HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-04-16, Page 17Bill Fritzley, left the new coach of the Clinton Junior 'C' Mustangs is greeted by club president Larry Daw last week as the club announced his, hiring. Mr. Fritzley, 40, played junior B hockey in Goderich where he lives and has coached for 15 years. (James Fit- zgerald photo) " CLINTON NEWS.RECOFt , THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1061—PAGE i7 Mine: workeron sirike Workers of the Da ntar Slfto Salt Mine set up picket lines here Monday after contract negotiations with the company fell through. The miners, tradesmen and surface workers were in a legal strike position at midnight Sunday after six days of mediation in Stratford failed to produce a new agreement. The 217 members of Local 16 of the Energy and Chemical Workers Union (ECWU) completed a three-year contract with the company March 31 and talks between the sides and Bert Stevens of the mediation fipanch of the Ministry of Labor broke off Sunday. Guy Robinson, president of Local 16, said the union's main demands centre on language clarification, hours, premium pay, overtime and health and safety conditions. He claims some of the contract language dates to 1914 and is antiquated. The mine is a seven-day operation and the union wants the hours specifically spelled out in the con- tract as well as overtime concessions. "We have no control over the hours working on a seven-day operation," he said. " We don't want to stop the seven-day operation but are seeking premium pay for Saturday and an overtime ad- justment..for Sundays;.'r. _ -1 - ....:. The union is seeking premium pay for Saturday work and double time for any hours worked in excess of the 40 hour work week. Under the old three-year agreement the average hourly wage rose to $9.47 and Robinson says that rate has fallen behind related pay in the Goderich area. The employees are looking for a 20 per cent increase in a one-year contract, Robinson said, to bring the skilled rates on a par with other industry. Tradesmen now earn $10.06 an flour while a top-rated miner earns $9.32. Union members are paid an underground premium of 15 cents per hour but have asked the company for a five per cent increase for underground workers. But Robinson says the key issue in the strike. is safety. "Safety has been an ongoing fight with the com- pany and is the key issue here," he said. "Proper procedures of safety have to be laid out but the company says we're working in a safe place." The union would like a one-year agreement claiming the last three-year deal offered no protection against inflation. "We got severely beaten by inflation on the last agreement," Robinson said. "We are digging in for 9 what is necessary and we'll hang on for our demands which we think are modest." Dorton Billing of Danger's Labour Relations Department in Toronto says that half of the 83 issues were unresolved when talks broke off Sunday. He said the company offered 61.22 an'hour increase in the first year of a two-year agreement and $1.11 in the second year. Mr. Billingsaid,that in relation to the union's safety demands, the company is 'in compliance with government regulations. "We are in compliance with Bill 70 and abiding by thelaw," he said. "It's all governed by legislation." Ninety-eight per cent of the union membership voted in favor of strike action Sunday and Billing said there is no indication talks between the company ant union will resume in the near future. Legion members attend convention By John A. Scott Well, here I am, back by popular request to write this week'sem of :PM _- grid. information. Due to Steve Cooke's bush schedule, he has decided that we will take turns in keeping you up to date with all the goings on. So if you have any in- formation to pass on, make sure you. leave it behind the bar by 8. p.m. Monday PARISIENNE, FLORENTINE OR NORMANDIE McCAIN VEGETABLES FROZEN 2 lb. PKG. ASSTD. VARIETIES DUNCAN BINES CAKE MIXES OAK! sF EA. E.D. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 FL. OZ. JAR OUR REG. 99c ZEHRS FRESH LARGE EGGS CANADA 'A' GRADE REGULAR OR MINT CREST TOOTHPASTE OUR REG. 1.79 KELLOGGS SPECIAL 'IV a CEREAL ZEHRS MIRKETS CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY OPEN MONDAY APRIL 20 REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS 475 g. PACKAGE HOSTESS OCEAN SPRAY 7 VARIETIES - 200 g. PKG. 9 0 JELLIED OR WHOLE CRANBERRIE POTATO CHIPS 14 oz. TIN DOMINION CANDY 11 oz. SIZE EASTER, HILLBILLY EXPRESS Z. RABBIT S DOMINION CANDY 3 1/4 oz. SIZE 10" PEPPERONI 350 g. ZEHRS BRAND #i 119 SLICED CRUSHED OR TIDBITS PINEAPPLE 'TINz 0 TOTINA PIZZA ALLENS WISHING WELL $ 5 1/2 oz. ASSORTED BIT HEN RAB • 10 INCH SIZE DELUXE CRANAPPLE DRINK OR & 40 oz. 370 g. CRANBERRY COCKTAIL TOTINO PIZZA 8 OCEAN SPRAY 1.09 FLEISCHMANNS REG. OR UNSALTED DARES SOFT CORN OIL $43 VARIETIES 400 MARGARINE 1 lb./. COOKIES PKG. . 59 PHILIPS STANDARD 90 40 TRY OUR OWN BRAND as ZEHRS TIN APPLESAUCE- 90 FACELLE WHITE ;60 OR 100 WATT FACIAL TISSUES IGHTBULBS �F �. FACETTES40o,$ s s49 CATCHERS GLAD 2 9 KITCHEN KELLOGGS CATCHERS � CEREAL 800 g. �, . 3 B GLAD PKG. OF 24 RAISIN RAN BONUS,PAK. - 3 VARIETIES CLAIROL CONDITION- 2 SHAMPOO • 450 ml. SCENTED, NEUTRAL OR 200 ml. SCENTED POWDER N 9 ULTRA BA Z. D AYLMER 48 oz 890 FANCY QUALITY TIN TOMATO JUICE BELTLESS PKG. OF 30 MAXI PADS DETS �2 CONFI• HIGH LINER FROZEN 32 oz. FISH IN BATTER__ - '3.59 CHOPPED OR LEAF FROZEN12 oz. PKG VENTURA SPINACH _ 2 R'1 BROWN & SERVE OR CRUSTY WESTON ROLLS. of G2 59 YUM YUM OR SWEET MIXED RICKS PICKLES 5•-L'Z.49 DIAMOND 10 oz. TIN MANDARIN ORANGES 59' FRENCHS 16 oz. PREPARER I USTARD 69f NEILSONS CREAMED SMALL CURD COTTAGE CHEESE 7.90'% 79. • HUNTS REDDI-WIP DESSERT TOPPING225 $ 39 WESTONS RASPBERRY SWISS ROLLS PKG. OF 4 89 WINE STYLE 32 oz. RICK'S SAUERKRAUT _ 95? CLUB HOUSE - 250 ml. JAR ea CHERRIES MARASCHINO 'FL> y KELLOGGS 2 VARIETIES 42:g .# MINI WHEATS _--PG_. x.39 VEGETABLESS70NELY 14 oz. HONEY POD PEAS CREAM STYLE CORN, CUT GREEN OR WAX BEANS OR 12 oz. KERNEL CORN FANCY QUALITY PROD. OF CALIFORNIA CANADA NO. 1 GRADE YOUNG GREEN ASPARAGUS ONT. NO. 1 WAXED RUTABAGAS COOKING ONIONS _ _ 780 PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 FRESH YAMS _ 59lb. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE . 2 Ibfir FRESH CARROTSu 1 CALIFORNIA EATING STYLE 4 Ib. BAG 49 NAVEL ORANGES_ �i PROD. OF CAN. NO. 1 2 Ib. BAG ZEHRS IN-STORE BAKE SHOPoven country CHOCOLATE OR WHITE 7" ROUND LAYER EASTER CAKE____ . FRENCH OR VIENNA F BREAD16 oz. LOAVES 2/, 1 DANISH TWISTS �3 G99" CANADA DRY REGULAR OR DIET GINGER ALE, WINK OR C PLUS ORANGE 750 ml. BOTTLE PROD. OF CALIFORNIA CANADA NO. PROD. OF ONTARIO FANCY GRADE MAC, APPLES WELL FLOWERING 3-6 BLOOMS EACH CASTER LILIESk'4.49 IN FULL FRESH BLOOM 6 POT .A( HYDRANGEA %95T0 S�3 95 WELL FLOWERING REIGER BEGONIAS OT'3.99 POLYANTHA 6" POTTED BLOOMING ROSES EA BLOOMING*" ARRANGEMENTS SALAD 8 SIZE STYLE It 95. FRICO BABY GOUDA CHEESE t o —199 DEVON 2 LITRE SIZE SPUMONI ICE CREAM $129 ASST'0. VAR. -PREM ICE CREAM PKG OF 12 S NEILSON NOVELTIES f, 7 SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY APRIL 20 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REOUIRFMENTS WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE 'YOU: tNL: Hwy. No, 8 ER.1C.H-H..UR()N RD. OPEN WED.' t1'P MAANANaER $Sy TRAY HOD HURL FRI.., EVENINGS pr2 evenings and Steve or I will pick it up there. The most important piece . Af Legion news..- thisweek does not appear in this column. Elsewhere inthis publication, there is a very important notice for the widows of veterans. If you are a veteran's widow or know of one, please make sure you read it. Last weekend was the Spring convention for District "C" when our branch was ably represented in Hanover by George Rumball, George Campbell, John Deeves, Harold Black, Steve Maguire and. Gord Tait. The season ending banquet for mens Tuesday night euchre was held last week and was very well attended. The prizes for the year were awarded with Fred Jackson taking high average with 77.5, beating Eric Schellenberger by only 0.12. Lone hands, was won by Graham Yeats with 50, with Phil McCabe finishing up with 64.25 to take low average. At the banquet, prizes were awarded to those people who had not won during the year, and Doug Freeman picked that night to get a perfect 90. Ernest Brown won most lone hands. with five, and Bert Gliddon won the low prize with 51. After two very successful, well organized years, Bill Marsh has decided, due to other commitments, to give the reins to John Deeves who I am sure will carry on in the same manner. The . ladies held a mixed euchre night last Friday when Harvey Hayter took men's high with 60. They tell me tl-iat they only played eight gangs. But, that -still- isn't too many. Blanche Deeves took men's low with 36. Men's low?, must be quite a party on Friday nights. Joan Colquhoun took ladies' high. No score given but it must have been better than 60. Madelon Yeats took •ladies°low with 39 while most lone hands was taken by Hilda Semple and Eric Switzer. On May 5, the ladies will be holding a dessert euchre for men and women starting at1S p.m. There will be door prizes and good prizes for cards. All proceeds will go to the Legion Building Fund, so come out and support our ladies' efforts. Last Wednesday was the final regular night for mixed darts. High couple were Rosemary Armstrong and Lloyd Butler. I don't know how they can claim to be winners when they were skunked! Low couple were Millie _ flitn1,y_....and...D __ on Armstrong while- Annie Sallows on her first night back at darts, took ladies' high score with 105 and Terry Hollinshead took high ' man with 140. The next two weeks will be taken up with playoffs. On Monday, April 20th, there is an executive meeting and the following Monday is the general meeting when the election of officers takes place. On Thursday, Joyce and I and the Armstrongs take off for North Carolina for a week of golf in the sun and if there are any tornados when we are there, you are in trouble Steve. Next week is Steve's turn, and last week he complained of having nothing to write about, so let him have it. We'll think about you when we are at the 19th hole ! Sentences given in Goderich court Three persons have been charged by the Ontario Provincial Police with conspiracy to rob the Auburn branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce on September 19,1980. The robbery attempt was aborted and a subsequent roadblock antinvestigation by the OPP failed to turn up any clues. - One of the suspects was arrested April 10 by Elliot Lake Provincial Police and is in jail in Walkerton. On Sunday, two Kincardine residents;were,arrested by... Goderich and Kincardine OPP and charged with . conspiracy. Both were released and will appear in court April 24. The investigating officers are Constable Lorne Carter, Goderich and Jim Renwick, Kincardine. RED SPOT FLYER is still in effect until April 18th including specials like ALUMINUM STORM 00OR These pre -finished 11/2" combination storm doors are pre - hung for quick instal- lation. Safety glass and all necessary hardware is included. Stock sizes up to 36" x 80" opening. Available in white and brown. OfbKY $7499 EACH GYPSUM DRYWALL An inexpensive way to Improve walls and ceiling Finish it with paint, cork or decorating stucco 'V." x 4' x 8' SOUTHERN $ 389 ONTARIO s„q NORTHERN $ ? 49 ONTARIO SMT EIJNTKOT CONCRETE MIX L Concrete to repair" Do it your- self with this bag of easy to use and ready to mix concrete set a fence post pour a footing make a sidewalk or curb 66 ib bag ONLY SOUTHERN $259 ONTARIO BAG NORTHERN ONTARIO Sat ASPHALT SHINGLES Seal your hdme in safety SOUTHERN and in beauty with durable ONTARIO $7 29 asphalt shingles Choose al RUNDLE from a wide assortment of (APPALS* 32 60 VT I adhesive tab shingles in solid colours blends and pastels Stock Colours HA sMACAULAY Seaforth 5274)910 RALL-MACAULAY LIMITED Clinton 482-3405 NORTHERNs B 4 ONTARIO UNDLE , APPAOx 3260 rT1 care BUILDING CENTRE Hensall 262.2418 4_1