HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-07, Page 14PAGE 14—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY. MAY 7 , 1981 Homem The Town and Country Homemakers are hoping desperately for donations to help them purchase the Vic- toria Street building in Wingham in which they have their offices. Otherwise, the group faces a move to a new location early this summer. Bev Brown the new board chairman of the homemakers' organization, said the group has until early June to' raise the $10,000 needed for a down payment. The owner of the house the group has been renting since December has received an offer on the property, she ex- plained. The Homemakers have been gi'en first option to purchase it, provided they can raise the required funds. Ironically, the group. had just decided during a board meeting last week to set up -a° building fund aimed at even- tual purchase of the proper- ty, she noted, but it hasn't yet had time to accumulate any capital. She said the current loca- tion is a "nice, private, quiet office" and has a lot of ad - •vantages. There had been suggestions the group could move from Wingham to the new county health building going up at Huronview, Clin- ton, but that would be in- convenient. and also the group wants to retain its in- dependence, Miss Brown said. She added that as a result ers need y of their service the Homemakers have made a lot of friends throughout the county, "and feel if they knew our predicament they would try to help." She said the group needs some kind of a commitment by its next board meeting, May 24; otherwise it will have to start looking for an alternative location. The Town and Country lant21et1)nirerc i'; 'i nrh'Rte a.r non-protit organization which provides a variety of homemaking services to per- sons who need them. Last year it employed 80 homemakers who served nearly 1,500 clients in Huron County. Donations are being solicited from Huron County businesses and residents to help with the purchase. Because the services of Tniivn .1,, } country el Homemakers are available to every resident of the coun- ty, the Board hopes to receive donations from private citizens as well as businesses. Each donor will receive a tax deductible receipt. Send to Town and Country Homemakers, Box 961, Wingham, Ont. or contact Gwyn Whilsmith, fund rais- ing chairman at 236-4340. estfield Cemetery studied The Huron County branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society began the mammoth task of transcribing the 101 known cemeteries in Huron County last Saturday, May 2nd. Their pilot project was Westfield Cemetery, a small, now -abandoned burying ground in East Wawanosh Twp., and blessed with sunny weather, they :were able to complete the physical transcribing on the tomb- stone information that day. However, here the job begins rather than ends, cemetery coordinator, Alison Lobb, noted. "Now We have a map of the graveyard with the in- dividual tombstones marked on it and numbered, and we have all the information from the stones copied down. Next we must try our best to locate burial records and cross check our infomation with these. It is quite obvious that there were »anyolder graves now without markers in this cemetery, and our earliest burial records start in 1900," she said. "Once our report is ready - complete with maps, tom- bstone data, and an alphabetical index - we will send copies to the local township council and to the provincial and federal ar- chives for the use of researchers who may live at some distance from Huron County yet who wish to trace their relatives here," Mrs. Lobb sa id. "We would also like to have a history of the cemetery to include with this Members of the Zeta Omega chapter from Clinton of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority were presented with the ritual of the jewels at.a founders' day celebration held last week in Mitchell. In the front row (left right);are Shirley Mills, Marilyn McMahon and Liz War- ren. In the back row are Marie Colclough, Marie Black, Pat Bell and Joanne Poelman. (Photo by Walter McKenzie) Young gardeners are busy The Clinton Junior Gar- deners meet immediately after school in the Council Chambers of the town hall on the third Tuesday of each month. An interesting program of projects and activities is planned for boys and girls 9 years of age and older who are interested in gardening and nature study. The club's officers are: Gwen Holland, pres.; Tracey Potter, vice pres.; Suzanne Walker, sec. ; Lori Colquhoun, treas.; Suzanne Walker, press secreta ry. The leaders are: Marion Powell and Karron Tait. The second meeting of the SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS CLINTON SEAFORTH Area Represenative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street CLINTON 4$2-9441 GODERICH AREA Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road GODERICH 524-7345 Clinton\ Junior Gardeners was held Apr. 21 when eight members were present. The secretary read the minutes from the last meeting and the correspondence. An election for vice president and treasurer was held. Tracey Potter was chosen as vice president and Lori Colquhounas treasurer. Mrs. Tait demonstrated how to transplant tomato plants. Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Tait helped the children make dish gardens using cactus or plants requiring little water, they also used miniature animals and trinkets. Suzanne Walker won the door prize. It was decided to go to Mrs. Powells to make decoration for the float for theKompen Feest parade. The next meeting will. be May 19 at 3:45 at the town hall. Wingham Memorials Guaranteed . Granite *Cemetery Lettering *Buy Direct and save Commissions BUS. PHONE 347-1910 RES. 357-1015 report. Right now our in- formation is limited to the few lines printed in the Township history booklet of 1967 This states that the cerrieterji was registered In 1878, yet there is one stone dated 1865," she said. Anyone with further details regarding Westfield cemetery please contact Mrs. Donald Lobb, R.R. 2, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1LO. The societywould hope to have more volunteers turn out for their next day of work - Saturday, May 30th (weather permitting). Turnout the first time was disappointing, although one helper drove from London to assist. On May 30th, they will be working at 'Donnybrook and St. Augustine cemeteries, and more people will be needed if we are to have a profitable day ! They will meet at Don- nybrook cemetery which is 8.5 km north of Auburn on county road No. 22, at 10 a.m. Saturday morning. Rain date will be the following Saturday - June 6th - same time, same place. Remember to bring your paper, pencils, a wire brush (a real necessity! ), and lunch! Please notify Alison Lobb, at 482-7167 if you hope to attend that day. See you there! 1111111111111111 1.1111111111111111110 Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Irion Former Clinton First United Church in Hanna, Alberta was the scene of an early spring wed- ding on March 28, when Miss Ruth Marie DeRuyter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John DeRuyter of Scapa, Alberta, became the bride of Darryl Wayne Irion, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Irion of Endiang. The nuptial rites were per- formed by the Rev. Donald J. Hutton, amid church decorations of baskets of mixed flowers Given in marriage by her parents, the bride was at- tired in a floor -length ivory covered gown of peau de soie with lace motifs and seed pearls trim, with long sleeves. Her pearl crown head dress was completed with a floor length veil of lace and net panels. Her jewellery . consisted of pearl drop necklace and pearl earrings, and she car- ried a bouquet of red roses on a Bible Attending the bride as maid of honor was her sister Huronview folk enjoy trip Bingo was played at Huronview's on ground north on Friday afternoon, April 24. Rev. Scott conducted the Sunday morning service, assisted by Mrs. Elsie Henderson at the organ, and the choir sang "Never Alone". Sunday . afternoon Rev. Loshbough and his wife from the Baptist Church in Exeter held a service. Ruby McVittie and Mabel Jeffray entertained at old tyme music on Monday afternoon. The resident's council held a meeting in the chapel on Wednesday morning, and on Wednesday afternoon the exercise and rhythm band group .met on first floor north. Varna lady dies Dorothy Coultes Dorothy Coultes, died in Clinton Public Hospital on April 29. She was 65 years old. 7 A Varna resident and housewife, Mrs. `Cdtiltes was the former Dorothy Chiverton. She is predeceased by her husband and survive. and three children, John Coultes of Varna, Mary Goodyear of Toronto and Peggy Buroneau of Edmonton, Alberta. Also surviving are two brothers Harvey and George, both of St. Thomas, and eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Ball Funeral Home in Clinton with Rev. Willena Brown from the Varna United Church officiating. Interment followed in the Bayfield Cemetery. Funds needed for addition GODERICH - The Alexandra Marine and General Hospital board has appointed a steering committee to study the feasibility of raising $450,000 to construct and equip a four bed critical care unci and improved day surgery facilities. The ministry of health has recognized a need for these facilities in the area. However, the hospital's initial request for funds has been turned down by the ministry since their capital funds for the next three years have been committed to other provincial health care projects. NOTABLE QUOTES THE FIRST APOSTLES did not fail nor flinch nor falter. They did not give up in despair. saying "It N no use carrying on, no one will:Fbelleve us." They went forth In His strength and risen Power. They were un- defeatablo, they were unstoppable. (President B.I.W.F.) The Notable quotes Society 555 Kininvle, London, N6G 1P1 MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR DON DENOMME AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524-6621 T. PRIDE 8 SON LTD. BUSINESS EST. 1920 Please give generously when the Red Shield volunteer canvasser calls. If you would like to help out by being a canvasser yourself, please phone campaign headquarters Please help the Red Shield Appeal Give usthis day CLINTON: MONDAY, MAY 11, 1981 Earl Durnin, Mrs. Beckler, Jennie Finlay, Millie Edwards, Frank Crich, Bill McCurdy, Al Macey, E. Elder, Grace Peck, John Dean, Mrs. Keller, C. Steel, Mr. Philips, Eber Lewis, Janet Zapfe, B. Young, Ray Cornish, Helen Fisher, E. Hill, Mary Ross, Leah Currie, R. McVittie, U. Lamb, Margaret Mitchell, Mr. McAllister, M. Gibson, G. Cornell, Pat Thurlow, Myrtle McNaughton, Grace Thompson, Josie Cun- ningham, Maude McFadden, Mary Van Camp, C. Dearing, and Fran McLean along with staff members enjoyed an outing to Walkerton to Bruce Lea Haven to their tea and craft show. The weather man co- operated to his fullest and the journey was made under beautiful sunny skies. Ed Stiles was here to play the organ in the chapel for those residents who were unable to attend the tea. Huronview would like,' to welcome two new residents Turn to page 15 • St. Paul's Anglican Church THE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT B.A. M. Div. SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1981 Third Sunday After Easter 10 A.M. MORNING PRAYER and SACRAMENT of HOLY BAPTISM SERMON: "CONSIDER THE LILIES" Sunday School and Nursery Available During Morning Worship Baptist First Baptist Church HURON ST. CLINTON MR. EDWARD J. ANDERSON PASTOR SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1981 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 1 :15 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP EVERYONE WELCOME Catholic St. Joseph's Catholic Church James St. Clinton Phone: 4829468 FR. JOHN PLUTA SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1981 MASS - SUNDAY, 11 A.M. CONFESSION - SATURDAY 7:15 P.M. MASS - SATURDAY 8 P.M. ALL WELCOME Pentecostal - Calvary Pentecostal Church 166 Victoria St. Clinton Pastor: Wayne Lester 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service ALL WELCOME Brenda DeRuyter,and her bridPsmaids wpre her sister Caroline DeRuyter and Marilyn Rappel, sister of the groom. They were attired in dresses of figured chiffon over nylon, trimmed with matching ribbon and lace, the maid of honor's gown in green color and the bridesmaids in peach. They carried nosegays of white and yellow daisies misted with babies' breath and matching white daisies in their hair. Organist was Mrs. Elaine Gordon, and soloist was Cin- dy Johnston, cousin of the bride. Attending the groom was Ron DeRuyter of Scapa, and groomsmen were Rodney Irion and Fred Rappel, while ushering the guests were Kevin Irion and Oswald Steinward. Candle lighter' were Tom DeRuyter and Allan Irion, youngest brothers of the bride and groom. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the En- Mrd wed diang community hall, which was tastefully decorated with pink rind white streamers and white bells. Guests attending froin other points were those from Dawson Creek, Tofieldjlit Castor, Calgary, EdmontonNIV Stealer, Halki.rk, Craigmyle, Lacombe, Vegreville, Erskine, Lethbridge, Bluffton, Ottawa, Kin- cardine, Ont. For receiving the guests, the bride's mother was dressed in a gAn of floor length aqua chiffon over nylon, with which she wore a corsage of talisman roses. The groom's mother chose a floor length gown of pale green taffeta with long sleeves and a corsage of roses. The bride's table was tastefully decorated with pale peach flowers and green leaves, and other floral arrangements of yellow and white daisies, and was centered with thede wedding cake. A NSTETT JEWELLERS 8 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-3901 AT THE MAIN CORNER We're at your service... With in-store WATCH REPAIRS Certified Watchmaker on staff WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATION 'Supplied and in• • stalled while you wait S4• each Also: Installation cif electronic calculator batteries. We stock 20 different Power Cells. HOURS: Monday through Thursday. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.: Fridays 9 a.m. till 9 p.m.: Saturdays 9 a.m.•5:30p.m. Church Services Fellowship -Bible Chapel 162 Maple Stree4 Clinton SPEAKER: MR. PAUL FLETCHER, Simcoe SUNDAY 9:45 A.M. Worship Service 11:00 A.M. Family Bible Hour i4 Sunday School . 7:00 P.M. Evening Service TUESDAY 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting WEDNESDAY 10:00 A.M. Ladies Coffee Hour (May 20) THURSDAY 7:00-8:30 P.M. Awano Boys and Girls Clubs Christian Reformed Christian Reformed Church 243 Princess St. E., Clinton REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG B.D., Th. M. SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1981 10 A.M. Worship Service SERMON: "HOME RENEWAL" 3 P.M. Worship Service SERMON: "IMPORTANT MARKS" Special Welcome to All Mothers All visitors welcome Watch "FAITH 20" at 9:30 A.M. on Global T.V. United Ontario Street United Church 105 Ontario St. Clinton MINISTER REV. R. NORMAN PICK ORGANIST MRS. DORIS McKINLEY SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1981 11:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP MUSIC BY THE JUNIOR CHOIR United Wesley -Willis United Church PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE SUPPLY MINISTER . CHARLES SCOTT Organist Miss Catharine Potter Choir Director . Mrs. Wm. Hearn SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1981 11 A.M. Worship Service 11 A.M. Sunday School & Nursery HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9.45 A.M. Worship Service 8. Sunday School Presbyterian St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church THE REV THOMAS A.A DUKE CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1981 10 A M Morning Worship 10 A M Sunday School ALL WELCOME *Note: "AU TIMES DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIMEE" a