HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-26, Page 19ZENRS BONELESS DINNER HAM SMOKED FULLY COOKED • 29.. Much of Clinton was without water for half an hour early Sunday morning after a car broke off a water hydrant at the corner of Albert and Mill Streets. The hydrant allowed the six-inch main to blow full force onto the street, dropping water pressure in town. Richard Welch has been charged with leaving the scene of an accident in con- nection with the accident. (James Fitzgerald photo) plren By Rena Caldwell Kippen East Women's In- stitute met on March 18 in Hensall. United Church with the Glen Gowrie W.I. as guest,. President Grace Drummond welcomed the ladies and read the Legend of the Blarney Stone. Mrs. Grant MacLean in- troduced the 'guest speaker Michael Anstett, who show- ed slides and explained the history and composition of gems. He explained the splendid gems were very fine quality, classic gems. are very beautiful but not quite as expensive. Fashion gems and Synthetic gems are quite spectacular. With coloured gems, you have a rainbow at your finger tips and if you like a gem, it is right for you. Gents are°`durable-atiid-wilt __. last thousands of years. He and Mrs. MacLean displayed trays of rings and necklaces. Mr. Anstett was thanked by Mrs. James Chalmers. After a sing -song of Irish songs, Rena Caldwell and I he Phyllis Parsons had to pay the penalty for not having worn the green. Mrs. Vern Alderdice gave the treasurer's report. The story of the cow and a poem "The Farmers Dream" prepared by Mrs. Jack Sinclair was read by Mrs. H.A. Caldwell. A blind auction was held with Mrs. Ross Broadfoot as auctioneer, and courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Stewart Pepper, and Mrs. James Drummond con- ducted a contest, which was won by Doris Hocking. Lunch was served by the hostess Phyllis Parsons and the committee in charge. Personals Barbara McGregor and Beth Consitt are holidaying in Florida. with .their..grand paceris,1G►r. andltrs. Alex McGregor and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell. Vicki Bell is holidaying with her grandparents in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper and Mrs. Grace McBride, who have been visiting in zehis fine markets... of fine foods SAVE 54c ON 2 UP TO 1 O 1 PIA� OUR REG. 71' WESTONS MEALTYME �. 'ANT D0''Of"" HAMBURGER ROLLS PKGS. OF 8 F 0 42 R 1 FROM CANADA 'A' GRADE BEEF CUT FROM THE CHUCK BLADE BONE REMOVED BLADE OR SHORT RIB ROASTS s� SCHNEIDERS HEADCHEESE SCHNEIDERS JUMBO LOOP 375 g. POLISH SAUSAGE SCHNEIDERS PURE PORK SMOKED SAUSAGE MAPLE LEAF - 3 VARIETIES LIVERWURST MAPLE LEAF BRISKETSWEETPICKLED CORNED BEEF PRIME SLICED FROZEN BEEF LIVER Ib Ib Ib Ib. Ib. 'f.38 °f.98 1.19 'f.69 1.48 158 41111161111 AT THE WHARF (NOT AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES", A FRESH HADDOCK FILLETS Ib SPt59 SCHNEIDERS JUMBO AT IHf OFL/COUNiFR SUMMER SAUSAGE 49 YORK SLICED A7 rHF Ofll COUNrfR COOKED HAM Ib $199 SCHNEIDERS MEDIUM 'Ar THr ori CHEDDAR CHEESE I:42. 79 OUR REG. 1.65 DIMPFLMEIER APPLE STRUDEL 12 oz. SIZE LIMIT 6 PKGS. PER CUSTOMER OUR REG. 2.34 SCHNEIDERS BEEF WIENERS OR RED HOTS 1 Ib. r bEEF CROSS CUT RIB ROAST OM1 CUT FR GRADE A 1 500 g PKG 2ENRS SLICED SIDE BACON 1.61 1 SCHNEIDERS HAM SLICES BROKEN 39 COOKED 175 g PKG �_,_ 1 BURNS BREAKFAST LINK SAUSAGE 10 Ib CASE 1195 PORK RE F 175g. SIZE OUR REG. 60' NEILSONS FRUITPLUS YOGORT OUR REG. 96' 6 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS SANDWICH STYLE MEAT ROLLS 250 g. SIZE • LIMIT 6 PER CUSTOMER Ir FRESHLY MINCED MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 1 1 r MAPLE LEAF WAXED BOLOGNA BABY BAG REG OR BEEF2 9 Ib. 1 BURNS BEEF STEAKETTES s 10 Ib CASE "4.95 WE ARE PLEASED tO SERVE YOU Mhi' coDERFCH H'URON RD. Hwy. No. OPEN WED.., THUR. OUR MANANGER 1St RAY HURD FRI. EVENINGS CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1961—PAGE 19 out gems Florida for the past month, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McBride, who have been holidaying in Mexico, have returned home. W.L. Meths, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, has been transferred to South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter. Laurie Faber, who com- peted in the skating comInet- tion in Sarnia, Western On- tario Section, was 4th in her class. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMur- trie and Mr. and,Mrs. McBeath returned frhn a holiday in the South. Don Parsons is holidaying in Jamaica. Mr. and lira. Ellison Whiting and David visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mr. and Mrs. I. Ferris and family have moved to their new home in Hensall Addition okayed Clinton Legion expands By John Sc ott Monday night's general meeting was the most im- portant meeting held for some time, as those mem- bers present approved the decision to build an addition .-tom -,the."P w�seent Hall."The proposed addition will be 25 feet x 92 feet and will be added to the west side of the present structure. Even with volunteer help the cost could be as high as $50,000, so if you have any talent in the construction business, or even if you are prepared to do some manual labour, give your name to Steve Maguire. The building committee of Steve Maguire, John Deeves and Gord Tait, assisted by Harold Black, have put a lot of time and effort into the planning stage and the rest of us should give a hand to bring their work to fruition. Monday night was also nomination night for next year's executive. Those nominated are: past president. Percy Pueh, John HAVE YOUR MAY BIRTHDAY CAKE AND EAT IT TOO! Deeves; president, Percy Pugh, George Rumball; 1st vice president, George Yeats; 2nd vice president, Donald Armstrong, Steven Maguire; treasurer, George Campbell, Garnet Harland; • secretary)ArtlLur. 1'i,Lseleti, branch service officer, Hal Hartley; chaplain, Rev. J. Broadfoot, Rev. G. Youmatoff; sergeant at. arms, Noel Flagg, George Yeats, George Lauzon, Percy Brown; executive, H. Black, N. Elliot, S. Batt, E. Switzer, J. Scott, G. Tait, G. Harland, T. Hollinshead, P. Bartliff, R. Bentley, D. Pugh, S. Maguire, D. Armstrong, R. Fremlin, 0. Priestap, D. Coventry, L Hoggart, H. Hayter, D. Hanley, M. East. Elections will be held at the next general meeting, so plan to attend to vote for the people who will be guiding your branch in the coming year. Our branch sent two teams to zone euchre at Kincardine branch. Our number 1 team, led by the Old Pro, Fred Jackson and included Ed Deeves, Eric Switzer and John Semple, placed second overall. They were just beaten . out by Lucknow Branch by two points. The number 2 team of John Deeves, Russ Byers, Slim Lacroix and George Rum - Ir 180 King St., Hensall (Next to Shaw's Dairy Store) SPRING SPECIAL Cut 1 5% Cut Shampoo Set and or and with Ohne/ is Off Blowdry coupon Offer runs Mar. 25 - April 11 Open Tues. -Fri. 9-5:30 Thursday till 9 p.m. Saturday 9 - 3 Tues. evening by appointment Julia's Hair Design 262-2402 Julia Von Boaren, Pro CaII 262-2402 Appointment not always necessary ball placed fourth. Both teams qualified for district competition in Guelph on April 4th. The ladies have planned a mixed euchre party for Friday, avlarch 27th at 8,:30: These are always'a4ot of fan;:.._ .. so come on down and give it " • atry. . Don't forget the next Pub Night. It's scheduled for Friday, April3rd. As you all know, Steve Cooke is a conservationist (or is it conservative?). Well a little bird told me that while Steve was out checking his traps, he tried a little too . hard to conserve gasoline. rm sure he was doing it for the good of the country but if he had put a little more in the tank it would have saved his " friends using up gas to go pick him up. Mixed darts this week is tonight, so if you showed up last night, and there was no one there, it was nothing personal, so come on down for some fun. Last week, the prize for high couple was won by Brenda Atkinson and John Scott, and low couple was taken by Joyce Scott and Brian Atkinson. It's easy to see who is the dart player in those families! The high lady was Rosemary Armstrong with an 82! Neil Elliot took high' men's with a 100. Now that's a high score, but 82! On Saturday, Exeter branch held their annual mixed darts tournament and our branch was represented by four couples. Neil Elliot and Madelon Yeats reached the last 16 in the cham- pionship flight. The 3 other couples of Brian and Brenda Atkinson, Don .Armstrong and Joyce Scott and John Scott and Rosemary Arm- strong competed in the. consolation flight. Neither of the teams of John and Joyce Scott and Don and Rosemary Armstrong and Madelon Yeats, Neil Elliot and Brian and Brenda Atkinson shot the lights out, but all had a good day. Well, one more week and Steve will be back at the Legion desk • in the newsroom, but you don't have to wait till then if you have something important, informative or humourous to tell to, or about our fellow members. Just leave a message behind the bar and I will make sure it gets proper attention (no editorials please, Jim has a monopoly on them ). See you all at the Branch. DREAMBOAT Special. Factory Purchase • 1981 FIREBIRD ESPRIT 5000 Km, white, blue cloth interior, blue accent stripes, equipped with 267 V8, power windows, power door locks, tinted glass, power trunk lid, custom cloth in- terior, floor mats, molding package, hatch roof, electric defogger, dom. reading Tamp, vanity mirror, accent stripes, positractlon, tilt steering wheel, aluminum wheels, white walls, lamp package, AM/FM stereo radio with,.. Cassette, power steering, power brakes, automatic, full instrumentation Including clock and tachometer. Serial No. 105 085. LIST PRICE $12,264.85 SALE$1 1,185 McGEE PONTIAC-BUICK CADILLAC-GMC TRUCKS Hamilton Street, Goderich, 524-11391 Nobody's got it like Pontiac's got it.