HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-14, Page 20PAGE 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 14,1 1 4249 1 ,•• PC:L Av ,ficr L�Lt[ilYEM PUNA °ow pop Ion e Mot Ar. R.. "idiot. Orr. 161-1200 •non £ tomo•-, 1. Articles for sale SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc:. See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-1tf OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. See. Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-ltf RECLAIMED, cleaned, yellow brick for sale. Phone 482-7913 after 5 p.m .-17-20 BELARUS 500 special 2 wheel drive tractor with only 310 hrs. 1 set of Kraus 10 ft. hydraulic wheel disc. 1 heavy duty Singer auger 6 ft. 6 in. Snowblower. Phone 524- 4308.-18,19nx DO YOU WANT A QUALITY, attractively priced, Canadian built organ with guaranteed after sales service? We also repair all makes of electronic organs in yaw,. area, Contact Do11'sOrgan andii-F1 Service, 724 QWeen St.; Kincardine - 396- 3548 Your Hammond Organ sales and service cen- tre.-lleow DAY OLD chicks, ducks, and goslings. Phone 529-7373.-19- ELECTROPHONIC .8 Track with two speakers. Also, Lady Kenmore heavy duty electric AILIS CIIALMERS riding lawnmower, in good con&tion $296. will deliver. Phone 482- 7552.-49 14' FIBERGLASS canoe with paddles. Also 4 life jackets, utility _ trailer. Phone 482- 3198.-19 FREEZER. & DRYER. Phone 482-3709.-19x gOUIL..Cft . Magnni-int With S60-15 tires $250. Phone 482 7456.--19' TRY C & E USED FUR- NITURE, new and used. Dial Godericli, 524723E--40tf "MEAT KING" heavy roaster cockerels day old to two weeks available Apr. May and June. Call McKinley Hatchery 1-800 266.8536. Order today and put meat on your table this fall. 13-24ar URiNE-ERASE Saves Car- pets! Uuarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A, Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario N5Y 4X8.-19bc ROYAL DOULTON, Minton, Royal Albert, Paragon, Wedgwood, Spode, Fine Bone Cfiina,Figurines, Lead Crystal stemware. Oneida, 1847 Rogers Silverware and Stainless all at special prices. Phone The Gift Shoppe, 127 Broadway, Tillsonbtn'g (519) 842-8604.-19bc BLACK CEDAR SHRUBS for bodging 36" to 42" $ 8 U. 99 EAai NOW AVAILABLE AT VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE Isom lit., Canso 482.9333 THE BENMILLER PLANT FARM We offer gardeners the largest selection of top quality 1Icrrer & vegetable. NIX MAKS GERANIUMS I"ERENMIALS GARPfN NGYiiLTfES ETC., ETC. Ail at low grower to gardener pekes. Weave opera MO44.4111. 12.404 pan. SAT. b 5U51- 14 e.ai.-f, On. urlgreenhouse is located 100 yards dloawera- stroans from the large 1eurniliar bridge. . u ..,, / I rnpecr seer ,o.,• ate+• ;7 N Y Clinton Ne\v -I e» )1% 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads .......... Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .. < .... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Goroge sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R. V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17;. Apartments for rent 18. Housesforrent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23,'Commercial property for rent PHONE 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted 27. Wonted (general) 28. business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37, Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagement 45. Marriages , 46. In memoriam 47. Card of thanks 482-5443 -MONDAY TO FRIDAY -11:lean. to 5 poi+. . Articles for sale ONE ROWING Exerciser, like new condition. Three louvered doors 12" x 77". Phone 482- 3566.-19 14' LANGFORDcanvas, cedar bleyele, si<ove size:. All in excellent condiGban. Phone 482.3193.--19 • 25" RCA coloured television, floor model. Best offer. Phone 482-3505.-19x ' 24" MOFFAT Electric stove. White. One burner not working, otherwise in good igondition $30. Also wanting wed couch for kitchen. Phone 523-4564,-19,20 APPLES - SPECIAL! spies 2 lou-- for $10. or 1 for $6. Top quality, bring containers anytime. Ross Middleton's Storage. 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. -19 MAHOGANY DOORS and folding closet doors $9 each. Two French doors (mahogany) $15 each, Colonial desk $25. Phone 482- 9683.-19 ORNAMENTAL TREES and shrubs, seeding and sodding, lodestone and timber. Call Huron Landscaping, Lucknow, 529-7247•-17-24 INSULATED CAMPER, screen windows and door. 120 volt lights. Fully panelled inside. Phone 529-7373.-17- 19nx OVEN READY year old roosters, 7-11 pounds, $5.00 each. Also smoked chicken. Phone 529-7373.-17-1! x NEW & USED BICYCLES Parts and accessories available at DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 3•S ONTARIO ST, CLINTON 482-9941 *SEK INE*RALEIGH *FUGI BOXED PLANTS aro hero now! *Geed telstolon of perennials *Hanging Pots *Roses *Sodding Plants arriving daily! VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CD411E twat 5t., Clintons 4$2-9333 1. Articles for sale ROCK PICKERS: Rock -O Matic models 546, 5' pickup, medium dump; model 57, 7' pickup, high dump; model HDW5, 20' pickup, high dump, Windrowers models TM 20 20' width, TM12 -' 12' width. Contact your local farm equipment dealer for prices. Distributed in Ontario by L,E. Seeley, Flesherton, Ontario, NOC 1E0. Phone (519) 922- 2389.-19bc NIAGARA KL10-3/4 x 10' power shear, In excellent condition, $23,000.00, Call Martin's Metal Shop, Wallenstein, Ontario (519) 669.8400.-19bc LIKE , NEW WESTINGHOUSE . 13 cu. fridge; 24" stove, whit Excellent condition $500. pai Phone 482-7048 after p.m. -19x ft. e. r. 5 40° TV TOWER with colour head antenna and rotor, Phone 262-5585.-19 14' SPORTSPAL CANOE square stern. 22 target rifle. Wanted - 600 Mec Press. Phone 482-3866.-19x ASPARAGUS, fresh and tender; also, tomatoes, cucumbers and red potatoes at Evan's Farm Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield 482-75€2,-19 FOLD OUT COUCH for sale, good condition. Call 523- 4594,-19 1A. Snowmobiles JOHNSON •SNOWMOBILE good condition. As is or for parts. CaO 527-0521 after 5 p.m. -19 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE: May 16, starting at 9 a.m. at corner of John St. & Albert St. Family is moving. Items include two stoves, fridge, bureau, desks, beds and lots of household item- s. -19 5. Cars for sale 1979 FORD LTD black and white, will certify. Phone 432- 9fG1 .- 18,19 19977 JEEP C.JS. 6cylinder. like new, low mileage, 05200.. firm, certified. Phrine 565-Z547 or 565-244 ,after 5 p.m -19 1970 CHE VELLE. 2 door blue with black interior, FM and mette. 6 cylinder. auto Body in good shape. engine rebuilt and running well Selling as is, mowing. Asking . ("all after ;, 3o pin 432- 7901 - 19.20 1978 C11F.VROLET per kup and topper 34M00 kilometers, p s . 3116, automatic Saretied. 19 6C1JTi.ASS, 350, automatic. Sport wheels. p s . p h , radio Wetted Pyrene 4.92 7Piift • Eftx 4:R N ",' 6. Trucks for sale 1980 CHEV PiCKUP, 6 cyl., standard, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear bumper, heavy duty suspension. 482-3257,-18,19 8.. Marine FOIL SALE: 12'2' Bombardier sailboat, complete. Phone 482- 7604.-19nx 10. Pets for sale LABRADOR PUPS CKC registered - all shots and dewormed, good background, excellent for hunters. Phone 527-0208.-19,20 12. Real estate for sale NEW BRICK Ranch bungalow 1568 sq. ft., full basement with steel reinforcing in walls. Broadloom throughout, except kitchen, Oak Hanover cup- boards, attached garage, Priced at $49,900. - much below replacement. Cale Doucette 482-3348,-18,19 PRIVATE SALE - 11/2 2 storey home in Seaforth on r/4 acre lot, completely refinished inside and out, 11/2 2 baths, fireplace, rec- room, excellent location. Owner transferred $37,900, offer. 'Phone 527458. -18-20 LAUCKNER REALTY INC. BAYFIELD - 3 yr. old modern brick bungalow. attached garage, treed Jot, drilled. well. THREE BIDROOM sum- mer cottage, furnished. North of Bayfield. ONE FLOOR Cedar bungalow south of Bayfield, dose to lake. Includes stove, fridge, dishwasher and most furniture. Also, aluminum tool shed. MODERN wlnterized home on lake front, electric heated. WILDWOOO TRAILER PARK: 1 Bedroom trailer, in excellent condition, fully fur- nished on 3 landscaped wooded lots. Priced to sell. SEAFORTH • 2 storey, Victorian type home on corner lot. GODERICH TOWNSHIP • 9 room, 2 storey brick. Pield-stone fireplace, 4.1 acres, two car garage. small barn, hot water heated. CALL /ADAM FLOWERS 10x41, Bayfield 5_4540113 _ FOR SALE The Township of Goderich Is offering for sale the North half of Block 'A' In Plan No. 25. This is a building lot, suitable for o single residence, and Is approximately 92' by 153'. For further information contact Reeve G.H. Stirling,. R.R. 2 Bayfield. Phone 452.9954. R.E. TOtspn, Clo'k A, For sole FUNK'S SEED CORN in stock: Phone Stephen Thompson 482-9225 RR 2, Clinton, -18,19 SECOND CUT NAY for sale. Call 262-5333,-19 VERSATILE 5(4) at $1,400, Ford six furrow 18" plow, Wilrich 32' cultivator. 300gal,, 3 pt. hitch sprayer with booms, Ford 21' disc with mounted booms for incorporation. One Leon stone -picker. 1975 International truck with 18' dumpbox. 43,000 miles. Call 1- 3.31-.3912 after 7 p.m. -19-21 SPECIAL BEAN HEADER with Innes pickup to fit gleaner M2 or L2 combine bought new in 1980. Excellent condition. Phone 1-764-2425, call after 6 p.m. -19,20 B. Custorn Work CUSTOM PLANTING and spraying of corn and beans, Phone 402 -7192.-17-22 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:10 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Vlcros rt®rs,,...... emkera„ - 462-9411 &wry 14111.s ...tor - aas.arrr rfrbso., - 2224464 001:110. e«rarr,.., - 147.4014 arm fforemorHes- sle.4,044 C. Wanted 12, Real estate for sale TWO BEDROOM House Mary St., Clinton. Kitchen, dining mom, living room. Available June 1. Phone 482-7809,-19-21 THREE EWES, one Ram and three baby lambs for sale. Phone 482-3291.-49 D. Livestock ONTARIO Simmental Weekend - 200 lots, Friday, May 29, Barrie Fairgrounds, 2 p.m. Bull Sale, 7 p,m, Classic Female; Saturday, May 30, noon. J.L. Farms Sale, Hwy. 89, 12 miles west of Allister]; 5 p.m., Double M-Sandstream Sale, Smiles east of Creemore; Sunday, May 31, 1 p,m., Kern Simmental Sate, Allchar Sales Arena, south of Beeton on Con, 7, Sale headquarters, Not- tawasaga inn, Alliston, (705) 435-5501. Sale Mgrs., Transcon- Charcan Livestock Services, call Peter McBurney, (519) 461-1169.-19bc E. Form service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Union Stockyards every Monday. Campbell McKinley 262-5430,-441tf Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 4112.9371 Residence: 523.933$ 100 ACRES - Hullett Twp. 85 workable. Good buildings for beef and hogs. 150 ACRES E. Wawanosh - 2 floor brick home, 2 small barns, KIPPEN - 2 acres, 11/2 storey frame home nicely decorated, FARMERS For all your farm buildings BIG OR SMALL Give Ray Lumbers Construction neat' 482-3305 SHOP AND LOT - Londesboro on No. 4 Highway, ideal for welding shop or similar business, BRUCEFIELD - Executive home modern 2500 sq. ft„ carpeted, attached garage - all the extra s, LONDESBORO - 3/4 acre high- way property with 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport, WILLIAM STREET,... CLIN- TON - 2 storey home, very well. kept, 4 bedrooms, formal dining room and living room with fireplace, gas heat: Treed lot. Must be seen to appreciate. LONDESBORO - 3 bedroom brick bungalow in like new condition, double garage, paved drive, nicely land- scaped, 3 ACRES LONDESBORO AREA - 2 floor thick home, oil heat; large shop and storage shed, Must be seen to ap- preciate. LONDESBORO - 11/2 storey home, aluminum sided, new kitchen. Under $30,000,00, B'.. 'FII 12. Real estate for sale HULLETT TOWNSHIP 1-96.9 acres, approximately 85 acres workable. Presently about 45 acres in Winter Wheat. Partially systematically tiled. Immediate possession, No buildings, x - 100 acres, ap- proxlmateljy 70 acres workable systematically tiled. No buildings, immediate possession. Dirk M. Coolman Real Estate Broker. Phone 235-1055 Paul Hohner 235-0302 Exeter.- l9tf 250 ACRES - St. Helen.district. 210 wrirkable fair\buiklings, CLINTON - East Street- Quick possession. Attractive bungalow, sun porch, nicely landscaped, Reasonably priced, Give us an offer, NEW LISTING - Brick duplex on James Street, Clinton. Recently built. Low interest mortgage in effect. JOHN l DUDDY 2 ACRES - Edge of Clinton, paved road. 11 zlIstorey home in nearly new condition with carport, swimming pool, and many extras. Priced to sell, 11/2 2 STOREY - 4 bedroom home, 209 Ontario Street, Clinton, REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR NEW LISTING • 3 Semi- detached homes at Vanastra. '9,900 each for quick sole. Final order of foreclosure, clear title. 11/2 ACRES Beside Conestoga College, Vanastra. '5,500 or best offer for Immediate sale. EXCELLENT CLEAR -SPAN BUILDING 5,300 sq. ft. Quonset hut at Vanastra, suitable for storage, body shop, welding, showroom, etc. '27,900. Minimum '4,000 down. FOUR BUILDING LOTS - Smith Street, Clinton, elms. x.11' .x 120'. '4,000 per lot. FIVE BUILDING LOTS - Kippers, Intersection of No. 4 and Seaforth Road. '35,000 for total 05 foot frontage. RIVIRFRONT - Contem- porary 1,100 sq. ft. red- wood home, edge of town. Built to high sten. dard of energy conser- vation, 036 Insulation and heat pump. Spec secular floor plan, must be seen. Ask to view, we Italie a key. COUNTRY LIVING IN • TOWN - Open aspect of living areas to C.H.S.S. playing fields em- phasises the 'country' aspect of this fine ranch home. Many delightful features, 3 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, established landscaping. 164 Raglan Street. 11 PERCENT : That's the present first Mortgage rate. But we can offer you a floe home located near schools with an assumable mortgage at 11,5 percent and only 20 percent down. Total price '42,500 - and it really Is a lovely home! Ask us about this one, also our wide range of other listings! CALL JOHN DUDDY 402-9452 JOHN THOMPS0N527.19$3 LEAN KUEHL 452-1304 `OFFICE 412-3740 12. Real estate for sale BU iLDINGS FOR SALE Direct Factory Cost Prices. All steel clearspan, Various limited sizes. Not scratched, damaged or left over, Just good honest value. Phone: (416) 857-3586. -19bc a„mmionilins 13, Mobile homes THREE BEDROOM mobile home for sale, 12' x 68'. Call 527-0521 after 5p.m,-19 16. For Rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress upt Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St„ Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer, Power trowls, wheelbarows, etc, Form ties stacked. Call N,J, Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954,-16tfar N MAA o. E„14 16, For Rn ROTOTILLERS' for rent, by the hour, half-day or day. Verbeek's Farm & Garden Centre, 482.9333.-18,19ar 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM semi- detached, private drive, Phone ., 482.9210. -19ar ELIZABETH COURT 1 Bedroom •'223. AVAILABLE NOW JUNE 1 OB JULY 1 Features: Appliances, laundry facilities, car- pet throughout, all utilities Included, Located at 176 OXFORD STREET H/NSALL 262.3448 GK GK GK OK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK t7 0 0 t9 0 t9 0 t9 0 0 0 0 0 V. if you are thinking of Buying or Selling your property, contest G.K. Realty 4E2.4747 meow Ile her Huron Real Estate Board and Multiple 0 Listing Service. ;OK GK GK GK OK OK OK OK GK GK GK HAL HAi9TLSY 482-3693 GK REALTY & Insuronca Inc. 14 Isaac Street, Clinton 432-9147 •. CLARE (AE511!id 324-8993 NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey older brick on quiet street, Newly renovated, family room with fireplace, bar, laundry room, 165 Isaac St. NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom, 1 storey colorlok, new attached 20 x 24 garage, reinsulated 1980, newly decorated, family room. Large deck 18 ft, pool, 292 Townsend 5t NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom, 1 storey brick, built in 1953, area 1,000 sq, ft, neat, compact, fruit trees, garage, Priced right. 327 Ontario St. 10 ROOMS, 4 BEDROOMS, family room, office, sundeck, double garage, spacious grounds .lggr.x 132'. Many extras, 400 James 5t, PRICE REDUCED • 3 bedroom, 2 storey well appoin- ted home, Newly decorated, new wiring, 2 new boths with vanities, new carpeting; double garage, near schools. 200 Ontario St, THREE BEDROOM *TORN • aluminum siding. New modern kitchen and rewired 1978, Main floor fully carpeted. 175 Huron St, '29,000,66, COMMERCIAL BUILDING • Former Huron Laun- dry, 4000 square feel for sole or rent, 154 Beech St NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom, 1 storey brick built 19'73 area 1018 sq, ft„ 2 baths, gas heat, well in- sulated, large lot, must b0 seen, 47 WalkerSt VENDOR SAYS SILL - MAKI US AN 01'FIR - 109 Wintercourt 4 bedroom raised ranch, built 1974, Electric heat, paved drive, 2 baths, family room, Reduced to '49,900, MUST SILL - MAKE US AN OFFER • 4 bedroom, 1'/, storey stucco on good lot close to downtown, 137 Mary 54, DRASTICALLY REDUCED - Clean, neat, 2 bedroom close to downtown, must be seen, '17,900,", 56 Princess W. LISTINGS WANTED 7 7 777 0 7 rn 7C 0 7S 7 7f; 7 7 7C G 7C 7C 7C 7C 7C 7 7 75 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. SEAFORTH - Mgood sire• WALTON - 1 fl000m home. CLINTON - 2 bedroom mobile home, '11,000„ good condition, 51 ACRES - 46 workable, near Brussels. DAiRY - 125 acres, cows, quota 8 machinery included, FULTON ST.: Lot 106 x 165, large workshop, 3 bedroom home, '36,900.'", High St. - Lot size 131 x 150, elegant 11 room home, fireplace, formal dining room, only '45,000,00 QUEEN ST.: Lot 72 x 85, 3 or 4 bedroom home, good condition. 51111051 57.: 4 apartments and potential space, good returns. LONO3S10RO: Lof 212 x 132, Restaurant, gas pumps, attached residence. TOWNSEND ST, - 3 bedroom, 1 floor hose, built in range, oven d dish - ,.washer, only '23,506.00 furnu FO TO '20,001,00 - for this lovely home, completely remodelled, in Vanastra. REDUCED TO '76,914.40: far this 1 floor 2 bedraarvt, Rome on• Mary St, KiN1.U1N: 3 bedraorts bungalow, on a '/, acre fat '30,000.00. PAYFf 'E: 1,9 acres, beautiful seffing, lovely home, horse barn and welding shop ' SIAFORTH HENRY MERO 327.0430 SILL HENDERSON 321.0993 STEVE MURRAY 345-2172 LONDESSORO GERRIT WILTS 323-4229 OFFICE: 4112-3435 CLINT®N: HAROLD WORKMAN 4112-3455 PETER DAMSMA 4124044 AILEEN CRAIG 402-366$ BAYFIELD - 3 berWattage near Lake. SEAPORT/1 - Ranch style brick home, neat, MODERN HOME - modern barn, 5 acres, Near Seaforth, 42 ACRES - river frontage, gravel pit near Auburn" ISAAC ST, - Double tot, 3 bedroom home with family room, 15 ACRES: river frontage. nicety treed, beautiful restored home, clock tower, horse barn, near Clinton. MARY ST, - Lot 117 x 100, 4 bedroom, 1 floor home nicety remodelled, '35,000.00 ISAAC ST,: Lot 99 x 144, 5 bedroom home, 2 fireplaces, dining ream, den, TOWNSEND ST,: tot 41 x 132, 4 bedrooms, fomify room, modern kit then. HiGH 5T.: ).of 82 x 132, beautiful rn- te'rior, 4 bedrooms, dining roam 011NL09 ST.: lot 50 x 132, indoor pool, Solar heat, family room, 3 bedrooms. MO 4 f4SO *Y: Ent 75 z 200. modern commercial building, 12' 0 % rove. /N0U51r11A6 ZONED LOT: 113 x 190 greeting hos 5.940 set, ft orrfy'20.000 " 1'/y ACRES: House 0 barn ort, '32,0608.00 HU1O51 ST. - Attractive horn* formal dining room, 3 bedrooms try your offer MATiLDA ST. - tof 82 e 132, 3 bedroom bungralow. finished baserrriere TOWFtSEf1D 5`f ; 4 bedroom 1' , storey Pewee nicely landscaped fol. ALBERT ST. - brick home, good con- dition, 10% mortgage. BAYFIELD- 1 a4jobadr4e, *11' ACRES - McKillop Twp„ 2 sets of buildings. FEED LOT • 5 to 600 head, 100 acres, near Clinton. VICTORIA 174 Commercial zoned property, residence & pool. HURON ST,: to/ 82' x 132', attractive 3 bedroom home, '35,000,00 ONTARIO ST,: dining room, largo family room, 3 bedrooms, elegant, KiNG STI, Lot 82 x 132, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, double garage, '34,506.66. MA1140A ST.: tot 47 x 128, 2 bedrooms dining room, 101/2 6/a mortage. ON7A1/0 ST.: 4 bedroom home, natural wo6dwark,' stained windows, garage. *10307 ST-: Store and apartment, good condition, '29,965." HURON ST,: 1 acre zoned highway commercial. VOOOE4$ sue I41 at 80' x 166', 2 bedroom collage. SHIPLEY 07,: 3 bedroom home partiolry renovated. 7OWeiff 40 ST, - Nicety landscape.! lot, 4 b'edroam effractive home, 10150ER POULTRY BARN: 1 floor home, 7 acres, near Cfinfan. HOBBY FARM: S acres, 2 barn's, shed, nice home, near Searfertft. 2 ACRE C0104'301 E51411E5 3 freer Chalet nota fh•e Martian°d 1