HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-07, Page 13Hookers get the job done
Various ideas were mulled
over by the S.S. No. 4 Com-
munity Club before the idea
of a community hooked rug
was suggested as their dona-
tion to the new Goderich
Township Hall. There were,
• Ode to Hookers
however, some who douWed
if It could possibly be finleh-
ed in time for the opening
March 14th. One factor in the
ladies' favor w ; that the
ladies in this community
really know how to set a job
WELCOME, WELCOME — one and all
To the Happy Hookers' Ball.
We hope you have a real good time,
And don't get bored with this rhyme.
In 1976 our Rec Committee did decide
We needed an emblem our people could show with pride.
Our 150th birthday was getting near
So artist Arle designed a crest bright and clear.
It all started in a township wide contest,
And they picked the ideas thought to be best
From the 6 winning entries, showing the many thoughts
Of our young people — imagination they had lots.
Fruit orchards have always been a product of our land,
So the apple shape was chosen for the outline band.
Yes we even have the stem and the blossom end,
And near Goderich, we have fruit and veggies round every
We have 12 miles of Lake Huron shoreline,
And everyone knows we have sunsets so fine
That we are the envy of others who travel far
To seethe view, they come by boat, plane and car.
Our 35,000 acres certainly aren't all flat
But we grow good crops in spite of that.
We've many acres of bush with trees big and tall,
So the scenery is envied again come the fall.
We have west wilds, some warm and some cold,
And tales of LONG HARD winters we are told
By the elderly who still find it hard
To believe the changes in the old barnyard.
In 1978, the Township a large bequeath did receive
From John and Pearl Woon who always did believe,
Their beloved township had a real need for a hall
Where folks could gather — one and all. ,
After plotting and planning for two long years,
In spite of some of our resident's fears,
We have completed the Woon's dreams
And the need has been underestimated it seems.
What could Number 4 community give to our new hall?
Was on.the minds Of one and all.
Something we could look at with pride
And more than one idea was tried.
At last we thought of our township crest
And every member agreed it was best.
How will we work it? How big should it be?
Let's rug hook it and for the size we'd have to see.
Trial and error was the course we took
But Dave finally made things work and we got a look
At just how big this crest had to be
To show everythingclearly for all tafree.
One "goof" three of us almost made
And we'd have had a crest that stayed -
On a wall where it sure shouldn't be,
So LUCKY were we this crest we didn't see.
Next we got the canvas, yarn and hooks,
And lots of us didn't learn to hook from books,
Just from those who did know how
'So ALL of us are REAL experts now.
Many times in the next four weeks
We'd answer with our tongues in our cheeks
When asked "What are you busy at?"
We'd smile, say "Hooking" and that was that.
The deadline of March 14th would soon be here,
YES the crest will be done- have no fear,
So we'd work even after the midnight hour
With wine, coffee and muffins to get our power.
One day while hooking we even helped catch a steer,
And Wayne's laughter the whole neighbourhood could hear
When he got a look at his fence
Against the "Hookers" his steer didn't stand a chance.
We didn't go to see thestripper, as one man told,
None of our hookers would be so bold.
We were at his house late that night,
Hooking the crest which was all that was in our sight.
At last it was done, THAT'S the LAST stitch!
Over 180,000 pieces — now which finger is which?
The hundreds of hours had taken their toll,
And we have 35 names on the "work roll".
'low many balls of yarn did we buy?
No one really knows - I'll tell you why.
By hand -three of the colours had to be cut,
And Madeline spent 29 hours in that rut.
We ran out of yarn more than once,
The buyer sure proved she was a dunce,
But trying to guess how much yarn we'd need
Was quite a problem, we all agreed.
Next was the problem of hanging,
But before long Dave and 13111 were banging
Their hammers and saws on pieces of wand,
While Madeline and 1 supervised - when we could.
It didn't take long till the frame was done,
We mounted the crest and then had the fun
Of seeing that our efforts were worth
More than anything else on this earth.
The people of Community No. 4 and a few more
Feel just a little proud as they walk thru' the door,
Look at the crest and know that they
Had a part in making it look this way.
Money was the one thing we ran short of,
And as you know it doesn't fall from above.
Then we thought of fun and having a dance,
If people would only buy tickets and take a donee.
• And now tonight we have a real "sell out",
We are so pleased we want to shout,
THANKS for giving us a helping hand,
We're sure you have enjoyed the band.
We hope the folks of our township and others too,
Enjoy our new centre — USE it, please do,
Now look around, think what this place means,
Let's give THANKS to the Woons and their dreams.
by Milena R. Lobb
Once started, the rug
seemed to wind its way from
one house to another. Known
as "Hooking Parties", these
gatherings were received
with mixed emotions by
husbands who sometimes
got shuffled outside with a
sandwich while the ladies
munched, chuckled and
hooked inside. Sometimes,
they got stuck with the kids
and dishes while their wives
grabbed the hooking equip-
ment, the car keys, and rush-
ed out the door without any
indication ala to when they'd
Many members had never
attempted hooking before,
and so this was somewhat of
a new experience. All learn-
ed from some of the old pros.
While some were sent to
buy more wool, others were
kept busy cutting, while
others just kept on hooking.
The members appreciated
all who opened their doors to
the "Happy Hookers".
The deadline grew closer
and sure enough, the lovely
crest was hooked and ready
for the opening on March
14th. Hookers and husbands
sighed with relief as
households returned to nor-
The rug was the highlight
of the opening day
ceremony. Those who
doubted the determination of
these community ladies
silently admired not only the
rug, but the resolution of the
ladies to finish a job on time.
Next came the dance and
again there were days of
preparation and organiza-
tion of ' food, beverages,
band, decorations, etc.
Again everyone pitched in,
jobs were delegated and
everything ran smoothly
thanks to the good manage-
ment of those in charge and
the willingness of those who
The dance was a huge suc-
cess in terms of fun and mer-
rymaking, as well as profit.
It gave many a chance to see
the rug displayed; it gave
everyone a chance to enjoy
and take pride in their new
hall and it gave everyone a
chance to congratulate one
another on a job well done. It
also produced a profit for
'The Club'.
The ;sense of colnmunity
spirit was certainly given a
boost thanks to the deter-
mination of the ladies from
the S.S. Not 4 Community
Club. The rug hangs as a
tribute to the pride they have
in their community and as
an example of what can be
done if there is a strong will.
Marriage is a great in-
stitution, but I'm not ready
for an institution yet. -Mae
Perhaps it was first-time luck, or natural skill, but Clarence Perdue, kneeling, and John
Semple quickly caught onto the knack of carpet bowling. Demonstrated by Mr. and Mrs.
Frith, representatives from several senior citizens clubs hi the area met at the Goderich
Township Hall to learn the game. The demonstration was sponsored by the Goderich
Township Enterprising Seniors. (Shelley McPhee photo)
Holmesvjlle news
and notes
By Blanche Deeves
Worship service was held
in Holmesville United
Church on Sunday morning
and Marty and Hugh Lobb
sang a special duet.
Rev. Scott spoke to the
children about boys and girls
who can't get along at home,
and have to go to group
homes. He said that children
should try tokeep the lines of
communication open bet-
ween themselves and their
Mr. Scott spoke on building
up the church family and the
offering was received by
Harold Yeo and Jim Lobb.
This Sunday, May 10, a
special Mother's Day service
will be held at 9:45 am.
On May 7 at 8:30 pm, a
Sunday School teachers
meeting will be held.
Applications are available
for Camp Menesetung.
Coming events
The Goderich Township
Enterprising Seniors will
meet in the community
centre on May7at8pm.
The Goderich Township
WI will meet on May 11 in the
community centre at 8 pm.
The Enterprising Seniors
are sorry to hear that their
president Mrs. Jean Lobb is
still a patient in Stratford
General Hospital. Good
wishes go out to Jean.
Shuffleboard.. for the
seniors will continue through
the summer months each
Tuesday and Thursday
morning at 10 am.
Call soon for reservations
on the Mav 26th hus trip,
sponsored by the Middleton
ACW. There are only seven
Middleton ACW bus trip set to go
ByBlanche Deeves
Communion was
celebrated in Middleton's St.
James' Anglican Church last
Sunday. Rev. D. Pitts was in
charge of the service and
Ray Wise received the of-
The A.C.W, bus trip on
May 26 is now looking for
just seven more passengers.
Call soon for reservations at
482.3383 or 482.7525.
A family dinner fol' Mary
and Martin Steenstra was
held last Friday at the Hotel
Bedford in Goderich on the
occasion of their 35th wed-
ding anniversary. Following
the dinner friends and
relatives gathered at the
home of Helen and Dick
Mr. Paul St. Jacques of
Frobisher Bay visited with
Ross and Mabel Middleton.
Congratulations to Elise
Lindsay, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Lindsay of
R.R. 1 Bayfield, who passed
If you have a
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needs repair, bring
it to the Home of the
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her Association Teachers
Examination in Scottish
Dancing at Goderich. The
examiner was Mrs. Hislop of
Glasgow, Scotland, who
spoke highly of Elise's
dancing. She was taught by'
Mary Lynne Telford of
Goderich. Elise will be
looking for pupils to, start a
class in the fall. '
Doris Austin of Woodstock
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Dutot of Clinton. Doris
is Lewis Dutot's sister and
while here she spent a day
with another brother Alvin
Dutot, and sister-in-law
Delores and friends and
other relatives in the area.
St. James A.C.W. will
welcome friends and
associates toa special
evening at the church on
Thursday, May 14 at 8 p.m.
Mrs. Koning of Oldcastle,
Ontario who is the
spokesman for the Huron
Diocese Project North will
present' a film presentation
It .is hoped that sa many
Anglicans or any interested
friends will be able to come
and benefit from this
presentation. Following
coffee will be served and a
lively auction of the flea
market articles under the
salesmanship of Rev. I G.
Youmatoff will end the
To the A.C.W. members,
please bring 'you bale items
and Thank Offering on May
seats left.
People report
Guests of Don and Isobel
Harris last Sunday were Jim
and Irene Durnin, Jean and
Brian Durnin of London,
Donna and Dennis Harris
and girls Jennifer, Nicole
and Shelley of Clinton, Jane
Carter and Kelly and Ron
Plunkett, Betty and Ross
Feagan and Ruth Talbot of
There will be a final
registration for softball and
T -ball in Goderich Township
on Saturday, May 9 from 9
am until noon in the
Goderich Township com-
munity centre. Please note
that there will be a $2 late
registration fee after May 9.
- If you aren't 'able to
register itl person before
then, or would like more
information, please contact
Art Bell at 524-8037 or Donna
Martin at 482-9524.
The committee is hoping to
complete the softball and T -
hall registration by Satur-
day, so teams can be drawn
up, coaching and equipment
assigned and schedules
established with other
With new diamonds get-
ting the finishing touches,
Goderich Township looks
forward to a large
registration this year,
particularly in the older
School news
The Holmesville Public
School spring concert was
held on May 5 with Grades
1,3,5 and 7, the band and
choir taking part.
No classes are scheduled
for Monday, May 18 when
Victoria Day will be
elebra_led.—.-_ ,,......._...__-_�__
On May 21,. Holmesville
track and field events will
take place all day. Children .
should dress appropriately.
On May 28, the winners will
compete in the regional
track and field competitions.
From May 25-27, the grade
7 class will be spending three
days at Camp Sylvan at the
Ausable Bayfield Con-
servation Authority (ABCA).
Mr. Spittal and the ABCA
have planned a full three
days for the students.
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