HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-03-05, Page 13.1 The Clinton F Skating clubs performance ce line gonade P. putmonstradon n3 4lie-.laterelub competition held -last Sundayin the locai arena. Membri include, back row left to right, Peggy Jones, Brenda Dupee, Mary Gibson, Karen Cook, Lorelei Robinson, Jennifer Wood, Marg Dupee, Elizabeth 1Iluron news Romanik 'Kim C,ao and Diane Armes. Fro ntr row are Clad (Aide, Lisa Robiasaa, Dawn Piy u, Mary Jane Eiger, Ti'racy Yllorman, Shelley Wasson, Susan Howells, and Shannon Preszcator. (James Fit- zgerald photo) Nutrition Week promotes better eating BY the excess energy you have LORALEE MARSHALL stored as body fat. It can AND also help release tension or JANE MUEGGE stress which often makes you head straight for the NUTRITION WEEK fridge. This year, the theme off Obtain a copy of Canada's Nutri -Week is "Energy Food Guide from your local Balance". The importance agricultural office or Public between food.intake and Health Department. The energy expenditure is em- guide is a simple plan phasized developed by Health and Nutrition Canada and Welfare Canada which other studies have shown us classifies food intofour food that overweight is an ever- groups and suggests a range present health problem, oc- of servings from each group curring in both sexes and at p Ifr dyt u.choose a variety of all ages. foods from each group daily, Arnoverweight condition is you will obtain all the not caused solely by over- nutrients you need. eating, Even an individual M with a normal food intake ING could be overweight if his or ' BY RON Fi,E S her level of physical activity KILLER GAS is relatively low. Thus, Spring isn't far away. With healthy eating habits should spring comes that bi-annual ritual loved by all called be coupled with adequate „ physical activitto avoid «spreadin g manure weight gain. Especially for those with li- Would you like to lose quid manure systems, it is weight, but you're afraid ex- important to keep in mind ercising will just make you certain facts about manure hungrier? Don't worry. .A gases. moderate amount of regular Manure is broken down by i i old aet'tlairlielV roti ox e ` re etit� min 't e trol the appetite, particular as p ly among the overweight, manure, as in liquid manure, and will help use up some of certain undesirable ,gases All candidates meeting The Bruce County Federa- tion of ,Agriculture and the Huron County Federation of Agriculture have scheduled a jointly sponsored "All Can- didates Meeting" for Mon- day, March 16 at 8:30 p.m. at the Wingham Public School. The three candidates runn- ing in the Huron -Bruce riding will be present. They are: Gary Harron of Allen - ford, PC; Tony McQuail of Lucknow, NDP, and Murray Elston of Wingham, Liberal. The candidates will draw for order of speaking. Each speaker will then be allowed seven minutes to address the audience. The meeting will then be opened to questions from the floor. While the questions may be directed at a specific candidate, the other candidates may also respond to it. Chairpersons for the even- ing will la, Gerry Fortune, president -of the Huron - Federation of Agriculture Meet the candidates The Huron County Federa- tion of Agriculture has scheduled its "All Can- didates Meeting" for Mon- day, March 16 at 8:30 p.m. in the South Huron District High School in Exeter. The three candidates running in the Huron -Middlesex riding will be. present. They are: Jim Brandi of Goderich, PC; Gwen Pemberton of Bayfield, NDP; and Jack Riddell, Liberal incumbent. The candidates will draw for order of speaking. Eachspeakersaker will then he allowed seven minutes to address the audience. The meeting will then be opened to questions from the floor. While the questions may be directed at a specific candidate, the other candidates may also respond to it. John Van Beers, first vice- president of the Huron Coun- ty Federation of Agriculture, Will introduce the candidates and act as chairman. are given off. These include carbon monoxide, methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. The most dangerous of these is hydrogen sulphide. These gases are produced all the time, but they are not usually released from the manure until the manure is stirred up. That is why pro- blems with these gases usually occur when the manure is agitated. If you picture what hap- pens when a bottle of pop is shaken, you get an idea of how gas is released when manure is agitated. . Hydrogen sulphide is heavier than air so it will tend to remain at the.surface of the manure. So, if manure is stored under slats, don't let the• level get too high. Keep six es of clearance inches below the slats, otherwise _the _heavier.._ gases_ may be forced above the slats to animal level. Strong ventilation is im- portant to safe agitation of manure. The potential. for problems is highest when the iAlr 1 2 . L v,r liL should tie ventilated as well as possible when agitating the tank. No one should be allowed in the building. To be on the safe side, the animals should be removed from the barn. Because this last condition and John McAuley, second is hard to meet, many vice-president of the Bruce farmers empty these tanks County Federation of without agitation. This will Agriculture. ' eventually lead to a build-up of solids. Tanks outside the barn should be connected to the gutters by some system which uses a gas trap so gases cannot get into the barn directly from the tank. No operator should ever enter a tank without a self- contained breathing ap- paratus and life line with a buddy outside the tank. Play it safe when handling manure this spring. Palmerston gets government loan PALMERSTON - The provincial government has agreed to provide Palmerston with an interest free loan of $450,000. The loan will help Palmerston rebuild their finances, • after more than $250,000 of municipal funds were misapropriated. Along with interest charges Palmertson Mayor David Burns sa i d that the incident resulted in a debt. of about $500;000. Palmerston recently in- structed its solicitor to initiate legal action against the auditing firm , of Davis, Martindale and Barnes of London. Palmerston's clerk: Rosaiers li eiY tc rged9'i theft of more than $250,000 in municipal funds. The case is before the courts. The loan was given after a recent meeting was held in Toronto 'with Thomas Wells, minister of Intergovern- mental Affairs. The interest-free loan will extend until November, 1982 although the duration may be shortened, depending on the outcome of the litigation. Mayor Burns noted that Palmerston, "seems to be in good shape in terms of this year's mil! rate." -- `j�axes;'-he said; 'will -not have to go up anymore than the normal amount, if, they goupatall." • Smilee Lay a cutting board across an open kitchen drawer to make temporary work space. in a tiny kitchen. Ci INTON NE WS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 5 ,1981—PAGE 13 ayfield Ever Youngs meet The Ever Young Club Senior Citizen's Club met last Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building with a good attendance, -President Len Carter, opened the meeting, and the roll call was given by the secretary, Thelma Utter, and the treasurer's report given by Dorothy Cox. `Happy Birthday' was sung to several members, and Fern Baker read a poem entitled 'The Lark and the Rook'. The quilters of the club displayed a beautiful quilt, and it will be auctioned off to the highestbidder, subject to reserve bid, at the euchre and bridge party early in April. The quilt can be seen at the home of Esther Makins, and she will also accept bids ..: IPreSeD1 d �lltg gum: social half hour was –of honour Herself "To� the liti tlest great grandchild showing wide-eyed interest. Another toddler was really enjoying himself happily investigating the variety of cakes with an inquisitive finger. In the evening, the family arranged a special dinner at the home of grandson, Rick Penhale and his wife, so there was no doubt that this was not only a special bir- thday for Mrs. Penhale herself, but one which other members of her family would recall in times to come. were set out on the main table flanked by pink streamers and pink roses. One of the two side tables was covered with 40 or more birthday cards, and the other displayed a number of be- ribboned gifts. Most of the residents of Clan Gregor were there to wish Mrs. Penhale a happy birthday, as well as the United Church Minister, the Rev. Alun Thomas. Although Mrs. Penhale was a little shy about which particular birthday was being celebrated, she did admit with a twinkle in he, eye, that her friends all knew! Apart from the welcoming hospitality, perhaps the most striking' note was the family presence four generations spent with a few games of euchre played: ladies high, Thelma Utter; ladies low, Barbara Strachan; men's high, Clint Gibson; low, Lloyd Makins; Lone hands, Harry Baker. A.B.C. bridge Five tables were out again this week and it has been decided to include one fur- ther week before closing the collection for the Clinton Hospital Fund. High was Ruby Uniac with a 6550. Second was Marry Walden with 6240, and a mysterious low for Lillian Higgins. Senior citizen's birthday On Saturday afternoon the friends and relatives of Mrs. Lillian Penhale of Clan Gregor Apartments, Bayfield, celebrated a very special birthday. Mrs. Penhale, a resident of the Bayfield area for some 56 years, received her- many friends at an "At Home" organized by her family in the hall of the United Chruch. The family party included her son and two daughters,_ eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, as well as relatives from St. Thomas and London. Greeted by son, Tom, guests enjoyed a wide variety of cakes, squares and cookies. There were two beautifully decorated bir- thdaycakes, one from the grandchildren, and these Earl Hilderley, left, president of the Clinton Lions Club, presented the Clinton Minor Hockey Association with a $750 cheque this week. Don Wright accepted the cheque. (James Fitzgerald photo ) HURON-h3IDDLESEX JIM BRITNELL CONCERNED CAPABLE For 1nTonnation Call: CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS - 524-2149 JIM BRITNELL RESIDENCE - 524-7475 CLINTON COMMITTEE ROOM ISAAC STREET 482-7707 Anglican Church news The 8 a.m. Communion Service at Trinity Anglican Church will be resumed on this Sunday March 8th and services will also be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays throughout Lent. The next meting of the Anglican Church Women will be held on Thursday, March 5th at the home of Mrs. Douglas Pittsat2 p.m. On Friday, March 6th, the ACW invite ladies of all denominations to attend the Worid Day of Prayer Service at Trinity Church at 3 p.m. The speaker will be Mrs. Bob Crocker of Goderich. The service will be followed by tea in the Parish Hall. Garden Club Members are reminded that the next meeting of the Garden Club will be on Monday March 9th at 8 p.m. in the Municipal Building. Plant trees ST. MARYS - The streets of St. Marys will be prettier and more shaded this year and for many years to come. Recently the town council there agreed to order 50 Norway maple tires ata cost of$1,400. Although it had been originally suggested that 40 trees be ordered, council agreed to go ahead and order a total of 50. /�'ntry$tare t0'Pld AWE It il C., • iii-N�1 l L ,�.. Ti N 6, to v x$HION ED ISA4,,, ®y STACEY'S di Soft Margarine 994 2 Ib. Dates 9.091b 2Ibs 9.99 ---FERGUSON'S EXTRA GOOD BUYS!' Golden Brown Suger Dark Brown Sugar Golden Brown Sugar Icing Sugar WE'RE LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 84 between HENSALL & ZURICH ® WE'RE OPEN: - MONDAY -SATURDAY 9 a.m. -6 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS 236-4979 WATCH FOR THIS AD FOR DIFFERENT FEATURE SPECIALS. 1 kg. 9.49 l kg. 9.49 2 ko.'2.75. 1 kg. 9.49_• Spe"c,a (AI Processing developing Towards the � y°ur � �a ting-�- --� - and pair olou—p�t�t__ 1 O next r°11 � .for .pr°° 1 Oro brought in 9a� No Omit ei1 O0 OO anty � ExPires'. MARCO 315j • ' dwit�'out coup°=. �1 nptVd1.r 1010 THAT PRICE LINE! CREST e TOOTHPASTE 1 49 (I: iso m1. ONLY II Gillett. FOR OVER-DR't SKIN SCOPE MOUTHWASH HEAD 8 SHOULDERS SHAMPOO 450 ML DIAPARENE BABY WASHCLOTHS 70'S ONLY ONLY ONLY $299 $3” $1 59 LYSOL DEODORIZER SPRAY 350 g BAYER CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN sr,9 494 T R I A N LD LE DISCDUNTOI0 THE SQUARE, GODERICH / MAIN CORNER CLINTON / SEAFORTH Make Triangle your first stop for Value! NOTICE OF - O.ADVANCE POLLS 100101 I10 MON00011n01N1i 10101(1 0017600/0 ARAI414111. 111170. �f 122811 1N 141 1111SlAllvl 010l001 0 01 0010010 100 101 11 1(10041 ORIA1[ I or HURON - MIDDLESEX ADVANCE POLLING THURSDAY SATURDAY MONDAY DAYS Maich12,1981 Maa'ch14,1981 March18,1981 11 A.M: to $ P.M. STANDARD TIME 110 10t 100101 A00 WI Poli 10101i011 NAVE 1010 0110104 10 710(.01 00uu0000000101 11. Ina 001 1111/011 �, Senior Citizens Apartments. C01dton R" -''Z' 134 King Street . ,. Helen Jermyn Senior Citizens Exeter GI. Apartments, 134 Sanders Street Code i . e - McKay Kali, Nelson Street Parkhill 0p Parkhill Fire Hall Seatorth Senior Citizens Apartments. 50 MarkeeStreet 6ALl0TE CAST Al 0041 ADVANCE P0100 WILT 6E COUNTED AT TNT A60VI IOCA1104S 011 AT INF AF111AN1N0 OFFICE AT MF Close OF TNI ROILS ON TUE OTNENAI POTTING DAY • 0.4 .I..p.:A.rf14 ,ARA 4 0060 W EROOW0lmmon. Arr7.M4•• 4,1.-4V 61014..660r E00001 176.0249 HURON-h3IDDLESEX JIM BRITNELL CONCERNED CAPABLE For 1nTonnation Call: CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS - 524-2149 JIM BRITNELL RESIDENCE - 524-7475 CLINTON COMMITTEE ROOM ISAAC STREET 482-7707 Anglican Church news The 8 a.m. Communion Service at Trinity Anglican Church will be resumed on this Sunday March 8th and services will also be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays throughout Lent. The next meting of the Anglican Church Women will be held on Thursday, March 5th at the home of Mrs. Douglas Pittsat2 p.m. On Friday, March 6th, the ACW invite ladies of all denominations to attend the Worid Day of Prayer Service at Trinity Church at 3 p.m. The speaker will be Mrs. Bob Crocker of Goderich. The service will be followed by tea in the Parish Hall. Garden Club Members are reminded that the next meeting of the Garden Club will be on Monday March 9th at 8 p.m. in the Municipal Building. Plant trees ST. MARYS - The streets of St. Marys will be prettier and more shaded this year and for many years to come. Recently the town council there agreed to order 50 Norway maple tires ata cost of$1,400. Although it had been originally suggested that 40 trees be ordered, council agreed to go ahead and order a total of 50. /�'ntry$tare t0'Pld AWE It il C., • iii-N�1 l L ,�.. Ti N 6, to v x$HION ED ISA4,,, ®y STACEY'S di Soft Margarine 994 2 Ib. Dates 9.091b 2Ibs 9.99 ---FERGUSON'S EXTRA GOOD BUYS!' Golden Brown Suger Dark Brown Sugar Golden Brown Sugar Icing Sugar WE'RE LOCATED ON HIGHWAY 84 between HENSALL & ZURICH ® WE'RE OPEN: - MONDAY -SATURDAY 9 a.m. -6 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS 236-4979 WATCH FOR THIS AD FOR DIFFERENT FEATURE SPECIALS. 1 kg. 9.49 l kg. 9.49 2 ko.'2.75. 1 kg. 9.49_• Spe"c,a (AI Processing developing Towards the � y°ur � �a ting-�- --� - and pair olou—p�t�t__ 1 O next r°11 � .for .pr°° 1 Oro brought in 9a� No Omit ei1 O0 OO anty � ExPires'. MARCO 315j • ' dwit�'out coup°=. �1 nptVd1.r 1010 THAT PRICE LINE! CREST e TOOTHPASTE 1 49 (I: iso m1. ONLY II Gillett. FOR OVER-DR't SKIN SCOPE MOUTHWASH HEAD 8 SHOULDERS SHAMPOO 450 ML DIAPARENE BABY WASHCLOTHS 70'S ONLY ONLY ONLY $299 $3” $1 59 LYSOL DEODORIZER SPRAY 350 g BAYER CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN sr,9 494 T R I A N LD LE DISCDUNTOI0 THE SQUARE, GODERICH / MAIN CORNER CLINTON / SEAFORTH Make Triangle your first stop for Value!