HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-07, Page 11Fellows and Ed Oddleifson.
It is my understanding that
in the heat of the argument,
Ed Oddleifson offered his
resignation -and when told it
would be accepted, withdrew
the statement.
Following this "discus-
sion", Councillor Dave
Johnston got up from his
seat, made a short but to the
point statement and left the
meeting. John Siertsema
followed him out in an effort
to persuade him to stay but
to no avail. When reached
later that evening by phone,
Johnston had, "no com-
ment", on the meeting.
Then the meeting, absurd
as it was, went totally awry.
John Siertsema wanted an
in -camera meeting from this
point. Elaine Brandon (who
according to By-law No. 125,
1978 does not sit on this board
Turn to page 12 •
Bad water
Cleanliness is next to
godliness! But for residents
of Clan Gregor at least this
posed a bit of a problem on
Tuesday morning, when a
leakage required the water
supply to be cut off for a
time. Eventually, it was
made available for a . few
hours prior to a further turn
off for repair work to be car-
ried out.
During the interim, those
turning on their taps may
have been surprised at the
interesting colour of the
water. One resident declared
that she had tasted it hoping
maybe that it had been turn-
ed into wine! However this
supposition proved incorrect
and Ontario wines are still
the exclusive monopoly of
the Liquor Board - and of
course, the Bayfield home
wine producers.
Ever Youngs meet
The Ever Young senior
citizens club of Bayfield met
for their April meeting in the
Municipal Building last
Thursday evening. In the
absence of the president, the
first vice president, Brown
Higgins, chaired the pro-
Secretary Thelma Utter
called the roll and read the
minutes of the last meeting,
and Treasurer Dorothy Cox
gave a healthy financial
report. The secretary also
gave a good report on the
Zone 8 meeting held last
week in Vanastra. It was an-
nounced that Huronview is
having a Blossom Tea at 2
p.m. on June 3rd which will
also include a tour of the new
extension. June 23rd to 27th
has been declared as 'Senior
Citizen' week,
Esther Makins suggested
several interesting bus trips
coming up soon - Akron, Ohio
to the Church of Tomorrow:
a cruise on the Grand River
at Caledonia with dinner on
the boat, and a trip to Elgin
House on Lake St. Joseph in
the Muskoka district with a
scenic cruise on the 'Island
Queen' of the 30,000 islands
from Parry Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark
presented the club with a
number of Euchre decks.
Harry Baker read a poem on
"Spring" - appropriate to the
season, and Greta Scot-
chmer read a poem called
"Young at Heart".
Euchre finished out the
evening. Results were: high
score, Thelma" Utter; low,
Lillian Higgins; high score,
Burce McClinchey; low,
Harry Baker; Five people
tied for low hands, but Lloyd--
Makins won the prize.
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by Bud Sturgeon
and Helen Owen
New officers picked
• Euchre Clu
The Bayfield Euchre Club
season came to an end on
Wednesday, April 29 with a
dinner at the Community
Centre; Everyone enjoyed a
delicious meal which was
catered by the Bayfield
The new officers elected
fbr next season are:
presidents, Ed and Barbara
Strachan; vice-presidents,
Jim and Emma Cox; the
outgoing presidents were
With George and Vera
Special thanks go out to
Fern Baker and Jess Blair
for providing the beautiful
table arrangements and to
everyone else who helped to
make the evening a success.
The raffle for a tea caddy
( filled with cookies) was won
by Mabel Reid.
Euchre was held in the
Municipal Building following
the dinner and the winners
were: ladies high, Fern
Round and
• about
the village
Mrs. D. Deller, Kerry and
Scott of Bramtpon visited at
the home of the former's
mother Mrs. N. Haw, on the
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heard
of Stratford visited in the
area with the Heard and
Haw families on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Haw of
Bayfield attended the Home
Show hi London on the
Weare reminded this week
that one of Bayfield's oldest
annual events, the Pioneer
Park Association Rummage
Sale, will be held on Friday,
July 10 this year. Everyone
is urged to save their
rummage and treasures
from spring cleaning. We,
the people .of Bayfield, have
an unsurpassed view of the
lake and the sunsets because
of this park.
The sailboat races are
slated to begin this coming
Sunday morning out of
Bayfield harbour provided
the marker buoys are in
place and conditions are
The sailboats at the
ia'yfleld Yacht Club on the
south shore are ready to be
launched this coming
Little Rob Irsin Jr. was the
weekend guest of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Erickson and family,
at their Bayfield home. Little
Rob returned home to
London with his parents on
The Aberhart family were
up from Sarnia for the
Bill Latimer, Toronto,
spent one day last week in
Bayfield visiting with his
grandmother, Mrs. Ethel
Knight, and other relatives.
Our friendly Moleman was
in Toronto last Thursday and
Friday on undisclosed
The government survey
ship `Bayfield" will not
likely dock here this summer
as the harbour is too shallow,
according to harbourmaster
Tom Castle.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Handy
of Seaforth visited their
daughter, Mrs. Marg
Garrett at her village home
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pongracz
of Grosse Point, Michigan,
are spending a few da at
their cottage on the north
edge of Bayfield
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Baker; ladies low, Greta
Blackie; most lone ` hands,
Helen LeBeau; men's high,
George Clark; men's low,
Alex Hogg; most lone hands,
Bill Clark.
A fun eveningwas had by
all with manprizes too
numerous to mention. The
executive says: "see you all
next October! "
A special thanks goes out
from the Bayfield Bugle to
Vera Gregg for reporting all
the news of the Euchre Club
without fail over the past
The wars weather last weekend lured out many people to
the Mayfield area en Sunday, and they enjoyed !many
different activities at the Eder. (BWSturgeon photo)
Opinion - Buying a pig in a poke....
• from page 10
$703.41; Laidlaw -$19.39;
Culligan -$11.25; H. O. Jerry -
$37.93; B.P. Canada -$296.69;
Gary Triebnor (ice
removal) -$25.00; petty cash
( safe )-$200.00; Ross Scott
Fuels -$190.27; Bayfield
Lumber -$74.54; Canadian
Germacide Co. Ltd. -$66.92;
Holland Chemicals Co. Ltd. -
$51.04; Bayfield Electric -
$579.32. All these outstanding
accounts add up to a sum of
The bank balance of the
Arena's Operating Account
is only shown as $452.80.
That leaves a deficit of
$3,448.87 after the bills are
paid. Who is going to make
up the difference? The tax-
Somewhere along the line
the spending by the village
has got to stop. The village
council is making a mockery
of the people.
Whether it was a case of
"ignore it and maybe it will
go away" or what, the arena
board finally called a
meeting last week to discuss
the above and other more
pressing problems. The
board had not met for
several months. At the last
village council meeting,
Councillor Gwen Pemberton
had shown concern over the
lack of meetings by this
board and had stated at one
point that she would gladly
resign her position on the
arena board to any other
member of council.
I was not able to attend the
meeting personally but from
several accounts I have
heard and from reading the
arena board meeting
minutes, I was able to come
up with an account of the
In attendance were chair-
man (and Lions Club rep)
John Siertsema;
Agricultural Board Rep.
Frank McFadden; Council
Reps Gwen Pemberton and
Dave Johnston; Reeve
George Fellows and clerk
Kathy Hunking. These peo-
ple attended in an official
capacity as set out by By -
Law No. 125, 1978 which
states, "That the said Com-
munity Recreation Centre be
administered by a Commit-
tee of Management ap-
pointed pursuant to the pro-
visions of the Community
Recreation Centres Act and
Regulations thereunder
which Committee shall be
composed as follows: - Three
members of Bayfield Village
Council - One member of
Bayfield Lions Club - One
member of Bayfield
Agricultural Society."
No proper amendment has
ever been made to this bylaw,
to enlarge the committee but
Ed Oddleifson and Elaine
Brandon also attended this
meeting and acted in official
capacities. Others present
were Arena Manager Harry
MacDonald and Councillor
Barbara Sturgeon who at-
tended on an invitation from
Reeve George Fellows.
Opening business was con-
fined to a discussion on
whether these meetings are
open to the general public.
Nobody present knew the
answer. Other business in-
cluded a report from council
on the Kleinfeldt Account,
and the crack in the floor of
the Community Centre
which would cost about $100
to repair.
A letter was received from
Steven Telford regarding no
payment for part time work
at the arena. If not paid he
would take his complaint to
the labor board. It was noted
that he has since been paid
almost up to date. Mr. Od-
dleifson was overheard to
say that he would not be in-
timidated by employees.
In reference to the $3,448
owing by the arena at pre-
sent, it was asked what hap-
pens if there is no money in
the account to pay with?
Frank McFadden inferred
that when he was Reeve of
the Village that the money
was usually borrowed from
village funds and then paid
back at a later date, to the
best of hiaknowledge.
Discussion sof a bill for
electrical work amounting to
over ;500 that had been in-
curred without board ap-
proval, provided amusing
results, as a verbal tiff oc-
curred between Reeve
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