HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-04-02, Page 8PAGE 8--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 2 ,1941 We Iia the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements. Varna people meet Jimmy in Plains icy Mary Chessell Residents meet president Bill and Joyce Dowson and Allan and Marjorie Hayter had a unique experience when they stopped at Plaids, Georgia on their way home from Florida. They shook hands with former president Carter and his wife. Rosalyn, when they arrived there in their helicopter. They also saw a woman they believe was President Anwar Sadat's wife, who was visiting the Carters. They were in Winter Haven for four days and visited with Bob and Willa Taylor, anti also visited Rev a:Alex. and ;:Margaret Tater when they were in the Tam= pa area. On Sunday, June. Webster and her girls entertained about 25 relatives at a bridal shower honoring Bob's niece, Joan Hart of Brussels, who is being married on April 18. Miss Darlene Hayter has returned to Fort MacMurray after a week's vacation at her home. Brian Chessell and Liz McNutt were among area teenagers who attended a TOC ALPHA executive /meeting in Oshawa on the weekend. Brian was elected editor of their quarterly newsletter. Miss Deborah Hart, from near Dunnville, a student at Emmanuel College, was the guest speaker in Varna and Goshen churches on Sunday. She spoke on behalf of an ap- peal for$2 million for the col- lege in the next three years for badly needed additional staff and' increasing overhead cos-becauee of inMCI - flation. There are 200 students, ages 22 to 70, enrolled in ipul basic and advanced courses, up 100 per cent since 1969. If each -envelope -contributor- the four central Conferences were to contribute $3.50 per year for the three years, the $1.5 million they hope to get from this source would be realized. .The Will campaignhere ,in the near future. Miss Hart, who has a degree in Physical Educa- tion, had been prayerfully considering the ministry for some time, and told how a visit to Israel so impressed her that her desire to minister was confirmed. Young people of the charge were invited to talk with her during lunch after the ser- vice at Goshen. The Women's Group is meeting again on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 for study sessions. A quilt is being done this week, and hopeful- ly, banners for the front of the sanctuary. Please remember the Easter. meeting of UCW tonight, Thursday. The Clinton Novice team, coached by Ron Jewitt and Doug McAsh, won a beautiful trophy in the Zurich weekend tournament. They defeated Hensall 3-0 on Friday, Huron Park 3-2 Saturday morning, and Mornington-Elma (Monkton area) 1-0 Saturday after- noon. These kids play sur- prisingly good hockey for their age. 1 might add a cor- rection - Paul Caldwell, son of Ken and Marg, lives in Clinton, not Brucefield, as most people around here would know. The Hensall Atoms, the team Jim Hill and Scott Kir- ton play for, had a 4-4 tie game against their dads on Wednesday night. a. 4 11S 14 W VS tot Stanley has township crest available The Stanley Twp. recrea- tion committee has awarded Gail Horton with a gift for designing a Stanley Township crest. This crest is now available from any of the committee members. Bill Chessell has been hired as caretaker for Stanley Township ball park. In April, new fencing will be installed for protection around both diamonds. The co-ordinators are busy organizing teams and fin- ding coaches. You may call Marj Hayter or Sharon Chuter for information con- cerning ball. The next com- mittee meeting is at 9 pm on April 29th. a. iS 4 IH 4 Prices effective thru Saturday, April 4th, 1981. 4111111107.,,,, , itere's �'�G sD4t4too ri GS in every department awing the B4Y SAVE 71e D IETERGEN•T_vI WHITE BREAD 49 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4' 9 SAVE 1.40 (Plus bottle deposit) REGULAR OR DIET EPSI-COU! 6 pack of 150 (Our Regular Price 4.59) FabricFLEECY Softener LIQUID (Our Reg. Price 1.71) 1.8 titre 4 9 plastic btl �•�: Buy 2, SAVE 45? Assorted Colours, Boutique, Facial KLEENEX .TISSUES • box of -t20 shoats for 49 ,.:Our, Regular Price 97c ) SUPER BUY! All Purpose Grind MOTHER PARKER COFFEE 14b bag 49 J at* ,, a 1.1111111111111111111 VI VI %,,,,,„ n 1111111111111111111111111111111 SAVE 1.20 41: a. 4 a Q V9 • c Days s. Innm�^�o0 1e�Buy 3, SAVE up to 58? 4 Instant NESCAFE COFFEE 10 -oz jar 49 iIUJGir:. --(Our Regular Price -6:69) SUPER BUY! Chefmaster, Parchment Wrapped MARGARINE ,bs 49 Tes Assorted Varieties including Choice Cream Style Cern & Peas & Carrots LIBBY'S VEGETABLES for 1 49 14 1l -oz tin (Our Regular Price up to 69c each ) for (Our Regular Price 55c loaf) kllk LUNCHEON MEAT (Our Rag. Price 1.77) 12.o:149 tin,..�.. PRODUCT' OF CALIFORNIA, SUGAR SWEET, BEAUTIFUL, .LUSCIOUS Fresh... Strawberries p�gg¢. 49 (Our Regular Price 3.89) Jane Parker, Desn.rt LAYER CAKES Boz, pkg. for Action Prlcal 149 CANADA EXTRA FANCY, PRODUCT OF B.C. RED OR GOLDEN Delicious Apples SUNKIST ORANGES Product of Florida, Seedless JUMBO RED GRAPEFRUIT COME VISIT ,t%E FA 5or 199 1144, FRESHNESS Canada No. 1 Grade FOR Product of California Tends?, Orson Spears, Fresh ASPARAGUS CANADA 140...1 GRADE,... PROD. OF ONT., SEEDLESS, BITTER FREE, ENGLISH TYPE Cucumbers ft( & FLAVOUR PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, SNOW WHITE FRESH Mushrooms 2,.,49489 7i. PRODUCT OF CHILE, vi RISPY'Ritil zik . CHINESE VEGETABI`E' '' Black Grapes _.b 1.49 Napa PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, GREAT WITH SEAFOOD & SALADS CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SUNKIST, LARGE NAVEL, SIZE 88's Lemons 5699? Rutabagas • 3tor1e49 Oranges Seedless 12 for 1.99 PRODUCT OF MEXICO, SVkEEt' ItiPE i°� LB. 59¢ Red Watermelon 1b49? CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO, CRISP, JUICY S -Ib Bag MIX OR MATCH, PROD. OF U.S.A., BUNCH GREEN ONIONS OR PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, NEW CROP TENDER McIntosh Apples 1.69 Radishes 8 -oz pkg 5 for 1.49 Green Beans 2 Ibs1.49 - PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, IDEAL FOR DIPS ASSORTED COLOURS 4" POT LEISURE (CASE OF 6 5.28) Fresh Broccoli bunch99? Reiger Begonias 1.49 Fireplace Logs each88fe You'll do better with BAKED GOODS from .A&P! (Our Regular Price 1.79) Jane Parker, Heat 'N Serve HOT CROSS BUNS YOu'II do beater with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE from A&P SAVE 30c Regular or Green You'll do better with FROZEN FOODS from A&P! (Our Regular Price 89c each) A&P, Concentrated Buy 2, SAVE 29c w.,'�49 CLOSE-UP15049OSTEli bunc I°°,'" JANE PARKER, SLICED 16.02 LOAF Raisin Bread 2i0r1.49 JANE PARKER, SLICED, BREAD 16.01 LOAF Pumpernickel , 2 for 1.49 JANE PARKER, HAMBURG BUNS OR PKO OF 8 Wiener Rolls 3 pkgs 1.49 JANE PARKER PKG OF 6 English Muffins 2pkgs1.49 JANE PARKER ACTION PRICE! PKG OF 6 Dessert Shells 2 pk951.49 Jane Parker PUMPKIN PIE (Our Regular Price 1.85 ) I}ul 18 -inch, 24 -oz size 49 (Our Regular Price 69c each ) A&P BUY 3 -. SAVE 58c MINERAL �,�149 WATER bottle WITH THIS COUPON Partly Skimmed 3 quart bag FRESH 149 2% MILK Limit one par family Valid until April 41h, 1981. A&P # 639 AQUAMARINE 350 mi PLASTIC BTL (Our Regular Price 1.83) McCain, Fancy, Assorted Cuts SAVE 34c Revlon Shampoo 1.49 REGULAR OR UNSCENTED 150 mi AEROSOL TIN Ultra Ban Deodorant 1.49 ROLL-ON, NEUTRAL OR SCENTED 75 ml BOTTLE Dial Deodorant 1.4 MINT MOUTHWASH, WITH FLUORIDE Cepacol GOOD NEWS - DISPOSABLE Razors FROZEN 3 5 Ib 49 FRENCH FRIES 9.MCAIN. FROZEN 8.02 PKG, 100 rnl b,I 3 for 1.49 pkg of 26 pkgs 1.49 EXTRA DRY OR REGULAR 300 nil Jergens Lotion CRICKET PLASTIC BOTTLE 1.49 Lighters 2for1.49 PLASTIC Hangers Pkg of 3 2 pkgs 1.49 LIDO WOODEN PKG OF 36 Clothes Pins 2 pkgs 1.49 SANDALFOOT Knee H I g h J 2kpa r+ prs. 1.49 CHATELAINE, BEIGE & SPICE Pantyhose 3Pkgs1.49 SMALL SIZE (4.02 SIZE) Sundae Dish 2for1.49 9" SIZE BANANA SPLIT, 121/2.oz Silo Sada Dish, S1/2-er size large Sundae Dishes each1,49 Potato Puffs 3 kr 1.49 WELCHS, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Grape Juice 16 -fl -oz tin 1.49 PEPPERIDGE FARM, FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES Layer Cakes 13-ozcake 1.49 FROZEN, ARCTIC GARDENS 14.02 PKG Cooked Squash 361.49 YORK, FROZEN, FANCY WHOLE 10,02 PKO Green Beans 2for1.49 FROZEN Sole Fillets 161839 FROZEN, BOSTON BLUE Fish Fillets IbL09 FROZEN 16.02 PKG Dressed Smelts 99¢ HIOHLINER, FROZEN, TURBOT IN BATTER OR Fish Stick 14 -oz Pkg 1.49 BLUE WATER, FROZEN Cod Au Gratin 71/2 -oz Pkg 1.49 BLUE WATER, FROZEN - 16.02 PKfi CodFish & Chips 99i Catch All, Plastic Pepperoni, 5 -inch GARBAGE FROZEN LPIIIA .�m