HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-05, Page 19The'CRISS boys ending team, weirs aeeo at Helton -Perth hist week and team members Included, left to right, Jeff Peck, Bill Gibson and Mark Contelon, while front is Dave Townsend. ( CIISS school photo) = central huron_chronjcje Paul Hartman, editor secondary school news The girls team from Central Huron Secondary School will be playing in WOSSA finals on ` March 13, after wlm ingthe Horan -Perth cram i. Left tti,dgh berry Gihisdq JU1f MaeBeth, Jade Townsend, Marianne Menzies and Connie Evans. (CRSS school photo) CHS:t.euriers m Last Friday in the Huron Perth Playdowns, both the boys' and girls' curling teams advanced to WOSSA. The girls won two straight games: 9 to 6 over Goderich and 14-2 over St. Marys. With these wins the girls brought the Huron -Perth trophy to Central Huron for the first time since 1966. The team members are Julie McBeth, Marianne Menzies, Julie Townsend,, Mary Gib- son and Connie Evans. The boys beat Stratford Central twice and thus plac- ed second in thetournament. This is the third straight year that the Central Huron boys team have advanced to WOSSA. In past years, they have won the consolation and placed second at WOSSA. The team consists of David Townsend, Bill Gibson, Mark Cantelon, Jeff Peck and Donnie Taylor. Good luck to the teams at WOSSA. Badminton The badminton season is W now underway at C.H.S.S. Several practices have been held for those interested in trying out for the badminton • teams. Mr. Clynick is again coach of the team. Sports round -up C.H.S.S. entered three members of the track club in an all -comers meet at Western last Saturday. Several school records were set. Dean Shobbrook set a record of 10 minutes flat in the 3000 metres. Stents raise °2,500 By Susan McKay On Friday, February 27, a Student's Council meeting was -held,- where it was learn- ed, approximately $2,500 was raised from the fun- draising campaign. $1,500 has been given to the Year Book Club and approximate- ly $450 has been promised to the Chronicle to cover the cost of typesetting for the last issue. An assembly will take place on either Tuesday, April 14 or Thursday, April 16. It has been decided that the formal committee will be responsible for making all decisions concerning the Formal which will take place in May. The revival of the Drama Club was also suggested. Machine shop out music in by Paul Hartman At the March 2nd (Mon- day) meeting of the Huron County Board of Education several very important deci- sions were made regarding the courses to be offered at C.H.S.S. next year. The major decision made • by the board was the discon- tinuation of the mechanical technology (Machine Shop) course for the next school year of 1981-82. A motion was made by a member that, "the. machine shop at C.H.S.S. be dropped while provisions be made to insure that the grade 11's who are• now majoring in machine shop will receive their grade 12 education in Makatea. 1rh s motion was then pass- ed despite some very serious objections from the floor during the general discus - stop period. s " MikeFalconer, a member of the Industrial Committee of Clinton argued that the tech program (machine shop) should continue since many students will follow this route after high school. Mason Bailey also of the Industrial Committee argued that the closing of the machine shop will greatly hinder his promotion of an Industrial Park in Clinton. Mrs. Moira Cooper of Bayfield represented the taxpayers, who had signed the petition objecting to the closing of the shop. She rais- ed many valid objections in- cluding the argument that the board provided very lit- tle time for people to prepare their arguments. Despite these and many other arguments raised by those present the board held fast in its decision citing declining enrollment teacher seniority and rising costs to keep the shop open along with other reasons. The other major decision made by the board at the meeting was the introduc- tion of a music credit pro- gram for the 1981-82 school year. However the course will be held under the night_ school program at 8 o'clock in the morning. Night school can apparently be held anytime outside the school hours of 9 a.m.'to4 p.m. and thus the ' riming" night schools If the prijgi y,n goes well, it is possible that it will become a day school course the year after next. Quiz time The lengths of a triangle's sides are tripled. How much larger is the triangle's area? (Answer next week. ) +++ A chess board consists of alternating light and dark squares. On a move, a Knight moves from a square of one colour (say light) to a square of another colour (say dark). On two moves, a Knight will be on a square that is the same colour as the square the Knight started. In fact, on an even number of moves, the Knight always ends on a square of the same colour that it started. In the problem, the Knight starts in the lower left corner and ends on the upper right. The start and finish squares of this Knight's tour have the same colour (examine a chess board to verify this.) As there are 64 squares, the Knight must make 63 moves from the start square to land on each square only once:. But 63 moves, (being an odd number of moves) causes the Knight to finish on a square that is different in colour from the start square: Hence-a-Knightearurotmove in the manner described in •the question. Smile Old barbers never die, they just end up in a lather. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 5,1981-P rE 19 SSA for Steve Corbett set several school records himself. He ran the 50 metre dash in 6.6 seconds; his 50 metre hurdles time was 7.9 seconds; and he ran the 400 metres in 56.9 seconds. Bruce Godkin set a per- sonal record in the indoor 1500 metres with a time of ird year 5:04.7. 300 see b•ball Last Friday evening over 350 people saw an exciting basketball game. The Grads of past years at C.H.S.S. bat- tled the senior basketball team. At half-time the Grads were behind the senior Redmen by a single point, 23- 22. The score remained close right to the end of the game.. With only seconds to play either team could have won. The final score was 59 as the Grads emerged vic- torious. Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Howard were the game's officials. Kentucky Fried Ckickei • 'UESDAY SPECIAL Our Regular 3 Piece DINNER FOR ONE TUESDAY ONLY rTWINS Col Sondes Rec.,e, tntuck fried �eK ..«A'CANAIIf7fN'i:OMPIifJ`i Colonel Sanders boys and gins .make it linger lickin good. (62.00 Value) 94 Elgin Ave., E. GOOERICH 227 Main Street EXETER KNECHTEL. 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