfield Lions Club. -19 The CHILD HEALTH CLINIC scheduled for May 15,1981 has been CANCELLED: 19ar CATHEDRAL TOMORROW ,Tour to the Cathedral of Tomorrow Anniversary Service with Rex Humbard and all his family In Akron, Ohio. Deluxe motor coach leaving May 23, returning. May- 24. CONTACT: Hanover Holiday Tours 1-p0-215-5617 or Marjorie Love 231.4133 A celebration of the wonderful music of the theatre is the final presenta- tion of the 1980.81 music series at the Blyth Centre for the Arts. Tapestry Singers from Toronto will present "A Theatre Tapestry", perfor- ming music from the state from ancient to modern times: This lively group, of eight singers who are in- dividually affiliated with (OPEN ;WEDDING- - _.. RECEPTION tor MIKE iARKE 'and NANCY GRAHAM Saturday, May 16/81 in Bayfield 9:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Open Wedding Reception for Gory Demonism and Ann Snell SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1981 In EXETER 9:00 P.M. Everyone Welcome such organizations as the Canadian Opera Company was formed under the ar- tistic directorship of Wayne Strongman to perform more contemporary music. Mothan justsingingthe songs of the theatre, the group makes a spirit presentation, acting oust many of the pieces. Their eight powerful voices added to a song like "Swannee by George Gershwin becomes a tour de force presentation. The program is sure to delight lovers of music and theatre equally. Reserved seats are availablefor-oniy $5 each by calling the Blyth Centre for the Arts box office at 523- 9300. mystery prize, donated by Ruth McLean, for the player who travelled the greatest distance to attend was won by Joe Maddeaux who came from Toronto. He must have heard about the bakers we have at this branch. I have never seen such beautiful desserts. Mrs. Ed Johns won a floral ar- rangement donated by Barb Holland' in the draw and Fred Jackson, who you will recall won the. Men's Tues- day night euchre, only, scored 52, but made up for it with desserts. Robert Hartman's name was picked Friday night for the membership draw, but unfortunately he was not registered. The pot now stands at $34. Make sure you sign the book, when you are in the branch. Last weekend was the On- tario Command's Conven- tion in Peterborough, and our branch was ably represented by George Rum- bal and John Deeves, and their report outlining any and all major policy changes will be given at the general membership meeting on May 25th. That meeting is also installation night for BRUCEFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ancake Breakfast ADULTS '2.30 CHILDREN '1.50 --Car Wash-- 62.00 ash—'2.00 an Solwdoy, Moy 16 fRDM 7 A.M.-12 NOON AT MRUCEFIELD FIRE HALL Procne for Mosarlor Dystrophy Hensall Bean Pot *TAKE-** SERVICE *DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS HOURS: Mon..Fri.1 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Saturday 0 a.ne. - 7:30 p.m. Sunday 10:31 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Benefit Dance Sharon & B'ad Carnochan tthe SEAFORTM COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1981 SATURDAY, IT STAR TREX Ladles Pleas* Mring Lunch I ON0011ED ST S.C.J.F. SUPER SPRING SPECIAL ONLY $•25 Everything about spring is super. Especially this delicious deal from Kentucky Fried Chicken. Pick up our satisfying bucket of finger lickin' good • Kentucky Fried Chicken and two 16 oz. salads for only 59.25. That's a 10""' budget pleasing treat that'll keep a host of appetites happy. So come in for some good chicken and our Super Spring Special, May 16 to 31st. There's nothing like it. Offer expires May 31st *1114Y Fried Odeon Col, Sander, Reclp. Kentucky fried LM ACANADIAN COM,, i 94 Elgin 227 Main Ave., E. Street cu ODERICH EXETER both the ladies' and the men's executive commit- tees. The executives will be installed by a delegation from Blyth Branch. Everyone at our branch is justifiably proud of Rachel Batty, who represented our branch in the zone poetry contest. She won. Rachel's poem then went on to district and she won that. She then went on to provincial and won that contest too. Rachel will now represent our tourn branch at the dominion level and having read her entry, 1 am sure she will do very well. On Monday night, the Ladies Auxiliary held their nomination and election night. The new officers are as follows: president, Annie Sallows; 1st vice president, Mrs. M. Rumball; 2nd vice president, Rose Lacroix; past president, Mabel Schreiber; secretary, Susie Dale; treasurer. Dorothy ent Flagg; sergeant -at -arms, Velma Lewis. The remainder of the ex- ecutive consists of Helen Bisback, Gladys East, Marg Switzer, Mary Tait, Blanche DeeveS, Bessie Black, and Rosemary Armstrong. That's all the news I received for publication this week. Don't forget to advise Steve Cooke or myself of up- coming events, or personal tidbits you would like to see in the column. LAST NIGHT MAY 14TH MDLY JERRY FRI. TO THURS. Son Office L Opens 5 DO SHOWTIME 7:00 NOW OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK STARTS FRI., MAY 15TH TO 18TH SHOWTIMES• FRI.. SAT. A SUN. 7 & 0 PM MON.•THURS. ONE SHOWING 0:00 P.M. "A rare treat in films..:' — Associated Press 15 SECONDS You Cant &came MAY 19TH TO MAY 21ST They broke the cardinal rule of rhe competition.... they'fell in love. RICHARD - DREYFUSS 11 IRVMY G THE COMPETITION TWO ADDED FEATURES SUNDAY NIGHT ONLY IN WAR, YOU HAVE TO KILL TO STAY ALIVE... ON THE STREETS OF NEW YORK. IT'S OFTEN THE SAME. She's, tough ... GODERICH K ' . THE'SQUARE SHONE 521.7811 AIR CONDITIONE Qtrit THE EXTERMINATO HWY. 160DERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 5249981 I� ��Ik 8i11 14:1J:'l� Come to the 40 EA_-, - e—S-1 w0, CLINTON LOMPEN FEEST Friday and Saturday MAY 22 and 23 An interesting and enjoyable 2 -day Family festival, Featuring Dutch style entertainment, concession;, crafts,'Giant Parade, Monster Barbecue, Street Dan- ce, etc. FRIDAY, MAY 22 7:00 PM: Band Organ on street, and Hullett Cen- tral School Band. 9:00 PM: 10:00 PM: John Greidanus and the Clinton Klompen Festival sinners. Klompen Feest Street Dance in Down- town Clinton, music by the Tyroler Brass from Kitchener, Admission by our special Klompen Feest Button, '1.00 per button. SATURDAY, MAY 23 1:00 PM: Giant Parade through Downtown Clin- ton, six bands, horses, clowns, fire engines, etc., etc. Special Attraction is the Dutch Boy Cadet Band. 110 musicians. 2:30 TO 4:45 PM: Variety of performances on stage, set up downtown. Including the Holland Canada Folk Dancers, the Netherlands Folklore group, Brantford Windmill folk dancers. 3:15 PM: Office! Opening of the Klompen Feest by Dr. H. Heeneman Vice Consul of the Netherlands. 4:45 PM: Entertainment by The Dyke Hoppers, 40 to 50 entertainers. 5:00 TO 8:00 PM: Monster Chicken Barbecue in the Clin- ton Park. '4. Adults - at the door '4.50. Children's Tickets available. More en- tertainment. Admission tp all events by souvenir button, '1.00. A COMPLETE PROGRAM OF EVENTS will be shown in a special KLOMPEN FEEST BOOKLET to be published IN NEXT WEEK'S PAPER