HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-04-30, Page 23"Than OU" wit a mon y -saving CI.1NTuN NEWS RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 30,1981--PAGE5A It's Our Biggest Sale of the Year ... N'T 'ISS ITS ABP's Appreciation Day: k our way of saying "Thank You" for your continued loyalty. We're passing on some extra special sav- ings to you this week. You'll find many exciting values throughout A&PI SAVE UP TO MM.o® PER BIRD TRUCKLOAD OF TURKEYS' SALE UTILITY GRADE FROZEN 6-12 LB. AVG. LIMIT 2 WITH MINIMUM '10.00 ORDER EXCLUDING THIS ITEM AND CIGARETTES (OUR REG. PRICE '1.19 LB.) SAVE 40? Ib SAVE 4.00 Regular or Diet CASE OF 24 PEPSI -COLA 10 -fl -o: tin 9 9 (Our Regular Price 8.99) (Ctn of 6 -10 -f1 -oz btls 1.99) (d.Ppiosit)tl SAVE 1.18 TIDE DETERGENT 6 Titre box Cream of Mushroom CAMPBELL'S SOUP 1941- tin_ _ _ 393 (Our Regular Price 4.57) Frito Lay, Assorted Varieties POTATO CHIPS with Supermarket prices FRESH BOX.O-CHICKEN Contains: 3 Leg Quarters with backs attached 3 Breast Quarters with backs & wings attch. 3 Wings _Ib 3 Necks & Backs 3 Giblet Packages (Our Regular Price 1.99) SAVE 40c Town Club or•A&P Regular or Thick - Our Regular Price 1.29 Ib (Our Regular Price 1.49 Ib ) Fresh SLICED 5�g 59 SIDE BACON vac pae 5 9 SCHNEIDERS — RED HOTS, ALL BEEF, DUTCH TREET OR DINNER FRANKS Wieners 1 -Ib vac pac 1.79 BREAKFAST Burns Sausage Ib1.39 SHOPSYS COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad 500gtub 1.29 Frozen Meat & Seafoods FROZEN Sole Fillets BLUE WATER, FROZEN Fish & Chips Ib 1.89 32 -oz pkg 1.99 SCHNEIDERS, FROZEN, BEEF OR PORK Meat Pies 14 oz pkg 1.89 Cut 70: DEL MONTE 19 -fl -oz tinSWEET POTATOES • Spaghetti, Spaghettini, CATELLI PASTAS Ready Cut Macaroni 1 kg 9 pkg 1" Del Monte, Tropical Fruit Salad or Halves or Sliced PEACHES OR BARTLEtT PEARS 14 -fl -oz tin ra--0' SUPER BUY! 1i 400 g" 12 pkg Fabric Softener DOWNY LIQUID for (Our Regular Price 48c each) A&P, Plain or Salted 3lltre 15 SALTINE. pi.,tic btl CRACKERS SAVE up to 80¢ Ib Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef BONELESS BEEF ROASTS SS Blade, Chuck 1 Short Rib or Ib Shoulder Roast 450. g pkg 99< Assorted Varieties Including Fancy Niblets& Cream Style Corn REE GN VEGETABLES for Our Regular Price up to 2.69 Ib CHICKEN QUARTERS SAVE 30c Ib Ib 1119 Leg Quarters, with backs attached Breast Quarters, with backs & wings attached Mixed Quarters, Chicken Halves SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, REGULAR, MAPLE, THICK Side Bacon 5009 vac pac 1,99 SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, 12 VARIETIES INCLUDING CHICKEN^& DUTCH LOAF 175 g VAC PAC (Our Regular Price 2.39 lb) Semi -Boneless SAVE 80e Ib BLADE ROAST ��K SHORT RIB ROAST1b 159" (BONELESS LB 2.291 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF Cross Rib Roast Ib L99 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF — EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks FRESH, MEDIUM Cooked Meats 99? Ground Beef Ib 1.89 COMBINATION — APPROXIMATELY 50% MEDIUM English Sausages Ib 2.29 OGROUND PORKGroundMeat 161.49 lb L59 SCHNEIDERS, TRAY PACK SCHNEIDERS, LOOPS Polish Sausage 161.99 SCHNEIDERS Headcheese 375 g bowl 1.59 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SKINLESS & DEVEINED Sliced Beef Liver 1b99? In stores with Deli Shop CANADA PACKERS — MIX OR MATCH — MAC. & CHEESE, SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, REGULAR OR BEEF DUTCH OR CHICKEN LOAF OR FINE LIVERWURST Bologna 375"kg pkg 1,69 Cold Cuts 14 .49 ( Our Regular Price up to 67c each ) SAVE 40¢ Assorted Varieties Including Beef and Meatball PURITAN STEWS 24 -f1 -oz tin 59 (Our Regular Price 1.99) SAVE 26, WHOLE MUSHROOMS 10 -fl -oz tin (Our Regular Price 95c) I1VS SAVO NOLLVID311 31V1 SAVO NOUVIDEIddV 31VS SAV NOLLVI»bddV Fancy In Oil or Lemon Sauce BRIGHTS CONNORS TOMATO JUICE 48tfnoz 99 SEA STEAKS 1 ti n g for 99,,, Fancy Peas, Red or Deep Browned Kidney Beans Pure Vegetable LIBBY'S 14f1 -oz tin f0 "FROM UNICO" 3 litre349 VEGETABLES LIBERTY OIL ctnr Quaker, Assorted Varieties HARVEST CRUNCH 259 POST CEREAL CEREAL Soo g pkg HONEYCOMB Assorted Varieties, "Family Size" SECOR PUDDINGS SAVE 40¢ Disposable, Daytime pkg of 30 or Extra Absorbent pkg of 24 PAMPERS DIAPERS 400pkg g 7 9 SUPER BUY! Capri, White, Pink, Yellow, 1 -Ply BATHROOM TISSUE pkg of 4 rolls pkg 49 Regular egaular Price 3.89) Heinz KEG -O -KETCHUP 32 -fl -oz bottle 49 (Our Regular Price 2.09) Assorted Varieties O z co t• MISS MEW CAT FOOD MI tin (Our Regular Price 2 for 83c ) 6 -oz for Homemakers.. from page 4A • Whilsmith; policy, bylaws and -personnel, Paul Steckle; program and evaluation, Rev. Trites; annual meeting, Mrs. Ruth Linton; and public relations, Mrs. Pauline Atton and Mrs. Grace Fraser. The Board continues to he concerned about the cancellation of the homemaking course by Canada Manpower. "Without a course to train more homemakers this year, it will be difficult to have the required number of homemakers we need for chronic home care," Jean Young, Executive Director, explained. "We are hopeful that women who are in- terested in taking this course will contact their local Maw powr Office or write to Mur- ray Cardiff, MP in Ottawa, to express their C-oncz i . Town and Cou.n,try. Homemakers is incor- porated as a private non-, profit charitable organiza- tion founded in 1978 by Jean Young and Betty Cardno. In 1980 it employed 80 homemakers and serviced almost 1,500 clients in Huron County. The owner of the premises occupied by the Agency has received an offer to pur- chase the building and unless the Agency can raise funds for a down payment within the next two weeks, new office space will have to be found. Anyone wishing to donate towards this expense can telephone 357-3222 (Winghain) Women Today plan meeting On Thursday, April 16 Huron tounty-Wornen Today held a pot luck supper follow- ed by a business meeting at Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton. Helene Cameron chaired the business portion of the meeting and gave details of a conference to be held August 28 and 29 which Con- estoga College and Centralia College have agreed to co- sponsor, Those', - {1reSe1tt made suggestions to be in- cluded in the final plans for the conference. The discussion then turned to the issue of grants and whether or not Women To- day should become a more formal organization in order to apply for grant money. It was decided to postpone for- malization and raise money through a modest $5 membership fee instead with those fees to be used to cover costs of mailing, guest speakers and incidentals. A small charge may, on occa- sion, be made "at the door" in the event that a particular guest speaker is too costly for the group. The next meeting was set for June 15 at 7:30 p.m. (location to be announced later) and the purpose will be threefold: a) to report on the "Rural Connection" con- ference at UWO early in May; b) to report on other women's organizations in and around Huron County that provide woman -to - woman support; and c) to generate interest and en- thusiasm for the conference in August. Anyone having questions or interested in attending this next meeting should call Helene Cameron 235-1774. les a fact If you are an adult weighing about 175 pounds, in 24 hours: -Your heart beats 103,689 times. -Your blood travels 168,000,000 miles. -You breathe 23,040 times. -You inhale 438 cubic feet of air. -You eat 314 pounds of food. -You drink 2.9 pounds of li- quids. -You lose in weight 7.8 pounds of waste. -You perspire 1.43 pints. -You give off 2.6 degrees Fahrenheit. -You turn in your sleep 25 to 35 times. -You speak 4,800 words. -You move 750 major muscles. -Your nails grow .000046 of an inch -Your hair grows .017414 of an Inch -You exercise 7.000,000 brain cells.