HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-04-09, Page 19Vanastra Rec Centre has a program for you The Spring program 1981 at Vanastra Recreation Centre begins April 13 and runs to June 20 this year. Registration for the swim and fitness classes for youth and adults runs until April 11 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily and Wednesday, April 8 from 6 p.m. until 9 pan. The Spring brochures are being mailed to 17,000 households in Huron County. They describe the programs being offered, membership opportunities and facilities available. In 1980 Township of Tuckersmith constructed a large addition to the existing Centre to make the facility accessible to everyone, especially to those in wheelcharis. This addition has benefitted everyone by including larger change and shower areas, a new activity roam for meetings, classes and a larger, better equipped fitness room containing a new 14 station gym unit. The staff at the Centre extends an invitation to anyone in- terested, to drop in anj' time to view these fine facilities. A variety of programs are offered to the public throughout Huron County and beyond. The aquatic program is a challenge for the par- ticipant, an opportunity to learn and conquer aquatic skills and to become a safe and proficient swimmer. The aquatic program offers something for everyone. Parent and tot swims for babies up to three years gives a new learning ex- perience for the very young. The kindergym swim and advanced course offers Medicine and alcohol don't mix SEAFORTH It's a well recognized fact that drugs and alcohol don't mix. -Howev er many people don't realize that as few as two drinks, mixed with a an- tihistamine or tranquilizer can be an equally dangerous combination. About 75 people heard about the dangers of mixing alcohol and drugs at a seminar held in Sea£orth. Sponsored by the Council for Action on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAAD), it was learned - that -mixing a cold - tablet and liquor can be as dangerous as the results of combining marijuana and alcohol. Emphasis was placed on the loss of driving skill this can produce, and a film showed that it takes only a small consumption of alcohol or drugs to result in dangerously impaired driving. Those _ attending the seminar learned that CAAD was formed in the county two years ago as an educational organization. CAAD's goal is to identify community needs and promote the early identification of people who may have alcohol or drug addiction problems. children three to five years social development, motor skill developanent and en- joyment in a water en- vironment. • Learn -to -swim programs for all ages -youth, teen and adult, as well as all levels of swimming skills - are ongoing courses. The synchronized swimming course includes learning water ballet figures and preparing individual and group routines to music. The next class starts Thursday, April 16 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. A more advanced class is the RLSS bronze medallion. Ladies' Aquafit is an exercise class in the water. Included this spring is a swim team training session on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. to train and con- dition:. the ...competitive . swimmers in the county for the coming summer season. Programs offered this year also include fitness classes for men and women. Ladies' "Swing into Spring" is a fitness program designed to beat the winter blues and bulges. This program is planned Monday and Wednesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. Also, evening classes will be held Wed- nesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. This class com- bines fitness exercises followed by a swim and sauna Fitness for Men, which includes floor exercises as well as instruction on tine use of the new 14 station gym unit in the fitness room, will be offered on Monday evenings .from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. followed by a swim and relaxing sauna. Yoga is a class for people of all ages, male and female. This Aelass consists of breathing and light exercise to relax, to improve blood circulation, „ to increase flexibility and to relieve muscle tension. This class is held. Ofl `,iluirsdays:_at.f.p. ._ p.m. and may be followed with a sauna and swim. New this spring is Aqua Yoga. Offered on Thursdays at 2 p.m., this class is geared to the, older adult and con- sists of yoga exercises in the pool. No swimming ex- perience is necessary. Also, new is a water exercise program for per- sons with arthritis. This will consist of exercises stressing general mobility to be held on Mondays at 11 a.m. Other special recreation programs of aquatics and fitness have been developed for persons with special needs. This could include mentally retarded, physically disabled, senior citizens or anyone who cannot fit into a regular program. All these programs will commence the week of April 13 and run for ten weeks. If you have any questions regarding the program or need a spring brochure, please call 482-3544. Recreation swims are offered daily as follows: Adult Only Swim, Monday to Friday -12a'- •h15 pens.; and Wednesday, 9:30 - 10:30 p.m ; Open Recreation Swim (for everyone) Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 - 10 p.rn., Wednesday 6:30 - 7 : 30 p.m., F riday, 7 - 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 3 - 4:30 p.m.; and Family Only Swim on Sundays 2 -3 p.m. Vitt ARE PLEASED TO SERVE 1fOU' III: iDERICH•NUR Hwy -. No. a OPEN WE CUR MANANGER' IS: RAY H'URD THURS FRI., EVENINGS CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 9 ,1901—PAGE 19 a) central huron chronici secondary school news Brian Chessell, program director at CHSS 12 radio (TV) station, cues up a record at the station. (Chronicle photo) CHSS editor goes audio by Paul Hartman Lately Paul (that's Wet- tlaufer) the assistant pro- gram director of CHSS 12 has been bugging me for some free publicity for his precious broadcasting club. Up until lately I've ignored his pleading and growling - that is until I dropped into the station at Holmesville one night just to see what all the fuss was about. Hey, you know, it was fun! CHSS 12 has been vastly underrated - it's a great radio (or is it TV?) station. I helped out the show and had a great time. (Besides grub was free). We got upwards of 50 calls from listeners (or was it viewers? )\ who were just sitting back and enjoy-. ing the music. Many people put a lot of time and a lot of effort into the broadcasting club and it's ' developed into quite a • good organization. Sit up and" take notice! This week at CRSS Electrical students are in- volved in a work experience program. The program will last for this whole week' and it should provide good prac- tical, on-the-job training for the electrical students. +++ The • badminton tourna- ment for the senior team was Tuesday of . this week. The team competed at the Huron -Perth event at Mit- chell. On the senior team are Rick Scrimegeor, Andy Flowers, Jeff Schmidt, Phil Cornish, Laura Hill, Mary Helen Clynick and Nancy Coleman. Also going to Mit- chell as spares are Ed Sullen, Frank Snell and Greg Flowers. Chronicle quiz time Joe is much older than Keith and Larry. In fact, the two digits of Joe's age are Keith's and Larry's ages If the sum of Joe's, Keith's and Larry's ages is 83, how old is Joe? +++ Consider the ten places in which tribbles may be ar- ranged. In the first position, any one of ten tribbles may be placed. In the second posi- tion, one of the remaining 9 tribbles are chosen. Then one of the 8, 7, 6, etc. remain- ing tribbles are chosen in turn until all 10 tribbles are placed. In all, there are 10 x 9 x8x7...x3x2xlor3,828,800 possible tribble ar- rangements. Great moments in history On April 10, 1980 approx- imately 700 students at CRSS removed themselves from school property in order to protest the infestation of mice in CHSS' concrete halls. The event drew local news attention and received mention on CBC's National news. This Friday will be the first anniversary of the famous mouse walkout. April 10 is Mouse Day at CHSS, another Great M;- ment in History. On Monday, the gym- nastics team under the direction of Miss Burch com- peted at Exeter. Two members of the team ad- vanced to WOSSA competi- tion. The top four in each event advanced. • Soda Unsal qualified for WOSSA by placing third in the uneven bars event. Jayne Snell advanced in two categories. Jayne placed third in four exercises and third in vault. Other competitors from CHSS were Kim Young, Cathy Van Doup and Janis Elder. • For the two gymnasts go- ing on, WOSSA will be at St. Thomas on -Saturday. Player of the week Dave Townsend Dave Townsend, in grade twelve of CHSS is the Player of the Week. Dave is featured this week because of his curling ability. Dave has been on the CHSS curling team since he was in grade 10 (there was no team when he was in grade 9), His grade eight year was the initial year .that he curl- ed. Up to that time Dave had been involved in hockey. Then a friend got Dave in- terested in the sport of curl- ing. Dave enjoys curling because it is a team sport in which the individual plays an important role and it is a gentleman's game. The past two years, Dave has been se- cond on the school team. This year Dave became the skip of the CHSS curling_ team. Last season the team won Huron -Perth and this year they slipped only slightly, finishing second. They were defeated at Huron -Perth in the final only on the very last rock thrown. Dave participates in men's league and the junior league at Vanastra Curling Club where he is a member. Dave is also involved in soccer and has played football at the school. Formal plans set The preparations for this year's CIMS formal are already well underway. This year's theme is Springtime and the cafeteria, gym- nasium and courtyard will be appropriately decorated. The formal will be held on May 23rd and the band will be "Summer Rain". It sounds like a good time so plan to attend. Falling tree hurts lady - ZURICH - A 39 -year-old Dashwood woman is recovering from back in- jurieS and concussion after she was hit be a falling tree. Elizabeth Hendrick and her husband Harold were cutting wood at their High- way 21 farm when a tree, 20 centimetres in diameter, came crashing down ori her. Mrs. Hendrick was taken to South Huron Hospital in Exeter and later transferred to London's University Hospital where she is now recovering. i� IRi. ' > �i►►wa f : r�i" i'"i�!' SPE1, 15 VARIETIES JELL -0 POWDERS 3 oz. PKGS. 3 FOR 890,99 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 10 oz. JAR 7 FLAVOUR VARIETIES DELMONTE PUDDINGS 20 oz. (4 TINS) . 9 0 DAYTIME 30's or EXTRA ABSORBENT 24's PAMPERS DIAPERS PER CARTON '3.29 750 ml. RETURNABLE LARGE PEPS COLA PLUS DEPOSIT _ MAXWELL HOUSE DECAFFEINATED INSTANT COFFEECOFFEE 8 oz. JAR 1.4.",,,,,t..., 9 MAXWELL HOUSE .ALL • PURPOSE ONE POUND BAG It ' IP 8 „ POST POPULAR ALPHABITS CEREAL 450 gr. PKG. . 149 100% WHOLE WHEAT DIETRICHS BREAD 24 oz, LOAF siv .,_,.. SOFT STYLE IMPERIAL MARGARINE 1 Ib. SLEEVE PACK' S # , OLD SOUTH FROZEN ORAGrN - JU1C"E TINYOUR L119 COOKED FROZEN HIGH LINER CODIN. BATTER 14 o 14 oz. PKG. 1.49 PRE-COOKED POTATOES CARNATION'°°_TINS HASH BROWNS..:VEGETABLES16oz. 2 lb. PKG. 59". • I' CUT GREEN 0R'WAX BEANS GREEN PEAS 011 CREAM CORN 011 KERNEL CORN 12 oz, TIN ZEHRS FANCY CHOICE250 249" CHRISTIES RITZ CRACKE!S 9r. PKG. P99 t t / SP CIAL UNSWEETENED ORANGE, BLENDED, OR GRAPEFRUIT zEHRs FRUIT juicEsFLAKES 48 oz, TINS FROM CONCENTRATE CONCENTRATE 890 I I LIQUID STYLE SUNLIGHT DETERGENT ONE ONE LITRE �. iw i 6 VARIETIES ZEHRS COOKIES 400-454 gr. PKGS. 1 ..... FOR YOUR LAUNDRY 3 LITRE SIZE SUNLIGHT DETERGENT Kg BOX ....... .. ... POST POPULAR CEREAL 890KG. BRAN • 400 gr. PKG. �r Vl/"!�l rZEHRS WONDERFUL pLusHWORLD OFAN CUDDLY SOFT CHICKS !:sEtI. SPECIAL! MM�� MOZZARELLA, HAVARTI, MUFFINS POKFG6ri ASSORTED 10•' TO 16" SIZE PLUSH ANIMAL. SOFT PLUSH 13 INCH SIZE SHAGGY BUNNY SOFT PEUS7i 13 INCH SIZE CHUBBY BUNNY MELLOW ROAST INSTANT EACH $3. 99 EACH $5.99 EACH $8, 99 ZEHRS � COFFEES oz 4169 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE STRAWBERRY BATH SIZE SHORTCAKE STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE CHEESES STOKLEYS 2 VARIETIES MUG EA 1.169 S TOWEL22»x42' 199 ,�` FACE CLOTHE A 129 ONE POUND BLOCKS KIDNEYo, BEANS ' g l NZ 9�,,TEA STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE TOWEL E A'2.99 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE POT HOLDER E A t 99 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE DISH CLOTH E A'139 E A wAR -- _._. _.._.".. 13 07 ORANGE FLAVOURED toF TANG CRYSTALS 1,69 slz�s ,� SOUP VARIETIESMIXR 79 s00 TOP BREED R Ky 7.79 �� Z 2 �,1��' NOW YOU ANtCHOO E t • PLA..�A, THE PLAN AND THE FINISH THAT TETLEY O,P, TEA BAGS 144 4 t .0!1,:f7� 3 DESSERT TOPPING DREAM WHIP6 LAY LEA SWISS STYLE �'• YOGURTF nvouas' 99 Y; SUITS YOU BEST WHEN YOU BRING US YOUR COLOUR ' NEGATIVE ROIL FILM FOR PROCESSING AND DEVELOPING ..' PLAN N0. 1 PLAN N®- 2 """" FOR DISHWASHERS BLACK SUNLIGHT 1 4 !I 79 DIAMOND MILD OR/FE.D, 5 /���.CHIP GAY LEA DIP 750 9 THIS PLAN GIVES YOU THIS PLAN GIVES YOU SET of PRINTS 2 SE TS OF PRINTS FOR ONES ONE PRINTSEASY TO PLAN2 TWO SEREMEMBER S OPRINTS CLUBHOUSE L.P MANZ GRANDMA MARTINS 2 VARIETIES ROLL ON „5(1;14% YOUR COLOUR NEGATIVE ROLL c 41 PLAN NO, 1:PLAN NO, 2 OLIVES 375 ml '1.69 BUTTER 340 gr TARTSoR PF CAN ` ' SOFT N D01 6.9 CHOICE DF FINISH 44/ `6� '517 VAR SIZES CLUBHOUSE 4 VARIETIES F ONIMG IX�C135 R'�i 1 WESTONS SPICY 6tOR HOT CROSS BUNS 9° BLUEWATER OCEAN SNACKS R o, WITH SHRIMP ���69 LUSTRE GLOSSY C110 8,126 20 EXPOSURES C110 24 EXPOSURES 24 EXPOSURES C135 36 EXPOSURES '9,69 112 12,992 91.49 'i10.09 11.47 15,97 Vitt ARE PLEASED TO SERVE 1fOU' III: iDERICH•NUR Hwy -. No. a OPEN WE CUR MANANGER' IS: RAY H'URD THURS FRI., EVENINGS CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 9 ,1901—PAGE 19 a) central huron chronici secondary school news Brian Chessell, program director at CHSS 12 radio (TV) station, cues up a record at the station. (Chronicle photo) CHSS editor goes audio by Paul Hartman Lately Paul (that's Wet- tlaufer) the assistant pro- gram director of CHSS 12 has been bugging me for some free publicity for his precious broadcasting club. Up until lately I've ignored his pleading and growling - that is until I dropped into the station at Holmesville one night just to see what all the fuss was about. Hey, you know, it was fun! CHSS 12 has been vastly underrated - it's a great radio (or is it TV?) station. I helped out the show and had a great time. (Besides grub was free). We got upwards of 50 calls from listeners (or was it viewers? )\ who were just sitting back and enjoy-. ing the music. Many people put a lot of time and a lot of effort into the broadcasting club and it's ' developed into quite a • good organization. Sit up and" take notice! This week at CRSS Electrical students are in- volved in a work experience program. The program will last for this whole week' and it should provide good prac- tical, on-the-job training for the electrical students. +++ The • badminton tourna- ment for the senior team was Tuesday of . this week. The team competed at the Huron -Perth event at Mit- chell. On the senior team are Rick Scrimegeor, Andy Flowers, Jeff Schmidt, Phil Cornish, Laura Hill, Mary Helen Clynick and Nancy Coleman. Also going to Mit- chell as spares are Ed Sullen, Frank Snell and Greg Flowers. Chronicle quiz time Joe is much older than Keith and Larry. In fact, the two digits of Joe's age are Keith's and Larry's ages If the sum of Joe's, Keith's and Larry's ages is 83, how old is Joe? +++ Consider the ten places in which tribbles may be ar- ranged. In the first position, any one of ten tribbles may be placed. In the second posi- tion, one of the remaining 9 tribbles are chosen. Then one of the 8, 7, 6, etc. remain- ing tribbles are chosen in turn until all 10 tribbles are placed. In all, there are 10 x 9 x8x7...x3x2xlor3,828,800 possible tribble ar- rangements. Great moments in history On April 10, 1980 approx- imately 700 students at CRSS removed themselves from school property in order to protest the infestation of mice in CHSS' concrete halls. The event drew local news attention and received mention on CBC's National news. This Friday will be the first anniversary of the famous mouse walkout. April 10 is Mouse Day at CHSS, another Great M;- ment in History. On Monday, the gym- nastics team under the direction of Miss Burch com- peted at Exeter. Two members of the team ad- vanced to WOSSA competi- tion. The top four in each event advanced. • Soda Unsal qualified for WOSSA by placing third in the uneven bars event. Jayne Snell advanced in two categories. Jayne placed third in four exercises and third in vault. Other competitors from CHSS were Kim Young, Cathy Van Doup and Janis Elder. • For the two gymnasts go- ing on, WOSSA will be at St. Thomas on -Saturday. Player of the week Dave Townsend Dave Townsend, in grade twelve of CHSS is the Player of the Week. Dave is featured this week because of his curling ability. Dave has been on the CHSS curling team since he was in grade 10 (there was no team when he was in grade 9), His grade eight year was the initial year .that he curl- ed. Up to that time Dave had been involved in hockey. Then a friend got Dave in- terested in the sport of curl- ing. Dave enjoys curling because it is a team sport in which the individual plays an important role and it is a gentleman's game. The past two years, Dave has been se- cond on the school team. This year Dave became the skip of the CHSS curling_ team. Last season the team won Huron -Perth and this year they slipped only slightly, finishing second. They were defeated at Huron -Perth in the final only on the very last rock thrown. Dave participates in men's league and the junior league at Vanastra Curling Club where he is a member. Dave is also involved in soccer and has played football at the school. Formal plans set The preparations for this year's CIMS formal are already well underway. This year's theme is Springtime and the cafeteria, gym- nasium and courtyard will be appropriately decorated. The formal will be held on May 23rd and the band will be "Summer Rain". It sounds like a good time so plan to attend. Falling tree hurts lady - ZURICH - A 39 -year-old Dashwood woman is recovering from back in- jurieS and concussion after she was hit be a falling tree. Elizabeth Hendrick and her husband Harold were cutting wood at their High- way 21 farm when a tree, 20 centimetres in diameter, came crashing down ori her. Mrs. Hendrick was taken to South Huron Hospital in Exeter and later transferred to London's University Hospital where she is now recovering.