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Clinton News Record, 1981-03-26, Page 8
PAGE 8—CLINTON NES-Kb:Luny,.1 nuttSDAI , are tU tl req istPt4 We Milne tits right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! Holmesville hears about refugee family By BlancheDeees At Holmesvitle's Sunday morning service, Elaine Townshend told the congregation about the refugee family who is now living in a townhouse in Vanastra. They are anxious to learn English and volunteers are needed to give lessons. At the service, special music was given by Mervyn Lobb and his three sons Murray, Hugh and Gordon. • Frank Thompson and Chester Sturdy received the offering. Rev. Scott reminded everyone that on April 7 Family Night will be held. It was also noted that a bale is being packed. Newland notes The . Goderirh Township__ -- — WI card<party ,will be held on March 26 in the community .centre at 8 pm. Admission is $1 and ladies are asked to bring lunch. The recreation board is planning an appreciation night for the Enterprising Seniors at their meeting on April 2 with games and lunch. The community centre now has its own catering group. Just call 482-9954 or 524-7011 for further in- formation. Softball coaches presented some recommendations regarding theball diamond, sodding the outfield, the bleachers, a- day for a work party with equipment to be 'organized, washrooms, having a manager with specific duties,'. proper timetabling; lights and liability insurance for the children Seniors look at Ireland by Blanche Deeves The Goderich Township Enterprising Seniors met in -the hall on Mich 19 and Mrs. Jean •Lobb,chaired theAPRI meeting t )-..•h>n ,1memorx atesa Bill Rueger John Deeves win present the club vrith a gavel in memory of the late harry .Cudmare and . Mr. • Reeves was.thanked by Mrs Watt Webster played several Irish tones' on his har1bntca and roll call was taken, by Irene Cudmore. Two new members, Lorne and Beth Webb,, were welcomed to the club and Mrs. Cudmore gave the card report for Blanche Deeves. Fran Powell presented the financial statement. Everett Mellwain reported for the buying -.conmittee and it was noted, that four neighboring clubs have been invited to give a demon- stration on carpet bowling. Mrs. Cudmore read the correspondence and noted that a Seniors Rally will be held in Vanastra on April 9. The quilt committee will include Marion Powell, Jean Perdue, Margaret Mid- dleton, Grace Walters, Marion Smith and Charlotte Norman. It was noted that shuf- fleboard will be held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 to 11 am until the end of April. The next meeting will be held on Apri12, at which time the rec committee will supply entertainment and lunch. Following last week's meeting, Mrs. Lobb showed her slides on Ireland and lunch was served by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Perdue. Members were reminded that the Golden Radar Club of Clinton is holding a euchre party in the Clinton Legion on April 22 and proceeds from the event will go towards the Clinton Hospital building fund. Our mistake In an identification line under a picture of a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Goderich Township hall in last week's paper, former deputy -reeve Garnet Wright was incorrectly identified a Grant Stirling, while„ 'Marlene Forbes was in- correctly identified as Marilyn in another picture. The News -Record wishes to apologize for any in- convenience this may have caused. Prices effective thru Saturday, March 28th, 1981 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P SUPER BUY !• SAVE. 5051 -1-41 1"4 a 1.)11„7* ` Tomato - HEINZ KETCHUP 32 -fl -oz bottle WILDMERE BUTTER Ib 9 ( Limit 3 -lbs per family purchase) Jana Parker, Snowflake or Twin . DINNER ROLLS COME pkg of 12 9¢ 59 (Our Regular Price 2.09) White Label, Hamburg Buns or WIENER ROLLS ¢ VISIT 4%E FA.R4 Free! 1 -Lemon FOR FRESHNESS & FLAVOUR with, the purchase of 3 Avocados Product of California, Buttery Smooth, Great in Salads & Dips AVOCADfS. 3 for 1 00 Sunkist Navels • Product of California Sweat, Seedless, Size 13Ws ORANGES Canada No. 1 Grade Product of Florida, Crisp FRESH CELERY STALKS bunth48¢ Product of California Sugar Sweet, Beautiful, Luscious FRESH STRAWBERRIES pint 9 Si PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, THE PRIDE OF THE FLORIDA GROWERS, JUMBO RED Grapefruit 5 for 1.99 CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 54B BAG Apples Red Delicious 1.69 PRODUCT OF TEXAS, RICH IN VITAMINS & MINERALS, EXCELLENT IN SALADS 10.02 CELLO PKG Fresh Spinach 79¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF TEXAS EACH PRODUCT OF U.S-A., BUNCH GREEN ONIONS OR Radishes 8 oz pkg 3 for 1.00 PRODUCT OF MEXICO, RED SWEET Watermelon lb 485e PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, FRESH, CRISP, IDEAL IN SALADS Endive or Escarole 2 for 995i PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SUNKIST, SWEET, SEEDLESS, SIZE 88's, LARGE NAVEL Green Cabbage 69)i Oranges 12 for 1.99 PRODUCT OF CHILE, BLACK OR GREEN ASSORTED — FERNS, PRIMULA OR 4 -INCH POT Grapes Seedless lb 1.69 African Violets 1.69 A&P and WALT DISNEY WORE p rc se n 9rl�OVIOrt *Latent of Olt Nov &rid rano Plaza 1 Vacation Swcepsta es Your family could win one of 4 all -expense - paid WALT DISNEY WORLD vacations for 4 To enter simply fill out the entry blank below or fill out one each time you visit A&P. No purchase is necessary Enter as often as you like. Sweepstake Rules Are Posted In Your A&P Store ®1!■■111O■M■ANal®INN•III■■■■■M■■■■N■■■ I ■ ■ ENTRY BLANK ■ ■ ■ - o aFamily Spree Vacation Sweepstakes j ■ WIN A TRIP FOR 4 TO FLORIDA'S WALT DISNEY WORLD ■ ® NAME • STREET ADDRESS: 1 III CITY PROs/.: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I!1 i NNIN®■■■■■■■■N•INNINIIN 9NNIN■■©IIINN■I s TELEPHONE • ■ POSTAL CODE Deposit in ballot box at any A&P Store in Ontario. ENTER OFTEN — NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. BUY 4 -SAVE up to 75f Chicken Noodle or Vegetable CAMPBELL'S SOUP 10 -fl -oz tin 4 for (Our Regular Price up to 44c each) A&P, Salted or Unsalted SALTINE (RACKERS Bathroom Tiuue, Assorted Colours BABIES ONLY PLEASE 450g Pka SAVE 65, Liquid JAVEX BLEACH 3.6 Titre plastic jug (Our Regular Price 1.64) Fabric FLEECY 5 ntra 9 plastic SOFTENER "in Own Juice", Tidbits, Crushed or Sliced PALANDA ,„„_ PINEAPPLE INSTANT DECAFFEINATED COFFEE 80Z JAR Chase & Sanborn 5.49 "NEW" KELLOGG'S CEREAL, HONEY NUT Cornflakes 525 g pkg 1.99 FRUIT COCKTAIL, YELLOW CLING, HALVES OR SLICES 19 -FL -OZ TIN Del Monte Peaches 89¢ You'll do better with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE from A&P (Our Regular Price 3.59) Maxi Pads NEW FREEDOM SAVE 1.10 492 "NEW" of30 "NEW" COCO BUTTER 180 ml PLASTIC BOTTLE Jergens Hand Lotion 2.39 MOUTHWASH Listermint 500 ml bottle 2.49 Aim Toothpaste 1.2mi 9 INSTANT cuocOLATS __ _._._...- ... _ --•-- ASSORTED COLOURS Nestle Quik lkg'arton2,7J J -Cloths pkg of 10129 • Strained Meatless Varieties of Foods & Juices GERBER BABY FOODS 4 Buy 4, 4.5 -fl -oz V - SAVE jars ® 33c (Our Regular Price, 33c each) Assorted Flavours Nestles or DEL MONTE MINI PUDDINGS pkg of 4, 5 -oz tins 29 SAVE 36¢ (Our Regular Price 1.65) (Our Regular Price 51c each) Chicken Vegetable, Hearty Vegetable, Hunt's Buy 3 -- SAVE 53c Vegetable Beef, Onion Mushroom pkg of 1 env e TOMATO ,.,,, 0 0 LIPTON PASTE tin "3b'�- SOUPMIxEs GOURMET DOG DINNER READY -to -SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIES Top Breed 4 kg bag 4,39 Heinz SOUPS8fIozn4for89? ASSORTED FLAVOURS CARTON OF SIX -6 -FL -OZ BOTTLES CONNORS FBI Fruit Drinks 1.2S ' - Snacks •2502 TIN WITH PORK, VAN CAMP BEANS OR STOKELY, New Orleans Style Kidney Beans 19-fi-oz,m69¢ A&P Cookies 25pkg 9r• 89ft CHAMPION, BEEF, CHICKEN OR LIVER 25.5.OZ TIN PRIMO, PLAIN Dr. Ballards Dog Food 59¢ Spaghetti Sauce 2899¢ CATELLI, READY -to -SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIES 28 -FL -OZ TIN ALL PURPOSE Habitant Soups 79¢,iil,�Robin Hood FlourII kg 8.99 uir SUPER BUY! "Light Chunks" In water STARKIST TUNA tin (Our Regular Price 1,59) SAVE 30? 1