HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-04-09, Page 2235. Notice to creditors IN TtIg ESTATE OF WILLARD GOLDEN COT- TON, late of the Township off Tuckersinith in the County of Huron, Cleaner, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 22nd day of December, 1980, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof, with the un- dersigned on or before the 22nd day of April, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall thenhave notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 19th day of March, 1981. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the _ Extwc lateix.-12,43,14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of WILLIAM DANIEL RUEGER, late of the Town- ship of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 10th day of March, 1981, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 25th day of April, 1981, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 26th day of March, 1981. PREST AND EGENER, Barristers, etc., P.O. Box 218, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. -13,14;15 IN THE ESTATE OF IRIS DOREEN MUSTARD, late of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. ALL PERSONS,• having ifelaims against the. Estate of the abovenamed who died on ' the 18th day of February, 1981, are required to file full par- 'ticulais thereof with the un- dersigned on or before the 30th day of April, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims' of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this3lstday of March, 1981. MENZIES, ROSS Bettors kir .the Executor. -14,15,16 PAGE 22—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 9 ,1981 31. Service directory JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 4023043 ifissamon W*rER wsLL ti1RIt,LINO . W.D.l!HOPPER FOtIR,MQataN. ROTARY RIGS PHONt SEARORTH NEIL: 521-1737 DURL: 5274$21 JIM: 3274773 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill i);,, \\.,lni •.iia, m:ni\En:z DASHWD 237-3677 Std ecoratin 3.1 Huron sit" Clinton :10x•997, Clfntofr NSM 1Ls 4844344 129.7039 Pelona. Stains. Mtn Wax products, Waal mgll. t Floor Sanding, Torturing. :f Intortor ilister* Cantrocting FREE CONititTING CC NTACI` .URR:AY ELLEN FOR sCONCRLTE°NO0115 •SSI NI'AL +PATIOS • .ETC. AGRICULTURAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL *CONCRETE SAWING 4824157 A ROLLING BUSINESS CUSTOM LAWN ROLLING Seek early...so we can guarantee getting your lawn rolled. PHONE JACK GERRITS 482-7290 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 524-2023.-3-52 ARE YOU TIRED of being alone? Are you unattached, separated, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5P1. Please state age. --13,14x 40. Lost & Found LOST: Eye Glasses on Prin- cess St., light plastic frames. Ca 11482 -7663 after 5 p.m. -14 LOST: Blue Tick Hound, 3 years old, spayed female, near Bayfield River, Clinton. Answers to the name of "Java". Phone 482=3147.-14x MIME la Er 9 te 8I rnt2e 41. To give away NEEDING A GOOD HOME for a neutered tom cat (Fluffy 1 yaws for the taking. Phone 4827$95.--14 IN THE ESTATE OF SUZANNE MURRAY, late of the Town af: Clinton in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. ALL persons laving claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 10th day of November, 1980, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the un- dersigned on or before the 7th day of May, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of Which the undersigned shall . then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 7th day of April, 1981. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. -14,15,16 38. Auction sale ONTARIO'S Largest Farm Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario, Friday April 10th, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Approximately 150- 175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. • Con- signments welcome. For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamuledti & Sons .-l4bc Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482=7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SATURDAY. APRIL 11 10 A.M. Furniture and Antiques to be held at Richard Lobb's Burn icor •Mrs, Barnes of Clinton, plus additions. SATURDAY, APRIL 10 9:30 AM, 1 acre: lot with drilled well and mobilo home for the estate of William Ruogor. SATURDAY, APRIL 10. 10:13 A.M. Tractor. car, 1970 pick- up. antique furniture, appliances. etc., to bo hold at Richard Lobb's barn, Clinton, for W.M. Rueger Estate and Gerrie home, plus ad- ditions. SATURDAY, APRIL 25 10 A.M. Antique tractors, four wheel drive Scout, Golden Falcon trailer, tools. antique engine and parts for Fred Mote Estate, 1 mile East of Bayfield. AUCTION SALE to be held at the AUCTION ROOMS 1 mile south of Goderich on Hwy. 21 FRI., APRIL 10 7:00 P.M. SALE TO CONSIST OF: Six oak diningroom =chairs and matching buffet; commode -washstand; trunks; round parlour table; smoker stands; brass fire screen; brass pressure gauge from steam engine;; cook stove;. three down -draft stoves; eNctric stoves; church tables and stacking chain; two sets antique Dicken's Books; tin ware (including large tea tin); prints and frames; oil lamp; glass and china; Etoctrohome sound system with stand, headphones and albums; cabinet stereo; cassette player; walking sticks; oak of- fice chair; crocks; frosted glass windows; child's crib; beds: dstbatnldiflor.._ Also soiling subject to a reasonable reserve bid — 1976 American Motors Gremlin. (as is). MARIE SALM Auctionoor 524-9064 REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE Selling for the Estate of William Ruogor ono acro of land known as lot 71 concession 15 i 16, Goderich Township, 11/2 miles west of Clinton on No. 0 high- way, then 4'/2 miles north. Saturday, April 18 at 9:30 a.m. This property is well treed w/drilled well, 600 gal. septic tank, 10 x 50 Buddy trailer home, well in- sulated w/ck:Nod In and open porch, carport, frig and stove. two bedrooms, new furnace, 40 gol. hot water heater, '1'V tower, etc. This is a quiet letting and would make o good home or retreat. For infor- mation phone Richard Lobb at 402-7090. Property will be offered subleet too reserve bid, terms being 10% down day of sole, balance due in full in 30 days. Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 40, SOO allek- AUCTION SALE THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 9 at 6:30 P.M. at the Tree Trunk 5 Main Street, Seaforth NEW ITEMS INCLUDE: assorted V -belts; car and bicycle tires and rims; many auto parts including alternators, starters, filters, shocks, decals; paint; oil; antifreeze; Bosch light sots; vac compression tester and timing light; car top carriers; troller hitches. SPORTING GOODS: water skis; snow skis; snow shoes; oars; life lockets; ski rack; golf clubs, bag and cart; logging suit; vests; hockey pods; camp stove; fishing tackle. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: shop vac; canister set; range hood; oavostroughing; roof vents; food mixer; light fix- tures. FURNITURE: Hoosier type cupboard; white wicker chair (excellent condition); 30's style couch and chair; dining room suite; bedroom suite; fridge; stove; washer; dryer; brass fireplace doors; down draft stove; lawn furniture; odd tables and chairs; recliner; propane fur- nace; kitchen sults; television; single bad; lawn or- naments; desk; wardrobe; bUffet and hutch; record player; rug; and more. Auctioneer: Tom Papple R.Q. NO. 4, SEAFOQTH 527-0514 OR 527-0940 COMP 38. Auction sole 38. Auction sole elezitself 44oreeeled AUCTION CALENDAR FRIDAY, APRIL 24 Lakeport Steel, Hanover, t0:30 A.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 25 . Estate of Jessie Metcalf. Soyfleid Arena, 10:30 A.M., household Items and an- tiques. plus additions. SATURDAY, APRIL 25 = For Peter Duchurme, comb��inn�ejd with Mayfield Arena auction at 10:30 A.M. AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. 5 SFtAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1 WO (519) 527-149.8 AUCTION SALE * Estate of .Ren 'Morris Farm, R.R. NO. 4 Goderich • *• near BenmIller SAT., APRIL 18TH - 11:00 AM * This sale contains numerous articles. * FULL LISTING IN FUTURE PAPER LAMB'S * AUCTION SERVICE' * 524-9657 Godorlch 4< lit * **4< 4<4<4 -V- if* AIL If 4<4<* AUCTION SALE Furniture, appliances, some antiques. guns. pony harness and racing sulky, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Mrs. Theresa Barnes plus additions. Saturday, April 11 at 10 A.M. Small round down draft stove. pony racing sulky, large pony racing harness, table saw, twelve gouge bolt action shotgun, 4-10 double barrel hammer ac- tion shotgun, Winchester 30-30 lever action model 94, Antique Marlin 3046 rifle, Old 22 rifle, two shell bolts. gun rack w/drawer. Westinghouse square model fridge, Admiral 24" electric stove (like new). Kolvinotor harvest gold dishwasher, continental single bed. Floor model .colour TV, lamps, continen- tal double bed, matching continental beds w/wooden head boards (like new), chesterfield w/pull, out mattress, Antique dresser w/mirrors, wicker fern stand, washstand, dining table w/four chair, buffet, coffee & end tables, chesterfield ('8. choir. davenport, electric sewing machine w/stand, hall tree, floor lamps, several upholstered Chairs, ° odd thOin. table lamps,- small table/leat and four matching chairs, six antique cast Iron im- plement seats w/names, lantern. oil lamps. cattle clipper, hg saw, small appliances, luster cup & saucer, dishes & glassware, plus our usual large of- fering. F.A.C. required for gun purchase. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE. Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 412-7898 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sole. 42. Death notice ROSENLVND At Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, April 4, 1981, John Rosenlund of Clinton, in his 79th year. Beloved husband of Daisy Rosenlund. Dear father of Edith (Mrs. Charles Burgess)' of Clinton, John of Clinton. Dear brother of Sigurd and Einer Rosenlund of Norway. Also survived by 10 grandchildren and one great- grandchild. Rested at the Beattie Funeral Home Clinton. Funeral service was held on Tuesday, April 7, 1981, with Rev. James Broadfoot of- ficiating. Interment Clinton Cemetery .-14nx HOGG ARTH At Clinton Public Hospital Thursday, April 2, 1981, Jeannette Hoggarth, age three months. Beloved daughter of Victor and Mary Hoggarth of RR 4, Clinton. Dear grand- daughter of Raymond and Joan Hoggarth of RR 1, .Londesboro, ear great- granddaughter of Mrs. Gladys Hoggarth of Clinton, Mrs. Mary Regier of Huronview and Mr. Fred Fowler of RR 1, Londesboro. Also loved by several aunts and uncles. Predeceased by her maternal grandparents, Alex and Marie Dietrich. A private family funeral service was held at the Ball Funeral Home, Clinton on Saturday, April 4, 1981. Interment St. Patrick's Cemetery, Kinkora. As ex- pressions of sympathy, donations to the S.I.D.S. Program of St. Joseph's Hospital, London or to the Mac Cameron Memorial Fund of The Clinton Public Hospital would be gratefully apreciated by the fa mily.-14nx 42. Death notice STOREY At the Hillside Nursing Home, Mitchell, Tuesday, March 31, 1981, Beatrice Elizabeth (Grununett) Storey,' formerly of Seaforth, beloved wife of the late Samuel Storey, in her92nd year. Surviving are son, William S. of RR 2, Seaforth and a daughter, Mrs. Bert (Eleanor) Thomson of Kippen. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Harry (Nellie) Palin, of Seaforth and four grand- children. Predeceased by one brother, Joseph Grummett. Service was held Friday at 2 p.m. • at Whitney-Ribey Funeral Horne with Reverend T.A.A. Duke officiating. Temporary entombment Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum with interment to follow at Malt! andbank`` - Cemete ry.-14nx 46. In memoriam DALE In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Carman Dale, who passed away three years ago, April 10, 1978. We do not need a special day to bring you to our minds, The days we do not think of you are very hard to find. They say time heals all sorrow and helps us to forget, But time has so far only proven how much wemiss you yet. To know we never said goodbye will always bring regret, But the hearts that loved you dearly are the hearts that won't forget. Always loved and remem- bered by his family. -14x SB. AUCTION SALE OF TRACTORS EQUIPMDENT BRINDLET SALES YARD DUNG ANNON SATURDAY, APRIL 18th 10:00 AM SHARP More consignments welcome. Auctioneer Gordon H- Brindley . 43. Births MASON David and Debra are happy to announce their little girl, Crystal, born at Clinton Public Hospital, on April 3, 1981. A sister for Robert and Jamie.-14nx 47. Card of thanks SMITH I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Rodney, nurses and staff of Seaforth Hospital while I was a patient. A special thank you to the Vanastra Lions and Lioness Clubs. Also to my friends and neighbours for their cards, gifts and visits. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Myrna Smith, Vanastra.-14 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY: On behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society, we would like to thank the citizens stf_.: lIBIAI1- an -_surrounding area for their support during the Daffodil Campaign. Special thanks to Percy Pugh at Brewer's Retail for storing the flowers and to the many volunteers who sold them. Sincerely Marguerite Falconer, Vivienne Roy, Service Chairman, Beta Sigma Phi.-14nx TOWNSHEND Sincere thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, visits and treats while I was in Clinton Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Newland, nurses and staff for their care and understanding. It was greatly appreciated by myself and family. Irene Town- shend. -14x 47. Card of thanks DARNBROUGH Thank you to all my friends, relatives and neighbours, for all the gifts and cards while I was a patient in Clinton and St. Joseph's Hospitals. Eva Qarnbrough.-14 FLOOD The family of the late Mrs. Florence Lillian Flood, wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for flowers, donations to the Heart Fund, Gideon and the United Church and cards of sympathy during the loss of their mother. Special thanks to the staff of Huronview and Rev. Pliteh of Mitchell. -14 WRIGHT I would like to thank my neigh- bours, friends and relatives for the flowers, cards, treats and visits while I was in hospital. To Dr. Flowers, nurses on first floor and kitchen staff. It was very much appreciated. Norman. -14x r 7 ARE YOU CAUGHT IN THE of 1.1\ °°JAWS°° OF INFLATION? -1 l SAVE L, YOURSELF! ss. TAX TIME GOT YOU IN A SQUEEZE? If tax time puts you in the squeeze, remem- ber, last year the trained specialists at H&R Block took the pressure off for over three-quarters of a million Cana- dians by preparing accurate income tax returns at an average cost of only $17.75. That's a good return for the money. And a lot Tess pressure. This year be sure. H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 22 DAYS LEFT 12 ISAAC STREET, CLINTON 482-3536 OPEN DAILY: 9-3:30 PM THURS. TO 7:30 SAT.: 9-1 PM. OPEN TODAY -NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY IL- 6 +2 mi. huron road o1 LUCKNOW tC CO WINGHAM come visit our landscape centre and sales office II 1111;'tLii1i • 4ct.2ard{ 4. SMIMP A interlocking paving stone) +erre-• ,aaT grounds maintenance) HURON LANDSCAP 1111111 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 4 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL, samoanyounnorsononanolINIMMIlii weed spraying) planting) fertilizing ) patios, walkways) seedding, sodding) timber retaining walls; 1