HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-05, Page 16• PAGE 1 N RD, THURSDAY, MARG`H5 ,1981 e: •„pm B ,p13•+, . l . Articles for sale GOOD No. 1 TABLE POTATOES for sale, red or white - 10, 20, 751b. bags. Call 482-7578.-9 SICK ROOM Supplies, patient aids, support garments, convalescent products, etc. See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, Sa¢7?,�i1.=atf oisrromy SUPPLIES ani appliances. See Rieck IDA Pharmacy,, 14 Shoppers Square. Goderich, 524- 7241.-1tf BEAT WINTER BLAHS! Eat crisp, red apples. Macs and Northern Spys from Don Middleton's Whitehall Farm, RR 3, Clinton 482-9838.--6-9 EIGHT FOOT kitchen counter with double stainless sinks and cupboards, best offer. Used motorcycle wanted. Phone 524- 2887.-8,9 OVEN READY year old roosters, seven to eleven lbs., $5.00 each; also smoked chicken. 529-7373 after 5 p.m. -8,9 .. SINGER PORTABLE sewing machine with : case, straight stitch, buttonhole attachment, etc. $75. Phone 482-3078.-9x NEARLY NEW &mplicity Washer and spin dryer. $200. Phone 4N-709 1 after 6:30 p.m. -9 22 CU. FT. gold tone Admiral tbeee -: do it, -side by side refrigerator -freezer com- bination with chilled water dispenser,automatic ice maker tempered glass ad- justable Shelves, :temperature a0nVoile meAt comportment No offers after Thursday evening March 5. Plume 482- 3671 front 9.4 p.m. After 4 p.m. 482-7638.--9 SEMI-ACCOUSTIC Electric guitar' - .DuaI pickups Willi switches, ..zeetrtmg -IF...eeder• super light, hardcover case with. accessories, Dani D-10 AMP. Excellent condition. $100. Phone .482-7650 evenings. -9 1979 ARCTIC CAT -Lynx twin like new. Also, enclosed utility trailer in good eonditim. 482- 3198.-9,10 POTATOES: No. 1 table potatoes 10, 50, 75 lb. bags. Evan's Farm Market, 2 miles North of Bayfield. 482- 7562.-9,10 1 rrun(T woo ,o. NI Y BELVEDERE Kitchen Cupboard Doors with hard- ware various sizes. Also L shaped counter -top with double sink cut-out. Phone 482- 9543.-9,10 _L TRY C & E USED FUR- NITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 5247231.-40tf TOP LOAD spin washing machine. Speed Queen heavy duty model. Stainless steel tub and ten year warranty. One year old like new. Phone 482- 3170.-8,9 MOTORCYCLE PARTS - Custom painted teardrop gas tank, banana seat, Harley springer forks complete with front wheel. Phone Goderich, 524-721 5.-9,1Onx 1 PAIR of brown swiss dot curtains with attached valance and tie backs. Each curtain 62" x 64". Asking $25. Phone 482.9436.-9 ('linton News -:l eco1'i l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Gies# end Word bestial/ Noon Dispkiy Advertising ..'...... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sole 2. Yard sale ' 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sole 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sole 7. R.V,'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sole 12. Real estate for sole 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. Articles for rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms for rent 20. Room 8 board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for r 24. Wonted to rent 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wanted ° 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 34. Personal 35. Notice.to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost 8 Found 41. To giveaway 42. Death notice 43. Births'• 44. Engagements ‹'.45. Marriages' 46. In memoriam ent 47: Card of thanks PHONE 482-3443. MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m 1.. Articles for sale MINIATURES AND Hobby Tools, accessories,txtagazine.s, kits,etc. at the Land O'Lilliput. Phone 5248777.-9 1. 'Articles for sale GET YOUR 6. Trucks for sale 1973 CHEV ' 3,4 toil stepside Certified. Low mileage. Good condition. Phone 482-3349 after 6 p.m. -8-10x 7. .V.'s for sale 1975 FORD, E150, camp wagon van, sleeps four, propane fridge, stove and furnace, chemical toilet. Van equipped with air conditioning. Phone 482-3809.-8,9 FREE ACCESSORIES. Order a new Jayco or Holiday trailer before March 31, take delivery May 1 and receive 10 percent of our regular selling price in accessories free. Example Jayeo Hardtop Flight Eight $4497, free accessories $449. Also used travel trailers, !hardtops, truck campers and caps for all makes; parts, accessories, repairs, rentals, propane filling station. Bumstead Trailer Sales. Hwy. 4, 1.! mile North, Wingham. Phone (519) 357-2272; Evenings 357-3870.-9-12 10. Pets for sale DACHSHUND miniature puppies, smooth and long haired, registered and tat- tooed. Stud service in both coats. Susarene Kennels, Blyth, 523-9652.-9x CLEARING OUT apple sale - Macintosh and Delicious 55. a bu. plus container while they ' last: Last weekend for fresh cider at.Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037: 9ar WESTINGHOUSE white electric'stove and fridge 4 years old, chesterfield and matching chair -suit rec-room or cottage, two shower, cur- tains, navy polyester with lining and hooks, Lady Ken- more floor polisher • and scrubber, electric broom, small portablestereo, two sets of speakers as is. Phone 482- 7306 after 6. p.m. and weekends. -9,10 VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 • 4EW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS •A•PPLIANCES • LAWN ORNAMEN fS Open: 6 days a week 482-7922 BUNK BEDS IN GOOD CONDITION BICYCLE READY FOR SPRING We have new and used bicycles and repair parts in stock. RICYLE REPAIRS 305 ONTARIO ST. • CLINTON 482-9941 6. Trucks for sale 1974 CHEV 1 ton van. Good condition. Phone 482- 9656,.-8,9x A. For sole WET CORN GLUTEN plus and Wet corn bran by the truckload. Call 1 338-3912 after 6 p.m. -8-10 RED CLOVER seed for sale. Call 262-5367 or 262-5360.-9-12 THREE POINT Hitch George White 100 gal. sprayer com- plete with drop nozzles. David Brown 99.5 tractor only 300 hours. One Forage blower. Phone 482-9957.-9x BALED HAY for sale. Phone Bob Smit h 482-3340.-9,10x 800 BALES of Hay, 1000 bales of straw. Phone 482-3300after 5 p.m. 9,10x C. Wanted WANTED - Any amount of good cash crop land. Phone 4112-91• 55.-7-9x YaNMA DIESEL POWER DOES IT BETTER Sturdy metal construction. attractive teak finish with foam mattresses. Replacenteet cost '956+00. Used...but In eucollont coredltloa, 975.40 or best offer. Soo Them Today At BALL & MUTCH HOME FURNISHINGS 71 ALBERT ST. 482-9505 GLINT 131/2 h. p. - 33 h, p., Huron County's Vonntar Dealer jiND' NS LTD. CLINTO ` . ,. ;: -3409 LAUCKNER REALTY INC. Member of the' London St. Thomas MLS BAYFIELD - 3 bedroom brick. attached garage. toed lot, drlllied well. Priced right. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY REAL ESTATE. PRICES WILL BE INCREASING IN SPRING Lots for Sale LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box 41. Bayfleld. ' 565-2813 D. Livedtock FAST GROWING, healthy Landrace boars. R.O.P. tested. John Hessels, RR 2, Goderich. Phone 524- 6917 .-8,9x E. Farm service SHIPPING CATTLE to Toronto Union Stockyards every Monday. Campbell -McKinley-262-5430-48if Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1130 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS (manor 144 ofreeevH Clinton • 4227241 Marrs, benteer t+rs@er • 234.2717 Klr5Ge, • 22446222 raaa,stea cerno4t era • 2372781 @rasa', 14eryram' ,e • 242.2414 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE: 60' x 12' Yorker with large add -a -room and verandah. 68 Iroquois St. Meneset Park, Goderich. 514,500. Phone 4P2-7066.-9-12 16. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete- Weeldingg- rviee at. Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Ca mpbell's Ltd.)-14tfar PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarows, etc. Form ties stacked.- Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954.-16t far 12. Real estate for sale 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment available immediately in uptown Clinton. Phone 482-9766 or 482-9417 evenings.-4tfar TWO BEDROOM Apartment. Prefer adults. References required. Phone 833-9021. -3t f APARTMENT FOR Rent - downtown Clinton, two bedrooms; large ijy..jug 1iz0111.. - 482 fridge and stove: 'Phone . 48_ 3901 or 482-7054.-7t far 'TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent close to downtown. Reasonable. Apply to drawer No. 4, c -o Chalon News - Record, Box 39, Clinton. --8,9 ONE BEDROOM furnished, upstairs apartment, newly decorated, available soon, close to uptown Clinton. Phone 482-3329.-9x 12. Real estate for sale 24. Wanted.to rent 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM Apartment 'close to downtown $130. per month plus utilities . Phone 482- 724.-9tf APARTMENT FOR RENT over 'retail store on Main Street. References required. Call 482-7244.-9tf 18. Houses for rent Dls7PLEX FOR Rent. Available March 1. 3 bedroom 79 King St. close to Royal Bank. Phone 4827065.-5tf THREE BEDROOM House for rent 5200. per month plus utilities. Close to downtown. 482-7724, -9tf 20. Room 8 board WE HAVE VACANCIES! Holiday Home - Bedsitting Rooms with meals included. 482-3685. --4t far WANTED TO RENT Far WORKIVinhouse ivine area. Phone 482-7-7 424.24.-9-9 REAL ESTATE LTD. SEAFORD,. HENRY MERO 527-0430 LONDESBORO:GERRIT WILTS 523-4229 CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 AILEEN CRAIG 482-3669 School area 2 bedroom 1 floor home, attached garage. '34,900. School area - tastefully decorated home with Targe family room, dining room, garage. _T_ownsend_St _4_bedroom-home, good condition, -'27,000,-- - Townsend St. =4 bedroom home, beautiful kitchen with built in dishwasher, range 8 oven. Only '23,540. School area - 4 bedroom home, large lot. '34,900. B argain - 3 bedroom home, very attractive, Highway location. School area • 4 bedroom home, good condition. '22,500. Excellently renovated - 1 floor, 4 bedroom home, garage. '35,000. ' f'• 7mortgage - attractive 3 bedroom bungalow, hospital area.% Income -. from on apartment with this 3 bedroom home, double garage, maybe extra lot. 10'/2 % mortgage - school area, well kept 2 storey brick home, a pleasure to show. !20,000 - for this 2 bedroom 1 floor home, good condition. Try oyour offer. 13/4 acres - Commercial highway location. Bungalow - 3 bedrooms, finished rec fireplace, carport, plus, asking '46,900. B ride home - fireplace, 3 bedrooms, dining room, Townsend St, '43,000. Sdiool area - 4; bedroom, stained gloss, 'beautiful wood- • work, garage. Commercial building - Highway location, 1/3 acre near Clinton. Double lot - double garage, 3 bedroom,home, quiet area. Tudor styled - 2 storey home, good condition, hospital area. Nicely treed lot - 3 bedroom home, good condition, Huron st. 4 bedrooms - well kept home only '32,500. on Queen St. Commercial shop - and residence, beautiful decor, pool, Highway location, Store and apartment - on Main St.'29,900. 4 bedroom - 11/2 storey home, treed lot, double garage. '27,000. room, franklin :uiliga REAL ESTATELTD VARNA - Main St., Town Water, 2 storey home with lots of potential. Large well treed lot only '22,500. BAYFIELD - Country Estate right In the Village approx. 1 acre well treed. Listing has just been reduced by '30,000. RESTAURANT: North of Goderich, hwy. 21. Suitable for two couples, largo farm house and barn. Five acres of land, ideal motel site. Liquor license available. Modern restaurant, fully equipped, showing good volume. 939,500. CLINTON - Hwy. 4 walk to downtown all on one floor huge carport, well treed lot, only '32,500. Try an offer, on this one as owner is anxious to sell. BRUCEFIELD 11/2 storey on Hwy. 4. New aluminum siding, exceptional buy at this time. MODERN BUNGALOW - In Clinton, 126 Gordon St. 3 bedroom bungalow, electric. hoar, well insulated. Listed at only '39,900. Try your offer today. B AYFIELD • Fruit Farm. 64 acres with trout stream run- ning through. Solid brick bungalow, Targe barn, storage shed with refrigeration. One of a kind. 53 PRINCESS ST. CLINTON - First home or lost home. Close to downtown, excellent locatfon.'19,900. COUNTRY PROPERTY - 4 bedroom house, 5 acres, scenic property, large steel shed 3 yrs. old, 5 miles from Clin- ton toward Bayfield. '47,500. ZURICH - RETIREMENT SPECIAL - excellent location of this older home, completely renovated. Modern kitchen, large lot, well landscaped with garage eat workshop. '51,500. EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME - 173 Dunlop Street, spacious home on 3 building lots, over 2,000 *quote feet, com- pletely finished Inside and out. Should be seen to be appreciated! 2'/e acre cedar woodlat. 1,000 feet from the Bayfield Marina. Priced to sell at this time. FOR LEASE - "Holland Shoes" - Family shoe store since 1969. Excellent location on Main St. Clinton, doing good volume. Call for details today. CALL: WILLY BU N N BAYFIELD 565-SO5S 12. Real estate for sale Real Estate Ltd.. ---- Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 GODERICH TWP - 13 acres with 1 floor bungalow, farrowing barn will handle 50 sows. 4 acjes:r, rooded. CLINTON - 116 East St., 1 floor bungalow. well landscaped. Owner anxious to sell. Try an offer. AUBURN - Hardware and farm supply store with apt. 11 , ACRES' BLYTH- Victorian style home, 26 fruit trees, excellent property for hobby or business. Try an offer. HURON ST., CLINTON - 1 floor frame home, gas heat, 8 rooms. nicely decorated. Low interest mortgage in effect. KIPPEN - 2 acres, 11,2 storey frame home nicely decorated. SHOP AND LOT at 'Lon- desboro on No, 4 Highway. Ideal for welding shop or similar business. BRUCEFIELD - Executive home very modern, 2500 sq. ft., carpeted, attached garage - all the extras. LONDFSBORO - 3/4 acre high- way property with 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport. NEW LiSTING - William^iSt., Clinton. 2 storey home very, well kept, 4 bedroom, formal diningroom and livingroom with fireplace. Gas heat, treed lot, must be seen to appreciate. JOHN' by REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR THE "BOSS" IS AWAYI LOOK AT THE BARGAINS WE HAVE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW - thls 3 bedroom charming home, close to schools. Many delightful features and situated on a spacious lot. PRICED TO SELL at '42,500. 64 Prin- cess St. E. IMMACULATE - 8 room home, tastefully decorated, two - 3 pc. baths, new furnace last yeah. Only '25,500. FAMILY HOME - Well In- sulated 3 bedroom home with fireplace, close to schools, and an assumable 10'/2% mor- tgage. '35,000. NEAT AS A° PIN - 5 roam bungalow on Mill Street. Ideal starter or retirement home. '24,900.' BUILDING LOT - Well located on Fulton dust off of Joseph St. '9.500. KIPPEN LOTS - Just off Highway, 5 building lots 100 x 150 ft. Listed et •'7,700 each. CAU. LEAH KUEHL 482-7904 JOHN THOMPSON 527.6238 OFFICE 4, 482-3766 -R, w of rb -e r►ar� 1, Dat•. ' . • N AAA et- ° w ,00 ..'o 24. Wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT a house in or, very close to Bayfield. Both persons are over 60 years of age and legally married. Honest tenants and can provide reference. Must have possession by May 1, 1981. Please phone 565-2829 after 6 p.m. -9 25. Wanted to buy URGENTLY NEEDED - Antiques for Spring Inventory: picture frames, prints, oil paintings, glasswear, old quilts, Oriental rugs, old ad- vertising, signs, store fixtures, counters, cupboards, tables, dry -sinks, washstands, desks, dressers, etc. Phone Mark or Wendy a t 392-6840.-8-10 WANTED - Old brick buildings for demolition wrecking and salvage purposes_ Contact 'Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1 542-4088. Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed br icks.=34a reow WANTED: Light trailer for compact car. Phone 565- 2686.-9 26. Help wanted PERFECT FOR HOMEMAKER - sell jewelry full or. part-time. Training and kit supplied, commission. Call Heather at 4824795. Michelle Lynn Jewelry. -6-9 SALES PEOPLE `rapidly expanding company looking for sales people, full or part- time. Experience an asset but not a necessity. Training provided. Contact J. & H. Enterprises for interview. Phone 523-9412 (Blyth): -8,9x • WANTED: Persons for commission sales in Northern Alberta area. Must have own, transportation and be self- starter, commission rate set by 'sales volume, $40(000- $50,000 year possible. Send resume: Box 2245, Bonnyville: Alberta, TOA OLO.-9bc FORD Partsman and Auto Mechanics,. Modern Ford Dealership, Excellent wages and benefits. Call (604) 847- 2241 or write Hoskins Garages (1967) Ltd., Box 400, Smithers, B.C. VOJ 2N0.-9bc • THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Brookside Public School R.R. No. 7, Lucknow NOG 2H0 Written appllcatlons will be received by Mr. R.L. Cunningham. Tran-. sportatlon Manager, The Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1L0 or Mr. Gary Jewitt, Principal, Brookside Public School, until 10 a.m. on Wed- nesday, March 11, 1981. Duties to commence Monday, March 30. 1981 D. Mse0sn&M B.J. Cochrane CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR 26. Help wanted EXTRA INCOME - Could you use an extra 5500 a month? Pleasant full or part-time work. Contact Mr. Selling at 523-9412 (Blyth). -8,9x WANTED: Lady to clean house approximately 4 hours weekly. Phone 482-9802 after 5 p.m. -9x 27. Wanted (gene a1) CASH FOR SCRAP Silver and Gold. We buy anything gold or silver. Pre 1967 Canadian coins, pre 1964 American coins, flatware, tea services, medals, watches, rings and jewellery. Free estimates, free pick up. Call toll free, 1 - 800 - 265.4362, Precious Metals Ltd., Box 659 Port Stanley, Ont. NOL 2A0.-6tf WILL PAY CASH for old furniture, clocks, gramophones, pictures, trunks, kitchen cupboards, crocks, pocket watches, coins, silverware, glass, china, jewellery or complete estates. Call evenings 1284-3875.-9tf 28. Business opportunity FULL OR PART-TIME - Couples and individuals for business of your own. Local Amway distributor trains you for . splendid opportunity. Phone 482-7728 after 5 and on weekends. -3-10x '29. Tenders TOWNSHIP OF T_UM EJRSMITE__.._ GRAVEL TENDER 1981 CONTRACT NO.81-002 TT Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 2.00 p.m.. Monday, March, 16th,, 1981 for. the crushing,and delivery. of approximately 16,000 cubic yards of Gramflar A, and crushing and stock- piling of approximately 2,000 cubic yards. Tenders must be submitted on the. Township Tender forms available from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders subject to approval by the Ministry of Transportation & Communication. Allan Nicholson, Road Superintendent, Egmondville, Ont. . 527-1838.-8,9 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH GRAVEL TENDER 1981 CONTRACT NO. 81-002 TT Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 2.00 p.m. Monday, March 16th, 1981 for the crushing and delivery of approximately 16,000 cubic yards of Granular A, and crushing and stock- piling of approximately 2,000 cubic yards. Tenders must be submitted on the Township Tender forms available from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. AH tenders subject to approval by the Ministry of Transportation & Communication. Allan Nicholson, Road Superintendent, Egmondville, Ont. 527-1838.-8,9 REGISTERED NURSES to work in is 53 bed nursing home, full and part time positions available, excellent wage and benefit package, experience In geriatric and supervisory roles preferred. Please send applications to: MR. CLIFF THORNTON ADMINISTRATOR, SEAFORTH-HENSALL NURSING HOMES 100 JAMES STREET SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NW 1W11 SALES POSITION One of Canada's largest motorcycle and snowmobile dealerships 1s creating a new position In their sales department. If year. are foe1100ee with and anth usius4lc,aboaet motor. cycling or snowmoblling, this could be the beginning of a rewarding career for you. You must enjoy working with people and be mature enough to manage your own time with a minimum of supervision. Earnings are based on a combination salary and commission and If your performance is whet we expect It to be, you will be making en exeelleet living. If you feel ready to accept the responsibilities that go with a good Income please apply In writing tot Randy Collins HULLY GULLY R.R. No. 1, Varner 'a,nt. •