HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1981-02-26, Page 10-
There were some very tense moments on Friday and Saturday at the the ice jam moved out into the lake Sunday without causing any major
Bayfield harbor, as a huge ice jam threatened to overflow into the storage damage. (Bud Sturgeon)
area for sailboats valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars. Fortunately,
ark may get new baseball diamond
----The Bayfield —Recreation
Committee met on
Thursday, February 12 at
the Municipal Building with
the main order of business in
turning all their 'fund rais-
ing ironies' over to the clerk -
treasurer. Kathy Thinking so
she would be able to
establsh:a bank account on
behalf of the village council
in the Recreation -Commit
Other business arising out
of this; meeting included a
proposal far a 'Las Vegas
Night' oto;; be held on • the
arena IllOor .during the 'sum-
mer Months'. This proposal
was tabled indefinitely until
the BRC Summer Sporting
Programs are in operation.
The committee was asked
to do a study towards the
feasibility of putting the
'new' baseball diamond at
the southern extremity of the
Agricultural Park into
operation this year.. The
study was to include the
`number of -teams'_ suppor-
ting the BRC, projected dia-
mond usage, cost of
maintenance and equipment
necessary for 1981.
The BRC will send at least
one committee member ---to
the annual conference of the
3 Iv�F'. a'�' �•
. By Bud Sturgeon
Only seven days have passed and it's Lampoonery
timeagain at the typewriter. Me and my typewriter
don'talways see eye to eye. Sometimes it doesn't want
t6 type as fast as I would like it to. But at any rate this
is another infamous 2 a.m. Tuesday morning deadline
special. .a
I can't believe the weather we are having in
February this year. Spring of springs and a month ear-
ly. I guess the groundhogs liked my article. It'll pro-
bably snow tomorrow now. One thing I have carefully
observed about spring over the past couple of years is
that it isn't `sprung' until Joe Brandon and Eric Earl
see that first robin in Chapman's tree. That pair .have_.
been seeing the same robin for so many years that it
has become a village institution. I just checked my last
year's notes and they didn't see it until March 18th.
Looks like we have a couple more weeks yet. Keep your
eyes peeled.
Something I've been forgetting to do in the past few
weeks is say hello to Ray Boyd out there in British Col-
umbia who is a most faithful reader of the Bayfield
Bugle. And we must also say happy birthday to Nora
West last Tuesday. By the time you read this article, I
will have enjoyed making a pig of myself on your birth-
day cake and you will know even more about elephants
than you ever did before if you have read your new
We were saddened to hear that Buckeye will no
longer be available in Bayfield. Methinks it was due to
an unforeseen shortage caused by a heavy demand. I
guess I'll have to wend my renderings down to the Old
Mile High on Howard Street this week and see if the
resident innkeeper has any advice. The Moleman and
Fifty can drink up a storm if they have a mind to. Put a
little Willie Nelson on the stereo, poi, a few tops, call
Jim Beam over and raise the roof.
Speaking of the Mole and spring, it's almost time
that he got his snowblower fixed in time for summer.
Cotton-pickin' thing went on the blink way back before
the Christmas holiday!
The `River Mouse' was over to the house last
weekend and wondered if I remembered • the `Quest'.
Well sir, I'cl forgotten all about it until he mentioned it.
It was an old yacht owned by Dudley Holmes which sat
behind the fish shanties for years and I spent many a
morning when I wasn't so large staring at it from the
back seat of the old Meteor. Where is the "Quest" now?
Finally, it's time to announce the Spring `Limerick'
Contest. Several readers would like to enter their ver-
sions of my perversions so I've asked them to go ahead.
Feel free to enter as many times as you like. I'll print
the winners as long as they are acceptable for print.
Here is a sample limerick or two.
+ ++
With a bottle of Buckeye in hand
He saluted the marching band
As the Carpenter's Quartet
Passed the parapet
He belched out the "Tuba -Four"
+ +�
He came from the Bayfield Town
You could always find him around
'In the Albion Hotel
I can remember him well
Selling peanuts a penny, a pound.
+ ++
No sweat, send in your entries. You know, Willy
Bunn always used to say, "It's a great day for the
race!" And I'd say, "What race?" To which he'd
always reply, "The human race ! "
So as I left the store he'd say "See you later!" To
which I'd reply, "Thanks for the warning!"
Now for the joke of the week. Did you hear about the
retarded mosquito? Bit Dolly Parton on thea ! Bye
now, see you later.
Lake Huron Zone of. the.
OMRA to be held March 7 in
The possibility of
establishing a `seniors' slo-
pitch team in Bayfield for
this season was discussed.
The situation of the
Bayfield Soccer teams was
discussed and it was noted
that the field will be ready
for play .this season: llnter-
tunately the boys need a
coach. If anyone is in-
terested in accepting this
voluntary position they
should contact a member of
the BRC, or attend the next
regular monthly meeting on
March 12 at the Municipal
Building. A coach must be
found quickly so that funding
for equipment and a
registration date for players
A special meeting of the
BRC was held on Thursday,
February 20 with represen-
tatives of the existing
baseball teams in atten-
dance. The Babes, Good -
times, Blue 'Shadows,
Knighthawks and Flyers all
gave their support to the
BRC and unanimously were
in favor of having the new
diamond in operation for the
1981 season, as the 'play -
load' on . the .existing- -_dia-
mond is so great that prae-
tice time is often not
Tentative diamond nights
were set and will be the
same as last season. A
registration date will be set
later in April for any new
players wishing to play this
Also using diamond time
'at Clangregor this year will
be one or more `Church
League' teams. The junior ,
boys and girls teams are
both in need of coaching staff
for this seasonn If anyone is
interested piease contact the
If any other teams wish to
have. .diamond_ time. schedul-
ed this year they should also
contact the BRC without .
delay as the policy is first
come, first served.
The members of the ball
teams in attendance at this
meeting expressed interest
in holding another Spring
Dance this year. It was also
hoped that both men's and
ladies' slo-piteh tour-
naments could be set up for
this summer In Bayfield.
As soon as the BRC sum-
mer programs are function-
ing prope y, work ° is to
begin on the minor hockey
program for next fall in
ice still down..
The Rink Mice played
hard on Saturday night but
the Oldtimers played harder
and edged them by a 26-9
score over the three periods
of muscles and sweat. Big
Stormin' Norman notched
nine goals for the losers
while Larouche netted six
for the visitors.
The Bayfield Mixed Curl-
ing Club wrapped uptheir
playoffs on. Sunday and will
play their year-end bonspiel
this Sunday at the arena.
The complete rundown on
the winners next issue.
The second annual no -
contact hockey tournament
will be coming up at the
Bayfield Arena in a week's
time. Don't forget to come
out and cheer the Bayfield
Bulletts to victory.
to register for
�,4j "",,�
Who knows what
tomorrow may bring...
invest in a RRSP today!
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9 A.M. TO 12 NOON
70 Ontario St., Clinton
Clinton Community
374 Main St. South, E¢eter
by Bud Sturgeon. and Helen Owe, n D
River jam scares boat owners
The 1981 version of the spr-
ing ice jam in the Bayfield
River caused •momentary
panic last weekend among
the boat -owners who parked
their craft for the winter
Months in the near proximi-
ty of the water. After jamm-
ing Thursday night east of
the bridge, the tons of ice
moved to a spot in front of
the Dry Dock Marina on Fri-
day and by evenktg, the sta-
tionary floes caused some
flooding problems around
the boat storage area.
There was little movement
of the ice over the weekend
as the predicted rainfall fail-
ed to materialize and by
Monday, the jam had
cleared the harbour without
further adieu. Damage was
restricted to the usual haul
.Found about the village
Guests of Roy and Frieda
SentCilmer and Ken and
joy Sc tthinoor this .• wail,
weekend were Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Tiernan of Stratford,
who used to own the `Cedar
Grove' just south of the
village where the Bayfield
Inn and Restaurant is now
Tim and Nora West return-
ed to the village last
weekend after an enjoyable
week's skiing at the
Talisman Resort near Coll-
ingwood. All limbs were in-
tact on their return in-
dicating a minimum of ac-
cidents on the slopes. Mag-
gie sure was glad to see them
home and she had saved a
chew -bone all week to com-
memorate the occasion,.
Also joining the Wests on
the trip were Mr. and Mrs.
Bob ,Dowler of London and
Rob Jr. of Toronto. Capt.
Bob says that Tim gained
dubious notoriety during his
stay and soon became known
as The Talisman Terror.
K. Catherine Bunking of
Summerhill (our new village
clerk) finally got her.car.fix-
ed and now it goes forward
so she doesn't have to drive
to work in reverse anymore.
Matt and Barb Smith of
London spent the weekend in
Bayfield at their cottage
with their family.
It was nice to see that Jeff
Merner is "up and around
again and on the road to
recovery. and in attendance
at the hockey game in Zurich
last Sunday afternoon.
Jim and Crystal Taylor
and family visited with
friends and relations in the
village on Saturday before
returning to the thriving
metropolis ofLundesboro. —
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Merner, London, visited with
family and friends in
Bayfield over the weekend.
Gary and Edna Hulley,
Kurtie III and Four, all of
Paris, were at the 'Sandcas-
tle' on West Howard for the
Ken and Bobbi Hulley,
London were joined' by their
fntnily (and :pets).. at—the
House of Mouse on Tuyll
Street over the weekend.
Valerie Merner returned
from the sunny south last
week looking all tanned and
ready for the curling club
Handy Randy McClinchey
Turn topage ll•
of wooden docks and spites
which dot the marina areas.
The entire `Milt Pond' area
east of the bridge was com-
pletely covered with huge
floes and the extent of
damage will not be (mown
until later in the spring. As
most of the shrubbery and
trees in this area were cut
away by human hands last
fall it is unlikely that the
flood waters and the ice
cakes which followed left
any topsoil.
Since the exodus of ice has
left the harbour early this
year, with continuing
favourable weather the local
commercial fishermen will
soon be back on the lake. Not
long to follow will be the
sports fishermen looking to
land their first trout of the
Ni ht.
Open House
John Lindsay
-Frank McFadden
— and Gord Graham—
Bayfield Community Centre
Saturday, February 28, 19811
8 p.m. to 12 MIDNIGHT
Everyone welcome .
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This credit may be claimed
• by Ontario residents who con-
tributed to a registered Ontario
political party, constituency
association or candidate in an
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This claim applies if your pro-
vincial tax payable is more than
your Property and Sales Tax
The maximum Political
Contribution Tax Credit that may
be claimed is $500.
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The Ontario Tax Grants intro-
duced in 1980 replace Ontario
Property and Sales Tax Credits for
residents who were 65 years.
or older as of December 31,1980.
If you are filing a federal income
tax return, you should not
complete the Ontario Tax Credit
form unless you are claiming the
Political Contribution Tax Credit.
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Residents in nursing homes
arid similar institutions are not
usually eligible to claim the Pro-
perty Tax Credit or the Property
Tax Grant.
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