HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-26, Page 24• CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION BUILDING FUND RAISING DANCE. Saturday, May 30, 1961, Goderich Township Hall. Music by "Lincoln Glyn". Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Buffet Lunch. Tickets - 57.50 each. -8 e.o.w. FESTTVAL. SINGLES DANCE Friday, March 27, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9 -1 a.m. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. -12 SEAFORTH GOLF AND OOUNTRY CLUB Annual meeting, Monday April 6 at8 p.m. in the club, house to elect officers and plan 1981. events. Old and new members wele. Coffee and do -nuts will be sera ved.-12,18 RUMMAGE SALE of good condition clothing, household items, books etc. Saturday, April 4 at 1 p.m, 10 St. Andrew's Puesbsgenian Church Hall," , C linten. Sponsored by deieiAle Lane Auxiliary. -12:1 1 OPEN 'WE,DiDING RECEPTION for ,lar. ,a Mrs. Rick Godfrey - (nee Teresa Wood), April 3rd, Brindley's Shed:. Dungan non. Everyone • welcome. Mote by E ountryr panions.-12,13. VANASTRA & DISTRICT LIONESS are balding a ham bingo on MGndan?, April and 13 at 8 p.m. , Vanastra Rec. Center. 15 regular games, 4 share -the -wealth. Admission $1.-12,13 CARD PARTY: I.Q.O.F. Hall, Brucefleld, Friday, March 27 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. -12 CLINTON AND DISTRICT SNOWMOBILE CLUB DANCE: April 10 at Vanastra Rec Center from 9 - 1 am. "Shannon" playing. Tickets available from members or at the door.-12- 14 oor°12- 14 CLINTON JUNIOR C MUSTANGS and Minor Ball are holding a dance May 23 from 9 = 1_ a.m. in Clinton Community Ceder. Dance to Roger Quick and the Rainbows. Tickets at Jerry McLeans' Sports. $5. per rscn.-12e.o.w. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC - BILLING'S METHOD. To achieve or: avoid pregnancy. Short introductory slide presentation, individual consultation. Couples. welcomed between 7.9 p.m. First : Thursday of every • mpnth . ,at Huron County 1 H1ealth r lOSShipleySt., • KLOMPEN V ' ••• FEET 1 ®NtLEGION ink' GO PSE May33,::1981.:at=1 •+ very tir'sdaW, 8 P.m. First p m.::Entry (Ohm :available regular card $1. 6 cards for. at Town Clerk's office, Olin- $1. 15 regular games, ` 3` tat. News -Recon# or (,'app., shati.tbe;weattYl• Earlybird bell's Men's ll'ear.-13 " • game /:45 p.m. JadtpotWO • ' must'go each week. 20tfar BINGO everl►'Tltesday even' , ing at V (7enttm, RRi TI•uroa 11ealth tin •you to amend the Clinton, 8 p» regular $i O9,'k Expectalnt:Parent Education • games , thl'ee share -the-• 'Classes being held m the game i , thr, ad $�(har must- ai.D t S . _ go! Admission resl� to' sP a commencing is years /Hid over They' ApriI 2,1981 from r 7:30-9:30p m. hese classes "WW1.' .ISH sc GA1NE PM run for'8 weeks. Would bingo eveiy� Swdlay..8t 2:30 anyone who is interested regular- vdm Please register by calling 1- P -m --First =1.00, restricted to is years 8i10.26r425Z toll free or'the and Ser Jnekpol: 1°° -lust Health Unit Office at . ' - • $pa�eeich week• 25 regular 1243.` Both husbands and Sale* q ' Ilm7 nlesst .on aides are hwipateted e d and'participate in tl sph>.tfa sions: 11,12ar BAYFIELD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Euchre and Bridge Card Party, Friday, April 3 at 8 p.m. Municipal Building, Bayfield. Lunvh and prizes. Admission$1.-12,13 "SOUTH OF THE BORDER H©LIDA1{". "Pittsburgh 'Hawaiian' Adventure, Including Wheeling Jam- boree", April 10 -12th, 1981. Via - Hanover Holiday Tours. Contact: Helen Wells, 482.0492.-1k BETA SIGMA PHI SORORI- TY chapter's Golden An- niversary Dance, March 28, 1981 froth 9 p.m. -1 a:m. at the Clinton Community Cen- tre. Music b Pleasure Pak. $15 per coupe. Proceeds for Scholarship fund at local high school. For tickets call 482-7342.-1142 LITERARY CLUB -- March 27, 1981 at 12:30 in Wesley - Willis Church. Bring your lunch. Tea and coffee provid- ed. Everyone Welcome. -12 CARD PARTY AND DANCE Surnmerhill Hall on Thursday, March 26, 1981 at 8:30 ,p.m. Sponsored by the Summerhill Hall Board. Ladies please bring lunch. 'Everyone welcome -12 ST.• SAM AND NUKES - Ted, Johns', ne version of his hilarious comedy about nuclear powers begins a three-week tours, of Ontario with a single performance. at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Monday, March30 at 8 p.m. Tickets $6. Special , group rates. ervatibns 523-9300 or Box 291, Blyth' Ont. -11,12 N Hb it 1 i *NOTE SHOWTIME FRI.. SAT. SUN. 7:0019:00 MON. - THURS. 000 P.M. The Power Behind The Throne 3-0 THE SQUARE PHONE 524 7811 IAIR CONDITIONED • • IUIU lata a�pl0l•laiala�al�.a ease se sietya. ILEA OA 11� III e ly 00LELI GP RESTAURANT 104 & TAVERN LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O+ BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH 524-7711 APPEARING THIS WEEKEND FRI. & SAT. MAR. 27 & 28 THE CAVALIERS SEW G ' CLASSES AT CNS$ CLINTON: Basic Knits. I Monday evenings starting April �. 0 ,weeks. .2'/a hour sessions. starting at 7:30 p.m'. 413. AFTERNOON CLASSES AT MARY'S SEWING CENTRE: 1:00 P.M. • TO 3:30 P.M. "Jeans" • two , week * coulr.'so. Mondays, stair: thug March 30. "Bathing Salts and Cover -Ups" two wook course Tuesdays. star- ting March 31. "Lingerie" three wook course Thursdays. star- ting April 2. "T -Shirts" three week course. Tuesdays.' star- ting April 20. REGISTER BY PHONING MARY'S SEWING CENTRE 482-7036 vernment helps local art projects Out of a total of 513 artists and 237 arts organizations in the province who recently rived $1,812,738 in grants for the Ontario Arts council, only four groups in Huron County received a total of $51.250. CKNX-TV air special On Saturday, March.28, on CKNX TV at 6:30 p.m. the Owen Sound Association of Baptist Churches presents its March Living Faith special entitled, "Fruits of the Spirit". This special, hosted by Ken Rowe, will include special guest, Richard Lewchuck of Wiarton. Music will be by "Frank Street Baptist Junior Choir"' of Wiarton, Tanya Thompson and Ken and Carol Rowe. Smile Parents used to teach their kids the value of a dollar. Now they teach them the value of a gallon. The biggest recipient In Huron County was the Huron Country Playhouse in Grand Bend, who received $27,500, while the Blyth Centre for the Arts received 525,000. The Van Egmond Foun- dation of Seaforth was given a $750 grant, while Goderich artist Mona Mulhurn will receive up to $1,000 in a materials assistance grant. During the 198081 fiscal year, approximately $12,500,000 will be awarded by the council to a variety of arts disciplines. Seaforth & District Saddle Club ANNUAL DANCE Sat., April 4 at *he 4%iilWMICH TO WIiSiila COMMUNITY CENTRE Holmesville DANCING 9-1 Music BY: "JASPER" TICKETS: '3. EACH Available from any member MEAL PROVIDED "Proceeds toward Saddle Club Activities Plan to attend the 100 HUNTLEY STREET RALLY F.E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL. WINGHAM 231 VICTORIA ST.. EAST FRIDAY, MARCH 27 at 7:30 P.M. Doors open at 7:00 P.M. Be partof the live studio audience during STEWAR- DSHiP DAYS for 100 Huntley Street. SATURDAY MOR- NING MARCH 28 In the CKNX TV studio. CALL: 357-1083 AFTER 12 NOON 1 MAPLE SYRUP & CRAFTS FESTIVAL Sponsored by Auburn a District Lions Club AUBURN COMMUNITY HALL Saturday, April On 1901 PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST Adults *3-.0 Under 16 9.so Pre.Schooe Free Starting at 8:00 A.M. FREE SUGAR BUSH TOURS From Hall starting at 9:00 A.M. by bus. Log Sowing 1:00 P.M. weather permitting. Large Display of local handicraft BAKE TABLE DANCE To STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD 9:00 P.M.. 1:00 A.M. ADMISSION '3.00 LUNCH PROVIDED TRY THE 2ND NATIONAL DRIVING TEST IN YOUR HOMETUESDAYMARCH 31. TOO MANY ARE ALREADY TRYING IT ON THE ROAD. ONE FOR THE ROAD? THE 2ND NATIONAL DRMNG TEST Published in the interest of safer driving by ►V Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. CLINTON 482.9747 J Treat yourself today! ENJOY FINE FAMILY DINING We Serve SUPERB DAILY SPECIALS We're Open: TUES.-SAT.-10 AM -10 PM/SUN. 10 AM -8 PM WE SPECIALIZE IN.... to 44 04 Gig M ft 3 W TNI WHITE CARNAtsTION Pr�osan "MYSTERY TRAIN" SATURDAY, APRIL 11 DANCING 9:30-1 A.M. DANCE & LATE BUFFET '3.00 PER PERSON SMORGASBORD DINNE411(SERVED AT 740 P.M.) DANCE PACKAGE AVAILABLE PHONE: 482-9228 DAFFODIL TEA Friday, April 3 2:00-4:30 pent. Anglican Church Parish Nall Clinton BUY DAFFODILS APRIL 2, 3 and 4 Sponsored by: Clinton and District Churches Proceeds to Canadian Cancer Society BUY DAFFODILS; 10 for '2. It may be courtship that makes a guy want to spoon, but it's marriage that makes him fork over. Rural area is one of those backward places where peo- ple still use money instead of credit cards. \\\ 4 4 AI Bots Office Opens 7:30 SHOW TIME 8:00 P.M. TRIPLE FEATURE WE DARE YOU To Discover The Legacy FRI., SAT., SUN. MARCH 27, 28, 29 t 11 v►w►, 0 ..G, O, 0 LUNCHEON Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. HERE'S THE DEAL: You get - our *Salad Bar (13 selections) *Homemade Soup of the Day *Special sandwich 1 ALL $ 25 FOR • OTHER DAILY HOT LUNCHEON SPECIALS AVAILABLE SUNDAY SMORGASBORD Sunday, March 29, 3 p.m. on THIS SUNDAY FEATURING: *Hip of Beef *RoastTurkey *Baked Ham Plus all the extras • soup. salad bar. and dessert. $649 DEBBIE'S RESTAURANT 2 miles South of Clinton on Hwy. No. 4 at Vanastra Rd. Something is alive in the Fun house! WIVER'AI RIIlA,E READ 11-fE )OVl BOOK lofrn(h A'1981 brU.., .IcarSwd," FOR PAUL NEWMAN ITP SALE 'NA7' IN WARNING: Violence and coarse language throughout Theatres Branch -- Ontanc HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 524-9981 GODERICa ' DRIVE'IN THEATRE *CHICKEN *SEAFOOD *CHIPS * *CHARCOAL STEAKS* SALAD BAR ENJOY Ar Lunch 8 Supper Saturday and Sunday, March 28th and 29th, Kentucky Fried Chicken has a sensational special for you. A Bucket, with 15 pieces of finger lickin' good chicken, priced at only $6.95. The Sensational Saturday and Sunday $6.95 Bucket. At Kentucky Fried Chicken. There's nothing like it. guaoWIW IIIII11011111111bIbb W ... ( tlN)11VIlll N t° 111 ' n' ,,c ",,,yu Sao 3 fir �'01TS-1G 1S uF 1'�1p ?,tl np nun.E W v.. ill • 'nal sa lair• MrrurVHRpiu H',*gC .D.r, ,W w(J /IS.MR:,: i:t,�e119r1.,t It AW /I� ' rym 'Inp�� NOw SERVING KING %�''% CRAB LEGS BLUE FOUNTAIN RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE FULLY LICENCED UNDER L.L.B.O. 80 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-3077 Col Sendnra Raupm Ktueky Find CklekeN. A CANADIAN'COMPANY