HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-19, Page 90 a CLINTON =BE SUPPORT 1921-1981 • 61 RD, THURSDAY, MARCH 19,1 :`1 -PAGE 9 SIXTY YEARS OF INSULIN MARCH IS DIABETES MONTH .4 Vacation Siweepstakes:1 ALL -EXPENSE -PAID WALT DISNEY WORLD VACATIONS FOR 4... SAVE 704 Fine Granulated WHITE SUGAR 79 LIMIT 10 BAGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE (OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.49) Orange Pokoa (Our Reg. Price 9.29 - SAVE 30c), FLOWERDALE pkg TEA BAGS °f 100.9 9 SAVE 66, Assorted Varieties LANCIA PASTAS (Our Regular Price 1.65) Draw (Our Reg. Prke 1.33 - SAVE 34c) PLAIN V l-oztinSPAGHETTI SACE 99? Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef = BEEF Rurnp,SirIoIn-Tip or Inside Qut Rotind Rtiatts SAVE up to 70 b (Our Reg. Pries up to lb 3.39) Ib ROAST FRESH, LEAN Ground Beef 161.99 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF, INSIDE CUT Round Steak lb 2.9 COMBINATION, SO% MEDIUM GROUND REEF & 50% GROUND PORK 9 Ground Meat 1b1.49 *&P, SLICED Side Bacon 500 9 vac pac 1.69 'TOWN CLUB. SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls 14.59 Assorted Varieties, Del Monte or NESTLE'S PUD® NGS pkg29 of 4, 5 -oz tins (Our Regular, Price 1.67) (Our Regular Price 87c ) Lipton, Assorted Varieties CUPA-SOUP MIX pkg of 4 envs SAVE 3811 PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, CHICKEN, MACARONI & CHEESE, LUNCHEON, e.B.Q. LOAF, BOLOGNA, CHICKEN & PIMENTO Cooked Meats 175 9 pky79¢ PRIDE OF CANADA S00 g VAC PAC Sliced Bologna 1.69 PRIDE OF CANADA, VAC PAC Bologna Chunks lb 1.19 BURNS, STORE PACK Garlic Coil 1b1,69 MAPLE LEAF, SMOKED, READY to SERVE, PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders Ib 1.39 Sara Lee, Assorted LAYER CAKES 19 -oz pkg SAVE 66¢ L_S_AVE 70¢ Ib Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef BONELESS ROUND ROAST Ib Outside Cut, Eye Removed (Our Regular Price Ib 3.19) lititche k34 with supermarket prices (Our Regular Price Ib 3.29- SAVE 80c lb) Cut from Canada's Finest Grade °A° Beef ROUND. STEAK Full Slice lb 69 Cut from the TENDERIIED-9e CUBE STEAK �Lss Maple Leaf Pure Pork Skinless or Maple Leaf Golden Fry SAUSAGE 79 500g pkg SAVE 1.00 (Our Regular Price 2.79) In stores with Deli Shop BRANDT, COARSE BAVARIAN STYLE MEAT LOAF, BLOOD & TONGUE, VIENNA COOKED SALAMI, BEERWURST SAUSAGE Cold Cuts eh0. 162.69 You'll do better with FROZEN FOODS from A&P! BLUE WATER, FROZEN 32-02 PKG Fish Sticks 3.39 DRESSED, FROZEN Whitefish 1689? FROZEN Fish Cakes b6.9¢ FROZEN (Our Regular Price 1.65) j Turbot Fillets 16 1.49 HIGHLINGER, FROZEN, QOSTON BLUE (Our Regular Price 1.15) SAVE 26c Fish Fillets 16 -oz 1.69 SAVE 18c Del Monte pkg AYLMER, CHOICE I •. FRUIT COCKTAIL or PEACHES 19-floz,;n 89' 19 -FL -OZ TIN BRAVO S.5 -FL -OZ TIN Whole Tomatoes 69¢ Tomato Paste 2for 79¢ AYLMER, CHOICE CREAM STYLE CORN, ASSORTED PEAS, BRAVO PEAS & CARROTS, DICED BEETS, SHOESTRING BEETS Vegetables 144oz tin 2 For 79f/ Chick Peas 19 ll oz tin 65¢ LANCIA AYLMER, CHOICE MEDIUM WHOLE OR 19 -FL -O2 TIN L FROZEN Cod Fillets 166zpkg -0 1x69 (MACARONI & BEEF 82 PKG 69c) SWANSONS FROZEN 8 O PKG Macaroni & Cheese 59¢ ABP, FROZEN 12 INCH 22.5-O2 PIE Deluxe Pizza 2.59 WONG WING, FROZEN, CHICKEN e Fried Rice 12 Oz pkg 1,39 RosebudBeets 2 for 99,i as agna 500 g pkg 1.09 CAIN FROZEN ASSORTED VARIETIES 18 OZ CAKE BEEF, CHICKEN AND MUSHROOM 10 -FL -0Z TIN a HUNTS 71/2.0Z TIN Heinz Gravies 36,99? Tomato Sauce 3 io, 89 AYLMER, CHOICE, BRATLETT LANCIA, ASSORTED CUTS Pear Halves 19-fl-oztin99¢ Eg Noodles. 375 g pkg 79¢ (Our Regular Price 3.29) Instant Chocolate NESTLE'S QUIK (Our Regular Price 1.29 ) SAVE 56 cAH Flavours, Regular, Ruffles and B.B.O. cart kgon279POTATO (HIPS FRITO LAY 200 g pkg SAVE 40c a kes Deep °N Delicious 2 19 AWAKE, FROZEN, CONCENTRA e 0 D • TED 12 -FL -OZ TIN range rin k 79 OLD SOUTH, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED 12.5 -FL -OZ TIN e Grapefruit Juice 99¢ Cavndish Farms, Frozen, Assorted Cuts FROZEN 2 -Ib Pkg FRENCH FRIES ¢ "Bag" yourself a fun -filled family holiday, during your WALT DISNEY WORLD/A&P Family Spree Vacation Sweepstakes'! Grand Prize is an exciting, all- expense -paid vacation for up to four at the WALT DISNEY WORLD Vacation Kingdom. Soar tia Eastern Airlines...the only airline that starts the fun of Walt Disney World right on the plane with the kids "Wall Disney:, World. _Fun Flight .Kit" and "hidFri ht Miiik"TEIStern will take you to Florida's tacation paradise filled with recreation, entertainment, shopping and dining. You'll hate five days and four nights to explore this delightful world, which includes the Magic Kingdom- where you'll discoler more than 45 fabulous attractions, including the thrilling new Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. To enter, simple fill out the entre blank below or fill out one each time you isit your friendly neighborhood A&Pl No purchase is necessary. Enter as often as you like! r1 EASTERN THE OFFICIAL AIILME OF Weft Iane� Would Walt isn g WorId; SWEEPSTAKES RULES 1. Clearly print your name and address on an entry blink or facsimile and deposit it it any A&P Store. Winners must be 18 years or older. 2. No purchase is required. Enter each time you visit AMP. You need not be present to win. Limite. , one winner per family. 3.. Sweepstakes begins March 11, 1981 and ends April 4, 1981. 4. Entries will be drawn from each store to qualify as semi- finalists for the top prize. 5- Winners will be chosen by a random 'drawing and notified by A&P not later than April 14, 1981. Employees of A&P, their advertising agencies and their immediate families are not eligible. 6. The trip prizes must be used Thursday, May 28 through Monday, June 1, 1981 ONLY. No cash alternatives or substi- tutes will be made for trip winners. Grand Prize Winners will depart from the nearest city served by Eastern Airlines to Walt Disney World. 7. The odds of winning depend on the number of entries sub- mitted. 8. Winners must answer correctly a skill -testing question. p■....••••••....•••••••........3 •��1.. • ENTRY BLANK • Pi Family Spree Sweepstakes • so WIN A TRIP FOR 4 TO FLORIDA'S WALT DISNEY WORLD • • NAME • • • STREET ADDRESS: III II CITY PROV.: • • TELEPHONE POSTAL CODE • 1111111 Deposit in ballot box et any A&P Store in Ontario. ENTER OFTEN - NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. IllPIM . ■ l'...Ir®.■a■....IR. ilmme..Rl..ainn mmi n• sett 8 en3 1 04 d,`r 1V 11311311 oa ii noA Middleton ACW plan bus trip by Blanche Deeves Morning Prayer was held in St. James' Anglican Church on Sunday and Vera Miller was the organist in absence of Sarah Storey. The lesson was read by Mrs. Ed Deeves and Rev. William Bennett told the story of the prodigal son. Edward Deeves received the offer- ing. ACW meet The March meeting of the ACW was held last Thursday at the home of Lynda Steenstra. Estelle Wise, leader in charge, read the in- vocation. Delores Dutot read the scripture and meditation and Mrs. Wise led the ladies in reading the Litany. The secretary's report was read by Jeanne Bennett and Vera Miller presented the financial . statement:' . Ms... , •. Deeves read thank you notes from Mr;. and Mrs. Ray Wise. A motion was made to let Mrs. Deeves rent a booth at the Clinton Spring Fair. A discussion was held on se- cond prize for the annual draw and it was decided to accept Marion Smith's offer of a luncheon cloth. The bus trip was discussed and Margaret Middleton, Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Deeves are in charge of the arrangements., For the program Mrs. Wise spoke on the Year of the Disabled. Mrs. Dutot and Mrs. Wise read from Chateline magazine and other articles on the han- dicapped and disabled. Mrs. Wise closed her meeting with a prayer and an Irish reading. Lunch was served by the hostess and Vera Miller. News and notes Many from the Middleton area joined in the happy oc- casion of the grand opening of the 'New Hall in Holmesville. We're sorry to report that Bill Smith's name was omit- ted mitted in the list of canvassers . ----fel-. the 1Viarc of Mmes.-- Thank unes.-'Thank you Bell. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith were supper guests with the Deeves on Thursday even - .`Fred Middleton and Travis Postill are enjoying their jobs in Airdrie, Alberta working with Graham Postill. Tickets for the Spring dance of the Clinton Fair Board are available from °Edward Deeves and other members. Come and enjoy dancing to Walter Ostanek in the Clinton arena on May 9. Mrs. Freda Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bailey, all of Amherstburg, were weekend visitors with Jack and Mary Stirling and visited with other relatives in the area. While here they attended the opening of the new Com- munity Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stirling have arrived- home from their holiday in Florida. Varna boys play in area tourney By Mary Chessell Varna 4-H C lub Meeting 6 was held at Sandra Turner's home on March 9 and the meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and roll call. Kate Keys showed everyone how to put bias tape on their pocket sam- pies, and the next meeting will be on March 23rd at Kate Keys' home. -by Lori Consitt Two Clinton teams were winners in the novice division at the Exeter Minor Hockey Tournament on the weekend. Several Varna area lads play on these teams. The Goderich Township team out of Clinton won the gold medal by defeating the other Clinton team on Saturday 5 - 0, Seaforth on Sunday by a 2 - 1 score, and in the final game against the Clinton team again, 4 to 3 in a close and well -played game. Goal -scorers for Goderich Township were Gregg Taylor, Lee Norman, Paul Caldwell of Brucefield and a Mcllvie lad. The Clinton team won the silver medal. Darryn McAsh pie ys for them. Members of the Recreation Commission are reminded of their meeting on March 25th at8 :00 0.m.