HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-14, Page 21• marronnews.' AY, MAY 14,1901 -PM:1E 10 item 'ow Mr 111 ed,ote Ocr 961 1? p 12, Real estate for sale 12. Real estate for sale Culligan NSW LISTING • 3 bedroom bungalow featuring family room with fireplace. Separate dining room, full basement. "scalient location. '51,400. F1IW Lt11YING • iioyftoid, Howard I. Cottage No. L Uniqueness and charm galore In this well.landscaped cottage. Close to beach, Franklin fireplace, glassed•in eating area off kitchen. Try your offer today. '37,400. COTTAGE No. 2 - 3 bedroom, good sized kitchen. Living room with Energy "Melons fireplace. Insulated for year round use. Only '41,400, NEAR DAYFIELD • Stone home, artlN's residence. Ap• prom. 110 years old, about 5 mile. from hayfield. 10 acres of rolling hills, fruit trees, stream, landscaped vary nicely, natural pond site. One of o kind. '74,400. COTTAGE LOT . All services, South of Iayfield. Owner anxious to sell, '10,500, IAYPIILD - Lakefront bungalow, completely winterised • Fully Furnished - unbelleveable view • sun deck • paved drive all extras. '65,000. CLINTON • Ontario M. • 2 storey home completely renovated top to bottom • must be seen. '44,500. MODERN • 3 bedroom home - Bayfield well wooded lot, quiet Omit '47,000 first mortgage at 12% runs 9111 1464, Try small down payment today. NEAR DAYFIILD • "Country Life In Huron County" 3 properties to choose from, 2'/7 acres, 2 acres, 3 acre., All houses in vary good repair ranging In price from '43,000 to '53,040. CLINTON • Marla It, • small but neat, Close to all ger- vices. 12,0011. That's right •'12,000. NEW LISTING .194 Que., near Hospital. Solid brick 3 bedroom bun • roc room with fireplace • walk out sliding and back lawn area ex. Hsu far too num • u to 1st. Only '50,500. NEAR $AYFIELD • Modern 3 bedroom home, cathedral ceilings, full basement, walk out glass doors, deck, es• tro building lot, e11 for only '64,500. 5 minutes from S.yflald. CALL: WILLY BUNN BAYFIELD 560-5055 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE One 1462 General 41' 10' house trailer with solidly constructed ad- ded entrance and storage room. Situated on well kept lot In Morgan's Trailer Court, Clinton, Ontario. Offers accepted until May 27, 1411. Each offer to be ac- companied by certified cheque for '100, payable to Treasurer, County of Huron. Cheques for un. successful offer. will be returned. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. For further Information, contact and mall offers to W.R. Alcock, Deputy Clark -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Godarich, Ontario, telephone 3214344. 17. Apartments for rent DUPLEX CLOSE to downtown Clinton, carpeted, refrigerator, stove, 0100. Phone 529-7949.-18,19,20 TWO BEDROOM, ground levet i, uptown . Clinton. Phone 482- 9210.-19ar MINIM 18. Houses for rent 411/ SMALL HOME in Country on main highway, 1', miles from Clinton. Newly decorated and clean. Available May 1, no pets please and references required. Phone 482-3460.-16tf COUNTRY HOME - Living room, dining room, kitchen. 4 pc. bath, rec room and garden, also grandfather clock and two school clocks for sale. Phone 262-50.54.-18,19 TWO BEDROOM, one fluor, close to downtown. Available June 1. Phone. 524.8620. 99tf FOUR BEDROOM Rouse in Londesboro. Available im- mediately. Phone 482.7314 after S'p.rrl. 19.x FOUR BEDROOM Ilonre close to Separate School. Deposit and references required Paw 482-3670 10.201 19_ Rooms for rent ROOMS «OR FtF,NT in Variastra. Gall 482.204[ or (areibrirfge 1 - 622-0197 , 9!1 20. Room & board NOW AVAILABLE - Upstairs hod -sitting room with private bath, meals Included, not a nursing home. Phone Van Denims Holiday Home 482- 3085.-18tfar 21, Cottages for �. y rent IN POiNT CLARK AREA. -- Frill housekeeping cottages, weekend cottages until July 1; Phone 527.0596 —18,19 25. Wanted to buy WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482-7922.--8tfar WANTED - Old brick buildings for demolition wrecking and alvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185. Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1 542-4088, Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.-51eowar PRIME Argricultural Land required by international corporation, With or without buildings. Cash or cash to mortgage transactions. Prefer to deal with owners. Replies to be sent to Drawer No. 9, c -o Clinton News -Record, Box 30, Clinton, Ont: -19,20 Two BICYCLES boys or girls suitable for ages 7 and 9. Phone 482-7161 after 4 p.m. -10,20 WANTED - medium size used room air conditioner- window type, 110 volts. Phone 565- z751.-19nx • APARTMENT Buildings Wanted. Major Corporate client will purchase apartment buildings or townhouse groups over,25 suites. Unlimited cash available. Contact Whitehall Realty Limited, 100 Adelaide St. West, Suite 1201, Toronto, Ontario MSH 183 (416) 863- 0795.— 191r- 26. Help wanted TWO WELDER F1 f1 RS - Three years experience preferably in plate work. Huron Canadian Fabricators. Sea forth. Phone 527- 6310.— 18,10 SUP ERfNT DENT. (couple or family) for apartment building, part time Call 482- 3041 or Cambridge 1-622- 0107. 19 [1GPER1ENCE1) Journalist for weekly in Vankleek 11i11. Salary, responsibilities to be discussed. . Car necessary. Bilingualism an asset. Resume to the Review, Box 160, Vankfeiek Rill, Ontario ROB 9910 19bc HELP WANTED Full or part- time positions open in town or country Help ixa show our products at the Clinton Fair Please contact Joyce (Linton. fell Manager for Fuller Reush Co. 5654166 or 462- 7769 - Mar 26• Help wanted 26. Help wanted THREE THOUSAND AND MORE MONTHLY That Is the total monthly amount paid for enrolling only 2 New Continental Memberships daily for the On. tarlo Automobile Association. Qualifiers are paid a basic Guaranteed Weekly Income plus commission weekly. In addition. there Is an Inflation fighting mon. th•end bonus. Oxperinnce not necessary. Training on the lob. ear Important. Inuit be Over legal age with minimum Grade 11, This Is a career posh/Ion with promotion on merit. APPLY TO1 MR. SAUER c/o ELM HAVEN INN CLINTON Wednesday, May 206 at 2 p.m., 4 p.m. or 0 p.m. SHARP or write him c/o CAUTRAC, SOX 307 LONDON, ONTARIO. Town of Seuforth TOWN OF SEAFORTH SUPERINTENDENT OF WORKS Application. for the above position will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. Monday, May 23, 1001 in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Application Superintendent". The successful applicant will have operational, ad. mini.trative and supervisory experience In public works or related field and will be required to reside in the town of Seeforth. Resume required on experience and personal charm, Serbtics with three character references. Salary corn. mensurote. Suellen. fringe benefits. Apply Toa Jamas Crocker Sox610 Seefortk Ont. NOK 'WO 519-521-0160 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD Of EDUCATION requires Two (2) PAINTERS The successful can. dldates should have a minimum of four 44) years experience with a reputable paint decorating firm or. equivalent experience as a self employed paint decorator. A valid Class 'G' drivers license will be necessary. Written applications stating age, experience, address and telephone •numbers should be ad• dressed ton Mr. R, Ma Veen, Plant Superintenr dent, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, CLINTON, Ontario, NOM 11.1 SALARY RANGE '6.44 • '7.26 per hour Deadline for ap• plications Is May 210, 1411, This position Involves shift work. Applicants will be notated If required for en inter. view. DJ. Cochrane 0l/actor D. McDonald, Chairmen 27. Wanted (general) WANTED: Immediate payment for good standing timber arid bush lots. Apply Hobert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig or Phone 232.4450 before 7:30 a.m. or 3-5 p.m.-15tf 28, Business opportunity BREAD ROUTE for sale, Call 527.0521 after 5 p.m, -119 HOTEL; Ottawa Valley town. Recently renovated, modern fully licensed lounge, -Dining Room, overnight ac- commodation, 8 percent mortgage. D. Ross Sanderson Realty Ltd., Box 509, Egan- ville, Ontario (613) 828- 3013,=19be SALE Oft LEASE - Hardware Store in Village of Blyth fully w equipped, gmdck possession. Phone 482.9371 or 523- 9338.— i9a r TENDER SCHOOL Sealed tenders will be "waived by W,D, Ken. well, Superintendent of Academic Services, for the supply of three 43) new school buses. Ten. der closing effective 12 o'clock noon, Monday, May 25, 1461. Specifications and fon- der forms ere avelfable at the Board Office, Lawesf or any fender not necessarily steep ted. R.L. Cunningham Transporfatlon Manager The Huron County Board of /ducatlon 113 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L/ 0, Mclfoneld Chairman D.J. Cochrane Director SALE BY TENDER Modern 106 unH.fully equipped trailer Park, for. merly known re "HAPPY DAYS TRAILB! PARK" Hiway No. 11 • Four miles south of Grand frond, Ont, This campground is currently being operatedthe agent for the secured creditors. Ail buildings, swimming pools, washrooms, playground and equipment have been wall maintained. OINIRAL iNIORMATIC041 On Ma property there is situated a five room dwelling house, e 5 unit motel and a modern recreation hall complete with fireplace, kitchen and equipment, There Is also a com,Inlenee stere, storage building, a double garage, laundry and Ottawa' rooms, flush toilets and a dumping station, There are two swimming pools laduft and eklldren's) designated dhildren's playground and a park WOO, There are &pprox, 300 trailer camp sites of whith 172 are fully serviced, 41 have hydro and wafer, rooms. Hare unservleed. flee plans and operating statements will be avolfable at the 41nme of Inspedtens, Appointments for inspection may be made with Mr. Sloan at (514) 2434424. fenders will be received by Mr, (loan, Mouser Err site or et etre offices of the undersigned until 410 P.M, Iriday, May 144h, 1401 and must 64 sworn• ponied by a deposit cheque of 10% of Foie tender amount which will be returned if tender is uncut. tosslair Requlsitfons on 4i4fe1 13 days Iron1 acceptance of fonder and closing dere 1O days after acceptance of tender, The higheest orany lender not nneses/t�arffy yaeeopted. dr 10040,4•004 3! CO, (CA.1411A) 9Th. atgeisfs fsr feared Crsdt<isrs 114 fidgeter 4vsr Er, ife.140 /MOM, Mons, 29. Tenders ILAINiS.TNYOF HOUSING , ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender R.ference No, DOISAY. 0146 For ir're vinitaLive Malo, tenance en gas fired heating equipment of the Ontario Housing Buildings /P1/3,, Clinton and FP1/32, i104/33, FP4/1+11 and OH.1 Goderich. Tenders will be received for the above until 11100 e.m. local time, June 5, 1401, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 00 Dun. dos Street, P.O. Box 3600, Terminal "A", Lon. don, Ontario. N6A $P3 (310/074.1110) from whom details and specifications .may be obtained. Details and specification. may also Ira obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 44 The Square, Godarlch, On. tarlo. NIA 1MS (510/324. 2037), quoting reference number as above. 11111 LOWEST OR ANY T1k01R NOT NICISSARILY ACCEPTED, AWIWWWWIWIWINNOWNitaNOW 30. Employment wanted BOY WANTING to cut lawns after school and on weekends. Phone 482.3624.-19 EXPERIENCED and Reliable mother will babysit in my home. Reasonable rates. Phone 402.9660•-19,20 WILL B ABYSIT in my home in - Clinton. Phone482-9401.-19,20 RENTAL VEHICLES WANTED Quotations are requested to supply the fo11owing new vekiclesl 3.4 or 6 cylinder 'A ton truths or cars Terms of Leases •44 months full main. tenance lease common• cine August 1, 1401 in. eluding licence with maximum 67,000 kilometre. excluding 1n. surane* ••flaw tiros for winter driving to be Included .replacement vehicle to be provided for scheduled maintenance and repairs Tender. to Indicates .year and model of vehlde •rete to be charged for kilometres driven over 67,000 kilometres .any other restrictions applicable to the lasso .the total monthly charge per vehicle In- cluding Provincial Sales Tax. Sealed tenders clearly marked 104010 HU1•I1 will be received by the undersigned until 4100 p.m., Wednesday, June 1, 1411. Lowest or any fender not necessarily swop. ted. B4O. leanly Cloth -Treasurer & Administrator County of Huron Court House Square *whorish, Ontario SOA 1M2 31. Service directory B&D ROOFING Shingles and Repairs Free Estimates PHONE 482.9628 •OR• 324-6821 l.Nr ca Pro ems ED'S • ELECTRIC t keened Electrician Commercial/ Industrial/Farm Residential 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE Ed Rooseboom 482•'7441 R P'J ,I. SPECIIL/ST Clea., Repair, Rewire Hamwged Vinyl Homer • Restaurants Hattie • Motels • Cars Hosts • Campers All work done on your premises Shelia Dawson 14ecorclting itc3, 33 Huron St, Clinton Sox 331, Clinton NIM 19.0 482.9542 529.7989 Paints, Stains, Min Was product., Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Inferior Aleft/riot Contracting PREF CONSULTING HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OP LONDES8ORd 523-9202 *LAWN AND GAitoeN EQUIPMENT 'REPAIRS "NEW LAWNMOWERS AND TILLERS IN STOCK Screened Top)-SOi I Backhoe Work Gravel LYLE MONTGOMERY 482.7644 LVINING" TRUCK TENDER Sealed tender will bo roeofved by 411en un• derslgned until Ssd0 p.m. May 19, 1431 for the supply of a rlew 1.400 truck,, Chassis and Cab. Specify two prices, (1) cash price (2) price with trade-in, Specifications available at flee clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necossorify (recopied. C.C. Proctor, Cllefft, Town of Clinton P.O. 601 400 Clinton, Ontario 31. Service directory LAYING and FINISHING concrete floors for basement. garages, drive sheds etc. Cali George 482-3291. —4Stf KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboard, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 4884670. Esti McNalrn.-8tfar LICENSED BRICK- LAYER' brick houses; cement bk►eka laid; chimney blocks laid; chimneys and chimney repair. Reasonable rates, Jim Bell. Phone 4823028,-100 - MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways, farm lanes, parking lots, repairs • Free estimates, Phone Clinton 482- 3733,-10.23ar CALL JIM HOLLAND Masonry for chimney repairs, retaining walls, re -painting new construction, brick, block and stone, Fork-lift services available, Phone 527-0717,-18- 19 NUISANCE ANIMALS removed promptly and ef- ficiently • Call Steve Cooke 482- 30114 after 0 p.m.-18tfnx INSUL SIDING, Fascia, Soffits, eavestroughing, windows, renovations. Free estimates, Eugene Webber, RR 1 Hay. Phone 2374200 DashWood,-11-21 FOR THE HEST Exterior Painting and Eavedroughing call 482-3014 after O p,in.-18,10 STUCCO DRYWALL Prdsisimehltsperismsl STUCCO a DRYWALL RENOVATIONS 482.3696 All Breeds DOG CLIPPING and GROOMING Gail Vendettas! 482.7246 Y, mile south of Varna Please Call Evenings dt0 • 99919a 999116.911.19i, 9-99,9 99-419.. 99.1. 19'414 Complete Custom Framing for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, oil pain. tinge, etc. Regular or nonglare glass. Ready to hang, 41 hour service. Harold Tyndall • 402-7409 CLINTON sow amod000moomiesoommokoamioom 31. Service directory WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. MOPPIN & SONS POUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONIsSOAPORTH NOILI 527.110. MIL: 327.0021 JIM: 327.0770 FOR A GOOD DEAL one NEW or UUUD FUEL EFFICIENT CAN see ARCHIE HAMILTON ai Strii kl.Rd'E Ales Met 346 Nsrsa RIBd Godef4111, ORfer11 RN. • 024.9397 sus. • 324.93111 .324.0311 Gerald Coleman *Home improvements ,EavastP6ughirmg *Renovatiore and Reafing *Sundacks RR 1 VARNA, ENT. MONO, 568.8347 CUStom 5 oughts•ring and Processing DASHIWD 237-3b77 FOOD FOR ALL OCCASIONS ...prepared and delivered NOW AVAILABLE 12 HOURS NO'T'ICE) *Quirhre Lorraine *Crepes *Lasagna Diane Murphy 482-3189 •SEPTIC TANKS •SEWERS •BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL •TOPSOIL For a complete job call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. Grodorlch 524.8668 SOLAR CONSULTING 8 DESIGN SERVICE SOLAR SYSTEMS EMS for hooting. canner ,ial, industriial. residential USE T r-1 E SUN * fo hoof your building, pool 8 domostic hot water. SOLAR GLASS INSULATIONS -far your passive solar systems solariums green houses sun docks. NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL: 1.519.482.3U6 e. 31. Service directory 11110111111.111111111111111111111111111 JOHN RASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING 'Form buildings* *Addition* *Renovations PHONE 4824063 RON 402.9239 111111111111111111.1111110.11101 PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Pros Estimates colt: Sreve Miners SRUCIF11LO 482 3377.... GEO. A. BAIRD SRUCEFIILD BACKHOE SERVICE. *EXCAVATING @SEPTIC REDS •TRENCHING PHONE 482.7479 OR _.- 482-3390 SSVMW WALLS & FLOORS! Per templet. lobail SID RIRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD'. 5244668 - CL TS1w D CUTOM BUILDERS *Custom built homes "Additions *Roofing "Siding, Soffit & Fascia TIM SYLSMA 4112.3073 100G EYLSMA 412.7334 110110111111111111111111111 34. Personal PREGNANT' and DISTRESSED? Married or single, tree positive con- fidential support.. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 482-7197 or 524-2913, 307.1169o1 524-2023.-3.52 sessiessesseessesresessesesisasesse 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH EDWARD FEENEY, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Fanner. deceased. ALL persons having claifns against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 7th day of April; '1981. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of June, 1981, after which date.., •the assets will be distributed..✓ 'having regard, only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this 7th day of May. 1981. MENZIES. ROSS. Clinton. Ontario Solicitors for the Executors —19.20.21 40 Lost & Found LO'S'T - one male black cat with blue collar and bell Answers to the name Smokey. Call 482- - 9350 Small reward, - 19 41 To give away TO GIVE AWAY, spayed fernale cat, white with orange and black patches ('all 482 9917after 5pm 19 WANT ADS realty sell }