HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-19, Page 11While Goderich Township Reeve Grant Stirling snips the ribon to officially open the new township hall last Saturday, he had help from a number of dlgnataries, including, left to right, councillor Pat Osborne, former deputy -reeve Grant Stirling, Jack Van Egmond represented the benefactors, the Woon family, councillor Walter Mcllwaln, councillor Chester Sturdy, deputy -reeve Jake Reder, and treasurer Ben Whitely. (James Fit- zgerald photo) BAYFiaD CBird Sturgeon and Helenen Owen Will. you join the dance • from page 10 ly, and proceeded with a fur- ther demonstration of his ex- traordinary balance and grace. "I think you're beautiful," I enthused, and momentarily overcome he seemed to turn a slightly deeper red. I was just, .about to enquire. about his encounters with Fred and family when the latter came edging his way along the fence. "Hi," said Fred - "see you've met Boris." I nodded and waited Tor more. Fred surveyed him paternally. "Got him 'straightened out," he informed me with a knowing wink. "Know what - he's a defector," he brought the word out with pride. "Stowed away on a grain 3hip - took some pluck,' especially with some of the rough rats that sail on those goats. Anyway, he's asked me for political asylum - whatever that is - and we've given it to him. Settling down well, too - one of the family, and great with the kids. Got 'em all doing acrobatics. See you; Boris, ' he called as he took off and leapt across the branch to Freda. Boris sigh- ed dramatically as he watch- ed Fred chase Freda up the tree. "Love," he murmured. "For Fred and Freda - now is the spring." A large tear splashed on his tiny paw. "But - maybe, one day, rimy little Anna will come to' me" He. etched a squirrel -sized heart on the tree trunk, and I left him then, for. the poig- nant Russian melody with which he accompanied his romantic.. designs.. throbbed . with such intensity that I was sure he would prefer to bealone. Pottery course may be held An attractive display of handmade pottery has been on show in Bayfield Library over the past few weeks. Mrs. Margaret Chapman, responsible for the exhibits, is a pottery Graduate from Cambrian College, Sudbury, and has invited interested parties to leave their names with a view to the formation of a Pottery Club in Bayfield. The response has been en- couraging, and a meeting has been arranged for Thursday, March 19, at 1:30 p.m. at the, Library: Mr. Hewitt, the Field represen- tative for New Horizons Grants will be present to discuss the possibilities of in- stalling a kiln, -which would- be necessary for the project to function. Discussing the idea Mrs. Chapman emphasized that she _ had no commercial in- ;;. t;..dfft iOdit'ti"°ice t'o Holmesville talent uncovered The Goderich Township Women's Institute (WI) held a very successful variety night concert on March 11 in the new township hall. Everett Mcllwain acted as master of - ceremonies and the Holthesville Public School choir opened the evening in song, under the direction of their music teacher Mr. Blackwell. Jackie Norman sang a solo and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn, dressed in 1800's style, sang a number of songs from years gone by. Hazel • McCreath demonstrated her reducing machine and easily gathered a good laugh from the audience. Sherri and Shannon Preszcator then followed with step dance numbers. The Lobb Quartet, including Gordon, Murray, Hugh and Mervyn sang several songs and a skit entitled The Egg Man was performed by Berniece Mcllwain, Alice Porter and Mrs. McCreath. Mrs. Driver played some violin selec- tions, to the accompaniment of Mollie Cox on the piano.' Mrs. Cox also played the accompaniment for the fashion show and the com- mentator was none other than Barb Betties, the happy hooker from Sleepy Hollow, who came on stage to the tune of Sue City Sue. Alice Porter asAble Alice came on stage to the tune of Its Might As Well Be Spring and Smart Smittie, Irene Cudmore was next up, to the tune of Billy Boy. Gorgeous Grace Walters made her entrance to Aunt Dinah's Quilting Party and Magnificient Marion Powell modelled to the tune of Work For the Night's Coming. Glamorous Jean Lobb made her stage debut to the music of My Wild Irish Rose and Happy Helen Fuller's tune was -,Old MacDonald Had A Farm. To the melody of You Light Up My Life, Miss Universe 1.989, Helen Lin- dsay entertained the audience and Blushing Blanca Deeves modelled to the tune of Sweet Rosie O'Grady and last, but not least, was Mighty Millie Dempsey. The fashion show drew a great round of applause from the audience, and Elmer Trick was the next en- tertainer, by trying out the new pian o� WI members Anna Stirling, Donna Martin, Helen Lindsay, Marty Lobbn Marion Powell, Charlotte Norman and Isabel Sturdy carne on the stage wearing Ye Old 40110).. -.11111"111111%‘ ---.-Country Store itiG USON APIARIES ee. Af��1 1,t �r� � xstlION ED BA4G LEVITA Elbows and Spaghetti... 65` I Ib. '1,20 2Ihs ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX ...... .$1 .49 WHITE AND CHOCOLATE CAKE MIXES BROWNIES OATMEAL MUFFIN MIX 1 %BRAN MUFFIN MIX WE'RE LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 84 between HENSALL & ZURICH ® WE'RE OPEN: MONDAY•SATURDAY 9 a.m. •6 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS 236-4979 WATCH 1FOR THIS AD FOR DIFFERENT FEATURE SPECIALS T •95� ,I their husband's coveralls. Ed Stiles of Goderich and Sam Wain followed, with Ed at the piano and Sam playing a tune on his bones. After the concert, Mrs. McCreath thanked everyone for their support. Mrs. Mcllwain called Goderich Township Reeve Grant Stirling and Ben Whitely to the stage and presented. them with a cheque for $525 to help pay for the land- It's a shame that when scaping around the new success turns a man's head it community hall. doesn't wring his neck just a little. e her knowledge as she that the development of the craft in the village has ten both as satisf po , ac- tion for the potters, as well as an art activity. Anybne in- terested will be welcome at the Thursday meeting, and Mrs. Chapman hopes that some more men will come forward because, she added, this is a craft at which they are particularly adept. Smile CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 19,1961—PAGE 11 Grand opening held for Holmesville hall By Blanche Deeves Hall opening The grand opening of the Goderich Township Com- munity Centre took place on Saturday afternoon with a musical prelude at 2 pm. Elmer Trick, a former resident of the township, played several numbers on the piano and Mrs. Alberta Driver played her violin, accompanied by Molly Cox on the piano. The official opening took place at 2:30 pm with Robin Thompson as chairman. He welcomed everyone to the new hall and called upon Reeve Grant Stirling, who welcomed everyone and told how the will of Pearl and John Woon was read and the money was to be used to build a hall for the township residents. .Among ,_the .guests =present. - were Warden Fred Haberer, MPP Jack Riddell,` Al Sin- clair of the ministry of culture and recreation, Richard Hewitt from the department of health and welfare and Case Dendekker from Muer Construction. The New Horizons branch and Murray Cardiff were both unable to attend. The official party and Rev. Stan MacDonald went to the front entrance for the un-' veiling of the plaques. Jack Van Egmond unveiled the memorial plaque and Ben Whitely unveiled the con- struction plaque. After they returned to the front of the hall for the ribbon cutting by Reeve Stirling and the prayer of dedication by Mr. MacDonald. For donations made to the new centre Jean Lobb represented the Enter- prising Seniors. The SS a Community Club hooked a large Goderich Township crest and Mrs. Marlene Forbes presented the hooking, which will be mounted on the back wall of the stage. Mrs. Harrison presented a framed picture, donated by the Taylor's Corner. Community Cluband. Alice Porter represented the local WI group. Mr. and Mrs. William Batkin donated a coffee urn, a clods: was given by Mr. and Mrs. Bert ;].VltCreath and a large painting was donated by the family of the late Mr. and 'Mrs. Danny Gliddon family. John Deeves, on behalf of the Enterprising Seniors, presented framed photographs of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, which were hung at the front of the stage. Mr. Steckle offered congratulations from the surrounding municipalities. To end the afternoon, musical selections were sung by Hugh and Marty Lobb with Mrs. Verna Lobb at the piano. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a tour of the new centre and lunch was served by the Enterprising Seniors. The day concluded with a capacity crowd dance, to the music of Jim Medd and the Pleasure Pelts. During the evening a draw was made and winners Tudor Wain, A. Andrews, Ray Limbers, Bill Wilson all received • maple syrup, donated by Albert and Doris Schilbe. A delicious lunch was served at the end of the evening. UCW meet The Holmesville UCW work meeting was held on March 10 and members worked on a crib quilt and another large quilt in the morning. After a pot luck lunch, the UCW members went back to their quilting, while Jean Ginn conducted the business meeting. It was noted that Marilyn, Cox -_has been. uated,0p:the group's Thank Offering meeting in April to show her slides of St. Lucia. In her secretary's report, Mrs. Verna Lobb read an invitation to attend the annual meeting of the Family and Children's Services on March 18 in Goderich. A letter was received from the group's foster child, Salai and a progress report said that he is hard working and stands fourth in his class at school. Each member gave a donations to the St. Christopher's Home. For the month of March the visiting committee will be Mrs. Ginn and Lorraine Young and in May Bessie Townshend and Phyllis Cox will be in charge. At the May meeting a talent auction will be held ay on April 8 a White Elephant sale will take place at 1 pan in the Bentniller United Church, with admission price, one article that can be sold. School news The Grade 8 Holmesville Boys won the basketball championship game on the weekend against St. Mary's and Robertson Schools in* Goderich. The boys made the pennants and brought them home. The public speaking semi- finals were held in the school gym on February 16 and the winners in the junior division were: first, Mchalel Bush; second, Kim Bruinsma; third, Steven Ott; In the senior division the winners were: first, Steve Barwick; second, Melody Falconer; third, Bob Barwick. The first and secone place winners went on to the Clinton Legion for the regional competition on February 24 and although no one place in their com- petition, all did very well. Twenty-seven enrolled at the kindergarten registration on March 5 and the new pupils will include Wendy Tait, Hadi Feltham, Angela Skelton, Robbie Henderson, Bobby Cudmore, Ifit's from Anstett 's it says, tvou 're special' ANSTETT JEWELLERS 8 Albert St Clinton 26 Main St S Seaforth 284 Main St . Exeter 2.03 Durham E Walkerton Say it with Anstett's very own private brand of quality jewellery, priced to reflect outstanding value. Diamond Pendants Clockwise from top195.00, Si10.00, 589.95, 559.95. S82.00. all in 10k yellow gold Heather Lobb, Heather Bartlett, Jason Kaven, Leslie Dalzell, Nancy Lobb, Carrie Koetsier, George Oakes, Krista Kuntz, Stacey Haines, Nicole Seddon; Steven McClinchey, Kendra Fry, Shannon Schilbe, Billie Trick, Christy Wilson, McKenna Levis, Scott Lobb, Melissa Walker, Billy Jo Wraith, Sheldon Hoggart, Bradley Bodges and Jillian Young. Spring break has been scheduled from March 23 to 27. On March 20 the Huron County Board of Education has permitted that schools be dismissed an hour earlier than ususal and Holmesville students will be sent home at 2:10 pm. When classes resume on March 30, the system will be returning to the regular time s los! e , Nclon horn .will be held between 12 noon and 1 pm and classes will be dismissed at 3:35 pm. Also hot dogs, will no longer be available after spring break, however pot and chips can still be pucrhased every Friday. With spring just around the corner and the conditions of the land around the school ready to turn to mud, it is difficult to keep the classroom floors clean if students come into school wearing only shoes. Students are strongly urged to wear boots or have another change of shoes at school. They will be required to take off any wet or dirty footwear outside the classroom door. Wl card party The Goderich Township WI will be holding a card party on March 26 at 8 pm in the township hall. Admission is $1 and ladies are asked to bring lunch. Their last card party was held with nine tables in play. The winners included: men's high, Jim Stoner; ladies' high, Jennifer Fuller; men's low, Bill Norman; ladies' low, Ida Godkin; lone hands, Bruce McClinchey. Lunch was served by the WI ladies. +++ Mrs. Eileen Brown of Detroit and Mrs. Frank Lawson were visitors with Irene Cudmore on the weekend. They attended the opening of the community centre. 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