HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-07, Page 20PAGE 20-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 7 ,1981 4. . -1243 (URIT 64rt I' 11plyY D J MN; 'ow slum F Rf E IS4 �my ,rm.''it ay. Le aisle Occ 981-1200 . • ,on s InfD--, 4004 mw GR SVir70 Sa AU IPa, alU1�VE a� CO. 421 40 .4 Int 1. Articles for sale ,. SICK ROOM Supplies, patienit aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc. See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241. -1tf:. OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliancest.; ,,See Rieck IDA Pharmacy', 14 Shoppers Squab, Goderich, _ 524- 7241.-ltf GOOD NO. 1 Table Potatoes for sale - red or white; 10, 20, 75 Ib. bags. Seed potatoes grown from foundation stock. Call 482-7578:-17,18 RECLAIMED, cleaned, yellow brick for sale. Phone 482-7913 after 5 p.m. -17-20 HOOVER VACUUM Cleaner. Good condition, seldom used. Price reasonable. Phone 482- 3770.-18x WANTED - Medium size used room air conditioner- window type, 110 volts. Phone 565- 2757.-18x PAINT FOR SALE - High gloss black, orange, green and white. Quantity of steel shelving. Phone 524-8602 or shop 27 Pic ton St. E., Goderich.-18 SOLID WOOD Bedroom suite, complete with mirror, vanity and stool, large dresser and mirror, double bed with new mattress, one night table. Older model in good condition. $200. or best offer. Also, matching dresser with mirror and four drawer chest in good condition. $140. or best offer. Phone 565-5343.-18 THE BENMILLER PUNT FARM We Offer gardeners the largest selection of top quality flower & vegetable. BOX PLANTS GERANIUMS PERENNIALS GARDEN NOVELTIES ETC., ETC. All at low grower to gardener prices. We are open: MON.-FRI. 12:3&11 p.m. SAT. A SUN. 10 o.rst.-0 p.m. Our greenhouse Is located 100 yards down- stream from the large Benmlller bridge. Also.-. *TREES *EVERGREENS * FRUIT TREES BAKER'S NURSERY RR No. 2. Bayfield 482-9995 Closed Sundays •4' 4 .X., R JC: V4 1 cnsccr &4111 C •o.,• e4-1. G990, .1 ; tS Sari 1\I Y '-• .r- Enton News -Record CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLiNESe Classified Word Ads . D D D D . D ... Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .. D D D D. Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sole 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale ,4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12. Reol estate for sole 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 46. In memoriam 23. Commercial property for rent 47. Card of thanks 24. Wonted to rent 25. Wonted to buy 26. Help wonted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 1/4 PHONE 482-3443 a.tv N',' 1. Articles for sale BEDDING PLANTS now arriving daily. Also certified seed potatoes,. packaged and bulk seeds, trees and shrubs. Verbeek's Farm & Garden Centre, Isaac St., 482- 9333.-18ar INSULATED CAMPER, screen windows and door. 120 volt lights. Fully - panelled inside. Phone 529-7373.-17- 19nx OVEN READY year old roosters, 7-11 pounds, 35.00 each. Hens 5-8 lbs. $3.50 each. Also smoked chicken. Phone 529-7373. -17 -19nx o. 5. Cars for sale 1979 FORD LTD black and white, will certify. Phone 482- 9851--18,19 1971 CHRYSLER Newport 360, Automatic, power brakes, power steering, as is $450. or best offer. Call 482-7284 or 524- 9389.-18x MUST BBSEEN - Immaculate condition 1974 Chev Caprice Classic. Most options, in- cluding P,W., P.L., P.T., Air, etc . Complete engine overhaul, new paint. Call 527-0309 after 5:30 p.m. -18 5. Cars for sale 1970 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 door hardtop, p.b., p.s., and radio. As is, best offer. Phone 527 -0094.-- 16-18x 6. Trucks for sale PHEONIX 10' Truck Camper, fully equip. ..along with 8. 1972 4.4 ton Ford truck. Will sell together or separately. Phone 482-9192.-17.18 1974 INTERNATIONAL '. ton. 304 cu. in., 3 speed tran- smission rebuilt, body needs vmork, 40,800 miles. Sell as is $900. or best offer. Phare 482- 7281.-18 1980 CHEV PICKUP, 0 cyl., standard. power steering, power brakes, radio, rear bumper, heavy duty suspension. 482-3257.-18,19 7. R.V.'s for sale 0 TRAVEL TRAILER; 1975, 18 ft. fully self contained, roll -up awning and TV aerial $4200. Phone 524-4165.-17,18 1978 PROWLER Trailer, 23', sleeps nine, centre layout, bathroom, completely self- contained. Phone 523- 4357.-17,18 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale BELARUS 500 special 2 wheel drivetractor with only 310 hrs. 1 set of Kraus 10 ft. hydraulic wheel disc. 1 heavy duty Singer auger 6 ft. 6 in. Snowblower. Phone • 524- 4306.-18,19nx BOY'S 3 'PGS SUIT, size 16. Perfect condition phone - 527- 1167.-18 REALISTIC Clarinette 42 compact Stereo System. $60. Phone 482-3455.-18 ONTARIO GROWN Tomatoes, English cucumbers and potatoes, - com ing soon asparagus. Evan's Farm Market 2 miles north of Bayfield. Phone482-7562.-18 FERTILIZER SALE Continues 'til Saturday, May 9 WEED & FEED 20 KG. -REG. '28.75 $23" VEGETABLE GROWER 10 KG. -REG. '8.29 $7,.°° LAWN INSECT DOCTOR 20 KG. -REG. '27.49 $22.88 SCOTT'S TURF BUILDER 5.5 KG. -REG. '14.95 •11.15 TURK BUILDER PLUS 2 6.75 KG. -REG. '17.95 s15.ss VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 482-9333 This That & The Other Thing Closing Out 3 weeks left Discounts Galore! Consignments excluded 79 Main St.. S. Seaforth 1. Articles for sale DELUXE Sewing Machine, zig-zag. Phone 482-7608.-18 TRY C & E USED FUR- NITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich. 524-7231.-40tf "NfEAT KING" heavy roaster cockerels day old to two weeks available Apr. May and June. Call McKinley Hatchery 1 -800 265-8536. Order today and put meat on your table this fall. -13 24ar DRY IT! Saved! Drying fresh summer food in an Equi -Flow Dehydrator is the most nutritious and economical way of preserving. Write now for information on home drying. House By The School Ltd. Box 286, Vineland, Ontario. LOR 2C0. Dealer inquiries in vited.-18bc DELICIOUS apples from your own back yard. Dwarf apple trees for the gardener and commercial grower. Variety - Red Delicious, Empire Spartan, Ida Red, Golden Delicious. Guaranteed to grow. Price $6.50 each. Order today. Send to Monta Arbre Farms inc., RR No. 1 Burgessville, NOJ ICO. Phone (519)424-9178.- -18bc WINCHESTER Com- memoratives: Sask. and Alberta Diamond Jubilee, RCMP, Klondikes, Calgary Stampede, LBH, etc. All Commemoratives available. Pete's Commemoratives, 1839 Cathy Avenue, Kelowna B.C. VI X 4K4 (604) 765-0350.-18bc ONE TORO 20" Town Mower $.35. one Lawn Boy 20" $35., one Canadiana 22" $50. Phone 482- 3222.-18x TWO BANK -TELLER metal cash drawers, double locks - great for home securities. Two tables - 40" high x 25" wide x 60" long, square aluminum legs, wood arborite tops. Four glass showcases, one wrap-up counter, 3 x 8' wall sections, sliding glass doors, all hardware and glass shelves. Make an offer. Phone 482-7054.-18ar ROTOTiLLER - hate new, 4 cycle. Briggs & Stratton, chain driven, reverse gears, ex- tension tines. Call C2-7551 after 6 p. m. or 482-7045.-18 ROCK PiCKERS: Rock -O Matic models 546, 5' pickup, indium dump: model 57, 7' pickup. high dump: model 1-IDW5, 20' pickup dump, Windrowers models TM 20, 20' width. TM12 - 12' width. Contact your local farm equipment dealer for prices. Distrihuted in Ontario by L.E. Seeley. Flesherton, Ontario, NOC 1E0 Phone (519) 922- 2389 - 2- 2389.- tate ' ORNAMENTAL TREES and shrubs: seeding and sodding, tockstone and timber. Call Huron Landscaping, Lucknow, :529.7247 17.24 A. For sale STRAW FOR SALE, ap- proximately 1,000bales. Phone 482-7065.-16-18ar ONE COCKSHUTT BALER, 520: one Cockshutt rake, both in good condition. Phone 523- 4410.-18 FUNK'S SEED CORN in stock. Phone Stephen Thompson 482-9225. RR 2, Clinton. -18,19 B. Custom Work CUSTOM PLANTING and spraying of com and beans. Phone 482-7192.-17-22 C. Wonted WANTED: Milking unit with standing pail. Phone 524- 7081.- 48 Henson Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor H .eaves =Hen -a2-1533 • Harry Miller !aster • 424.2717 DereKbbeen = 2!!•42114 a CwneHaers - 117.1734 esps.y Hargreaves -1142-91+92 D. Livestock SD( STEERS and five heifers between 450 lbs. and 600 lbs., six black Angus and five white face. Phone 482-3300 after 5 p.m.-ISnx SIXTEEN HEREFORD HEIFERS approximately 650 lbs. and fourteen Steers 450 - 650 lbs. Phone 527-1645.-I8 E. Form service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Union Stockyards every Monday. Campbell McKinley 262 :5430.-48tf F. For Rent HOG BARN to rent, holds 1.000 fat hogs. Available now. 2 miles from Clinton. Phone 482- 7065.- I6-I8ar FARMERS For all your farm buildings BIG OR SMALL Give Roy Lumbers Construction a call 482-3305 STOCKER SALE 1200 HEAD AT NENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. ON SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1981 at1:00P.M. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves VICTOR HARGREAVES (519) 482-7511(CLINTON) MARRY MILLER (519) 235-2717 (EXETER) 229-8285 (KIRKTON) DOUG CARRUIIIERS (519) 237-3734 (DASHW000) GREG HARGREAVES (519) 252-24219 (HENSALL) (519) 262-2E31(HENSALL) AUCTIONEER: LARRY GARDINER and RICHARD LOBB 8. Marine MARINE FASTENINGS - stainless brass, bronze, galvanized, Interlux Marine Finishers, "West" System Products, plywood and lum- ber, fiberglas cloth. John Jeffery & Son Building Sup- plies, Goderich. Phone 524- 817 1,-16eowtf FOR SALE: 12,:!' Bombardier Sale Boat, complete. Phone 4K24604.-18 12. Real estate for sale RUSSELL EASY LIVING! Only '12,500 for this neat 2 bedroom mobile home. with femilyroom ad- dition. 100 ACRES Oldeparts t�ng Parti king '410, 7 ACRES BUILDINGS GALORE! Very well kept 2 storey aluminum sided home, with plenty of buildings, heavy wiring, 3 spacious bedrooms and good well. Owner may hold mortgage. • BREAK AWAY! , Own this independent & thriving rural confec- tionary, gas bar and residence, all for one price! Full details to in- terested partiesll 100 ACRES Just Listed - 2 har- restore, pole barn, large shed, and 3 bedroom residence! 20 minutes away! 100 ACRES 'Vactiled race 6 '2,650 per a HURON PARK '/• acre lot, and fully refurbished 3 bedroom home, new gas hot water heat, 2 baths, small barn, and im- mediate possession. Tom' Russell 482-3124 Earl Russell 776-7391 Doug Russell 238-8283 Randy Russell 776=7432 RUSSELL REALTY LTD. "Realtor" WE LIST AND SELL! 12. Real estate for sale NEW BRICK Ranch bungalow 1568 sq. ft., full basement with steel reinforcing in, walls. Broadloom throughout, except kitchen, Oak Hanover cup- boards, attached garage. priced at $49,900. - much below replacement. Cale Doucette 482-3348.-18,19 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 100 ACRES - Hullett Twp. 85 workable. Good buildings for beef and hogs. 150 ACRES E. Wawanosh - 2 floor brick home, 2 small barns. KIPPEN - 2 acres, 112 storey frame home nicely decorated. SHOP AND LOT - Londesboro on No. 4 Highway, ideal for welding shop or similar business. BRUCEFIELD - Executive home modern 2500 sq. ft., carpeted, attached garage - all the extras. LONDESBORO - 34 acre high- way property with 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport. WILLIAM STREET. CLIN- TON - 2 storey home, very well kept, 4 bedrooms, formal dining room and living room with fireplace, gas heat. •Treed lot . Must be seen to appreciate. LONDESBORO - 3 bedrootn brick bungalow in like new condition, double garage,, paved drive, nicely land- scaped. 3 ACRES LONDESBORO AREA - 2 floor brick home, oil beat, large shop and storage shed. Must be seen to ap- preciate. LONDESBORO 112 storey home, aluminum sided, new kitchen. Under $30,000.00. S DG 1)•0 250 ACRES - St. Helen district. 210 workable fair buildings. CLINTON - East Street. Quick possession. Attractive bungalow, sun porch, nicely landscaped. Reasonably priced. Giveusa call. NEW LISTING - Brick duplex on James Street, Clinton. Recently built. Low interest mortgage in effect '. , 12. Real estate for sale ATTRACTIVE EIGHT Room brick, 112 storey home on 3 acres near Seaforth. Insulated, 11.2 bath, 100 amp service, drilled well, small barn 20' x 40' Mrs. Art Nicholson 527- 1066.-17,18 PRIVATE SALE - I'2 storey home in Sea forth .on 'gin acre lot, completely refinished inside and out, 112 baths, fireplace, rec- room, excellent location. Owner transferred $37,900. offer. Phone 527-0758.-18-20 BAYFIELD 3 Bedroom, new kitchen and laundry -room, fully carpeted, quiet street. Please call Pat Graham 565-2847. EXETER, ONT. NOM 150 N Ann '•, +t L. 4.i15 16. For Rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main S't., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd. )-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheeibaraws, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954.- 16tfar HOTOTILLERS for rent, by the hour, half-day or day. Verbeek's Farm & Garden Centre,482-9333.-18,19ar 17. Apartments for rent DUPLEX CLOSE to downtown Clinton, carpeted, refrigerator, stove, $190. Phone 529-7949.-18,19,20 FOR RENT JUNE 1 - Clean, quiet, heated 2 bedroom apartment in duplex. Close to stores and church. Phone 527- 15117 evenings. -18-21 Cuiiigan REAL ESTATELTD. NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom bungalow featuring family room with fireplace. Separxte dining room, full basement. Excellent location. '51,900. NEW LISTING - Bayfield, Howard St. Cottage No: 1. Uniqueness and charm galore in this wall -landscaped cottage. Close to beach, Franklin fireplace, glassed -in eating area off kitchen. Try your offer today. '37;900. COTTAGE No. 2 - 3 bedroom, good sired kitchen. Living room with Energy Efficient fireplace. Insulated for year round use. Only '41,900. NEAR BAYFIELD - Stone home, artist's residence. Ap- prox. 110 years old, about 5 miles from Bayfield. 10 acres of rolling hills, fruit trees, stream, landscaped very nicely, natural,pond site. One of a kind. '79,900. COTTAGE LOT - All,sorvices, South of Bayfield. Owner onxilous to sell, '10,500. BAYFIELD - Lakefront bungalow, completely winterized - Fully Furnished - unbelleveoble view - sun deck - paved drive all extras. '65,000. CLINTON • Ontario St, - 2 storey home completely renovated top to bottom - must be seen. '49,500. MODERN - 3 bedroom home - Bayfield well wooded lot, quiet street. '47,000 first mortgage at 12% runs till 1914. Try small down payment today. NEAR BAYFIELD - "Country Life In Huron County" 3 properties to choose from, 21/2 acres, 2 acres, 5 acres. All houses in very good repair ranging in price from '43,900 to '65,000. CLINTON - Maria St. - small but neat. Close to all ser- vices. '12,000. That's right -'12,000. NEW LISTING - 199 Queen near Hospital. Solid brick 3 bedroom bur - " ret room with fflreplace . walk out sliding 7 ' • • and back lawn area ex- tras far too num • to list. Only '59,500. NEAR BAYFIELD - Modern 3 bedroom home, cathedral ceilings, full basement, walk out glass doors, deck, ex- tra building lot, all for only '64,500. 5 minutes. from Bayfield. `ALL' WILLY BUNN BAYFIELD 565-5055 REAL ESTATE LTD. SEAFORTH HENRY MERO 527-0430 BILL HENDERSON 527-0995 STEVE MURRAY 345-2172. LONDESBORO GERRIT WILTS 523-4229 GODERICH ANNA MELSKI 524-2768 CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 AILEEN CRAIG 482-3669 FULTON ST.: Lot 106 x 165, large workshop, 3 bedroom home. '36,900.". High St. - Lot size 131 x 150, elegant 11 room home, fireplace, formal dining room, only '45,000.00 QUEEN ST.: Lot 72 x 85, 3 or 4 bedroom home, good condition. HURON ST.: 4 apartments and potential space, good returns. 100 ACRES - 80gRb>)if� house & barrf near Bayfield. �°r LONDESBORO: Lot 212 x 132. Restaurant, gas pumps, attached residence. TOWNSEND ST. - 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, built in range, oven & dish- washer, only '23,500.00 REDUCED TO '29,900.00 - for this lovely home, completely remodelled, in Vonostro. REDUCED TO '16.900.110: for this 1 floor 2 bedroom home on Mary St. KINBURN: 3 bedroom bungalow, on o '', acre lot '30,000.00, BAYFIELD: 1 9 acres, beautiful setting. lovely home, horse barn and welding shop. 100 ACRES: 9s Oble. systemtic tiling. Morris Tv� 1S ACRES: river frontage, nicely treed, beautiful restored home, clock tower, horse born, near Clinton. MARY ST. - Lot 117 x 100, 4 bedroom, 1 floor home nicely remodelled, '35,000.00 ISAAC ST.: Lot 99 x 144, 5 bedroom home, 2 fireplaces. dining room, den. MODERN DUP building. good lot. TOWNSEND ST.: Lot 41 x 132, 4 bedrooms, family room, modern kit- chen HIGH ST.: Lot 82 x 132, beautiful In. terior. 4 bedrooms, dining room. DUNLOP ST.: Lot 50 x 132, indoor pool, Solar heat, family room, 3 bedrooms. NO. 4 HIGHWAY: Lot 75 x 200, modern commercial building. 12',. "e mtae INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOT: 113 x 190 Building hos 5,940 sq. ft, only'20.000.". 1'A ACRES: House & barn ' only '32,000.00 HURON ST. - Attractive home, formal dining room. 3 bedrooms, try your offer. MATIWA ST. - Lot 82 x 132, 3 bedroom bungalow, finished basement. ALBERT ST.: tot sire 82 x 132. beautiful 4 bedroom brick hoc,e. TOWNSEND ST.: 4 bedroom 1', storey home nicely landscaped tot VICTORIA ST.: Commercial zoned property, residence & pool. HURON ST.: Lot 82' x 132', attractive 3 bedroom home, '35,000.00 ONTARIO ST.: dining room, large family room, 3 bedrooms, elegant. KING ST.: Lot 82 x 132, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, double garage, '34,500."". M'ATILDA ST.: Lot 97 x 128, 2 bedrooms, dining room, 10' a D mortage. ONTARIO ST.: 4 bedroom home, natural woodwork stained windows, garage. ALBERT ST.: Store and apartment, good condition '29.900 ''" HURON ST.: 1 commercial, AUTO BODY dustriol Park VODDENS BEACH: Lot 80' x 160', 2 bedroom cottage SMIPLEY ST.: 3 bedroom home partially renovoted TOWNSEND ST. - Nicely landscaped lot, 4 bedroom attractive home. BREEDER POULTRY BARN: 1 floor home 7 acres rear Clinton. HOBBY FARM: 5 acres 2 earns, shed, nice home near Seaforth 2 ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE: 3 floor Chalet near the Maitland acre zoned highway IliCKEL'oforth In - 4