HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-04-09, Page 5Middleton ACW meet By Blanche Deeves With a good attendance on Sunday morning communise e was celebrated in St. Jam& Anglican Church. Audrey Middleton read the epistle and Rev. Wm. Bennett spoke about the fifth Sunday known gek as Passion Sunday. It. draws Mr our attention to the coming suffering of Jesus on the cross. Ray Wise and Edward Deeves received the offer ing. The ACW will meet on Thursday, April 9 at the home of Marion Smith in Dungannon at 8 pm. Lob Wise will be leader in charge and the guest speaker will be Mrs. Judy McMichael of Jana Health Foods in Goderich. • Many thanks_ gement_ to_ everyone in the response to the upcoming bus trip ea May 6. The bus is full and we are taking names on hold to see if we can fill another bus. We need 40 people to fill the •second bus, and already several names are on hold now, so call early so we can reserve a seat for you. Please for the first bus send your money to Blanche Deeves, Margaret Middleton or Jeanne Bennett within a few days, thank you. The bus will leave from the Clinton Legion at 8 am on May 6. - The African Safari slides are coming to St. James' Church, with Steve and Rosie Cooke of Clinton show- ing them. Do come and enjoy an evening at St. James' with coffee to be served at the conclusion of the even- ing. The date is April 23 at 8 pm and silver collection will be taken. Mrs. Elizabeth Mullens of Ottawa spent a few days with her mother Mrs. Fred Middleton last week. Hilda Semple, Marg Switzer and Blanche" Deeves travelled to Guelph on Satur- day with their husbands who competed in a euchre tour- nament o» r -nament for the Clinton Legion and enjoyed the day shopping. Edward and Lois Wise have returned home after enjoying a holiday motoring to Texas'and 'N W Orleans. They spent four days in Houston and two days in Galviston. Since returning they visited with Sandy and Dennis, Cindy and Theresa Kelly of Woodstock. After 120 years the Deeves family farm now has new owners, Ron and Pat Reder. Mr. and Mrs. Van Der Waulder of London are the, new owners of the Reder farm. We welcome them to the area. Ashfield man seriously hurt LUCKNOW - An Ashfield Township man suffered major injuries and was taken to London's University Hospital following a March 29 motorcycle accident. Maurice Miltenburg, 20, received head injuries when he lost control of the motorcycle he was driving and the bike flipped over. Friends rushed Mr. Miltenburg, to the Lucknow Medical Centre where he was taken to Wingham and District Hospital and then transferred to London. Pigs lost in fire BRUSSELS - Some 170 pigs were killed when a devestating fire destroyed one barn and part of another at the farm of Brian Work- man orkman of RR 2, Brussels on March 26. The blaze broke out shortly after 9 pm and the Grey Township Fire Department was immediately called to the scene. Although someone else placed the call, Mr. Workman saw the flames as he was coming home from Brussels. . The Grey fldepartment, with assistan from the Blyth water tanker were unable to save the structure which was partially covered by in surance. Although no cause of the blaze has been established, Mr. Workman said that it seemed to have started in the nursery. Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Chuck Blade Bone Out Blade or Short Rib Roasts Ib Ci: ase Sanborn Regular Grind Coffee l lb CLINTON NEWSRECORD. THUILIDAY All ITA 16111-61)&11/141 Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef Cross Rib Roasts 1,88 • lb. Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef BladeSteak 1.58b AT THE DELI COUNTER Stor. Sliced Cooked Ham Ib. . 9 9 Schneiders 175 g pkg. Schneiders 500 g pkg. Sliced 5 Varieties Cooked Sliced Ham 1.58 Side Bacon 1.88 Schneiders 175 g pkg. Bologna, Mac & Cheese Sliced Chicken Loaf .88 Burns 2-21/2 Ib Vintage Boneless 2.88 Ham • • Ib Pride of Canada 1 Ib pkg. Skinless Wieners 1.38 Pride of Canada 500 g pkg. Sliced Side Bacon 1.58 Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beel Chuck Shoulder Steaks �1.68 Mary Miles 2-3 Ib Dinner Ham Ib 1.99 Tend -R -Fresh Frozen 6-16 Ibs Canada Grade "A" Young Turkeys Ib 1.08 Canadian Oueen '/s or '/4's Boneless 2 08. Hams Ib 2. 08, of Canada Store Packed Breakfast Sausage Ib 1 .28 Pride of Canada 500 g pkg. Tri Pack 1.78 Pride of Canada By The Piece Bologna Burns 5 Ib up Golden Basted Roasting Chickens Ib .98 lb 1.28 Tend -R -Fresh Frozen 6-16 Ib Canada Utility Grade Young Turkeys • lti.98 3-6Ib Milkier Smoked Picnic Shoulders . 9 9 Burns 6 - 14 Ib Golden Basted, Frozen Young Turkeys Ib 1.18 Kleenex 2 roll Assorted Colours Paper Towels Kleenex 100's Assorted Colours Facial Tissue 1.29 2/$1 Delsey 2 roll White, Plnk or Yellow Bathroom Tissue .79 Kotex 30's Regulai or Deodorant Lightdays • Mini Pads 1.99 .. Libby's 14fl. oz. Zoodies, Spaghetti with Cheese in Tomato Sauce or Alpha-Getti 2/$1 Leaver Pieces & Stems Mushrooms 10 II. oz. '.75 Schneiders 500 g Processed Individual Cheese Slices , b 2.39 Schneiders 12 oz. Mild, Medium or fold Coloured Cheddar Cheese Wedges 1 .99 Del Monte 28 fl. oz. Fancy Fruit Cocktail, Halves or Slices Peaches 1.19 1.39 Aliens 4 x 10 fl. oz: Pure Apple Juice Sliced Bread 59q. 24 07. loaf Chore Girl 3's Pot Cleaners Fleecy 5 L Liquid Fabric Softener Encore 8 oz. Instant Coffee Cate111,28 fl. oz. Tomato or with Meat Spaghetti Sauce Uncle Bens 2 kg Converted Rice 750 ml Kraft Mayonnaise Davids 450 g Chocolate Chip or Jelly Mallow Cookies Quench 614 g Assorted Fruit Drink Crystals 1.09 3.59 4.99 1.29 3.69 1.99 1.59 2.39 Pampers Daytime Regular 30's or Extra Absorbant 24's Disposable Diapers 3.29 Sunlight. Powdered Laundry Detergent 6L 3.29 New Freedom 12's Regular or Deodorant Maxi Napkins 1 .29 Lipton l's Vegetable, Vegetable Beef, Chicken or Hearty Vegetable „ 2/.69 Soup Heinz 4.5 fl. oz. Strained, Meatless Baby 3/.88 Heinz 7.5 (I. oz. Junior Baby Food 2/.79 Canada Grade "A" - Large Size Fresh Eggs 1.09 d. Healtho 26 oz. Chicken, Liver or Beef Dog Food Gainesburger 2 kg Beef or Cheese Dog Food Old London 13 oz. Plain Melba Toast 2/.88 3.59 1.59 Canada No. 1 Large U.S.A. Pascal Celery ea. .69 Product of Chile Fancy New Crop Granny Smith Apples Ib .89 Product of U.S.A. Florida Red or White Grapefruit 6/1.68 Product of Ontario Snow White Mushrooms 1.69 12 oz.Canada No. 1. Washed and Trimmed U.S.A. Cello Spinach 10 oz. pkg. .79 9 FREE DRAW THIS WEEK FOR A SIDE OF PORK To enter: writs your name on the back of your cash register tape and deposit in draw box -' draw made Saturday, April 11 le Sunlight 1.5 L Liquid Dish Detergent • 2.19 Javex Liquid Bleach - 3.6L 1.19 Betty Crocker 14 oz. Assorted Varieties Snackin Cake Mixes Shirrlffs 3 oz. Assorted Flavours Jelly Powders Kelloggs 600 g Bran Flakes McCormicks 400 g Social Tea Cookies 1.19 3/.99 1.29 1.09 Red Rose 60's grange Pekoe Paper Tea Bags 1.69 Catelli Spaghetti or Ready Cut Macaroni 500 g • 59 Indoor with 6 Plastic Pins Clothesline 375 ml Scope Mouthwash 011..9 1.79 Schneiders 1 Ib Soft Margarine Schneiders 1 Ib Crispy Flake Shortening or Crispycrust Lard . 79 . 79 CUT SPRING CLEANING COSTS A T IGA Comet 2 x 600 g Powdered Cleanser Mr. Clean 1.5 L Liquid Cleaner Spic & Span 2 L Powdered Cleaner 1.33 2.88 3.69 Windex 900 mi Liquid Refill Window Cleaner Windex 600 ml Trigger Window Cleaner Eiust 200 g Dusting Aid 1.19 1.69 1.99 Dietrich 24 oz. 100% Whole Wheat Bread .69 Lido 50's Wooden Clothes Pins 1.29 Produce of U.S.A. California Sunkist Navel Oranges Size 113's Golden Yellow Tropical Treat Dole Bananas PRICES EFFECTIVE: UNTIL CLOSIN(, SATURDAY. APRII. 11. 1981. WE RESER%F; 1111 RIGHT T(11.I\IITOIL ,e\TITIF`S. :MIT. rwat('iIA' s •I'I F':'CTIoN( I••ti.\\rr•1Ir I'It()Ift (Y'Itl.r'1.\r''!i MOM.'• \ rn l° l \ I» t •