HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-05-07, Page 5Steve Watson of Clinton recently graduated from an electronics program at Radio College of Canada and has accepted employment with NCR of Toronto, On - tarso. Be ready for • census day You will see and hear the message everywhere in the days leading up to Canada's national Census. It will be advertised in newspapers and on televi- sion and radio. It will be displayed on bank counters, on wall posters in offices, post offices and stores. "June 3 is Census Day. Count yourself in." Beginning on May 25, Cen- sus Representatives will drop off a questionnaire at your home. You are ex- pected to complete, as of June 3, all applicable ques- tions on the form. In larger urban areas the completed questionnaires are to be returned in the postage -paid envelope pro- vided. In smaller centres and rural areas question- naires will be collected by Census Representatives. Householders will be advised which method applies to them. - Approximately 70 percent of all the 1981 Census of Population and Housing questionnaires will be mail- ed back and about 30 percent will be collected. Less than one percent of the popula- tion, those in remote areas, will be enumerated by inter- view. About 34,000 enumerators, 1,895 commissioners or supervisors, and 191 Census Area Managers will be recruited locally to conduct the Census. Commissioners will earn $4,350 for a late - March to mid-July work con- tract and enumerators will., make between $5.65 and $6 an hour in May and Jtine. "Over a four-year , period from 1980 to 1984 the preparation, collection, data processing and publication of the 1981 Census is ex- pected to cost about $95 million," says Statistics Canada spokesman David Roy. This works out to about $12 per household, a saving of about 20 percent from the last major Census in 1971. The 1981 Census has been streamlined. There are 25 percent fewer questions than in the 1976 Census and only one in five households in- stead of one in three will be required to answer the longer 46 -question form. Four fifths of households will fill out a 12 -question form. By law, all information provided on the Census ques- tionnaire is strictly confiden- tial and can be used only for statistical purposes. Severe penalties of up to $1,000 in fines or up to six months im- prisonment or both are pro- vided for anyone who breaches the confidentiality of the Census. to"The Census is important for governments, businesses, labour unions, churches and other organizations which affect the daily lies of Canadians. That is why so many organizations are making their employees, clients or members aware of the 1981 Census, or DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD. SALES WITH SERVICE The Place To Buy Appliances NEW AND USED Hensoll 262 2728 Closed /Mondays Mixed, lib and Tenderloin End Chops (7-9 Chops) Loin ork Chops Regular Ground Beef Javex Liquid leach 1.8 L dozen Canada Grade A Medium Size Eggs 88 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THTI TRRDAY. MAY 7.1981 -PAG 5 Sprite or CocaCo1a 24/10 `l. oz. Kraft Macaroni E.>IC Cheese Dinner 225 g. packages 111, 9 FREE DRAW -WIN A SIDE OF PORK To enter, just deposit your sales slip in the box in the front of the store - Draw May 16 Fresh Pork Side Spare Ribs 61.58 Top Valu 3-4 Ib Hams Dinner Ib 2.18 Top Valu By The Piece Bologna Ib .98 Top Valu 1 Ib pkg. Skinless Wieners 1.48 Schneiders 500 g pkg. Sliced 1.98 Side Bacon Schneiders 375 g pkg. 4 Varieties Sliced Bologna 1.58 Top Valu 500 g pkg. Sliced Side Bacon 1.68 lb Fresh Pork Butt Chops 1.18 Schneiders 175 g pkg. Sliced Cooked Ham Schneiders 175 g pkg. Bologna, Mac & Cheese or Chicken Loaf 1.88 .98 Store Sliced Cooked Ham lb -1.99 Schneiders 900 g Bucket of Cooked Chidken 4.1 8 Schneiders 1 Ib pkg., Dutch Treet, All Beef, Red Hot or Skinless Wieners 1.88 Top Valu. Store Packed Breakfast Sausage 1.28 FREE CASH WITH IGA CASH REGISTER TAPES SEE DETAILS AT YOUR IGA STORE! C arnation Coffee Mate 375 g 1.39 Kraft Processed 2/3 oz. (24's) Cheese Slices 500 g 2 . 39 Purina 4 kg Butchers Blend Top Valu 10 kg All Purpose Flour Viva 2's White, Assorted or Decorated Paper Towels 3.99 5.99 . 99 Sun Pac 6 x 10 11. oz. Clear Apple Juice, Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice or Grape Drink 2.19 Libby's 19 fl. oz. Zoodles, Alpha-Getti or Spaghetti . 69 Glad 100's Sandwich Bags Clarks 24 fl. oz. Beef, Irish, Meatball or Turkey/Chicken Stews Babyscott Regular 30's or Toddlers 24's Disposable Diapers 1.19 1.39 2.99 Canada No. 1 Product of Ontario Hot House Tomatoes 9i Ib. • Product of U.S.A. Sweet Sunkist Oranges doz.1.48 For Mother's Day Assorted Colours Potted Mums 6 inch pot Product of Chile Fancy Aran y Smith pples 4.49 Ib .78 Canada \cr. 1 Ontario Potatoes 20 Ib. Iia; 3.39 Canada No. 1 New Crop U.S.A. Cello Carrots 2 Ib bag .68 Product of Ontario Snow White Mushrooms 12 oz. tray 1.68 Canada No. 1 Ontario Hot House Cucumbers 2P1 c)me PRI(:N;s N:FFECTIb'1:.1'NTII. ('LOS)\(i SATU'RnAYY. MAY 9. 1981. Cut Rite 100 f1 Waxed Paper Dixie 24's Printed 9 Inch Paper Plates Lysol 425 mi Jeodorizing Liquid Cleaner . 89 1.59 . 99 Javex 1.2 kg for Unbleachables 3.39 Bounce 20's Fabric Softener Sheets 1.49 Spray'N Wash 24 fl. oz. Trigger pack Spot & Stain Remover 1.88 Lipton 24 oz. Chicken Noodle 4 Pak Soup 1.29 Quaker 15oz. Life Cereal Pep 25.5 oz. Beef, Chicken or Liver Dog Food 1.19 2/.88 Scott 180's Decorated Serviettes Lipton 100's Orange Pekoe One Cup Tea Bags Heinz 455 mI Regular, Onion or Garlic Bar-B-Oue Sauce 1.49 1.99 . 99 Leaver Pieces & Stem, Mushrooms 10 El. 0/. 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