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Clinton News Record, 1981-04-02, Page 22
HAVE YOUR MAY BIRTHDAY CAKE AND EAT IT TOO! PAGE 22--CLINTON NEWS`•RECm, TH .,.. D4Y, A#' ..3 ,1!81 SEAFORTH GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB Annual meeting, Monday, April 6 at 8 p.m. in the club house to elect officers and plan 1981 events. Old and new members welcome. Coffee and donuts will beserved.-12,13 open wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Rick Godfrey (nee Teresa Woad), April 3rd, Brindley's Shed, Dungannon. Everyone welcome. Music by Country Companions. -1'2,13. KLOMPEN FEEST PARADE - May 22. 1981 at 1 p,m. Entry forms available at Town Clerk's Office, Clinton News - Record or Campbell's Men's Wear: -t3 ,BINGO. every Tuesday . evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the- • wealth; Jackpot $200:00 must ?111�►1�aaolts>!J . �ays:arldov�.�*�t#ar HURON FISH & GAME BINGO every. Sunday at 1:30 pure First regular card $1,00, restti[cted to; 16 years and over. Jackpot $100 must go each week, 15 regular games of $10 - $5 least on split.-37tfar KLDMPEN FEEST BOOTH entry forms for May 22 and 23 available at Town Clerk's office; Clinton News -Record, Carinpbell's Men's ' - Wear, Aikens Bros; and Ball & Mdtch, Final date for entries isApril 11,-13 BIDS TRIP - Come and join St, James Middleton on their first bus, trip of '8ton May 6, to'• Glencoe to Tender Tootsies' Otitle-i Stmt, -uvea to Swains NO ery, on ,h to the small Anglicah Church on No. 3 Highway, Ridge House MU eum - McKay's Corners, Bargain Discount Store on to Thaemesville for supper at Fetters; $15:--1-3nx DANCE ')Friday, April. 24 in G 'derich Township'' Coin- inanity o`m- m nity Centre. Music by Lunch served: -Sponsored by SS. 4 CortmunitylClub. Proceeds foC wall hanging. Far 'tickets ca 9823263.-13.14 B 'YTH, WELCOMES .our ificultural'r end, Martha Velde Huts, on, April 14 at 8 pnn.• Please let me know if a Clinton car has any room for p s'enge ,M. Sloman a31L. VANASTRA & DISTRICT LIONESS are holding a ham bingo on Monday, April 6 and 13 at 8 p.m. Vanastra Rec Centre. 15 regular games, 4 share -the -wealth. Admission $1.-12J3---------- CLINTON AND DISTRICT SNOWMOBILE CLUB DANCE: April 10 at Vanastra Rec Centre from 9p.m.- ta.m. "Shannon" playing. Tickets available from members or at the door. -12.14 CANADIAN National Open Banjo Competition. Friday, Saturday, July 17, 18, 19131 8 p.m. Community Centre, Durham, Ontario. 5 -String, Plectrum, Tenor Ladies, Under 16 classes.-13bc Huron County Family Plan- ning pnujed invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from6:30p.m. to 9.00 p.m. at Huron County *Iealth; U. Shipley .-,St..�. Oilmen. Unit and medical services provided Counselling on Billings (natural family planning) available first Thursday of each month,-48eow-ar TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY RECREATION DANCE - Sat., April 4 at Hensali Community Centre. Music by -Whiskey Jack", Dancing 9 p.m. -1 a.m, Hot lunch provided. $10 per couple. Tickets available from committee. -13 EUCHRE PARTY at Varna Town Hall Friday, April 3 at 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by' LOL 1985. Ladies please bring sandwiches .-13 THE REGULAR. MONTHLY meeting of the Auxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital will be held in the hospital board room at 10 a.m.. Monday, April 6.-13 EUCHRE PARTY - Huron Fish and Game Club, Satur- day, April 11 at 8 p.m. Mem- bers and guests welcome, $I. per person. -13,14 -THE- 'HURON- COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, held at (he Health Unit Office, Shipley Street,. Clinton on Thursday, April . 1911f1rom:.-1.:30-- 3:30 p.m. .for: , 1. Health Sur- veillance . 2. Foot Care '3. Anaemia -Screening 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. HearingTest,-13ar OBEDIENC:E CLASSES Sponsored by the' slueweter Kennel Club STARTS. TUESDAY, APRIL 14 AT 1:30 P.M. AT THE BAYFIELD ARENA For more Information and reelstrotlon: JOE,LOBB. PHIL BRADLEY Clinton: 482-3372 , Croditon:234.6498 EVENINGS EVENINGS STARTS THURS., APR. 2 to 4 NOTE SHOWTIMES THURS. ONE SHOWING 3:00 FRI. 8. SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 E. 9:00 SATURDAY & SUNDAY MATINEE 1:30 PM TECHNICOLORO SUNDAY APR. Sth to 9th SUNDAY TWO SHOWINGS 7 & 9:03 MON.-THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 PM "TRIBUTE is terrific" Gene Sha Mr* .Shnk, •VB(' -11' There's a Int more la being a father than )sell /taping a un. PHON1 ',14 181i Alp(ON LII!ONfL) PROGRAM SUBJECT T., CHAN `-E WITH* (IT NO OPEN WEDDING RECEP TION for Mr. and Mrs. Rick Godfrey (nee 'Teresa Wood). Apnl 3rd, Brindley's Shed, Dungannon. Everyone ,welcome. Music by Country Companions.- 12,13 l'Llt\l'u\ I.P:(,ION BINGO every Thursday, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.6'cards for Si. 15 regular games, 3 share -the - wealth. Early bird game 7:.45 pm. Jackpot 8200 must go each week.-.20tfar __ --- BA 1' ELD -_BA1'h'IELD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETI' Euchre and Bridge Card a Party, Friday, April 3a1 8p.m . Municipal Building, Bayfield. Lunch and prizes. Admission 81.-12,13 HOUSECLEANING? - OP- TIMIST TO HOLD GARAGE SALE. The Clinton Optimist Club will be holding a garage sale on May 2, 1981. at the C7itt 9-0. A,1:x1.atkiritna. 9.A,All,.,;to.2_ p tit: -Anyone wishtngto-donate articles are asked to please call any of these numbers - 482- - 7138, 482-9757 or 482.7981. Arrangements may be made for pick-up at your con- venience.. Proceeds from the garage -sale will be used in helping the youth of the Community and the Clinton Early Childhood Education Centre. -13 -)fear GOOD USED CLOTHING sale Saturday, May 2 at Ontario Street United Church at 10 a .m. Lunchavailable,-13 2N1) ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST sponsored by the Clinton Optimist Club, will be held on April 12 at the Clinton Arena from 8:30 a.m. -' 2 p.m. Adults $2.50, children $1.50," pre-school free. Proceeds go towards youth work in Community. -13 SEAFORTH'S 3RD OLD TYME FIDDLER'S JAMBOREE SUNDAY, APRIL 12 1-8 P.M. held at the SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT__ HIGH SCHOOL ADULTS: 62.50 CHILDREN: 61. On eed 1980 CANADIAN OPEN FIDDLE CHAMPION -Everyone Welcome - SPONSORED BY , VAN MOND FOUNDATION At the Legion Record turnout for 'nen's euchre By John Scott Well, when I have com- pleted this week's edition of "Legion News" I can throw away Steve's list of in- structions. No longer will I have to "Write neatly - double space - deadline Tuesday noon". Next week, Steve will be back. He did not show any faith in my abilities, as I discovered that he made a special trip to town on Tuesday night to check up on the column. Cheeky blighter? Speaking of Steve, and this is my last chance to get even, it seems that he does not trust his '73 Chrysler any longer and took Dad's '78 Cordoba on his trip. Well I have got news for hitn, It won't go without gas either. Men's euchre results did _not met- lastW:eek_'s_ deadline, so we have two* reports. On March 17, there 'was a record turnout for the year with 17 tables playing. High score went to Bud Bell with 85. Low score with a 47 was Aaron Fisher and Bill Grigg took lone hands with 7. On •March 24; we had 16 tables and Larry Fisher came out on top with 86. Charlie Brandon was low with 46 and it looks like almost everyone tied for lone hands with 4. Actually there were 8 of them tied. , It wouldappear that Brian Atkinson has got no sense ,of humour. After last week's showing at mixed darts and the honest factual account which, appeared in this column, he teamed up with a hot Phyllis Butler and 'took high couple. Low couple was taken by Madelon Yeats and Art Riseley. Men's high score was won by Don Armstrong with a 125. Good shooting Don, and after last week's 82, Rosemary Armstrong did it again, this time with 99, still not her best but better than 82. The Ladies Auxiliary had 7 tables in play at their mixed euchre on Friday and they are pleased that members are turning out for these fun nights. Men's high was taken by Paul Cormier with 86 and Laura Emerson took ladies high with an almost perfect 99. Men's low was George Rumball with 44 and Hilda Semple took low lady, b11t her score was not passed on. Must have been a beaut. Lone hands were taken by Alice Jackson and Charlie Brandon. On Saturday, our branch was represented at the District Darts Tournament in Owen Sound. Neil Elliott and Donald Armstrong competed in the singles competition with limited _.SOC. rg le$1 won one gee r and on tILiG t, TheY had a valid excuse, however, as they had to get up early to make Owen Sound for nine in the morning. The team of John Scott, George Yeats, Don Arm- strong and Neil Elliot also had limited success winning two of five games in Round Robin Competition, George and I also have a valid ex- cuse: We went to Owen Sound Friday night. In doubles, Neil and I made the third round of the com- petition, • thanks mainly to a bye in the first round. The darts players were ably supported by Madelon Yeats, Rosemary Arm- strong, Joyce- Scott and Harvey and Maureen DAFFODIL TEA Friday, April 3 from 2:00-4:30 p.m. In the Anglican Church Parish Holl Clinton BUY DAFFODILS APRIL. 2, 3 and 4 Sponsored by: Clinton and District Churches Proceeds to Canadian Cancer Society BUY DAFFODILS: 10 for 62. DANCE to the Music of WALTER OSTENACK on Saturday, May 9, 1981 in the Clinton Arena *SPONSORED BY THE CLINTON FAIR BOARD TICKETS: 65. PER PERSON Can be obtained from any director, the Secretary Faye Fear or the Blue Fountain Restaurant, Clinton. All proceeds to be used to reduce the loan of the Fair Board Special Permit in Effect. Treat yourself today! ENJOY FINE FAMILY DINING We Serve SUPERB DAILY SPECIALS We're Open: TUES.-SAT.-10 AM -10 PM/SUN. 10 AM-8PM WE SPECIALIZE ISN.... Hayter. The whole group was made very welcome at the branch on Saturday night at a sing- a -long. Rosemary sang a couple of songs, despite a sore throat! ! To get back to Friday night, the Hayters, Scotts and Yeats decided beforehand to have dinner at a place called the Dunkeld Tavern. We would certainly recommend the food, it was excellent and reasonably priced. However, there are a couple of pieees of advice I should give you: if you are in a hurry to eat and get on your way again, don't go; and get accurate directions and a navigator who can read directions. We did neither, Graeme Yeats rovided the wrong direc- ons an. George ' i d Yeats read t x Ye . •. _ them wrong. Thanks to the' father and son duo, I had to knock on doors t0 get us on the right track again, I guess some things are hereditary. Friday is Pub Nite up- stairs in the auditorium, so come on down for some fun, beginning at 9:00 and through to 1 :00. Huron County singles and doubles Dart Tournament will be held downstairs in our branch on Saturday, April 11 at 1:00. Tuesday, April 7th is the Tuesday night Men's Euchre Banquet, so if you have been playing all year, come on down for one of the best meals prepared in the area and play some cards. If you don't know if you're eligible, contact Bill Marsh who deserves lots of credit for making Tuesday nights a lot of fiin and still keeps it organized. Steve Cooke will be back next week, so make sure you see him if there is anything you want to put in Legion News. My thanks to everyone who has helped me fill the column and I look forward to my next op- portunity to get back at Steve •..., I mean help out with our weekly reports! BROWNIE'S THEATRE leech Street CLINTON Opening Friday April 17 for the Season blotch next week's paper for the opening program THE WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE FOR ROAST BEEF DINNER Friday, April 3rd 5 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. EVERYTHING INCLUDED: ROAST BEEF, VEGETABLE, SALAD, DESSERT 8 BEVERAGE ADULTS 21'10.00 CHILDREN 12 8 UNDER 2/'5.00 PHONE 482-9228 !e .-.041110•11111..411 FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY DON'T DARE MAKE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS... ESS YOU PLAN TO LIVE! SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY ., UMM GE SALE St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall Wattenbury St. E. Clinton SATURDAY, APRIL 4 at 1 P.M. Sponsored by Madeleine Lane Auxiliary eltie d ;,041.1.0 1 %"1. 4:O 'fr Y -I:A''+ts Mji r/�� 1t 1` Come and enjoy a "SPRING FLING" Saturday April 4th 9 p.m. ® 1 a.m. at the BAYFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE t5PONSORE€I.©Y THE DAYFIELD LUONESS TICKETS: 'B. PER COUPLE Tickets of the door—Lunch Served LUNCHEON Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. HERE'S THE DEAL: You get - our *Salad Bar (18 selections) *Homemade Soup of the Day *Special sandwich OTHER DAILY HOT LUNCHEON SPECIALS AVAILABLE SUNDAY SMORGASBORD Sunday, April S, 3 p.m. on THIS SUNDAY FEATURING: *Roost Beef $ 6 4 9 *Roast Turkey *Roost Pork • Plus all the extras - soup, salad bar, and dessert. DEBBIE'S RESTAURANT HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 524.9981 °0°INICH THREE DIFFERENT SHOWS EACH :NIGHT Sox Office Opens 7:30 SHOWTIME 0:00 IF YOU'VE EVER LIVED ALONE YOU'LL NEVER FORGET . SAVAGE WEEK -END "THE HOUSE THAT VANISHED' IT'S TERROR WITH A TWIST *CHICKEN *SEAFOOD *CHOPS * . *CHARCOAL STEAKS* HOT TROPIC NIGHTS WITH 'JO RESRAINTS AND NO TABOOS SUNDAY NIGHT ONLY SALAD BAR Frrs„� n' j Lunch 8, Supper NOW SERVING KING CRAB LEGS i xt4nra 01011 f 4. BLUE FOUNTAIN RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE FULLY LICENCED UNDER L.L.B.O. 80 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-3077 u w� mf,OIOR ..,on the most delectable ladies In the hist ory °I etOt%C(str 11%