HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-05, Page 20PAGE 20••--CUNTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 5 ,1961 TOWN AND COUNTRY HOI!I.$EMAIERS. annual mpg and banquet at new COlma int yHall, qp1rme v pad, Mar. 25, , 1961. Supper 7 p.m. For tickets yell the office 357-3222 or Betty ' Casino 4823411 from 9.4:30 p.m. or 527-1102 by March 12.-9,10 CARD PARTY: St. Joseph's Parish Hall, Tues., March 10,1961 at 8 p.m. Admission' $L Ladies ,please bring sandwiches 4-0 THE I.O.O! F. and Rebekahs will hold a card party on March 5 at the Lodge Hall Clinton at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. -9 ---F.AM ,Y.. .>$T1TD CHILDREN'S SERVICES of Huron County (Wended by the Children's Aid Society) invites you to the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March 18, 1981, at 2:00 p.m. at 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario. Following the business meeting the guest speaker, Rosemary Bahr (Public Relations Co-ordinator, Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies) will speak on the Role of Volunteers- in our Agency. The.: general public is most weeicoine Yotia'. mem- -beirshlps are available at the door for $1.00. Refreshments .served, -940_._ BENEFIT DANCE for Lottie Scott and family of Belgrave, Ont., March 20, 1: i, Vanastra Rec Centre. Band "Spirit". Ladies bring lunch. For further in- formation tall Jean Young 357.3227; June Tomkins 482- 9t320; Irene Okahasbi . 482- 7165.-9,10 REMEMBER THIS DATE: Wed. June 24, 1981. Pork Barbecue at Varna United Church -9 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE will be held Fri- day, March 6 at 2 p.m. at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Japes St., Clinton. Guest speaker - Mr. Wallace Mon- tgomery. Everyone wee . 41e SACRED SONG FEST Sun- day, March 15, 8 p.m., On- tario Street United Church, Clinton Music will be presen by four junior choirs m area churches: ide, Seaforth; y -Willis, Clinton; -On- tario Street, Clinton and North Street, Goderich.-8- CLINTON LEGION BINGO every T iirsday, 8 p.m. First regular card $1. 6 cards for $1. 15 regular games, 3 wealth. Early bird 1117,A1445p m. Jackpot $200 week. 20tfar 10 BINGO every Tuesday -even- ing at Vanastra Centre, R115 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over.-52tfar HURON FISH & GAME bingo every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years and over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games of $10 - $5 least on split.-37tfar 1ASTNIGHT • MARCH 5 thowlno AN P.M. LILY TOMUN - CHARLES GRODIN THE INCREDIBLE F INKAVG-WOMAN- 161#101 6th to 1;21 : w iCs 7:00 a 9:00 E s soWING 8:07 P.M. RICHARD PRYOR up as woodpeckers and get ADULT framed (NTt:UTAIUM(NT for robbing a bank.. and when they discover that prison life is for. the birds they go...;.y:r WARNING: Some language may be offensive. Theatres Br. Ont. PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED Anyone interested in attending an UMPIRE SCHOOL in Varna, please Coll, 482-3177 or 262-5857 as soon as possible The family of JOYCE and JERRY COOK wish to Invite all friends and relatives to an OPEN RECEPTION Ira honour of their parents' 25tii WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MARCH 14 in Cllntoo-- B*f`aWish*s ., my A VARIETY CONCERT at Goderich Township Com- munity Centre, Holmesville, on Wednesday, March 11, 1981, 8 p.m. Admission Adults $2.00, Students $1.00, children .50. Proceeds toward Hall landscaping. --9 A COUNTRY CONCERT STARRING TOP LOCAL STARS Jim Medd, Richard Knechtel and others will be held at Blyth Memorial Hall, Wednesday, March 18, 8 p.m. Admission $3 for adults, $1.50 children. Reserved seats 523- 9300 or 523-9636. Proceeds to Memorial Hall building fund. -9,10 -CAMEO INSTRUCTOR - New to this area. Do you enjoy decorative tube painting orwould you like -to learn more about it? Contact Elaine Fraser at 482-9286. Please phone after 4 p.m. or on weekends. -9,11 Huron County Family Plann- ing project invites you to at- tend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planning) -available first Thursday of each month.-EOW AR The Hullett Federation of Agriculture will hold a meeting on Wed., March 11 at 1 ' p.m. in Londesboro Hall. -9 ST. PATRICK'S DAY TEA, March 14from 2-4 p.m. Bake table, delicatessen table. Sponsored by The New Dimensions of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. -8-10 Funds needed for theatre The Playhouse is out to raise ' a $1 -million en- - -wzn nt Rued .over-theirext three years. It is the smallest theatre accepted so far in the Wintario Arts Challenge ;Md. If . the. ' Playhouse raises more than. $48,000 each year for the next three years, Wintario will con- tribute double the amount. By raising $333,333 locally by 1983, the Playhouse stands to gain $666,666 in grants which would give it a total of $1 million. Special events this sum- mer include a dance June 6; the annual Monte Carlo night June 13; concerts by the CanadianBrassJune 20 and July 20 (the latter for financial supporters of the Playhouse); and the fifth annual art auction August2. Mary Gibson and Karen Cook teamed up to win a silver medal in the novice dance competition last Sunday at an interclub figure skating competition held in Clinton last Sunday. (James Fitzgerald photo) Playhouse will feature four shows The Huron Country Playhouse in Grand Bend has announced the playbill for its 10th anniversary season this milliner. The season opens July 1 with The Fantastits, which in 1g73 was the Playhouse's first musical. The original off-Broadway production, still running after more than 20 years and 11,000 per- formances, is the longest - lived musical in theatre history. Chapter Two, Neil Simon's tender, tearful comedy about second love, opens July 15 and will run to July 25. Arsenic and Old Lace, one of the most durable comedy - thrillers of all time, will run from July 29 through August 8. Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii will run August 12-22: It -is -the work of a former Londoner, Alan Stratton and premiered last fall in Toronto. The final show, The Music Man, will run from August 25 until September 12. Artistic Director, Aileen Taylor -Smith, says the Playhouse season is being extended past Labor Day so that Grand Bend residents, busy all summer catering to the tourists, will have a chance to attend. Openings this, year have been moved up from Thursdays to Wednesdays with extra Thursday matinees added. Theatre officials have announced that subscription sales for 1981 are already up We're glad to be back for our Opening Dance THE WHITE ,CARNATION HOLMESVILLE PRESENTS "STAR TREX" SATURDAY, MARCH 1 4th 9:30 P.M. -1 A.M. BUFFET 1 A.M. *5.00 PER PERSON SMORGASBORD AT 7:30 DANCING 9:30-1 OUR COMPLIMENTS - A WHITE CARNATION TO THE FIRST 25 LADIES. 482-9228 AFTER 524-4133 HOURS Treat yourself today! ENJOY FINE FAMILY DINING We Serve SUEERB DAILY SPECIALS Were Open: TOES. -S .T.-1 O AM -10 PM/SUN. 10 AM -8 PM , 1) WE SPECIALIZE IN.,.. _..... " u: *CHICKEN *SEAFOOD *CHOPS * l a►'- i� A *CHARCOAL STEAKS* feri 1:11,71. ,I/1� 11 + :Uy. ter SALADBAR Lunch 8 Supper I 'VII NOW SERVING KING CRAB LEGS Is ✓/�� �/moi:. must /` BLUE FOUNTAIN RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE FULLY LICENCED UNDER L.L.B.O. __- 80 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-3077 nistinsiV ` J v-., _.. k,tcrre4rr,ar.orrr •- 2i7rrlimrr ar&r:rrre:iszr n!r .... more than 150 per cent from last year -1,336 sold so far compared to 846 last year - and the main sales campaign hasn't started yet. b b St. Sam egins uncario St. Sam and the Nukes, top. Ted Johns' updated version On the home front, of the nuclear power comedy Howard is engaged in a which premiered at The hilarious ongoing battle of Blyth Summer Festival last wit and conscience with his summer, will begin a tour of wife Joan, also a scientist, Southern Ontario' with a who has the background to single performance at the go through the morass of Blyth Centre for the Arts on statistics and expensive. Monday, March 30 at 8 p.m. advertising put out by Hydro Johns, the funny and pro- and make a case for her pro- vocative playwright who found unease regarding delighted audiences last nuc.lear's long term year with his wonderful per- unknown effects. formance in The School Toadd fuel to the fire, Hol - Show, has done it again, this ly his niece, moves in with time with a satire centering them and shows no sign of on the lives of the people who leaving. Her summer job as work at the Bruce Nuclear a tour guide at the plant has Power Development, the captured her imagination.. largest nuclear power sta- She explores the history of tion in the world, their fears nuclear power, its triumphs and joys, their fights and and its disasters, infuriating their triumphs. Howard and demanding "Glowing reviews have answers from Paul. generated interestbursts Sam, • 1 +4a interest �t in Ted._..- _Ineto this scenic gltallst a Johns new work -about a a w.- id_.vff.„PoP..a1I 1-_a.__ nearby nuclear power plant. Henry Ford of the eighties St. Sam and the Nukes open- with a scheme to save the ed to the praise of both pro economy of Kincardine, the and anti nuclear energy au- Bruce and Ontario. Sam diences.; ; - The North Bay says, if you've got the power, Nugget use it! There are five characters Together this wild quintet in the play. Howard, the turns world issues into per plant manager, an Un- sonal issues and back again, aginative and creative weaving between farce and nuclear physicist m his fear and the all too human youth, is now ensconced at reactions to the nuclear Hydro, supported and pro- dilemma. "St. Sam teaches the tected by his special asses- thence more about nuclear au- tant Paul, an intelligent and informed trouble shooter, a reactors than they will learn young man on his way to the in a lifetime, yet it manages to thoroughly entertain at the same time. -Mark Czarnecki, Macleans Magazine. After playing Blyth, the play will tour to Hamilton tour Place, Kincardine, Meaford, Mount Forest, Paisley, Fergus, Stratford, Petrolia, Kitchener, Pickering, Port Hope, the Grand Theatre in Kingston and Arnprior. Legion dance set by Steve Cooke Don't forget the St. Patrick's Dance coming up at the Legion on Saturday, the 14th. The music will be supplied by a five piece group called the "Desjar- dines" and a buffet lunch will be served. Men's euchre was cancell- ed last week but is back in full swing again this week' so we'll have our regular report for you in the next is ge. • =reuxed--euehn :had relatively good turnout with five tables playing. Annie Jervis won the ladies' high with 85 while Hilda Semple was low with 42. John Deeves won men's high with a score of 80 and Fred Jackson and Muriel Beyers -tied for low with 52. Fred won the cut for the prize. John Semple won the men's lone hands with four and Vera Bennett tied Blanche Deeves for the ladies with three. Vera won the cut in has been declared a Green Euchre. All' prizes will be green in colour so it should be interesting to see what all they can corse up with. In mixed darts, Joyce Scott and Terry Holl- ingshead won the high cou- ple. Debbie Preston and Noel Flagg teamed up to come in last, while Rosemary Arm- strong and John Scott took the individual high scores. There is ,a- i t.l4ald¢'_tlAAt• notorious curling team "the Flying. Scots" were asked to attend an invitational bonspiel. They declined on rather flimsy grounds. I suspect that someone heard about their last escapade and just wanted to be sure they had a rink there that they could beat. There is an important meeting coming up, so all or- dinary and associate members should make every effort to attend. Notices are this case. The next mixed being mailed out, so euchre is on March 13th and PLEASE READ THEM. WE'RE BUYING o1is, STAMPL,OLD jiWiUY GOLD a •ILY_........ MARCH 544 WE'LL PAY TOP PRICES FOR TOUR COINS, STAMPS, GOLD & SILVER SCRAP ITEMS, JEWELLERY, OLD WATCHES, OLD PAPER MONEY; MILITARY MEDALS, CHINA FIGURINES AND MISCELLANEOUSCOLLECTABLES. SO IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN SELLING ANY OF THE ABOVE NOW IS THE TIME. WE PAY IN CASH. BELOW ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF THE PRICES WE PAT: SCRAP GOOD We liuy all scrap gold: broken or out of style rings, chains, bracelets, jewellery, of all sorts,'watches, dental gold, bullion. nuggets, etc.. regardless of condition Or quantity. Prices based on current bullion market bid prices. 4" -4k\ I` `e d Platinum We buy all platinum jewellery and industrial scrap items. We buy all Sterling and Euro- pean Continental Silver, tea services, flatware, old jew- ellery, industrial contacts. jewellers findings, Franklin and other private mint silver. etc.. regardless of condition or quantity. Prices based on current bullion market bid prices. Antique Silver We pay Premium Prices for all Period Silver (Victorian, Georgian, Edwardian, etc.,) and Early Canadian and A- merican Silver (goblets, ser- ving platters, tea services, cutlery, etc.) GOLD COINS Canada Foreign 85 1912 1913 r S200.O0 85.1914 $450.00 510 1912 1914 $450.00 820 1967 in set , ' S325.00 8 100 1976 14K 5148.00 100 1977 z2K 5,0 S100 1977 *100 1979 13213118 5.op0000 S2 Newfoundland 5150.00 United States 81 82' 83 84 85 810' 820 5150.00 575.00 5700.00 ermsh 517.000 5 Pounds 5150.00 2 Pounds. 5300.00 Sovereign 5635.00 '7 Sovereign. WE ALSO BUY OTHER GOLD COINS Prices available on request Swiss 10 Francs 558.00 20 Francs 5116.00 French 10 Francs 20 Francs Russian' 5 Roubles 10 Roubles German. 5 Marks 10 Maria 20 Marks 5: 00 55116.00 570.00 5140.00 5100.00. 0630 08 win r10 5500.00. $150.00 575.00 Estate & Antique Jewellery We pay high prices for antique jewellery which in our opts ion merits a value for resale greater than the gold or silver content. NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL WHILE THE PRICE IS HIGH! SILVER COINS United States Silver Dollars 1935 & prior 59C 1964 & proof 25C 1964 & prior 111 1964 & prior .roc 1965 1970 Canada Silver dollars 1967 & prior 5110 1967 & prior 2C1C 1966 6 prior 1967 1960 rsrver Only' 1966 & imer 1967 7960 is1wer cony, Olympic Coins '5 Coin '8.00 '10 Coin '16.00 '12.00 '3.50 '1.50 .60 '1,25 '9.00 '3.50 '1:50 '.75 .75 .60 .30 30 Series of 4 '50.00 Set of 28 8350.00 STAMPS We buy Canadian stamps, mint or Used. singles. corner blocks. sheets, or extensive collections (if, in our opinion, they are of merit. The following examples are the prices • paid tor: Mine', Fine Centre. Lightly Hinged -Stamps. COMPARABLE MARKET PRICES PAID FOR OTHER COLLECTORS.STAMPS No 7 we pay St 500 No'38 we DaY s50 No 47 we pay 675 No 55 we Day 5400 Np 1762** we pay 880 No 262 we pay - 630 (Olympic Melaq Stamp Sculptures 1» Gold $900 „...e.kuuo,` Suver S15 Combination 8250 U• $I Foreign Stamps . -17 1st We buy World Stamps in mint or used condition. Stamps for United States. Great Britain & Colonies, and 'Western Europe are of particular interest to us. 9 WATCHES & CLOCKS ' We buy .all types of gold, silver & plated pocket watches, some wrist watches 8, others (need not be in working condi- tion). Prices depend on gUality and con- dition. SPECIAL1NTERESTIN: • . High grade watches 121J & up) • Railroad watches • Gold watches • Complicated Movements Ireapealers. chronomelresl • International wrist walches (Patel, PMhppe, Piaget. Cartier. Rolev. Interne trona) Schaffhausen etc • Convertibles • Enamels CHINA FIGURINES We buy Royal Doulton, Hummel, Meissen, Coalport, Royal Copenhagen, Royal Worcester & others. Special interest in discontinued issues Below are some examples of the prices we pay: Royal Doulton °encore or one Worm sonar Yount) Love 092734 6,1100 0,901 092210 Puepeim009, '''92253 Daisy 091979 Mee W,n.Mq 0911®{5 9uneni00 Gin 1461344 Hummel wayside Devotion ITMK 21 Humm4, 26 1, Send Gine ITMK 41. Hutenv41 1111111 ping Around The Rased I111,46 4 Hummel 340 Aul wasa0e4589I79114 21. 0u0kwal 1310 Chtshwsl.ekee ITMK 4 140+ne1e1 396 Fellow The Leader Mere 41 000 6141 269 Flower Vendor (TMK 41. 14o,na141 sal 950 325 75 700 125 250 900 '150 450 1190 75 30 150 29 we alto buy e01011 a91116U48 8 0011801000 1 (pack careltllly t0 avoid Oreaka90l 001589 Ciorn,r0. 20c COLLECTORS COINS We pay PremmiuPrices for colitictors-Coins:-Sorei6-eexam pies listed below: 1948 Canadian Silver Dollar up to 4500 00 1948 Canadian Hall Dollar 530 00 6 up 1947 Canadian M L Hall Dollar up to 520 00 1921 Canadian Hat6ponar up l0 96.000 00 1885.1887.1889 Canadian Ouarlers 51500 & up 1872 '875 '9,3 8 L Canadian Dimes S20 00 & uP 1925 Canadian N,cke, 5,5 00 & 10 +926 Fan 6 Canadian Nickels 630 00 & up 1921 Canadian 5 Silver up l0 51.000 00 1922 Canadian 18 Copper 5400 1923 Canadian 7 Copper 8800 1925 Canadian 1 Copper 85 00 1979 4 Newloun'dlend 5 Silver 590 00 & up 1946 Newfoundland 5 Silver 65000 & up 1870 Newfoundland 10 540 W & up ,9095 8038 USA 10 56000&up 1794 1803 U S A S'wor Dollars 615000 1836 1839 U S A Silver Dollars 550000 1840 1873 u S A silver Donors S30 00 1940 Dutch 2' ; Guilder 550 00 We are happy to do appraisals or place bids on estate col- lections. Prices on Collectors Coins depend on condition. PAPER MONEY High prices paid for the following Canadian notes: Bank of Canada 1935 and prior issues; Bank of Canada 1937 issues in new condition; all Dominion of Canada issues; all Chartered Bank issues (Royal Bank, etc); alt Provincial Government issues; all British and French colonial issues; Shinplasters. We also buy some U.S. and Foreign paper money. Royal Canadian Mint Products We buy all: 475000-lt5E SETS •CAS! 98(LAIa °0011186 &GUAR SETS •001511* 610519 5865 MILITARY MEDALS We buy all Medals, Awards, Decorations, Orders, Badges, and Memorabilia: Many Mili- tary Items have high collect- ors value. Below is a partial list o1 the prices we pay for a various items. t North West Canada Military Cross I410 Air Force Cross Cdn General Service Order of Military Merm Cdn Centennial Medal Air Crew Europe Star Oct', Long Service South Africa 000en Dist Flying Cross Polar Medals W W /Numb Badges P,E I Highlanders N e Tank North N S H,g6 MG SI John FuSdiers Reg 1 De Joliette 83 6300 Dist Service order 100 British War Medal 1914 100 Mutely Cross 35 9 W Canada Medal 25 35 Cdn Volunteer Service 30 South Africa K'nl, 300 Air Force Medal 250 Military General Service 12 Chrysler Farms 00 Chateau Gai 35 Fort Detroit 35 Scot's Fu81111ars Pyr 10 Retj t De Lay., 20 Rag t De Ouebec • 8400 100 125 utia§A iN, FOREIGN COINS We buy all foreign coins, new and old, Including silver cons, gold coins, collectors corns. government issue sets. merchants tokens and others Particular interest In crowns or silver dollar sized corns . UTCN 'G1tMA5 48*181811 .1(585165 •ITALIA5 •ktiffitiCAM °S®Aif585 and all other countries PLEASE DO NOT CLEAN YOUR COINS CONDITIONS OF SELLING 1 Seller must be 19 years of age or nave a letter of consent from parent or guardian 2 All items bought and paid for in cash 3 Due to marl tI IluCluahonS the prices on 4 , sewer and gold bullion ,timid, nctudrng scrap Suver coins are Suble0l 10 Change without notice 4 All C0110Ct0r8 COliis and nOleS must be ,n at least minimum con 9.5,on, in out Opinion ,n order for us 50 purchase them Prices will be based on condition ,E AOE ,-rr HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH', GOI9ERICH THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 5.6-7 9:30 AMTO5PM Postcards and Old Documents We pay high prices for old, used and unused. Cana- dian and Newfoundland postcards Particular in- terest in views Si scenes of ,pre 1920. Books, Prints and Old Maps We buy antique books in good condition and first edition books, old official correspondence, bank documents, Stock.certifi- cates & other old docu- ments. THE COIN DEPOT will be et the suncoast rnall