HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-04-16, Page 15At Clinton h splltai
axil is sees advanced coronary care system
Twenty-one members .of
the Auxiliary to the Clinton
Public Hospital learned
about the hospital's new
telemetry unit and central
monitor at their April
meeting. The new improved
system offers better
reception and a
sophisticated alarm war -
fling, and. provides the
Clinton hospital with one of
the most advanced coronary
care units in the area.
Antje Troyan, nursing
supervisor and Marianne
Smith, first floor head nurse,.
with a special interest in
coronary care, gave a
detailed explanation on the
function of the desk monitor.
Telemetry allows con-
tinous monitoring at the
main desk of a patient's
vitals and statistics, while
they ore ±t9Aited up to ._a
machine. The machine even
allows the patient to be
monitored while they are
mobile during the con-
valescence period.
A radio signal is tran-
smitted to the central
monitor and an elec-
trocardiogram can be
transcribed on a non -fade
scope. The monitor is able to
provide 12 lead elec-
trocardiograms as well as 12
views of the heart. A
patient's temperature and
respiratory condition can
also be monitored by the
Auxiliary president Ruth
Bond opened the meeting
and Aileen Staddon of the
Clinton spring fair com-
mittee distributed draw
tickets. She explained that
the Auxiliary will have a
booth atthe fair_and.w111 be
holding draws for a hand
stitched crewel work plc-
Lure, an knitted afghan and a
dressed doll. Margaret
Coventry will be in charge of
setting up the booth and
Helen Cooper will look after
staffing it.
Dawna Westlake,
Auxiliary representative to
the hospital building fund,
reported that committees
have been formed and the
hospital board will celebrate
Hospital Day on Tueaday,
1Vlay 12 when the annual
Florence Nightingale Tea Is
held. At the afternoon event,
the hospital staff will be
offering tours to the public
and explaining the functions
of the various departments.
At the same time, the
building fund committee will
kick off their fund raising
tga -E+gr_•_tlie.:xia•ad-.
Study cake decorating
The', Epsilon Beta Chapter
of Beta Sigma Phi met on
March 24 at The home of
Vivienne Roy. Prior to the
business meeting, Vivienne
presented her culture
program on cake decorating.
Susan St. Louis showed the
chapter many ways to
decorate cakes for every
occasion and each girl
decorated a cake to take
The chapter received its
liability policy from Inter-
national, the Stratford
Festival season program
and a letter from the Mit-
chell Chapters regarding
Founder's Day. A letter was
also received from the
Clinton Recreation Com-
mittee telling of the
regulations for vacating the
arena afterthe dance on
March 28.
The treasurer and vice-
president gave their reports
and Lois Fitzgerald reported
for the social committee that
the members who attended
the skating party on March
22 had a good time. Ways and
means chairman Marj
Dobson, collected dance
ticket money and finalized
details for thedance.
Vivienne reported for
service regarding the daf-
fodil sales and read the
schedule for working in
different stores and areas
around town.
Elections for the 1981-82
year were held and the new
executive is: president,
Vivienne. Roy; vice-
president and extension
officer, Lois Fitzgerald;
treasurer, Rekha Kalokhe;
recording secretary, Linda
Meade; corresponding
secretary, Ann Adams.
The Sorority Golden
Anniversary Dance which
was held on March 28 at the
Clinton Arena was a success
again this year. Spot dance
winners were: Bert and
Helen Lyon of Londesboro,
Jill and Keith Roulston of
R.R. 3, Blyth, Bud and Pat
Bell of Clinton; and Gordon
Shobbrook and Helen Lyon of
Londesboro. The lucky
winners of the door prize, a
clock donated by Anstett
Jewellers of Clinton, were
Steve and Robena Tyndall of
R.R. 4, Seaforth, Thanks
goes out to all who helped
make the dance such a
The daffodil sale for the
Canadian Cancer Society
was held April 2 and 3 in
Clinton and again thanks
goes to all the local
businesses who helped again
this year selling the flowers
and to the people who bought
them, the Cancer Society
will again receive a very
generous contribution.
Thank you everyone who
supported the Daffodil Sales.
The development of a new
product is a three step
First: A North Anerican
firm announces an invention.
Second: The Russians claim
they made the same
discovery 20 years ago.
Third: The Janese start
exporting it.
dation. The Auxiliary will
host this Hoapital Day and
social convenor Peggy
Menzies will present detailed
plans for event at the group's
May meeting.
Members were reminded
that the Region 2 spring
conference of the Hospital
Auxiliaries Association of
Ontario will be held in
Exeter on Monday, April 27.
Mrs. Menzies will be leading
a seminar on awards and
merits and Jacqui Lewis will
conduct a discusclon on In-
service programs. Rev. J.M.
Williams of St. Joseph's
Catholic Church in Stratford
will be the guest speaker for
the afternoon session.
Mrs. Coventry reported
that the hospital gift shop
continues to be a viable
entity and its daily staffing
and service is sensed by the
hospital. Mrs. Coventry
reported that Easter gifts
are now on display and a
craft convenor is being
sought for and sewers are
Day Centre keeps busy
In March, the Huron Day
Gare Centre for the
Homebound was active with
shuffleboard matches,
ceramic classes, exercises
hod other assorted craftlessons. A special I cent
movie called Road to Utopia
was shown and a St.
Patrick's Day sing -song and
party was held on March 17.
Later in the month, a
Canadian winter travelogue
was given.
In April, activities at the
Centre include swim
therapy, the movie Railway
Children will ' be screened
and Easter crafts will be
made. A volunteer workshop
is also scheduled this month
with guest speakers from the
Canadian Cancer Society.
News of Huronview
Huronview residents ap-
preciated Wayne Lester, ad-
ministrator, consenting at
the last moment to fill in at
Bible Study on Thursday
afternoon, April 2.
Old Time Music was held
in normal care sitting, where
residents enjoyed the piano
playing of Mrs. Elsie
Henderson and also records
that have been donated
Ceramic bunnies and eggs
were painted during the
ceramicclass on Tuesday
Huronview residents had
the opportunity to satisfy
their taste buds on Wednes-
day afternoon when they
came to the craft room and
could purchase different
kinds of baking including
Mabel Garrow's famous
A work bee was called on
Thursday to help make
Kleenex flowers for a local
wedding, and on Thursday
afternoon, Mrs. Prouty, who
had recently returned from a
holiday in Florida. held Bi-
ble study to the chapel.
Sympathy is expressed to
the family of John
Rosenlund who died recent.
We have a new resident
this week, Mrs. Mildred
Yellow from Exeter who is
now living on first north. She
has already been down to the
craft room to spend a morn-
ing with residents and all
hope she will soon feel very
much at home.
The draw for the Easter
basket will be made at the
end of this week, and the
draw on the giant Easter egg
donated by Bartliff's Bakery
will be made on April 16, so if
you haven't purchased your
tickets yet, they can be
bought at the tuck shop.
Ot's all beret This Nestor, you can find the best
in Easter candy and baring at Sartliff's.
Choose from our wide selection of pure milk
chocolate Nggs, Rabbits, and Easter novelties
all beautifully decorated by our expert
bakers. And see our Easter Sunny Cakes.
Also for Easter we have fresh dally Hot Cross
For delicious Eater ideas...visit our
Sea our new selection 04 specialty cheeses.
Also specialty teas, Twinings teas, Greaves
lams and lollies, fruit cakes, maple syrup,
hananaade relishes, sauces, pickles, beau,
nuts and bolts, Laura &word Candles, and
much more.
Community toe fi'ilfietot to
A. Now 55.90 Wag. 5f1,0
8. Now 41,96 Rog, 50,05
15010RogsrSWt�' 81114101140A. Now 45.6 Pian. 56.66
8. Now 20.56 Rog, 36145
Heirloom LTOrM Mobile**
A. Now 61.58 Rog. 78.95
8. Now 49.58 Rog. 61.95
K.I,loomTM 8telnkss
A. Now 36.00 Reg, 45.00
8. Now 28.80 Reg. 36.00
Community'" Steinke'
A. Now 29.58 Reg. 31,95
8, Now 19.18 Reg 23,95
Oneida TM" Deluxe Stainless
A. Now 18.38 R. 22.95
e Now 15.16 Reg. 18,95
Ba&ry' 'Glestaurant
8 A 'bort Street
Clinton 482-3901
Ellen Butcher noted that
she held a training session
for Candy Stripers and
reported that this hospital
service is functioning well.
To date, $285 has been
turned over to FloraKenwell
from the Vanishing Parties.
There are further donations.
to come from Bayfield and
Clinton. The interest of the
community 1s recognized hi
this endeavor and greatly
Kathleen Siertsema
reported that Easter tray
favors are being provided by
the St. Paul's Anglican
Church in Clinton. The
Bayfield Girl Guides will be
providing the Hospital Day
favors for the patients' food
Mrs. Coventry said that
the membership committee
met and a newsletter will be
distributed at the time of the
membership drive, from
April 27 to May 15. A captain
is required for the area south
of Huron Street and west of
King Street in Clinton.
The geriatric committee
needs two more people. Mrs.
Westlake noted that the each
Tuesday' morning during
April, volunteers are booked
to help with the hairdressing
service which is offered to
patients. As well; the
riatric patients will be
treated to an Easter party on
Thursday, Apri116.
The Auxiliary will hold its
next regular meeting on
Monday, May 4 at 10 am in
the hospital board room.
('/Tho Royal Canadian Legion Is concerned that many
widows whose husband's disability pension ceased at
the time of depth are not now aware of the recent
changes In the Pension Act as prior to October 1, 1980 If
the veteran's pension was less than 48% the pension
discontinued at his death.
(2) Now, as of October 1, 1980 any widows of veterans
whose disability was assessed at 311 to 47% become
eligible for proporlonate pensions.
(3)The percentage of disability 1s being reduced annually
and by April 1, 1486 all widows of veterans who at the
time of death had a 5% pension will be eligible.
(4) there will be no search of pension files to locate those
entitled therefore eligible widows must apply.
(5) If you aro entitled to this pension or anyone who has
knowledge'of a person eligible for this pension kindly
contact: Hai Hartley • 4*2.7183 or John beeves - 4824
for further Information and assistance in making an
Anstett Jewellers Ltd., proudly amonncer the
appointment of John Austell Jr. to the position of
Vice -President, Adam is t: .
Johes-, haeka3o. ,...31 cithla'-' yeaili._. at--
t--management experience overseeing the
development of major office building projects in
Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal, and Denver.
His appointment is a reflection of the con.
timing expansion program which the Anstett
chain of jewellery stores is undergoing.
Ile will be located in the company's head office.
1n Clinton; the site of Anstett's large, modern
store, where his extensive adminletrative sk l*
will be utilized to support the company's ob-
jective of meeting their customers' growing
8 Albert St., Clinton
26 Main St. S., Sealorth
284 Main St., Exeter
203 Durham E., Walkerton
We now have in stock the full
line of Green Cross Products - at the
best Prices in town!
Everything you need for a more beautiful
lawn and garden this season.
J.A. Balfour Retail Sales Ltd.