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Clinton News Record, 1981-05-07, Page 9
etter se t our great .. . PRICE �2 SALE OR yes is BUY BYTHE CASE AN.D.SAVE 5." COMMUNICATION tMi*k about it MAY /S HEARING AWARENESS MONTH 1 CLINTON NL WS- RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 7 , 1981 -PAGE 9 Momper]. time draws SMALL PORTION MEAT PACKAGING To provide you with con- venience and service, our meat department has small portion packaging. Great for one or two people. Select from an assortment of steaks, stewing meat, chops, ground meats, chicken, saus- ages and small roasts. Case of 24 10 fl. oz. tins OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.29 Limit 4 cases per family Purchase with minimum $10.00 purchase excluding cigarettes & this product You'll do better with FROZEN FOODS from A&P! Cavendish Farms, Assorted Cuts FROZEN FRENCH FRIES an, a� FRUIT BEVERAGE, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED 16.6 -f1 -oz tin 1.09 Five Alive FROZEN, DEEP 'N DELICIOUS RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY 25A1 PKG McCain Shortcakes 2.39 FROZEN, FANCY, INTERNATIONAL STYLE, ASSORTED VARIETIES 2-1B PKG 6PACK 139 10 fl. oz. Wis. (Plus BtI. deposit) Sweet Mixed, Kosher Baby Dills or Bread 'N Butter HEINZ PICKLES 5110 ml109 jar Texas Pride, Non -Alcoholic MALT 6 pack BEVERAGE of e5 sml 99 MONARCH, ASSORTED VARIETIES Quick Loaf Mixes 425 g PKG 1.19 WITH PORK OR IN TOMATO SAUCE Heinz Beans 19-fl-ortin 79¢ PREPARED 24 -FL -OZ JAR McCain Vegetables 1.69 French's Mustard 835i McCAIN, DELUXE, DEEP 'N DELICIOUS, FROZEN CONVERTED 2-L8 PKG Pizza,Subs 12-ozpkg 1.99 Uncle Ben's Rice 2.19 Vegetable V-8 JUICE 48 FL. OZ. TIN a01umuri Our Reg. Price 1.29 SAVE 504 Savarin, Assorted Varieties • FROZEN DINNERS v Our Reg. Price 69e 1/2 PRICE SALE Limit 6 BtIs. per family purchase. Regular or Diet UP 750 ml. Bottle "New" -- Match Light Charcoal SAVE 354 Plus Btl. Deposit g 109 KINGSFORD'S Q M22 FROZEN "NEW" - IN PEAR JUICE, NO SUGAR ADDED Cod Fillets 161.69 A&P Pears 14-fiurtin 79¢ ALP 10 FL OZ TIN SEA BUOY, FROZEN Fish Cakes HIGHLINER, FROZEN, CAPTAIN BURGER Fish Fries X669¢ Mandarin Oranges 59? A&P, ORANGE FLAVOUR PKG OF TWO.6.S-02 ENVS. 8 oz pkg 1®49 Sunmix Crystals 1.19 QUICK COOKING BLUE WATER, FROZEN, HADDOCK FISH KRISPS OR A&P Rice lsl�i' Fish Fillets 400gpkg 1e99 14ozpkg A&P - BUTTERSCOTCH, SEA BUOY, FROZEN CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA 4.1142 PK6 Battered Haddock lb 1.99 Pudding Mixes 2f0,9951 r Grep® ©rink WELCNADE 48 -fl -oz tin (Oar Regular Price 1.29) SAVE 30? r wnse� ANN PAGE KETCHUP SAVE SAVE up to SO? lb SAVE 11Q? ib Cut from BONELESS Canada's Finest BONELESS BEEF ROASTS ROUND ROAST Rump, Sirloin Tip or Inside Cut Round , Outside Cut, Eye Removed 16 59 (Our Regular Price up to 3.39 Ib ) Ib (Our Regular Price 3.19 Ib) (Full Slice) (Our Reg. Price 3.29 Ib - SAVE 70c Ib) Frrsh ROUND �b 59 LEAN•.199 STEAK -- GROUND BEEF" Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef -- Inside Cut UND STEAK Ib CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF, CUT FROM THE HIP - Cube Steaks Tenderized X2, 99 FRESH PORK ROASTS 16 Shankless Picnic Shoulder Roasts Boneless Ib 1.09 (Our Reg. Price ib 1.39) SAVE 40,t Ib Ib Boneless Shoulder Butt Roasts 09 gym' SAVE 40,i Ib (Our Regular Price Ib 1.49) Pork Chops Picnic Shoulder or Shoulder Butt X1.29 (Our Regular Price 2.69 ) Golden Fry or Skinless, Pure Pork MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGES ,_SAVE 1.00 500 g los pkg (Our Regular Price 1.99) A&P, SLICED, REGULAR OR THICK Side Bacon MAPLE LEAF Super Franks CANADA PACKERS DEVON BRAND SAVE 30c 500 g VAC PAC 1.69 300 g VAC PAC 1.49 Sausages Ib1.3 SAVE Regular or All Beef 90c (Our Regular Price 2.39) MAPLE LEAF 149 WIENERS •�':.• - MAPLE LEAF, 9 VARIETIES INCL. POLISH t KOLBASSA Deli Chubs 250gchub 1.69 MAPLE LEAF, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC Cottage Rolls Ib 1.69 MAPLE LEAF, CHUNKS, CHICKEN, MACARONI £ CHEESE, 9 PEPPER, HEADCHEESE, SALAMI, VAC PAC MAPLE LEAF, SLICED REGULAR, THICK OR HINT OF MAPLE 500 g VAC PAC Side Bacon 1.79 MAPLE LEAF 175 g VAC PAC Ham Steaks L79 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR, ALL BEEF OR THICK Bologna 5008 vat pac 1.99 175 g VAC PAC Cooked Meats 161®99 MAPLE LEAF, WAXED (BABY BAG) Bologna Ib 1.49 MAPLE LEAF, COIL Polish Sausage 14 .79 CANADA PACKERS Smoked sausage Ib 1.99 Cooked Ham 1.49 In stores with Deli Shop! MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, CHICKEN, PICKLE £ PIMENTO, LUNCHEON; MACARONI & CHEESE, PEPPER 375 g vac pac UKRAINIAN, VIENNA, DUTCH LUNCH, :,ENOA Cooked Meats 1.99 Swift Salami 14 .99 a 3 sag lei dItY IV VIM a 3 :4 awl sqC 0 c OP Pi le near Wooden shoes will click, tulips will bloom and wind- mills will turn as Clinton stages its first annual Klompen Feest, or wooden shoe festival, on May 22 and 23. Celebrating Ontario's Dutch heritage, the event will be the first of its kind in Southwestern Ontario, and is bound to become an annual event in Clinton for years to come. This year, the celebration kicks off on Fri- day, May 22 and the main at- tractions and festivities will be in full swing on Saturday, May 23. Clinton's main street will be attractively decorated in the Dutch theme, with whirl- ing windmills and colorful barrels of fresh tulips Manly of file if ert1Wt"i-lifil 'tie wearing traditional costumes of the Netherlands, complete with handmade wooden shoes, specially imported from Holland for the event. , Hundreds of wooden shoes will be available for sale at Klompen Feest, and 20 booths selling Dutch crafts and artwork, luscious, dark chocolate and rich imported cheeses will be set up along Clinton's main street. Like the authentic festivals held in Holland, Clinton's unique version promises to be lively and on Friday night, people will be dancing in the streets when the Tyroler Brass .of Kitchener entertains. The booths will open again on Saturday and a two-hour parade will start things off at 1 p.m., followed by the of- ficial opening of the Feest by the Vice -Consul of the Netherlands, Dr. H. Heeneman of London. More than seven bands are scheduled to appear in the parade, including the famous 110 member Dutch Cadet Band from Kitchener - Waterloo. Saturday will also feature traditional Klompen dancing in the streets, with the 40 - member Dykehopper group providing the music, and if all that dancing makes peo- ple hungry, they can satisfy their appetites at a giant chicken barbecue which starts at 5 p.m. with two more sittings at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are available for Saturday's dinner, and all other events are free of charge for people wearing Klompen Feest buttons which sell for $1 at all Clin- ton stores. Kids to name kids The Ontario Dairy Goat Society has made a very unusual gift to the world's most famous couple. The Organization's wedding pre- sent to Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer is four Purebred, Registered Doe kids, representing the Alpine, Nubian, Saanen and Toggenburg breeds. The does have been born and riased on O.D.G.S. members' farms across the province. The Ontario Dairy Goat Society, representing 800 members, hopes that the children of Ontario will par- ticipate in their "NAME THE ROYAL FAMILY OF DAIRY GOATS'. Contest, to assist in finding suitable and unusual names for the four Dairy Does. Any child between the ages of 6 and 16, who is a -resident of Ontario, may enter by sending their name. address, telephone number and birthdate along with their suggested name to: The Ontario Dairy Goat Society, ORTON. Ontario LON 1 NO not later than Oc- tober 1. 1981. Although the winners will be chosen on the basis of the name alone, it would be appreciated if the children would write a paragraph or short story to Indicate what a Dairy Goat means to them. Prize winners will be con- tacted by December 31. 1981 after all entries have been judged in order to distribute prizes and have their photographs taken. Smile Sign in an antique p "Come in and buy what ' gra ndrnothert! reu :r.ay •