HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-05, Page 17J•: 4101. 1, v.• y PCCL on N,y GR S Sa Ari .w a: & 4121- 1 p*FP `01 ,a4 tsar PSI Y 27. Wanted (general Att'N-. la 27. Wanted (general) 31. Service directory i TRUCKS REQUIRED To lease for the spring season for the following: 1) FERTILIZER DELIVERY 2) FIELD SPREADING `_) Minimum G.V.W. 28,814 Ilse. equipped units supplied by =newly any Far further ters+ tIon ill Cyanamid Form Supply Centre R.R. 4 Clinton. Ont. Phone: 482-3423 i 28. Business opportunity 28. Business opportunity CAN YOU QUALIFY? Are you eaming 520.00 per hour? "Guororon of the Nation's lawns" We offer 10096 protected territories in one of the soundest business opportunities In North America. We supply proven success formula. immediate cash-flow. expertise. administration and training. complete package and • exclusive licence. Company financing available to qualified applicants • So iftyou enjoy the freedom of being your own boss. set . your own hours and enjoy financial independence . on a full or part time basis, write today!! Write to or call: • GREEN LAWN SPRAYING INC. Franchising Department • 215 Ashland Ave. P.O. Box 6473 Stn. "D" London. Ontario, Canada N5W 5S1 (519) 455-9333 (519)455-3433 29. Tenders 29. Tenders FARM FOR SALE BY 4TENDER WAYNE AND PHYLLIS JEROME Tenders will be accepted until the 24th day of March, '119$T; ler the farm property belonging' to Wayne and Phyllis Jerome. Inclusive of all buildings situated in the ToWnshlp of Ashfield and the Township of West Wawanosh In the County of Huron and being: 1) East part of Lot 3, Concession 13, Western Division Ashfield Township being 98.5 acres In all and having 85 workable acres tiled, together with barn suitable for storage. 2) West half, Lot 5, Concession 12, Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield, being 100 acres in all with 90 workable acres with 40 acres systematically drained and -the balance tiled and with a drilled well and no buildings. 3) West half, Lot 14,Concession 12, West Wawanosh Township, comprising 100 acres In all with 90 workable acres including house, barn suitable for cattle and new drilled well. Tenders will be accepted for all of the aforesaid properties or for any one of them. Tenders should be accompanied by a deposit by cer- tified cheque of 5% of the Tender price with the balan- co duo on closing. Cheques to be made payable to George J. Brophy IN TRUST. Tenders should be moiled or delivered to George J. Brophy, Box 610, Outram St., Lucknow, Ont. Acceptance In writing of any Tender shall constitute an uncon- ditional agreement of Purchase and Sale and the closing date shall be May 31, 1981, with possession May 1, 1981, for Spring seeding. The Vendors shall reserve the right to accept or relect any Tender In their absolute discretion. Dated at Lucknow, Ont. the 2nd day of March, 1981. George J. Brophy Box 610 Lucknow, Ont. Solicitor for Wayne & Phyllis Jerome 30. Employment wanted MOTHER OF three would like to babysit one or two children. Babies welcome. Phone 482- 9614.-9,10x 31. Service directory JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-3062 31. Service directory PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR RENOVATIONS Free Estimates call: Steve Miners BRUCEFIELD 482-3377 JOHN NEUTEL CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE FORMING * * * RESIDENTIAL * * * COMMERCIAL * * * AGRICULTURAL PHONE 482-3049 REPAIR SERVICE Tractors Cars, Trucks, (service to all makes) Mara Jenkins, Class A Mechanic 4824717 Nee Ofrill:=TV'M~InaVUMENEMINNWOMIMMEIN LAYING and FINISHING concrete floors for basements, garages, drive sheds etc. Call George 482.3291.- 45tf INCOME TAX prepared by Mrs. Leona Towton - Tax Consultant. Reasonable rates. Phone 482-9404 9:30 a.m. - 7:00 KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic (ile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-8tfar WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Con- tact Tom Chutes' 482-7957 or Mts. M. Batkin482-3866.-40ar FOR EXPERIENCED and professional stucco and drywall renovations call 482- 3696.-9tf NUISANCE ANIMALS? Raccoons, Muskrats, Beaver, etc. Call Steve Cooke 482-7012 for prompt and efficient removal.-9-12nx DRYW known for hig ALL h quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete drywall service. Phone 527-1398 5''17-0606 Electrical Problems? Call ED'S ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician Commercial/ Industrial/Farm Residential 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE Ed Rooseboom 482-7441 INCOME TAX PREPARED Personal and Farm Ross Carter, B.A. REASONABLE RATES PLEASE PHONE 482-7776 AFTER 6 P.M. Custom Slaughtering and Processing hill 1)a% Virainesrla', laRI1£R' DASHWOOD 237-3677 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblower* and other *mall engine equipment Ralph Pastia CUSTOM BUILDING e Cust. n1 Built Homes *Renovations •Additlens *Trimming PHONE: 482-3658 rKEt 31. Service directory RAY'S WELDING Portable and Shop Farm Machinery Repair PHONE: 482-3205 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE:SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 427-0828 JIM: 527-0775 34. Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769or 524-2023.-3-52 35. Notice to creditors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of LENA ELIZABETH MAKINS, Deceased. All—persons having claims against the estate of Lena Elizabeth Makins, late of, the Town of Clinton, County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 7th day of January 1981 are required to file par- ticulars of same with Deane& Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario. by the 14th' day of March 1981 'after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. • DEANE & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. —8,9,10 Let's 1 run around together. Pa#AUPat71cn e Tie Camas", moven.. panonst!mws 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR TUES., MARCH 10 1:30 P.M. Tractor trailer and machinery at Richard Lobb's Barn. SAT., MARCH 14 12 NOON Combine, tractors, trucks, machinery, etc., for Bruce Richmond. 11/2 mi. north and 1'/4 mi. east of Blyth. FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Tractors and machinery for Nell Lowey In Colborne Township. SAT., APRIL 4 12 NOON Tractors and machinery for Louis Farewell, Zurich, Ont. • • 36. Announcements, notices 31 n WI 1 N AM .Bo". 0.1 ,e, 6.# 11 36. Announcements, notices NOTICE Take notice that the Township of Goderkh proposes to enact a Illy -Low pursuant to section 443 of the Munlclpel Act. R.S.O.197®, Chapter 284 to stop up and close end to sell Fourth. Fifth and Sixth streets on Plan No. 8. Village of Holmesvllle. And ,further take notice !Ike* the Ce=mom!! 4= 19 r 97 parson or -by his ceuswei.Solicitor ar.agent, eery-person- :r::.a dames that his lend will be ' eo:W by the proposed by-law for dosingn up and affected y- up and selling the above mentioned portion of road allowance at a meeting of the Council which will be held for that pur- pose in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office of the Township of Goderlch In the Village of Holmesville. on the sixth day of April at 948 P.M. R.E. THOMPSON, CLERK LARGE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Large modern self propelled .combine, two tractors. five trucks. cash crop machinery. etc. to be held for Richmond Farms at Lot 5 Concession 8 Morris Town- ship, 11/4 miles north of Blyth on No. 4 highway and 11/4 mileseast. Saturday, March 14 at 12 NOON Sae last week's paper for full listings. SALES MANAGER • RICHARD LOBB 482-7898 AUCTIONEERS RICHARD LOBB DAVE CARSON CLINTON LISTOWEL Owner or auctioneers not .responsible for accidents day of sale. 9ziIae/f.l.�oceated OUTSTADINROI E AND ANTIQUE FURNITURE Meld on SATURDAY, MARCN 14 et 10:30 A.M. In the Manson Arena. Hensall. for May Rowctiffe of Mensal!, end a Clinton Estaio. Consists of Furniture and Antiques - Round Oak pedestal tablewith matching china cabinet. buffet, and 6 dining chairs/3 pc. antique living room sulte/2 pc. French Provincial Living room suite/2 marble top harp baso tables/1 oval marble top coffee table/Oak apartment extension table with 4 mat- ching carved back chairs/Walnut triple hutch/2 bow. back chairs/Cherry double drop leaf''fable with 4 cane bottom chain/Maple dinette sot/Glass front and side what -not cabinet/Apartment size upright Mason & Riesch piano/Queen Anne hall table/5 washstands & commodes/antique dressers/walnut lift top teachers desk/antique chest of drawers/3 pc. walnut bedroom suite/assorted parlour tables/an- tique kitchen cabinet/wicker chairs and fern stand/doer head fern stand/Misc. chain/Press back and other rockers/4 blanket boxes (1 Miniature)/cedar chests/hall trop/upholstered arm chairs/oak library table/sewing machine. Glass & Chino - 6 oil lamps including Bull's eye. finger lamps, and miniature cranberry/R.S. Prussia plate/Press glass/Canadian glass/milk plass/Nlp- pon/Crystal/Stemware/china dishes/ornamen- ts/souvenirs/6 pc. wash set/partial washsots/milk bottles. This Is an excellent offering of glass and china. Miscellaneous - N.H. Gingerbread kitchen clock/3 mantel clocks/quilts and log cabin quilt/wool blankets/hooked rugs/5 axminster area rugs/3 Chandler water colors/oval and gullded picture frames/other picture frames/quantity of crocks/sealers/tinware/enamelware. Appliances - Wood 11 cu. ft. freezer/wringer washer/refrigerator/RCA television/21" B&W Philips television/19" portable colored Television/RCA record player/Admiral AM/FM record player stereo/Electrohome humidifier/Eureka Vacuum. For -More Iciformatlon Phone RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES DICK ROBINSON 527-1458 FULL LISTING NEXT WEEK eJ C t7/44:e, e_, .I.1e'cla ei AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MA N ST, • SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1WO e%Llz�/�iege, JLocez AUCTION CALENDAR (519) 527-1458 Saturday, March 14 - Hamel! Furniture & An- tique auction for May Rowcliffe plus Clinton Estate at 10:30 A.M. Wednesday, March 18 - Cancelled, (Combined with March 14 auction) Saturday, March 21 - Dresden Business Liquidation at 10:30 A.M. Wednesday, March 25 - Zwann Welding & Equipment at 10:30 A.M. Saturday, March 28 - Equipment Consignment Auction at R & A Complex, Clinton. Consignments Welcome. 10:30 A.M. Wednesday, April 8 - Form Equipment Auction for Isidore Duchene* at 1:15 P.M. gif,a/heaellJitocivelei AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. ® SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO ( 5191 527-1450 43. Births SNELL Charles and Sharon (nee Brodie) are proud to announce - the birth of their baby girl, Kath leen Ann, born Feb. 23, 1981, weighing 7 lbs. 12 oz. at St. Joseph's Hos �ital, London Katy is a new 't for Mr. and Mrs. Don Brodie, Brucefieldand first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs Jim Snell, RR 1, Clinton._ 9nx _ - CRAIG Jennifer is thrilled to announce the arrival of her new little sister, Andrea Nicole, horn on February 25, 1981 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. She weighed 7 lbs. Her happy mom and dad are Martha and Tom. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Corrie, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craig, Bayfield - 9nx CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH5 ,19th --PAGE 17 AUCTION SALE Illehoird Lobb Ikvellosioor hos revolved lootrosilloos from the Illookofhilootrool. Clinton to sell Me foillawlag , fifth wheel troller. 114rolid offolior000k, mosloloory. site. to be hold et Iddiowill (laws . auction Centro, Sew aIayrloii Sd., C'ii niton. OM. Tuesday® Mil 10 at 1:30 P.M. See lest weeks paper for full listings. Richard Lobb:Auctioneer CLINTON 4$2-7$$5 40. Lost & Found WOULD ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of one wheel taken from a wagon, please call 565257.--9 FOUND: Siamese cat in the Huronview area. Phone 482- 9748.-9 LOST: Wire -stiutua Phone 4M-7702.-9 42. Death notice DE RUYTER At Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, March 1, 1981, Anthony De Ruyter of RR 1, Bayfield, in' his 71st year. Beloved husband of Johanna (Wagenaar) De Ruyter. Dear father of Andy, Guelph; Carl, Johannesburg, South Africa; John, Scapa, Alberta; Joanna (Mrs. David Bell), Oroncto, New Brunswick; Jake, Clin- ton; Leny (Mrs. Mark Triemstra), Ottawa; one brother Cornelius De Ruyter, Holland. Also surviving are 16 grandchildren. Rested at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton. Funeral service was held from the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, on Tuesday, March 3, 1981, commencing at 2 p.m., with Reverend A. Vanden Berg officiating. Interment Clinton Cemetery .-9 CHAPPEL At Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, February 25, 1981. in his 71st year, Mr. D. Edward Chappel of Egmondville and formerly of Hibbert Township. Beloved husband of Doreen W. Varley..-Dear -father.. ofReg Chappel of Staffa; Mrs. Dave (Adeline) McInally of Seaforth; and Brian Chappel of RR 4 Seaforth. Also loved by 7 grandchildren and one great- granddaughter. Dear brother of Wilbert of Woodstock and John of RR.2 Staffa and Mrs. Cameron (Ella) Vivian of Staffa, and Mrs. Ed (Janet) Dearing of Staffa. The late Mr. Chappel rested at the R.S. Box Funeral Home after 2 p.m. Friday where services were held from the funeral home on Saturday February 28 at 2p.m. Reverend Jaynes Broadfoot officiating. Temporary en- tombment Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum, Seaforth with spring interment in Staffa Cemetery. -9 MOODY At St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital, . on Saturday, February 28. 1981. Joseph James Moody of Goderich, in his 90th year. Beloved husband of the late Edna Lewtas and the late Pearl Cunningham. Dear father of Herbert Moody, St. Thomas: Joan (Mrs. Harry Thompson) Clinton and Florence Moody of Goderich. Dear brother of Dot (Mrs. J.E. McWha) of 3 Mile Lake; Myrtle ( Mrs. Ken Robins) and William Moody both of Win- nipeg and Pearl (Mrs. Frank Elsworthy) of Penticton. British Columbia. Also sur- vived by three grandsons and two great-grandchildren. Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home, 77 Montreal Street, Goderich, after 2 p.m• Mon- day. Service was in the chapel on Tuesday at 11 a.m. Inter- ment MaitlandCemetery.-9 44 Engagements GARLiCHS-SHADDICK Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lloy• to Dirk Garlichs of Kitchener, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Garlichs of Oshawa. The wedding will take place at Keffer Memorial Chapel in Waterloo on March 21. 1981.•-9x 46 In memoriam . REiD In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Fred Reid, who pa sse d a wa y Mar. 5, 1977. Gone are the days we used to share But in our hearts they are always there The gates of memory will never close We miss them more than anyone knows. Lovingly remembered by husband and daughters, Anna Keys, Ruby Hill and Doris Can telon- Ox 47. Card of thanks JOHNSTON Many thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours, Bayfield U.C.W., Ever Young Club and the Lioness Aub for the many flowers, gifts, visits and get well wishes. Special thanks to Dr. Flowers and the nursesand_ staff_.at_. Clinton. Hospital. Clara Johnston.-9nx WESTLAKE . Sincere thanks and ap- preciation to everyone who took time out to visit, send flowers, cards, gifts and goodies both while I was in hospital and at home. Your concern is heart-warming. Special thanks to Dr. Flowers and the staff a,t Clinton Public Hospital. Dawna Westlake. -9 TOWNSHEND Sincere thanks to my family, friends and neighbors for the many get well wishes sent to me while in hospital and since coming home. Special thanks to Dr. Walker and the nurses in I.C.U. and on second floor for your good care and kindness. Bill Townshend. --9x HARRIS I would like to thank my family, neighbors and friends for cards, gifts and visits and for the kindness shown myself and 'my wife while I was in University • Hospital. Many thanks to Doctors Walker, Lambert and nurses on second . floor east Alexandra Hospital, also to Royal Canadian legion Branch 109 and Ladies Auxiliary. Bert Harris. 9x MUSTARD The family of the late. Doreen Mustard wish to • express sincere thanks and ap- preciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes, cards of sympathy, memorial donations and many gifts of food during our recent loss of a loving wife, mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Dr. Baker and staff of Clinton Hospital, Rev. R. McMullen, Rev. W. Brown and the Ball Funeral Home. Also special thanks to those who called and visited Doreen during the past year. Your kindness will always be remembered. The Mustard Family. -9 JERVIS The family of the late William E. Jervis wish to express their sincere appreciation and thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for food, lovely floral tributes, many donations to the Cancer Fund, Manorial to Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton and Memorial to North St. Church, Goderich, also sympathy cards during the loss of a loving husband, father and grandfather. Thanks to the Pallbearers and Flowerbearers, sincere thanks to Rev. D. Ball, Minister of North St. Church. to Dr. F. Newland and all the nurses of the first floor of Clinton Hospital and a special thanks to the kitchen staff of Clinton Hospital who were so thoughtful and kind fo Bill. Thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Branch 140 for the lovely "refreshments served to friends after the funeral. The Jervis Penally., 9x MiDDEL We would like -to extend many thanks and -appreciation to our friends, neighbours and family for cards, flowers, visits and gifts received on the occasion of our 50th wedding an- niversary and for making our day a memorable one. Reinder and Janna.-- 9 ',MCO W .AN i would like to express my thanks to my relatives. friends and neighbours for theircards, visits and flowers 1 received while 1 was a patient at Clinton Hospital and University Hospital Special thanks to -Dr Baker and the nursing staff. Ken McCowan - 9x i,INDSAY i would like to express my sincere (hanks for cards and best Wishes on my retirement and thahks to all those who attended Appreciation Night. Special thanks to Bayfield Lions and Lioness Clubs and Village Council Many thanks for the appropriately engraved plaque and also the beautiful flowers given my wife Jeanne. John Lindsay 9x MAKE IT A RULE... USE WANT ADS- Seaforth curling news by Mesa Lot* Things have been hopping artnmd the Seaforth Curling Club this past week and allot of club members are wear- ing big smiles, but new of us can match the smiles of the Intermediate team, Bob Wilson, slip; Don Wenner, vice; Bob Ste. Marie, 2nd and Bill Lobb lead. Sound the trumpetsjleat the dram, Look out Brantford, Here they come. C 4th's Intermediate team, Bob and Don, Bob and Bill, Won two well-�c,ured games Sunday, in l THRILL,Tse u, The McGavin Spiel was held last Wednesday with all ices filled. When the day end- ed winners of the first draw were: top team, Doug Rathwell's team from Listowel; in second place, the Ken Innes team of Brussels; third was Oliver Pryce With Laverne Hoegy, Don Taylor and Wayne Hoegy. Consolation winner was Gord Pryce, Dave Ste. Marie, Laurie Fisher and Keith Williamson. Second draw winners were: first, Roy Beuerman's team with Ron Beuerman, Ray Hillebrecht and skip Gordon 'Fuer.. 11W Penn- ington of Teeswater took se- cond place and the team of John Patterson Sr., . Dave Cornish, Don Deighton and Ray Hutchinson were third. Bob Fotheringham, Murray Forbes, Bruce Coleman, Steve 'Tyndall and Mert Keyes won consolation. Two teams from Seaforth were off to-;Hasriilton .to --curl in the Golden Horseshoe Spiel. Gord and Irma Pryce with Bruce and Marjorie Coleman were one team and • the other was Bill and Grace Campbell :and John --_and . Owen Patterson Jr. Gord got his team into the semi-finals in the first event but was beat by the team who went on to defeat the Campbell rink in the finals and take the trophy. Tough luck guys _but, you were both beat by the, "BEST". Mel and Val Gilbert went to Ingersoll for a two-day spiel this weekend. Mel reports that they hada great time visiting with old friends but they didn't get in for any prizes. Saturday and Sunday the ry Ball & Macaulay Spiel kept things swinging and by late Sunday afternoon there were a lot of happy but tired curlers. Saturday was a real fami- ly feud for two families as the Bill Lobb and Gerry Lobb teams met in the first game and in the second - game the Beuerman boys came face to face. Mrs. Miller should have a trophy for the delicious smorgasbord meal she serv- ed Saturday evening. It took quite a while to get up the energy to dance after eating and everyone is still raving about the meal. The ex- cellent disc jockey kept things swinging until everyone decided they need- ed some sleep for Sunday's activities. The Special Events Com- mittee deserves a pat on the hack for the -excellent breakfast they served Sun- day morning. After the gong sounded and the battles were over the winners of the first draw were: first, Steve and Rox- anne Brown and Bill and Marg Makins of Clinton; se- cond, Jerry and Darlene Hetherington with Art and Joan McNaughton of Seafor- th; third, Beecher and Peggy Menzies with Mary Ann Menzies and Bill Gibson of Clinton. Consolation was won by Clarence and Lorene Denomme with Bob and Jane Middleton of Wingham. Second draw winners were: first, Bill Lobb's team with Dave Ste. Marie curling for Bill on Sunday, Millie Lobb and Dave and Sharon Oliphant of Tavistock; se- cond, Mike and Marilyn Thomas with Don and Dianne Budnark from Goderich; third, Bob and Mary Fotheringham with the help of the Mike Hodgins on Saturday and Don and Pat Deighton on Sunday. Gerry and Joanne Lobb and Don and Mary Henry of Bluevale took the consola- tion prize. Thanks to Ball & Macaulay for sponsoring this annual two-day event. The afternoon ended with the good news from Elmira.