HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-19, Page 221 PAGE 27--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1981 BETA SIGMA PHI SORORI- TY Chapter's Golden An- niversary Dance, March 28, 1981 from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. at the Clinton Community Cen- tre. Music by Pleasure Pak. $15 per couple. Proceeds for Se.holarshin fund at lora! high school. For tickets call 482-7342.-11,12 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8 n ' lrst regular card '- t W Ot $1. 15 �...�, sh• likbn. Early bird g��pto p.m. Jackpot $200 must go each week.-20tfar BINGOVanastra even- inggat avast a Centre, RRS Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1,00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the- -- - - _ Ja .00 midst. go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over.-52tfar HURON FISH & GAME bingo every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years and over. Jackpot $100 must go each, week. 15 regular. games of $10 - $5 least on split.— 377tfar CARD PARTY to be held at Varna Town Hall. Sponsored by the LOL 1035 on Friday, March 20 at 8:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring Iunch.-11 THE REBEKAHS will be holding their Dessert Euchre on May 20 at 1:30 p.m. at the Lodge Hall, Clinton instead of April 22 that was (rrevious- ly announced. Admission will be $1.50. Everyone welcome. -11 GET IN SHAPE FOR SUMMER Dancefit spring session —Night School starts April 6, 1981. Pre -register by phone for 7-8 p.m. or 8:15-9:15 p.m. class. Telephone 482- 3471.-12,13ar PANCAKE SUPPER: The Clinton and District Chris- tian School will hold its an- nual Pancake Supper on Fri., March 20 from 5:30 - 9 p.m. Tickets available at the door. Adults $2.75; children of elementary school age, $1.50; preschoolers free. Come and enjoy delicious pancakes and sausages. Try your luck m the games room. Everyone is welcome.-10,llar KLOMPEN FEEST PARADE - May 23, 1981 at 1 p.m. Entry forms available at Town Clerk's office, Clin- ton News -Record or Camp- bell's Men's Wear. -13 —CAMEO INSTRUCTOR - New to this area. Do you enjoy decorative tube painting or —would grill Shute learn more about it? Contact Elaine Fraser at 482-9286. Please phone after 4 p.m or on weekends. -9,11 CARD PARTY AND DANCE Summerhill Hall on Thursday, March 26, 1981 at 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Summerhill Hall Board. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. -11 THE SUMMERHILI LADIES CLUB, will b . holding a Dessert Euchre at Summerhill Hall on April 29 at 1:30 p.m. Admission $1.50. Everyone Welcome. -11x JOIN US MARCH 28 for matinee performance at Grand Theatre, Lonc on. Bus leaving Murphy's Garage 12 noon. Contact Phyllis Tyn- dall 482-7877.-11 THE IOOF AND REBEKAHS will hold a card party on March 19 at the Lodge Hall, Clinton at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lun- ch. Everyone welcome. -11x DAFFODIL. TEA Fridoy; April 3 ,, (" A* � OM r a )It. 2:OO-1130 p.m, i .z►: In the 4 1 `��Clinton 011/111 Anglican Church Parish Hall Sponsored by: Clinton and District Churches Proceeds to Canadian Cancer Society BUY DAFFODILS: 12 for' 2. WHITE . CARNATION HOLMESVILLE 2 FOR LUNCHEON SPECIAL Friday, March 20 12-2 p.m. Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Beef Casserole, Salad and Coffee. ADULTS 2/$5.00 CHILDREN 2/`3.00 PHONE 482-9228 PROGRESSIVE CON- SERVATIVE COMMITTEE ROOM - Isaac St. (former Counter Building). Open dai- ly 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone 482- 7707.-10,11 Huron County Family Plann- ing project invites you to at- tend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 to • 9 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planning) available first Thursday of each month. -48 EOW AR The Hiiron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent -Education Classes being held in the Health Unit Office, Seaforth ufwal,t a- —coalmen eing Thursday, April 2, 1981 from 7:30- 9:30 p.m. These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would anyone who is interested please register by calling 1- 800-265-4252 toll free or the Health Unit office at 527- 1243. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discus- sions.-11,12ar ST. SAM AND THE NUKES - Ted Johns' new version of his hilarious comedy about nuclear power, begins a three-week tour of Ontario with a single performance at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Monday, March 30 at 8 p.m. Tickets $6. Special group rates. Reservations 523-9300 or Box 291, Blyth, Ont. -11,12 DESSERT EUCHRE AND BAKE SALE April 15, 1981 from 12:30 - 3 p.m. Admis- sion $1.50 Varna Township Hall. Sponsored by Varna UCW. Door prizes and everyone welcome. -11 The Clinton Women's In- stitute will meet for a pot luck luncheon on Thursday, March 26 at 1 p.m. in the _Agricultural Board Rooms Bring your own dishes.=11 The Huron County Health ' Unit invites you to attend the AdU1taHealth Guidance Cen- tre, held at the `Municipal Building, Bayfield on March 24, 1981 from 1.30-3:30 p.m. for:. 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Foot Care 4. Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure.—liar The Huron County Health Unit invited you to attend the Child Health Clinic held at the Health Unit office, Shipley Street, Clinton on Friday, March 20, 1981 from 93011:30 a.m. for: • 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening Imrinunization T. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Testing 6. Fluoride brushing for aes 3 to 5 years. ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC.-11ar DON'T FORGET THE BIRTHDAY PARTY IN MAY! ... 4... .... . Treat yourself today! ENJOY FINE FAMILY DINING We Serve SUPERB DAILY SPECIALS We're Open: TUES.-SAT.-10 AM10PM/SUN. 10 AM -8 PM WE SPECIALIZE IN.... ..r *CHIC EN *SEAFOOD *CHOPS * *CHARCOAL STEAKS* SALAD BAR FN JOY AT Lunch & Supper NOW SERVING KING CRAB LEGS SLUE FOUNTAIN RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE FULLY LICENCE() UNDER L.L.®.O. 80 ALBERT STe CLINTON 482-3077 Legion Pipebandplays in Bay Cityparade By John Scott As promised, we have a new writer for the column this week. As usual, the joke is on me again, as Steve will not be CLINTON EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Fund -Raising Dance Saturday, March 21 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Disc Jockey TICKETS: 90- per couple AT THE CLINTON LEGION HALL r —LUNCH PROVIDItD— Seaforth 8 District Saddle Club ANNUAL DANCE Sat., April 4 at she GODERICH TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY CENTRE Holmesville DANCING 9-1 MUSIC BY: "JASPER" TICKETS: '5. EACH Available from any member MEAL PROVIDED *Proceeds toward SaddleClub Activities VANASTRA CENTRE 482-3544 MARCH BREAK SWIM TIMES 3:00-4:30 PM Monday, March 23 Wednesday, Mardi 25 Thursday, March 26 Friday, March 27 Plus Regular swim times as usual away until next week. He is attending the Sportsman's Show in Toronto and then the Trappers Convention in North Bay. Now, let's get on with the important news. Branch 109 Goderich in- vited our Pipe Band to par- ticipate with them in Bay City's annual St. Patrick's Day parade. Bay City is the sister city to Goderich. George and Madelon Yeats and Ivan and Helen Hoggart also made the trip to aug- ment the colour party. The members of the group were made most welcome at the Legion Post and V.F.W. Club. Our branch hosted the Molson's sponsored affiliate membe s district euchre tn11TStamerit, with 18 --tables playing, which was won by the team from Brussels, followed by Palmerston, Ex- eter. Hanover and Mount SPRING DANCED Saturday, March 21 at the Bayfield Community Centre MUSIC BY: SOUND TREX DISC JOCKEY Sponsored by th Bayfield Recreation Committee. $3. ADVANCE/'4. AT THE DOOR PER PERSON Procceds for baseball equipment. Forest. The high pair were Charlie Athil! and John Deitz from Exeter. Our own Tuesday night euchre was again well at- tended with' 16 tables play- ing. Eldon Kerr took high score with 86, John Scott had most lone hands with 5 and Clark Ball had the low score with 36. That is the lowest score of the year so far, and I believe it ties the lowest score ever. So the next time you see Clark, give him a kind word. The winner of last week's Mixed Darts was the Dashing Couple of "Joanna" and John Scott with the low couple "prize" going to Brian Atkinson and Derek Adshead. The ladies' high score went to Rosemary Armstrong with -=.:120 and men's high score went to George Yeats with 121. That makes quite a change from a share of low couple for George. The Ladies Auxiliary ran a "Green" Euchre Party on Friday the 13th, and had 8 tables playing. Marg Switzer and Blanche Deeves would like to thank everyone for turning out to make it the most successful night of the season so far. Friday the 13th proved lucky for some. of the par- ticipants. John Deeves won the draw and won a bottle of Green Goat's Milk. Ladies' high was won by Muriel Byers and Fred Jackson won men's high. Vera Bennett 6BARTLIFFS Bakery' 41 GRestaurant wvili be - CLOSED TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 'MARCH 25 & 26 FOR.RE.NOIIATIONS - * ************* **-4* ( * Benefit Dance for LOTTIE SCOTT and FAMILY of BELGRAVE, ONT. MARCH 20, 1981 VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE Music by ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No.11 West, Clinton -- ; SPIRIT * . LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH 1 * For further I information please call: * JEAN YOUNG 357-3222 ( t} JUNETOMKINS 482-93201 C IRENE t OKAHASHI 482-7105! * *c*****************er Appearing Monday, March 16 to Saturday, March'21 "MASQUERADE" An extraordinary Las -Vegas stype comedy and variety revue. Masquerade 'features an '80,000. costume wardrobe. Don't miss them! PLEASE NOTE: Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, March 19-20-21, there will be a '2.00 cover charge. 01-1 LAST NIGHT MARCH 19 ONE SHOWING 8:00 PM S1'Ilt C1LAJIT STARTS FRIDAY! MARCH 20 to 26th FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWINGS: 7 & 9 SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWING: 8:00 The Power Behind The Throne JANE LILY DOLLY FONDA TOMLIN PARTON ADULT FNTfRTAiNMFNi 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524'7811 AIR CONDITIONED PRO i' AM SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH UT NOTICE WELCOME EVERYONE TO YOUNG CANADA WEEK took ladies' low and Milton Schreiber took men's low. Lone hands was won by Gord Taylor who received 4 Tells of green toilet paper. The most x's and o's was taken by Mrs. Gord Taylor. Other prizes were: closest birth- day, Sam Castle; mate to kiss mate, Fred Jackson; and lucky cup, Cecelia Edgar. The ladies will be holding an evening of mixed crib- bage on Friday and a dessert euchre on May 5th, so come on out and have some fun. Annie Sallows is now home from hospital and will soon be back amongst us at the Legion. We hope she is feel- ing better and I hope she doesn't yell at me as much when she comes back. Only joking Annie, we have all missed you. Pool pays off MITCHELL - The lines were queued up at the Family Billiard Pool Hall on March 7 and so were the balls as Mitchell Police Constable Tom Hummel began a 24 hour pool-a-thon for cystic fibrosis. From 9 am Saturday to 9 am Sunday, he played 97 games, winning 53 and losing 40 and altogether pledges amounted to approximately $1,400. Contacted on Sunday af- ternoon after an exhausting sleep, Constable Hummel said he wouldn't do another pool-a-thon again, although it was worthwhile. DANCE Pineridge Chalet Sat., Mar. 21st 9-1 Music By SPIRIT Food Available Sponsored by the Pineridge Snowmobile Club $2.50 person The winner of last week's jackpot at bingo was Maude Weston of Bayfield. Don't forget that because of the Provincial Election, bingo has been cancelled as our hall is being used as a polling station. Everyone likes to com- plain about the government and politicians, so this is your chance to voice yaw opinion. Many of our com- rades, friends and relatives fought and died to ensure that we would still. have a say in what our government does, so make sure you vote on Thursday, March 19th. If you have any complaints about style or content, kindly let Steve know when he comes back. OPENING WEEK -ENDS ONLY HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 , • PHONE 524.9981 H� 4 SUNDAY SMORGASBORD THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 22 ***FEATURING*** HIP OF BEEF ROAST TURKEY ROAST PORK with dressing Served Smorgasbord style, from 3 p.m. on Includes your choice of mashed or french fried potatoes, mixed vegetables, soup (homemade) or juice. complimentary trip to our salad bar,_ roll,..tea --or_coffee. Dessert: Pie of your choice. ALL FOR ONLY $595 DEBBIES RESTAURANT 2 miles South of Clinton on Hwy. No. 4 at Vanastro Rd. Easy n every way. Kai faked Ckickenm Easy on your budget. For lust '2.35 per person, you can satisfy 15 or more people with Finger Lickin' Good chicken, salads, Grecian Bread, everything! Even the table cloth, serving spoons, the napkins and all. Easy on you. Just call our Store Manager, then come and get It! Now what could be easler'4hom Shufi, when you're ezpocting a crowd. Good 94 Elgin Ave., E. GODERICH co.. Sand.rs' q.clp. 227 Main Street 110Citieketi, EXETER � kfried ��� - A CANACIIAN f�MDAN� ■