HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-04-30, Page 1830 THE SQI;ARE PHONE 524 7811 AIR CONDITIONED PAGE 18--CLINTQN NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL.ln • no Ctibb SPRING CONCERT Sat., May 2 at 8 p.m. An evening of m usic performed by the CHSS Band and Choir. Tickets available from band and choir members.-14-t7ar BINGO every Tuesday evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years a nd ov er.-52tfar KLOMPEN FEEST PARADE May 23, 1981 at 1 p.m. Entry forms available at Town Clerk's office, Clinton News - Record, Campbell's Men's Wear and Ball and Mutch Ltd. -16,17 HURON FISH & GAME BINGO every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years and over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games of 810 - $5least onsplit. —37tfar AUXILIARY TO CLINTON HOSPITAL meeting, Monday, May 4 in Hospital Board Room at 10 a.m.-17 OPEN HOUSE at Brickmail's Country Gardens, RR1 SebringviUe, Thurs., May 14 to Thprs., May 21.-17-19 ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE annual Mini -Fair, Saturday, May 2, 1981 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Church Hall, James St., Clinton. -15-17 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p.m. First regular card $1. 6 cards for $1. 15 regular games, 3 share -the - wealth. Early bird game 7:45 p.m. Jackpot $200 must go each week.-20tfar HOME SEWING AND FASHION SHOW at CHSS, Clinton, Wednesday, May 6. Afternoon 1 p.m.; evening 7 p.m. Proceeds to Cancer Research. Tickets available at Mary's Sewing Centre, Clin- ton. 482-7036.-16,17ar GOOD USED CLOTHING sale Saturday, May 2 at Ontario Street United Church at 10 a.m. Lunch available. -14-16 BRUCEFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT Pancake Breakfast, May ,6, 1'41 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Car Wash at 7 a.m. Proceeds for Muscular Dystrophy. -17-19x BENEFIT DANCE for Sharon and Brad Carnochan, Seafotth Community Ce tre, Saturday, May 23, 1981. usic by "Star Trek". Ladie please bring lunch.-17,18nx PLAYING TNI$W UKIND FRI.-SAL-SUM.; MAY 1-2-3 •o!.i,■aattsse•■Usefif..■.■■ss.su...�e...i.i 0))); .1q1 •e 1 I 1' I d! #OLE11/0 lo,eau „II'. it TAVERN LICENSED WIDER LL.S.a. BKrnIl1LD'RD. 0ODhuIcN 527711 APPEARING THIS WEEKEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAY 1 AND 2 SHANNON EFFECTIVE MAY 3: OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 11:30 A.M. TO 1 A.M. SUNDAYS 11:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. 111'' I��'III I11IP ►II.IIIIfpI' !1►.IeIt1-1iolll!m,I#ilMlll _Mpr'_hia f �'''%r, lI jl l�l��ll CAR WASH - The Calvinette Club is having a car wash on Sat., May 2, 1981 from 9.a in. to 4 p.m. at Ron's Sunoco, Clinton. Rain date - May 9, 1981.-16,17 SPRING SONG FEST: Lon- desboro United Church, Sun., May 3 at 7:30 p.m. Featuring the Craigellen Singers, Ropp Brothers, Quartet, Snell Family, the Lears, Bob Scott and Ken Scott. Admission ,83. Thirteen years and under free. -16,17x BOOKS NEEDED for Huron County's largest used book sale. Proceeds to Blyth Centre for thy: Arts. Drop off prior to May 30 at Town Hall or Bisback's, 86 Queen St., Hensall.-17 GO-GETTERS SPRING RUMMAGE SALE will be held in the Parish Hall of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Saturday, May 9 beginning at 1 p.m. Good used . clothing and ar- ticles will be available.-17,18ar HAM AND TURKEY SUP- PER at Londesboro United Church, Thursday, May 14 from 5-7:30 p.m. Adults $5; children $2.50; preschoolers free. Takeout orders available. Sponsored by UCW. Everyone welcome. -17, 18 WESLEY-WILLIS AND ONTARIO STREET United Church joint Thankoffering May 10 7:30 p.m. at Ontario Street United Church. Speaker Rev. JohiFAnderson from New Zealand. Special music by Ontario Street Teen Choir. -17 ,18 GOOD USED CLOTHING SALE Saturday, May 2 at the Ontario Street United Church at 10 a.m. Lunch available. -17 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC - BILLING'S METHOD - To achieve or avoid pregnancy. Short introductory slide presentation,, individual consultation. Couples welcomed between .7-9_ :p.m. First Thursday of every month at Huron County Health Clinic, 106Shipley St., Clinton.— 48tfn HURON COUNTY FAMILY PLANNING project invites you to attend Family Plaming Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Counselling and medical services , provided. Counselling on litig's (natural family planning) available first Thursday of eachmonth.—EOW AR PLANT AUCTION - Garden and house plants, perennials, shrubs, etc. at the Clinton Town. Hall, Friday, May 8 at 7 pan. Auctioneer - Richard Lobb. Any plant donations would be appreciated. Proceeds for the work of the Clinton Horticultural Sbdiety.-17 PENNY SALE sponsored by Vanastra Lioness Club to be held at Vanastra Factory Outlet from Apr.28 toMay8 all day, plus SaL, May 9, when draw will be held at Clinton Town Hall. Proceeds tospecial nursery for han- dicapped. -17,18 It's a fact Over 400 volunteers donated 100,000 hours of their time last year to The Canadian National Institute for the Blind National Library Services, helping to provide braille and talking books to visually handicap ped Canadians. For more in- formation, contact your local CNIB office. Treat yourself today! ENJOY FINE FAMILY DINING We Serve SUPERB DAILY SPECIAL We're Open: TUES.T.-10 AM -10 PM/SUN. 10 AM -8 P *CHARCOAL STEAKS* ti ry!q'"4112!r NOW SERVING KING CRAB LEGS BLUE FOUNTAIN RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE FULLY LICENCED UNDER L.L.13.O. 80 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-3077 r.% r/r: r f . �.; y.: �: r::. r.,. ,.^.•� ...'',•' • • i"'r •:•Y• '::•},'.•:. . r r r.if /.%�r:•�:,.,.;,f1.•.,,.,...:.. ?'.rr?+'.rr �r!�f✓:'%.''f.,,ffr. .•.:is ... if•+:;::r.:r ::?�:�... Legion Auxiliaryplan dessert euchre By John Scott Having survived the Alligators and Barracudas in North Carolina and nar- rowly missing the tornados, the first task I have to per- form is to correct an item in Steve's column last week. The Ladies Auxiliary Dessert Euchre on May 5, commences at 8 p.m. not 5 p.m. as was erroneously reported. At Monday nights general membership meeting, the executive committee was elected for 1981. They are as follows: past president, Per- cy Pugh; president, George Rumball; 1st vice-president, George Yeats; 2nd vice- president Steven Maguire; secretary, Art Riseley; treasurer, George Camp- bell; sergeant -at -arms, George Lauzon; chaplains, Jim Broadfoot and C-eorge Y i matoff,. The remainder of the ex- ecutive consists of Harold Black, Eric Switzer, Gord Tait, Don Armstrong, Garnet Harland, Doug Coventry, Murry East, and John Scott. Wednesday night was the end of the darts for another year and was playoffs for mixed doubles. . Brenda Atkinson and John Greidanus - took high couple with Annie Sallows and Phil McCabe taking low couple. Looks like Phil is trying to take low in every function. Thats euchre and darts, keep trying Phil. High scores were thrown by Karen Bolger and Lloyd Butler. This Saturday is the barbecue for the dart players to wrap up the season. Festivities com- mence at 5 p.m. Now that the warm weather is here, it is time to start thinking about golf. There are two lists on the sports board. The match play tournament for "The Jim Armstrong trophy" will commence as soon as all the names are in, and as soon as Brian Reeve and I playthe final of last years tourna- ment, the other list is for the early bird tournament to be held at Bayfield Golf Club on May 24, 1981. Cost is $14, in- cluding lunch at the branch. Both these events are very popular, so if you wish to participate, get your name on the lists soon. Lineup for tickets starts at Playhouse Even though opening night is still many weeks away, there were lineups at Huron Country Playhouse Monday of last week. Season ticket holders were given first op- portunity to exchange vouchers for actual ticket seats. • Office manager Lynn Alderdice said that at 9 a.m. the Playhouse yard was fill- ed with cars and there were lineups of people at the ticket wicket. However, the cold - temperatures forced the sellers to close the wickets and the lineups moved in- doors. Ticket -handler Janice McIntosh says there was no break in the line until noon, and then business was steady all afternoon. More than 400 subscribers exchanged their vouchers tor' the seats of their choice, Monday. There were about 2,000 individual tickets given out. The Playhouse expects to be busy for the next two weeks supplying subscribers with tickets. There have been 1,497 subscriptions sold for this season, while last year at this time there had only been about 900 sold. CLINTON OPTIMIST CLUB Garage Sale et the CLINTON ARENA SATURDAY, MAY 2 9AMto2PM Anyone wishing • to donate articles are asked to please call any of these numbers... 482-7138 482-9757 482-7981 Arrangements may be made for pkk-up at your convenience, or it may he loft at the stuns t en. -2 pm Saturday. Proceeds from the gslrege sale will be used In helping the youths of the Community and the Clinton Early Childhood Education Centr . No individual tickets will. be sold until May 16. ******************** Last week, our branch donated the hall for a seniors' euchre party. It was a very successful night with 22 tables playing with proceeds being donated to the hospital building fund. On May 23, we will be represented in Cornwall at the Provincial Euchre Tour- nament by John Deeves, Bill Harris, Russ Byers and George Rumball. Well I have shown remarkable restraint so far in not mentioning that I took money from Don Armstrong at golf, and I promised that I wouldn't mention it, so I won't. Another thing I promised not to mention was George Yeats, who celebrated his birthday on Saturday. I won't say how old he is, but he looks very good for his age. And, last but by no means least, the ladies held a mixed euchre party last Friday. They were understandably disappointed when only 31/2 tables were in play. Annie Sallows took high lady with 79 and John Deeves took men's high with 72. Min Rumball took low lady with 47 and Dorothy O'Connell took low men's with 50. Lone hands were taken by Frank Thompson and Alice Jackson. ARTICLES for the OPTIM ST GARAGE SALE are to be LEFT AT THE CURBS FOR PICK-UP OR YOU MAY TAKE ARTICLES TO THE ARENA THURSDAY, APRIL 30 from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. * URBAN • COWBOY NIGHT * Thls Thursday, • April iD * Join es for en evening of country * rock music - and show * off your best * Western outfits. ?' PRIZES o COWBOY omit •FOR THE BIGGER MAT *******************% ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No, 8 West, Clinton .11 t c 1 SIDNEY and CATHERINE SLOTEGRAAF Happy 45 Anniversary Mom a Dad / Grandma Si Grandpa % from your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. OPEN HOUSE Al CLINTON i DISTRICT CHRISTIAN I SCHOOL, AUDITORIUM -'MAY 9, 1101 FROM 7 to 9 P.M. gest Wishes Only DANCE to the Music of WALTER OSTENACK 011 Saturday, May 9, 1981 in the Clinton Arena 'SPONSORED BY THE CLINTON FAIR BOARD TICKETS: 85. PER PERSON Can be obtained from any director, the Secretary Faye Fear or the Blue Fountain Restaurant, Clinton. All proceeds to be used to reduce the loan of the Fair Board. Special Permit in Effect. , Edgar & Helen Rathwell ore celebrating their 40 WEDDING ANNI VERSAR Y SATURDAY, MAY 9, '81 9P.M.-1 A.M. Vti'e ore pleased to invite Relatives, Friends and Neighbours —Best Wishes Only - TRE: T TO UR SPECIAL SMORGASBORD at the WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE SUNDAY, MAY 10 12:30-2 P.M./5:00.7:30 P.M. Roast Beef & Dressed Pork ADULTS $5.95 12&UNDER 43s50 PRE-SCHOOL $1. 50 Prices Include Salad Bar & Hot Buffet Music for the Evening Smorgasbord by Arlene Darnborough 482=9228/4ftor Hour; 524-4133 CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Presents Virtue and Justice Triumph Again Thursday, April 30th at 7:30 p.m. AND Tell Me A Story Thursday, May 7th at 7:30 p.m. ADMISSION: '1.00 TICKETS AVAILABLE • AT THE DOOR OF THE SHOW 11 'Iflltl:rdf ill lllw ►1�tsl•ril••-. It Ila alp`°' SfMIIIE�llIPUS O111�1IIll i ._ n,Mmuh Ei r �/I �IallNiln; �II I M'�r•�," E ., ....v.,,,./(7„, ! lir ...��Ipph _ � ,.l�llll Highway 21 Bayfield, Ont. ,Xir 565-2992 - Enjoy family dining with good food at reasonable prices We have a full menu available with daily specials very MONDAY night STEAK DINNER SPECIAL FOR TWO Bay one dinner for 85.95 and the second dinner for 81.00 DINNERS INCLUDE A DELICIOUS VARIETY AT OUR ALL -YOU -CAN -EATS SALAD BAR — OPEN DAILY — MONDAY TO SATURDAY ll amto9pm SUNDAY 4 pm to 8 pm NOW FULLY LICENCED UNDER L.L.B.O. PHONE 565-2992 dr ` AI�SIN aim IL :I:4 tJ1C.,.-!rw,,,, k•.,�I Bossu tr i - '- ip.i rdns W4 r _.. p*PIII•MIIM'.s,II lnf...rer�Mu Rog Office STARTS FAI., MAY 1 TO MAY 6 IHOWTIMfs: Ilii., SAT. i SUN. 7 i 9 PM • MON.-TNU.S. ON, SHOWING S:W P.M. • 1 , "CLYDE ALMOST STEALS THE PICTURE" ihrartVillisanWAyADULT BUT ' i.,n...mr.. 'TAM KYf AN ANIMAL! LAMA FIUMANREIN0! LAM A MANI- PARK GOOteICH AN eAtty 4Wiartu �jot&7 cam 11* t GooiRICN AT CONLfS51011 110, A PffoNt: 524o181 •