HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-04-09, Page 2PAGE 2 --CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 9 ,1981 Unless a person happened to read a Toronto paper last Saturday one would not be aware that Canada had lost a second world war hero; Air Commodore John Fauquier, known as the "King of the Pathfinders," died April 3, 1981 in Toronto. 'He was the only Canadian to command the Dambusters, the RAF's famous 617 Squadron. 'A -C Fauquier was buried Tuesday with full military honours. It is great that the younger generation know of Werner Von Braun, the German rocketry wizard who developed the VI and V2 rockets during World War 2 and masterminded the -American- space -shots but it -- is tragic they do not know that A -C Fauquier led the bombing of Peenemunde, the rocket building site on the Baltic. He set back Von Braun and the German rocket program by almost a year - and the German rocketry program never really recovered. In a society which more and more chooses to ignore its veterans - it is apalling that the death of one of Canada's heroes, (3 DSOs, DFC, Croix de Guerre with palm and member of the Legion d'Honneur) who never asked his men to do anything he would not do himself, was not worthy of even a passing mention on the National News. When we learn to honour our war heroes we might learn what a Canadian is. John Fauquier was a Canadian. +++ However, the National isn't all that bad - because last Thursday evening many Clintonians would recognize the person of Charles Chuck" Bartliff when he appeared on the news in his capacity as Vice President of Domestic Money Management for the Bank of Montreal. Charles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bartliff; Whitehead—Street and resides in Toronto with his wife, Donna and three daughters. +++ At the Clinton Nursery School Dance, March 21, the following raffle prizes were won: Plant - Brad Voisen, Varna; pillow - Cindy Brennan, Clinton; car products - Mike McNichol, Clinton; Ming tree - Gary Black, Clinton; ceramic piece John Dixon, Clinton. The Nursery School wishes to thank all those who donated prizes and those who purchased tickets. WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Paul Wright Jodi Mustard Jason Bell Jason Cox Tanya Kennedy Murrey Jeffrey Julie Miller Jeff Brown Peter Debreceni Amy Leppington Jamie Low Elan, Carlon Christy MacDonald Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Lond•sboro Vanastra R.R. 2, Bayfield Clinton Oakville Clinton R.R. 5, Clinton Clinton London On Apr. 9 Ape. 9 Apr, 9 Apr. 10 Apr. 10 Apr. 11 Apr. 11 Apr. 1, 2 Apr. 13 Apr. 13 Apr. 1,3 Apr. 14 Apr. 15 A PLACE FOR KIDS 1 It's Bike Time! One of the best things about spring is hopping on a bike and zooming around. Is your bike ready for that first fantastic trip? Here are some things you can check to make sure it is. You might need some help fixing some of the problems. Is the seat on tightly? Is the chain oiled? Does the bell work? Does the reflector work? Do the brakes work? Do your tires need air? Is the carrier on tightly? After a long winter of trudging in the snow, it's easy to forget all the things one should do to care for a bike. Here are some ideas to refresh your memory: Prevent rust by drying off your bike. A bike thrown on the ground gets wrecked. Bikes left in the street can get run over. Storekeepers get mad if bikes are leaned against their windows. Do you remember your signals? Practise up. You'll need them. Some people like to have a shiny bike. If you want to wash yours, use a soft cloth and warm soapy water. Keep the soapy water away from all the parts that move, like the "gears, brakes, chain, the middle of the wheels, and where the handle bars and pedals attach to the bike frame. Now that your bike and you are all ready for spring, hop on, and have fun! - (c) 1981 Canada Wide Feature Service Ltd. by MacKay Fairfield Tate +++ Skaters pass tests. The following skaters passed their tests at Exeter on Friday, March 27. First figure Jennifer Wood, 2nd figure Karen Cook; preliminary free skate Kini Cook; Canasta Tango Nancy Broadfoot; European Dance Karen Cook;. Also on Sun- day, March 29 Elizabeth Romanik passed the Ten Fox and Fiesta. Congratulations girls! +++ The Summerhill Hall was filled to capacity on Thur- sday, March 26th, for the annual card party and dance. Winners of cards were: Ladies' High - Donna Gibbings; Ladies' Low. - Marni Gibbings; Ladies' Lone Lone Hands - Lorna Ellis; Men's High - Ed Johns; Men's Low. - George Wright; Men's Lone Hands - Elgin Nott. Susan VanEgmond won the ham, and Charlie Merrill won the cake. Mrs. Don Travers had the lucky cup, and Earl Blake had the lucky serviette. The Country -Western Cowgirls, consisting of Wendy Watson, Sherrie Prescator and Shannon Prescator, did several tap- dance numbers, much to the delight of all. After lunch everyone enjoyed dancing to Gladys VanEgmond and her Old- Tyme Band. Donna Gibbings and Earl Blake won one spot dance, while Ralph Horn and Janice , Slavin won the other. Karen Wright won the Musical Chairs, and Verna Gibbings won the Broom Dance. The members of the new Hall. Board for the next two years were announced. They are: Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gerrita; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ellis; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Zeal. +++ Agricult ura l Socie ties hold social evening District 8, Huron -Perth, Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies, held its annual card party at Brodhagen Community. Centre on April lst. The prize winners were: High Man - Bill Westman, Milverton; High Lady - Mrs. flene Smale, St. Marys; Second High Man - Howard Bender, Listowel; Second High Lady Mrs. Marjorie Malcolm, Mitchell; Low Score - Mrs. Barb Pinkney, Listowel; Lone Hands - Miss Laurene Westman, Milverton. The annual meeting will be held in Mitchell on October 29. Help Easter Seals With only 11 days remain- ing, the Lions Club of Clinton Easter Seal appeal now stands at $1,119. Despite this, campaign chairman Tony Van Zon is still optimistic that the club's objective of $1,600 can still be reached. "We can do it," he said, "if all those who have overlook- ed or misplaced their pink donation return envelope would mail their gift right now." "We ask only that each area resident gives whatever he or she can spare," he added. "And if anyone has lost the pink envelope and doesn't know where to send their donation, the address is Easter Seal Fund, Clinton Lions Club, P. O. Box 580; Clinton, Ont. NOM 9Z9. Mr. Van Zon explained that half of all funds raised locally remain in the com- munity for direct services to physically handicapped children. The remainder is used by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children to pro- vide other province -wide services to physically han- dicapped children. The re- mainder is used,' by the On- tario Society for Crippled Children to provide other province -wide services nor- mally beyond the scope of any one community. "The kids we are privileg- ed to help have a tough fight on their hands," sais Van Zon. That's why we're ask- ing everyone to help these youngsters with a donation to Easter Seals." BEAVERS SCOUTS CUBS Last Sunday the Aristocats went to Goderich and so did the Beavers. Leaders tie Tac, Bubbles and chopper joined the Beavers in an afternoon of entertainment and treats while watching the latest Disney film. Special thanks to Bruce Lyndon for helping to make our outing a success. At the regular meeting, Bubble Gum Relay led by Chopper got our meeting underway. Rusty read the final chapter of Friends of the Forest than talked to the Beavers to give them a better understanding of the final step from Beavers to becoming a Cub. Lightning bolts were placed on the white tails identifying them as the Beavers who will be swimming up to Cubs in a special ceremony later in the year. Beavers than settled into lodges to handcraft Beavers Bookmarks. An active game of indoor baseball was enjoyed by all until Tic Tac called Riverbanks and the closing ceremony. Colony B: Walking backwards and dressed backwards, the Beavers entered the pond for an hour of backward fun. Rusty read the story of the Three Wolves and the loving Pig before dividing the Beavers into lodges to make pig hand puppets. Beavers than enjoyed a game of backward soccer and to add to the confusion and fun, Hawkeye performed the opening ceremony bringing the meeting to a close! Cubs: "Gentlemen start your engines" yelled Akela and thus began the second Kub Kar Rally. The Cub Pack from Hensall came to. join in the fun and to, add to the competition. Cars were each weighed before they were sent racing down the ramps. Lucky winners were: first place, Tim Brock, Hensall, second place from Clinton Matthew Butcher and third place also from Clinton, Johnny Hoskin. Commissioner Walter Thomas was also on hand for the fun and for a special duty to perform. Barry Clogg, Scout leader and assistant district commissioner for cubs was presented with his 10 year service pin, 10 year medallion and also his 15 year service pin. 'Scouts: The Scouts combined a little learning with fun and played games of Compass Rose Scramble and Compass Bearing Roulette. It was a night for fun and the Scouts continued the meeting with a game of basketball. Badges awarded were: pet care, Michael Tait; collectors, David Andrews; bronze physical fitness award. Bryan Thomas. '' • APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or small, we'll fix them all... Our repair experts will have your appliance in tip top shape fast. Call us today. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" V ARNA. 482-7103 EASTER ROUNDUP OF VALUES EASTER BUNNY PAAS EASTER EGG COLOURING KIT SMILES & CHUCKLES FRUIT & NUT EASTER EGG SILKIENCE 4 OZ. ONLY Shampoo & Conditioner 3 BARS 994 SOFT & DRI ROLL-ON DEODORANT T R I A fel L3 LE DISCDUNTF. THE SQUARE, GODERICH / MAIN CORNER CLINTON / SEAFORTH Ariake Triangle your first stop for Value! e The Hell Is The I; ai, s'ottc' jii .lin parr C�tjt��� °io If you do ask anyone in Clinton vfhere the Cloud 9 room is, they can now only tell you where it was, as the favorite haunt on many local patrons is now only a memory. All Free consulting service offered to area businesses A free consulting service for 25 businesses in the Clinton-Vanastra area is being offered by the government through a local co-ordinating committee, and the plan will be unveiled at a special meeting on Wednesday, April 15 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. The service, to be offered by professional consultants, will be made available under the strictest confidence to local businesses who are owner run, and only the first ti+cinpccnc to cion up will be accepted. The consulting service is under the guidance of a local committee of six Clinton- Vanastra people, with Tuckersmith Township Clerk Jack. McLachlan acting as chairman. "We're hoping that as many business people as possble will turn out to the meeting as it has been a success in other areas," Mr. McLachlan said. He can be reached at 482-9523 for further information. that's left is a pile of burned rubble, and some bumper stickers, now rare souvenir items. (James Fitzgerald photo) ANSTETT JEWELLERS 8 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482.3901 AT THE MAIN CORNER Another of our In-store services FINE JEWELLERY APPRAISALS Done by our AGS Certified Gem- ologist, in our accredited gem laboratory, One week service'orr most appraisals. Drop in or phone for com- plete information on Anstett's Jewellery Appraisal service. HOURS: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Fridays 9 a.m. till 9 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY REPAIR" Clinton Electric p' White -Westinghouse +f-rrtp trin if Appliances Sales and Service ;APPLIANCE.REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 Lloyd Garland FURNITURE REFINISHING AND UPHOLSTERY Corner 5th Avenue and Halifax St., Vanastra Phone 4829576 PIANO TUNING *Repairs •Rebullding •Keys Recovered •Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell INSURANCE GAISER-XNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance -Real Estate Investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 C. Burumo 482-3287 JOHN WISE GENERAL. INSURANCE - GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482-9644 Res.: 482-7265 OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on promises R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 FUEL INJECTION EQUIPME AREA CODE 519 - ," -It -� 482.7971 It:' . BAYFIEI D ROAD DIESEL 3 IAUSTS P.O. BOX 717 CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 110 4TELEVIION AVD STEL EO GROVES TN. AND APPLIANCE CENTRE 10 HURON ST., CLINTON "ADMIRAL Appliances "SHARP T.V. and Microwave Ovens "JENN-AIR Built -In Cook Mg Systems "R.C.A. Antenna systems "We service what we sell" 482-9414 "MCCLARY Laundry end Built -In Appliances "CHANNEL -MASTER AND DELHI ELECTRIC.. 911e_ cvtTrtMrn9 •ECONOMY •QUALITY •SERVICE "Big lobs or small, we. guarantee them all" 482-7374 Or 482-9030 CLINTON Newspaper advertising doesn't cost... it pays! TRAVEL THE COACH HOUZE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Open Saturdays 9:00-12 Noon FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL 1 ACCOUNTING TRITOWN BOOKKEEPING AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice. Sales, Purchase and Disbursement Jour- nals, Accounts Receiv- able, Payable, Payroll, Financial Statements. Also Time sharing and In-house terminals available. Also Farm 8. Individual Service. LAWRENCE BEANE 52 Huron St., Clinton PHONE 482-3524 MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING AND COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursements lodger, cash receipts lodger, accounts receivable, financial statemen- ts. time and charges and specialised reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 ,C17 p People Read Classified in the CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Classified Ads 482®3443 James Fitzgerald -D) Photography Clinton °10 years experience °Weddings, passports °Fancily portraits In your home 482-9502 or 482-3890 A