HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-26, Page 217 "u SEEu. CVP• CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCUM,1981-PAGE 21 CO. 13) .a°r. ,r,n 0 Alt 'ed+ofe OC, 96i I20c • h 16. Articles for rent 16. Articles for rent AVAILABLE NOW IN THIS AREA FLASHING MOBILE SIGNS FOR RENT These signs are great for.... *CLUBS *REAL ESTATE AGENTS *GRAND OPENINGS *ANNIVERSARIES *COMING EVENTS *SPECIAL SALES, *NEW OWNERSHIP *,NEW DEVELOPMENTS *CAR DEALERS *ETC. PHONE: 482-9920 FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett 'and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, •wheelbarows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment carpeted, with fridge and stove in Clinton. Call 482-3631.-12 '• APARTMENT FOR Ret)tiL downtown Canton, two bedrooms, large living room, fridge and stove. Phone 482- 3901 or 482-7054.-7tfar APARTMENT FOR RENT over retail store on Main Street. References required. Call 482-7244.-9tf TWO BEDROOM, uptown Clinton.. First floor. Phone 482- 9210.-12,13a r TWO BEDROOM Apt. $200. .per month; One bedroom apt. $190. per month both at 103 James St., Clinton. Utilities paid. Phone 833-9021:-12tf COUNTRY SETTING; large main floor, 2 bedroom apar- tment, newly broadloomed, garden plot, parking Hwy. 4, 2 miles south of Exeter $225. Phone 235-0392 evenings. 12,13 UPSTAIRS, furnished apt. Newly decorated, close to uptown, adults preferred. Phone 482-3329.-12x 18. Houses for rent DUPLEX FOR Rent. Available March 1. 3 bedroom 79 King St. close to Royal Bank. Phone 482-7065.-5tf FOUR BEDROOM House in Londesboro. Available im- mediately. Phone 482-7314 after5p.m.-11.12 GOOD FOUR Bedroom House in Benmiller. Available im- mediately. $300 per month plus utilities. References needed. Phone 524-7082.--12.13 20. Room & board WE HAVE VACANCIES! Holiday Home - Bedsitting Rooms with meals included. 482-3685.-4t far _ - WANTED: Young Lady requires room and board immediately (Mar. 30) within walking distance of Vanastra College. Non-smoker. Phone Wingham 357-2013.1-12x MALE BOARDER WANTED. Close to downtown. Phone 482- 9319,--- 12 21. Cottages for rent SUMMER COTTAGES available for first half of July and second half of August. Senior Citizens, come and enjoy beautiful June and September on off -seasonal rates. Phone 1 - 832-9892.-12 24. Wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT im- mediately - 2 or 3 bedroom house in Bayfield. Please call Milvena Erickson c -o The Albion Hotel 565-2641 or write Box 97, Bayfield. -12,13 25. Wanted to buy WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482-7922.-8tfar 26. Help wanted CLASSY A Mechanic required., Apply Carter's West End Garage, Huron St., Clinton. Phone1112:9341," 1f;T2 PAINTER WANTED" - ex- perience preferred but not necessary. Only interested need apply in writing to Box 337, Clinton, Ont., ,NOM ILO. -12,13a r • STUDENT HELP is required at the Woodland Drive -In Bayfield, for summer work. Applcantsimust be at least 15 years of age, and can expect approximately 25 hours of work per week. Contact Donna Wettlaufer at 482-3200.-12 27. Wanted (general) CASH FOR SCRAP Silver and Gold. We buy anything gold or silver. Pre 1967 Canadian coins, pre 1964 American coins, flatware, tea services, medals, watches, rings and jewellery. Free estimates, free pick up. Call toll free, 1 - 800 - 265-4362, Precious Metals Ltd., Box 659 Port Stanley, Ont. NOL 2A0.-6tf ,WILL PAY CASH for old furniture, clocks, gramophones,pictures, trunks, kitchen cupboards, crocks, pocket watches, coins, silverware, glass, china jewellery or complete estates Call evenings 1 284-3875.-9tf 29. Tenders 1 27. Wonted (general) 100 WESTERN NOVELS to exchange for same "Western". Phone 565- 2146.-11,12x 29. Tenders TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Applications will Ise ae- cepted:for :cutting grass- at rass at the following cemeteries In Hellen' Township: Lot 6, Con. 6 Lot 26. Con. 10 Lot 33. Con. 10 Lot 34. Con. 14 during the season of 1981. Applicants to provide and maintain a mower" Please state price per hour expected and In- dicate whether for ono or more cemeteries. Applications to be in the office of the Clerk by 3:00 P.M. ON FRIDAY, APRIL 3/81. HARRY LEAR CLERK -TREASURER 30. Employment wanted EXPERIENCED MOTHER will do babysitting in her home. Convenient in -town location. Babies ' welcome. Phone 482-9593.-12- MOTHER OF 2 pre-schooler children would like to babysit in her home: Close to uptown. Call Pat Bell at 482-9401.-12.,13 31. Service directory LAYING and 'FINISHING concrete floors for basements, garages, drive•sheds etc. Call George 4823291.--45tf KEN'S CARPENTRY •Remodelling,' renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports. flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-r8tfar NUISANCE ANIMALS? Raccoons, Muskrats, Beaver, etc. Call Steve Cooke 482-7012 for prompt and efficient removal .-9-12nx LICENSED BRICK- LAYER; brick houses; cement blocks laid; chimney blocks Laid; chimneys and chimney repair. Reasonable rates, Jim Bell. Phone 482- 3026.-10tf ROCK COTE CARPENTER - Repair and renovations , specializing in older homes. Quality work- manship at reasonable rates. Phone 482-3794.-11-14 FULLER BRUSH CO., needs more help! Spring sales! Mother's Day Specials! all cleaning products, broomsand maps - Super sweeper only $29.95 plus tax. Please contact Pat Garrett (local rep) 482- 7769 or Joyce Chilton (manager 1565-2165.--12 , FOR SALE BY TENDER 147 acres plied Harriston loam, lot 18 concession 14, Hullett Township. Excellent self cleaning liquid manure buildings, handles 90 sow farrow to finish operation with ad)oining barn handling 150-300 head of beef with automatic feeder. Additional 400 pigs can be housed In bank barn. Two harvester silos, 20 x 50 (grain) 23 x 90 (hoytage) with excellent brick house. Written tenders accompanied by certified cheque for '10,000.00 will be received by the undersigned until April 4, 1981. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For Inspection call Larry Treanor of R.R. 1 Blyth, On- torio.519-323-4374. 26 Help wanted 26. Help wanted ZePleePreterel CLINTON RECREATION COMMITTEE vequires POOL & SUMMER RECREATION STAFF Please submit your application to: CLINTON RECREATION COMMITTEE c/o M. JEFFERS.,•;,N, SECRETARY - TREASURER BOX 400 CLINTON, ONT. by April 15, 1981 31. Service directory CONTACT MURRAY MILLER FOR *CONCRETE FLOORS *DRIVEWAYS *SIDEWALKS *PATIOS ETC. AGRICULTURAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL •CONCRETE SAWING 482-3157 INCOME TAX PREPARED Personal and Farm Ross Carter, B.A. REASONABLE RATES PLEASE PHONE 482-7776 AFTER 6 P.M. JOHN NEUTEL CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE FORMING * ** RESIDENTIAL * ** COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL PHONE 482-3049 Custom Slaughtering and Processing hill Day V I'(inI"4ay• - ( v , limmizrt*s DASHWOOD 237-3b77 31. Service directory STUCCO DRYWALL Prof sssisfwls ° ExperisncsA STUCCO & DRYWALL RENOVATIONS 482-3696 BARN ROOF T'ARRING_.. BASEMENT AND - DRIVEWAY SEALING CaII: JAMES SYMES LUCKNOW 528-38233 o 528-3047 RAY'S WELDING Portable and Shop Farm Machinery Repair PHONE: 482-3205 Electrical Problems? Call ED'S ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician Commercial/ Industrial/Form Residential 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE Ed Rooseboom 482-7441 JOHN KASSIES GENiERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations PHONE 482-3063 REPAIR SERVICE Cars, Trucks, Tractors (service to all makes) Mark Jenkins, Class A Mechanic 482-3717 TREE MOVING • WE CAN DIGUP AND REPLANT TREES UP TO 4" IN DIAMETER •BEAUTIFY AND INCREASE THE VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY •TREES BOUGHT AND SOLD JOHN G I BSON : 482-3229 SEAF'ORTH SOLAR CONSULTING & DESIGN SERVICE SOLAR SYSTEMS - for heating, commercial, industrial, residential. USE THE SUN - to heat your building, pool & domestic hot water. SOLAR GLASS INSULATIONS - for your passive solar systems, solariums, green houses, Fun decks. NOW IS THE TIME TO CALL: 1-519-482-3586 give yourself a lift! PRICES START A $19,95 Including FREE 100KM' weekend 6 weed ly !Wee Available holiday rent -a-car system 524-8411 STRICKtAND4 . 334 HURON RD.. a®DE*ICH 31. Service directory PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Free Estimates call: Steve Miners BRUCEFIELD 4824377 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair • snowmobiles and snowblower, and other small engine equipment PELLOW .CUSTOM CARPENTRY *Renovations *Home Repairs *Free estimates LICENSED CARPENTER Phone: Fred Pellow 524 -2406 - WATER WEU. DRILLING W.D.1'IOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE:SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737. DURL: 527-0028 JIM: 527-0715 JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm *Commercial *Residential *Buildings *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia *Soffits *Door and Window Jambs and Sills *Metal Covered Doors ESTIMATES & QUOTES AT NO OBLIGATION PHONE: 482-7290 38. Auction sale 35. Notice to creditors nluT10E TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF NELLIE IRENE McRAE, deceased ALL persons having claims against the Estate of NELLIE IRENE McRAE, late of the Town of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, who died on or about January20th, 1981 are hereby notified to send par- _ ..t-itculgrs-of same to the Un- dersigned on or before April 30th, 1981 after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then havenotice. DATED at London this 10th day of March, 1981. Mrs. I. Easton, Mrs. J. Laforme and Montreal Trust Company, 15 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 1B4, Executors by their Solicitors herein, McLENNAN, FLINN & DRIESMAN, Suite 500 - 383 Richmond Street, P.O. Box 3173, London, Ontario, N6A 4J4.-11,12,13 IN THE ESTATE ' OF WILLIAM NORMAN COUNTER, late of the Town of Clinton in the Country of Huron, Jeweller, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 21st day of December, 1980, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with ,the un- dersigned on or before the 6th day of April, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims,of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 6th day of March, 1981. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix -10,11,12 IN. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF UILKE DYKSTRA, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named, Uilke Dykstra, who died on or about the 9th day of February, 1981, are required to . file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 6th day. of April, 1981, as after that date the assets of uie estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall have notice DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of March, 1981. D. GERALD HILTZ, • Barrister & Solicitor, 52 Huron Street, CLINTON, Ontario Solicitor fur the Executor. -10,11,12 IN THE ESTATE OF WILLARD GOLDEN COT- TON, late of the Township. of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Cleaner, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 22nd day of December, 1980, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the un- dersigned on or before the22nd day of April, 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 19th day of March, 1981.. MENZiES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. -12,13,14 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769or524-2023, -3-52 ARE YOU TiRED OF BEiNG ALONE? Are you unattached separated. single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound. N4K 5P1. Please state age, 11.12x 36. Announcements, notices PUBLIC NOTICE 1 will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred by my hlshand, J. Allan Hutchings as of this date, Wednesday, March 11, 1981. Helen Hut- chings.- 10-12 AUCTION REMINDER Nell Lowey - Fri., Mar. 27 at 1:00 P.M. Clint Wilson -Sot., Mar. 28 et 1:00 P.M. Richard Lobb Auctioneer 482-7898 ® t ARE YOU 4-5,j, CAUGHT 71:,11 1 IN THE °j l Ile' ., "JAWS' OF ° INFLATION? ,'yi ....\, SAVE SAVE YOURSELF! "N AM 36. Announcements, notices • 36. 'Announcements, notices NOTICE Take notice that the Township of Goderleb proposes to enact a ey-Law pursuant to section 443 of the Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1970. Chapter 244 to stop up and close and to sell Fourth. Fifth and Sixth streets on Plan No, 8, Village of Holmesville. And further take notice that the Council shall hear ht person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will by pnludltially dfected by the proposed by -low for closing up„ mu" sale the aero a me:atl®ned" parifl a-ai read ailowanee at a meotIng of the Ceuncl which will be held for that pur- pose in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office of the Township of Goderieh In the Village of Nolmesville, on the sixth day of April at 9:00 P.M. R.E. THOMPSON, CLERK (0,1,7d,„etiv dllaCe;Ziel RATHWELL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Held of Rathwell Auction Complex, 2 miles south of Clinton at Vanastra. Consisting of tractors, farm equipment, also under Instruction from trustees to sell cars, trucks, shop and garage equipment, tools and cement forming equipment. (unreserved), Saturday, March 28 at 11:00 AM • CEMENT FORMS AND EQUIPMENT; Large quantify of cement forms (60 '4 ft. x 8 ft. x sh Inch sheets of plywood, approx. 100 dura forms); bracing ties; ad - heatable brackets; molds; 1/2 hp. cement vibrator; compactor: power trowel; portable 20 gallon gasoline form oiler; salamander heater; 180 amp canoe welder, 1/3 inch drill press; electric air ham- mer; cement tools; quantity of carriage and machine bolts. FARM MACHINERY: Clark articulating 4 wheel drive 225 hp farm tractor with cab; Int. H. tractor. Int. 175 bu. P.T.O. manure spreader. WD 4 tractor cw hydraulic loader; 66 Oliver cw 2 row stuf- fier; New Holland NS self-propelled swather with finger pickup: Case 181/2 ft. eultlrafor cw winos and spring tooth harrows; Glance 20 ft. cultivator cw leveling harrows; 4 row mower bean puller; Innes 500 AR windrower; Int. C. motor; George White 3 pth sprayer with 20 ft. boom; McCormick 15 run groin and'fortillxer drill and many more items. TOOLS & MISC.: Heavy duty battery charger, drill gross. $ ton floor lack, floor stands, sleeve pullers, 3/. impact portable grinder; cut-off saw.' electric hydraulics; 10 ton hydraulic lack; small tap and die set; verstlle puller set; 5 ton hoist; broisin9 rods; tap and dies; nuts and bolts; 'sand blaster (shop); Canoe welder; fire extinguishers; electric motors; work benches:.• TRUCKS AND CARS: 1964 Mercury 2 ton cw 16 ft. grain box; 3/4'ton Ford 4 wheel drive; 1964 Ford Econoline van cw, stove, cooler, etc.; 2 door Cadillac cw air con- ditioning, power steering, power brakes. cruise. TRAILERS: 26 ft. twin axle trailer with .ball hitch; heavy duty • trailer with army hitch; trailer ac- cessories; Tag -a -long 22 ft. tri -axle troller (Beaver Tail). For more informatlon•phone RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES Sales Manager - Dick Robinson 527-1336 or 527-1458 e�Izdeee// ( . a.�.iace zdes AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST.'. s SEAFORTH, ONTARIO (519) 527-1458 NOK 1 WO AUCTION SALE Surplus tractors, truck, machinery, etc. to be held for Knight Farms of Exeter and Doug Swan of Brumfield. Sale to be held at the Swan farm in the Village of Brucefield, Ont. Tuesday, April 7 at 1:30 P.M. FROM KNIGHT FARMS John Deere 4430 diesel tractor w/cab, heater, air, radio, external hydraulics, sixteen speed quad trans., 23.1 x 34 rear tires, front fuel tank, now paint. Set of 23.1 x 34 on axle duals. 4020 John Deere gas tractor with cab and power shaft. John Deere 2500 five furrow x 18" bottoms semi mount high clearance plow w/hydraulic reset bottoms, spring coulters, gauge wheel cat two hitch. John Deere F1350 five furrow semi mount plow w/16 or 18" bot- toms gauge wheel cushion trip bottoms, etc. Allis Chalmers 1300-23'/, ft. heavy duty cultivator w/hydt operated wings, finger bar harrows. Kongsklido 15 ft. heavy frame wing cultivator w/harrows. Kongskilde 11 ft. cultivator (like now) 300 bushel heavy frame gravity bin on truck frame wagon w/10-00 x 20 tires & duals. JM 12 ft. fertilizer auger. TRUCK 1970 Ford F700 w/7'/, x 14 ft. rack and centre pole hoist, 4'/2 ft. side racks, tarp poles, 10,000 miles on new motor. "Note". Above items in good ,,oaking condition. Phone 235-2037 for information. FROM DOUG SWAN Casa '1270 diesel tractor w/cab, heater, 20.E x 38 rear tiros, double external hydraulics, 2225 hrs. New paint. 128 hp. rating in good condition. ROCK EQUIPMENT Anderson Rock picker high dump model used very little, bought now in 1479, like new. 14 ft. Degolmon stone windrower, 3 years old, used very little. 3 - 225 bushel gravity bins w/extensions. Holds approx. 250 bushel on eight ton wagons with 11 L x 15 ply tires. 125 bushel gravity bin w/extenslons on six ton wagon with good tires. Manufactured tandem trailer w/3 ft. x 8ft long bed, tall lights. Two 200 gal. fuel tanks, used as fuel trailer, new last year. 16 ft. sectional land packer. John Deere No, 78 seven ft. rear blade. "Note". Above equipment is in excellent condtilon phone 482-7028 for information. Both farmers are changing their program and ore selling unneeded equipment. Plan to attend. No small Items. Please be on time. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE Owners or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 519-526-7218 Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898