HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-19, Page 12,..._. . .. «. „- ... 199 1 <, MARCH ,�.._. .-.......... .981 PAGE 12—CLINTON—CLINTONNEWS-tom.. f'1�IUI�DAY,.., • news farm news Tractors Equipment CLINTON FORD TRACTOR SALES/SERVICE *Ford Tractors and Farm Equipment *Ford Lawn Equipment Riding Mower* Tillers Snowblowers *Arians Lawn and Gar- den Equiment *Pressure Washers *Portable Hooters *Scorpion Snowmobiles HIGHWAY NO. II WEST . 482-3903 Ship your Iivestodc with FRANK VOOGEL DASHWOOD Shipper To United Co-operatives Of Ontario Livestock Department, Toronto Monday is shipping day from Varna Stockyards CALL DASHWOOD 238-2707 OR BAYFIELD 565-2636 by 7:30 A.M. For Prompt Service Also Western .Stockers .&..Feeders Available 1 J 11. Wm—ma smitiS) 4 ',vas - residential from.2o.000; gr to 64,000 gr.rCommere$al from 60.000 gr. to 540,000 gr. Automatic Water Filters removes bad tastes, odors, iron, sediments and acids. In Line Cartridge Filters removes odors, sediments and bad taste. The clean water counselors ater Conditioners Available in 3 models and PHONE FOR FREE WATER ANALYSIS Your SURGE water counselor WALTER LEPPINGTON days 527-1935 evenings 482-9754 enjoy the soft life ATTENTION FARMERS! See us new to order your SEED GRAIN Oats, barley, mixed grain, etc. AND GRASS SEED Alfalfa, Timothy, Red Clover, Sweet Clover, etc, Hummel's Feed Mill 35 Mary St., Clinton 482-9792 There a y behalf_a foot of snow4rs:t►he ground, hat many area farmers and their suppliers are ready to start the growing season as soon as the weather permits. Here Larry Keller of the Hensall Co -Op unloads phosphate fertllizer at the company's storage facility at Vanastra, last week. The Co -Op also had the former hanger filled with corn last fall (James Fitzgerald photo) Pork :ijroducers s A swine health im- provement workshop, sponsored by Huron County Pork Producer' Association in co-operation with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food will be held on Thursday, March 24th, at the Hawick Com- munity Centre on Highway 87 between Gorrie and Fordwich. Registration sand coffees Cattlemen's spiel held at Seaforth Club will be from 9:30 to 10 a.m. with a hot pork dinner featured at noon. Objectives will include assisting pork producers in understandipg swine diseases, emphasizing preventive measures that can be adopted and creating an awareness of the economic losses that are realized by conditons af- fecting the well-being of The annual Huron Cat- tiemen's Association Bon - spiel was held March 4, 1981 at the Seaforth Curling Club. Local cattlemen competed to take home prizes of choice cuts of beef purchased from Roth's Food Market, Seaforth. Nine o'clock draw winners were Cam Bogie's Goderich rill k first, With:. Murray Forbes' `rink from the Seaforth Club second and Bill Coleman's Kippen group representing the Exeter Curling Clubthird. Bill Taylor's foursome from Belmore took top spot in the eleven o'clock draw. Second and third place winners were Murray Shiell's rink from the Wingham Club and Stewart Alton's group from the Lucknow area. It is customary to move the spiel around the county. Plans are t4 ' try the Wingham Curling Club in 1982. Metric Report In publication 75 - Guide to Chemical Weed Control there is an error in the Conversion Table on page 102. One litre equals .26 U.S. gallon, NOT .18 as is printed in the table. Check your spring equipment A breakdown at planting when you consider you may time can cost you hundreds only have one opportunity to of dollars. Spring main- upgrade your herd by raising tenance of farm machinery heifer calves from your pays year round dividends better cows in the herd. and can help prevent in- FEEDING - During the juries. A thorough check Of first three to four months of a equipment now will help you cow's lactation they are avoid a breakdown during expected to produce 50 spring planting. If you need percent of their total milk replacement. parts, order production for the lactation, them now, so that repair along with being rebred and work can be completed checked safe in calf. This before spring rush. Well spells stress! Maximize on maintained equipment is growing and feeding quality less likely to break down. roughages, such as hay, Your savings in dollars and haylage and corn silage, frustration will be well worth followed by balancing the the small amount of time cows roughage diet with an required to get equipment adequate grain mix con - ready now. taining all essential Dairymen are constantly nutrients for different levels faced with the challenge of of production. maintaining healthy, WEEDING - Some cows vigorous cows that have the just don't earn their board. ability to produce large throughout the year. It takes .volumes of milk and fat. In the first 3 to 4,000 kgs of milk order„ to . obtain,.,. high to feed and maintain a production, dairymen have Holstein cow for one year - to pay close attention to an empty stall does not breeding and feeding necessarily mean reduced programs along with profit. Production and following a selective culling management records are program that will maximize essential in order to carry on longevity and out a sound worthwhile profitability. selective culling program. BREEDING - on the Most of a dairyman's suc- average, every milk cow in cess is homemade. There are Ontario only produces one identifiable reasons why heifer calf in a lifetime! The there are a number of importance of sire selection Ontario dairy herds becomes ever so crucial producing 160 B.C.A. for milk and fat, while others produce less than 120 B.C.A. A cholinesterase clinic will be held Tuesday, March 31 from 9:30 - 12 noon at the OMAF office, Clinton. This is the clinic you wanted to attend. It is a test for insecticide levels in your blood. It will only take 2 or 3 minutes to take the sample and answer some questions Agriculture and Food about pesticides. This Clinic : Minister Lorne C. Henderson is for your benefit - for your has announced a $1.5 million safety. There will be a incentive program` for follow-up Clinic in May. asparagus production. OMAF staff will be on hand Financial assistance will to answer questions about be available to both existing pesticides. and new producers to To keep you up-to-date on establish a total of 3000 acres the wise use of soil today and of asparagus production in saving soil for tomorrow, the the province over a five-year Huron County Soil and Cropperiod, Pr-oducers..-will- be Improvement Association is eligible for grants of up to presenting a Soil and Crop $500 peracre. Management Program. The program will be held on Wednesday, April lst, '- from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Pineridge Chalet bet- I. ween Hensalland Zurich. Windbreaks on the farm, crop rotation, principles of o tillage and alternatives to the moldboard plow are a few of the topics to be • covered. Experiences of innovative farmers ' and researchers will be featured. There will be plenty of op- portunity for discussion and questions. A buffet dinner is included in the cost of $8.00 per per- son. Tickets are available from your township direc- tors or the Agricultural Office in Clinton. New program Attention Farmers: SPRAYER AND WEED CONTROL CLINIC FEATURING Weed Sprayer Clinic 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon Hot Dinner Provided 12:00 Noon Pat Lynch, O.M.A.F. Soil & Crop Specialist for Huron & Perth Counties, Bruce Lobb, Minis't'er of Environment Thursday, March 26th Seaforth. Community Centre Representatives will be on hand to provide information and answer questions on new & existing chemicals & application equipment. Jim's Flying Service will be on hand to answer any questions. In order to arrange the dinner, please reply by phoning Milton Dietz by Monday, March 23rd at 527-0608. MILTON J. DIETZ L,.,t.a Seaforth, Ontario Phone 519-527©0606 onsor works pigs - Dr. Peter John Martin, consultants, Services Oliver swine and Dr. diseases Veterinary O.M.A.F., Branch, Guelph, will conduct the workshop session. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion. Anyone with an interest is op invited to attend. Please contact Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food (4112-3428 or Zenith 7-3040) for further information, this week. s., toV LI k oj9� Agricoe Nitrogen has an impressive record for increasing wheat yields. Urea is fast becoming the most popular nitrogen for wheat. Urea is gaining popularity because of its efficient feeding characteristics. It is "difficult to leach" yet its gradual release of nitrogen provides plenty -of .N when: wheat- needs :it most.. If you have some wheat in need of nitrogen, • let's discuss how urea could be the best fit for you. Before you make any fertilizer decision, visit us where you see this sign. Helping you produce more is what we're here for. Agiicol A good name to grow by Mervyn Erb Blender Manager . 'BRUCEFIELD 482-3948 ;II q 1llal,i, UIauat I I. 0. pi.. willow, ',-,,,,1:111:111111-1 8iIIIBee I � . ilq II 1,i\.;. II111 y 411ift 441* t 44 i 14 .44 f YOUR BEST BUY Dollar for dollar. Acre for acre.. SENCOR 5 Fiowable herbicide from Chemagro is your best herbicide value. • Best in early weed control. • Best in broad spectrum weed control. • Best iri economical weed control. In fact, more and more Ontario soybean growers have discovered that in many cases SENCOR is the only herbicide they need to control both grasses and weeds in their soybeans. In addition, SENCOR 5 can also be tank -mixed with _registered grass herbicides for added weed control. when grass pressures are severe. SENCOR. It's your best herbicide value for soybean weed control. 8131oc-cc SENCOR is available at Cyanamid .Farm Supply Centre Clinton SENCOR is a Ren TM of RayeaAG